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Drone is a continuous integration platform built on Docker, written in Golang.

This charm will deploy a single Drone CI server to execute builds against your git repositories hosted by:

  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • Gogs
  • BitBucket

Drone CI has a flexible job configuration via a single .drone.yml include in your repository. For more information, see the upstream documentation

Getting Started with the DroneCI Charm

DroneCI is deployable as a stand alone instance by default, leveraging SQLITE database, and no external dependnecies.

juju deploy cs:trusty/drone-ci

This charm will pull and configure the latest docker image, install the Drone-CI binaries, and expose the DroneCI service on port 80.

Using an external MySQL database

Drone is compatible with MySQL and can be configured to leverage a MySQL database via relation

juju deploy mysql
juju add-relation drone-ci:db mysql:db

Auth providers

Drone requires an Authorization Provider in order to 'activate' itself. Drone fully integrates with the API's as a consumer leveraging the service you login from.

Setting up GitHub

Generate Client and Secret

You must register your application with GitHub in order to generate a Client and Secret. Navigate to your account settings and choose Applications from the menu, and click Register new application.

Please use /api/auth/ as the Authorization callback URL path.

drone-ci github API setup

Once you have your application configured in GitHub, set these API credentials on the charm

juju set drone github_client=XXX github_secret=XXX github_enabled=true

Config Helper

This is beta, has very little error checking, and may or may not work given the input you feed the script. Please use with caution.

The charm ships with a script to assist in configuring jobs. This is best run locally

git clone drone
cd drone/scripts
./config -e {{environment}} -r {{repository https clone url}} -c {{charm name}}

You will receive output that is copy/pasteable to both the drone-ci repository configuration, and the .drone.yaml to be embedded in the git repository.

drone-ci repository helper script drone-ci github API setup

Known Issues / Caveats

Auth Providers

To begin, only GitHub is supported. Each auth provider will land shortly after the charm has stabilized, or interest in aforementioned provider is raised.

Upstream Release Schedule / Compatibility

Drone also iterates quickly, and has known to break backwords compatibility between minor revision numbers (if you follow semver) - as v0.3 (deployed by this charm) is not complaint, or upgradeable from v0.2. The charm authors will continue watching this scenario, and notify the Juju mailing list should this happen moving forward - so anyone deploying from the Juju Charm will know what to expect.


Scaling the service with additional docker workers is not currently supported.

Upstream Contact Information

Upstream Documentation