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Christian Del Bianco edited this page Jan 22, 2020 · 40 revisions

Release notes


Here are some examples of application getting notification on record table change. After download the example, please remember to update SqlTableDependency NuGet package:

  • Monitor table change with Blazor: This example uses .NET CORE 3.0 Blazor (server side) to create a single page application that makes real-time update of its content on database record changes.
  • Monitor table change with WPF and WCF: This example show how to keep up to date a grid containing some stocks data. That grid has been automatically updated whenever a record change using database notifications. This notification contains new values for the modified table record.
  • Monitor table change with MVC, SignalR and jQuery: This example show how to keep up to date a table containing some stocks data. That table has been automatically updated whenever a record change using database notifications. This notification contains new values for the modified table record.
  • Monitor table change with MVC, SignalR and Knockout JS: This example show how to refresh client web browsers used to book flight tickets. Those terminals have to be update as soon as the availability change and the Web application must take the initiative of sending this information to clients instead of waiting for the client to request it.

SQL Server < 2008 R2

David Green reported me that he was able to make SqlTableDependency works on databases that were created before SQL 2008 R2 by running the following command:

ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON DATABASE::(database name here) TO sa;

Unfortunately, because i do not have any SQL server instance lower then < 2008 R2, was not possible for me to test.

Use cases

This section reports some use cases examples:
