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File metadata and controls

185 lines (138 loc) · 6.01 KB

MINDBODY / Brivo OnAir Membership Management

Coordinate membership data and access control between MINDBODY and Brivo OnAir. This application makes the following assumptions:

  • The master client data is stored in MINDBODY and mirrored to Brivo
  • MINDBODY users have been assigned a wristband with an ID format of FACILITY_CODE-MEMBER_ID
    • Brivo facility codes are used to organize members into access groups
    • Only users with a valid ID format will be mirrored to Brivo
  • When a user is deactivated in MINDBODY, their account is put into suspended state in Brivo

Facility Access Control

The application supports access control in two scenarios:

  1. MINDBODY On-Site Check-In: A user scans his/her wristband at the facility counter using a MINDBODY reader. This triggers a MINDBODY webhook which updates Brivo with new membership data, if necessary.
  2. Brivo External Access Points: A user scans his/her wristband to enter the facility via a Brivo access point (locked door, parking garage, etc). This triggers a Brivo Event which updates MINDBODY of the client arrival. Client arrivals are cached and only updated once every 30min.

Provisioning Environments

Setting up Brivo OnAir

  • Create a "Members" user group and add the GroupID to .env
  • Create a Custom Field called Barcode ID of type Text and add the FieldID to .env
  • Create a Custom Field called User Type of type Text and add the FieldID to .env

Create MINDBODY Webhook Subscriptions

This app requires active webhook subscriptions for:

  • client.created
  • client.updated
  • client.deactivated

See Webhook Subscriptions documentation.

For validation, we use the X-Mindbody-Signature header and the messageSignatureKey returned from the POST Subscription webhook endpoint. Read more

Create Brivo Event Subscriptions

Create Event Subscriptions for each of the Brivo sites you want the application to monitor.

  "name" : "Event Name",
  "url" : "https://your-application-url",
  "errorEmail": "",
  "criteria": [{
            "criteriaType": "SITE",
            "criteriaOperationType": "EQ",
            "criteriaValue": 12345

See Event Subscription documentation.

Local Development

Set up Redis Server

# Install Redis server
$ brew install redis
# Start Redis service
$ brew services start redis
# Connect to Redis CLI
$ redis-cli

Create Environment Variables

# Brivo
brivo_username              [string]    Brivo OnAir username
brivo_password              [string]    Brivo OnAir password
brivo_client_id             [string]    Brivo OnAir application with password authentication type
brivo_client_secret         [string]    Brivo OnAir application with password authentication type
brivo_api_key               [string]    Brivo developer account
brivo_facility_code         [int]       Credential facility code for member site access
brivo_site_id               [int]       GET site listing API
brivo_member_group_id       [int]       GET group listing API
brivo_barcode_field_id      [int]       GET custom field listing API
brivo_user_type_field_id    [int]       GET Custom field listing API
brivo_rate_limit            [int]       Development:20, Production:50

# Mindbody
mindbody_api_key                [string]    Mindbody developer account
mindbody_username               [string]    Mindbody username
mindbody_password               [string]    Mindbody password
mindbody_site                   [int]       Mindbody site ID (-99 for sandbox)
mindbody_location_id            [int]       GET site locations API
mindbody_message_signature_key  [string]    X-MINDBODY Signature Header

# Redis
REDIS_URL       [string]        URL of Redis server instance

# Environment
DEBUG           [bool]          Enable debug logs
PROXY           [bool]          Enable proxy debugging
PORT            [int]           Local http port for server
ENV             [string]        development | staging | production

Configure Go Modules

# If running inside $GOPATH
$ export GO111MODULE=on
# Install dependencies with Go Modules
$ go mod init
# Generate a local configuration file
$ cp .env-example .env

Run the Application

Brivo Migration Script

# On first run, migrate all MINDBODY users to Brivo
$ go run cmd/migrate/main.go

Event API Server

# Run the application and listen for webhook events
$ go run cmd/server/main.go

Clear Brivo OnAir Development Environment

# This will remove all users and credentials from Brivo
$ go run cmd/clean/main.go

Heroku Integration

This application is designed to run on a basic Heroku hobby dyno. Code commits auto-deploy from develop to staging and master to production in a Heroku application pipeline.

Redis is required to cache client arrivals when the user scans into a Brivo access point. This allows us to only log one client arrival per day.

  • Install the Heroku CLI
  • Create config vars from .env on Heroku
  • Add Heroku Redis to the application
    • heroku addons:create heroku-redis:hobby-dev -app your_app_name
  • Share Redis instance with staging dyno
    • heroku addons:attach your_app_name::REDIS --app your_staging_app_name
  • Connect to the Redis instance
    • heroku redis:cli -a your_app_name -c your_app_name

Developing Locally with Heroku

# Compile the server application for Heroku
$ go build -o bin/server -v cmd/server/main.go
# Run server application locally
$ heroku local web

Deploying to Heroku

# This isn't needed if your Heroku pipeline is configured to auto-deploy
$ git push heroku master
