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File metadata and controls

222 lines (145 loc) · 10.5 KB

Getting Started

To get started, clone this repository to your local machine and use your favorite tools to dig in deeper.


You'll need the following software to complete this POC:

Command line

Navigate to directory where you want to clone this project:

cd $proj_root
git clone
cd healthcare-poc

Now run maven to build the project:

mvn clean install 

Things should compile, the tests should run (successfully!) and you should end up with a terminal like this:

[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ stub-services ---
[INFO] Installing /Users/ceposta/dev/poc/CHOP/workspace/hl7-example/stub-services/target/stub-services-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /Users/ceposta/.m2/repository/org/jboss/fuse/examples/stub-services/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/stub-services-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] Installing /Users/ceposta/dev/poc/CHOP/workspace/hl7-example/stub-services/pom.xml to /Users/ceposta/.m2/repository/org/jboss/fuse/examples/stub-services/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/stub-services-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Health Care POC: Parent POM ....................... SUCCESS [0.120s]
[INFO] Health Care POC: Features XML File ................ SUCCESS [0.164s]
[INFO] Health Care POC: Ingress of HL7 Messages .......... SUCCESS [3.917s]
[INFO] Health Care POC: Consumer 1 of HL7 Messages ....... SUCCESS [1.911s]
[INFO] Health Care POC: Transformer 1 .................... SUCCESS [1.338s]
[INFO] Health Care POC: Stub services .................... SUCCESS [0.616s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 8.730s
[INFO] Finished at: Mon Oct 05 12:59:29 MST 2015
[INFO] Final Memory: 52M/1141M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Using JBDS

To checkout and build with JBDS, go to File-->Import and choose the Existing maven project from SCM option. In the first dialog, enter the project git URL and click Finish JBDS should then proceed to clone and build the source code.

Clean JBDS

Explore the project

We now have the project checked so let's explore it. Here are all of the projects that were imported into the IDE:

  • health-care -- this is the top-level parent project
  • hl7-consumer-1 -- able to marshal HL7 payloads and send to downstream systems, EHR, etc
  • hl7-example-features -- generates a Karaf features file so we can deploy all the pieces into a Fuse JVM
  • hl7-ingress -- an MLLP/HL7 collector of events; it exposes an HL7 endpoint and unmarshalls an HL7 payload
  • hl7-transform-1 -- able to transform HL7 payloads from one message to another
  • stub-services -- Set of stub services that expose HL7 endpoints that can return NACK messages

If we navigate to the hl7-ingress project and open the src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/camel-context.xml file we should see the Fuse tooling display the route(s) using a visual notation. (Note, if you don't see the visual camel diagrams, make sure to install the Integration Stack as described on the JBDS getting started page.

ingress camel diagram

Using the outline view off to the right, select the "main" route and you should see a diagram like this:

ingress camel main route

Unit Tests

Camel has a set of extensive testing modules that are very useful (and important) for building out critical integration paths. We can use the test framework to set expectations on routes, simulate exceptions and correct route behavior in failure scenarios.

Start by navigating to src/test/java in the hl7-ingress project and you should see a unit test named This test shows a number of things:

Running the unit tests with spring support using @ContextConfiguration and @RunWith annotations

    public class HL7IngressRouteTest {

Injecting Camel endpoints and producer templates using Camel's @Produce and @EndpoingInject annotations

    private CamelContext testRoutes;

    private CamelContext ingressCamel;

    @Produce(uri = "netty4:tcp://")
    private ProducerTemplate hl7TcpProducer;

    @EndpointInject(uri = "mock:messagingMock")
    private MockEndpoint messagingMock;

    @EndpointInject(uri = "mock:fileMock")
    private MockEndpoint fileMock;

How to bootstrap a lightweight ActiveMQ instance, useful for testing (and how to gracefully shut down)

    public static void bootActiveMQ() throws Exception {
        broker = new BrokerService();
    public static void stopActiveMQ() throws Exception {
        if (broker != null) {

How to set expectations on the route and assert them at the end of the test

    public void testHl7TcpRouteValidMessage() throws Exception {

        NotifyBuilder notify = new NotifyBuilder(ingressCamel).whenCompleted(2).create();
        String resp = hl7TcpProducer.requestBody((Object) createValidHl7Message(), String.class);
        assertThat(resp, containsString("MSA|AA|MSGID12349876"));
        notify.matches(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

        MockEndpoint.assertIsSatisfied(testRoutes, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);


You should try to run this test by right clicking the class and select RunAs-->Junit Test

successful test

Running routes stand-alone (outside of fuse)

We can also run these routes outside of a container using the tooling (or the built in mvn camel plugin). Unit tests are the first source of testing and should not be overlooked. We can get 90% of the functionality correct just by using unit tests. But there will be scenarios that will require you to run the adapters and routing engine outside of a unit test to get a better idea of how the integration points interact in a real scenario. Most folks would prefer to just deploy to a JVM container at this point, but with Camel we could do that or we can run stand alone.

Right click the camel-context.xml go to RunAs-->Local Camel Context (without tests)

run stand alone

We should see the console spit out some messages like this (which let us know everything is running correctly and bound to the correct ports):

run stand alone

Now let's send a test message! Open up the HL7 Test Panel and generate a new test message. Also start a new "sending connections" session and use port 8888 which is where our camel route is listening. Then click send:

Hapi test panel

We should see this test fail like this from the Test Panel:

Hapi test panel

Go inspect the logs in the JBDS console.... Why did this fail?

Hapi test panel

Looks like we don't have ActiveMQ up and running!! This route tries to unmarshal an HL7 message and enqueue it onto an ActiveMQ queue, but we don't have a queue up and running.

Let's start up JBoss Fuse 6.2, which does have ActiveMQ running inside. Navigate to where you've installed JBoss Fuse and run:


You'll have a successfully running Fuse shell if things went well:

Hapi test panel

Now try the test again from the HAPI Test Panel:

We should now see the outbound and inbound (request/reply working) from the test panel:

Hapi test panel

Double check the logging in the console. We should see the message logged correctly. We should also see in the ./target/audit/ingress folder of the hl7-ingress project that an audit file with the correct HL7 document was logged correctly:

Hapi test panel

Deploy into fuse

We've seen the unit tests working and running the hl7-ingress routes working outside of the container. Let's use the Karaf features file and install into a running container.

From the fuse shell type the following:

features:addurl mvn:org.jboss.fuse.examples/hl7-example-features/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/xml/features
features:install hl7-example-all

Install in fuse

Yay, you did it! Actually you've installed all modules of this application (ingress, transformation, consumption). Run this command from the Fuse shell to see the installed modules:


You should see this:

Hapi test panel

Try running the test from the HAPI Test Panel again. Now navigate to http://localhost:818 to login to the Fuse web console. Use the password admin/admin to gain access.

Note: you'll need to uncomment the last line in the file in $FUSE_HOME/etc/ by default to gain access using admin/admin

Explore the "ActiveMQ" tab and the queues/topics involved. You should see some destinations have enqueued the HL7 messages from our test.

We will dive deeper into this section when we dig into Fabric deployments

Feel free to explore the rest of the project and how things fit together.