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FAQs for Contributors

Tim Morgan edited this page Mar 1, 2017 · 5 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions for Contributors

How do I use Vagrant

We have a page for that: Using Vagrant

What editor/IDE should I use?

That's completely up to you. It helps if your editor supports syntax highlighting for Ruby, Haml, and CoffeeScript.

If you're not sure what to use, Atom is a good choice.

How can I make sure my code is good enough?

We'll help you!

Through the use of pull requests, other contributors can easily see your proposed changes and give valuable feedback.

Also, we integrate Travis CI to help us catch any regressions.

Everyone who works on OneBody is super duper nice, and no one will ever tell you your code sucks. We'll make every effort to help get your contribution into the project.

What if I don't like the idea of putting my stuff out there in a Pull Request for all to see?

First, I'd try to convince you not to worry about it! Every experienced developer remembers what it's like in the beginning. But, I can't convince you to just submit your code as it is...

You can do some things on your local computer to catch bugs and inconsistent coding style:

  • Run the test suite. The README has instructions for getting it all set up, then running it is as simple as typing rspec.
  • Install Rubocop and run it on the file(s) you edited. It will help you match your coding style to the Ruby Style Guide. (If Rubocop points out errors in code you didn't write, don't worry about fixing them.)

If you're feeling uneasy about the process, go read through some of the recent pull requests. You'll see it's very friendly!

How do I add i18n strings to view templates / How do all the translated strings get done?

You only need to add your stuff to the appropriate file in the English (en) locale at config/locales/en.

All other translations are managed by our team of translators and you don't have to worry about them!

Will missing translation strings cause errors on the site?

In Development and Test modes, yes, missing i18n strings will cause errors.

In Production mode, however, missing strings will simply show the text "missing translation" on the page. Not ideal, but not the end of the world either.

If your site is running in a locale other than en and a string is missing from your particular locale config, then Rails will show the English version of the string instead.

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