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1257 lines (1076 loc) · 80.5 KB

File metadata and controls

1257 lines (1076 loc) · 80.5 KB



  • Enhancements

  • Bug fixes

  • Deprecations

v0.15.1 (2014-08-10)

  • Enhancements

    • [GenEvent] Support :ack mode for GenEvent streams
    • [Inspect] Support :base option in inspect/2 to choose the base (:binary, :octal, :decimal or :hex) numbers a printed
    • [kernel] Print warnings when used ? with characters with escape codes
    • [Logger] Add SASL log forwarding option to Logger
    • [Logger] Add $padlevel to option Logger formatter
    • [Logger] Backends receive the exact handler value when added, allowing a key to be passed for configuration lookup
    • [Logger] Add Logger.flush/0 to flush the Logger (useful for testing)
    • [Logger] Persist backends dynamically added or removed via add_backend/2 and remove_backend/2
    • [Macro] Add Macro.validate/1 to recursively check if a value is a valid quoted expression
    • [Mix] Load mix deps only when there is a need to use them (this improves the timing for the majority of tasks in a Mix project)
    • [Mix] Make the environment explicit on the success message generated after is invoked
    • [Mix] Load config/config.exs inside escripts
    • [Mix] Store and check Elixir version requirement for generated archives
  • Bug fixes

    • [CLI] Fix shell bugs when running on Windows with Cygwin or MinGW
    • [Kernel] Modules compiled by Elixir now report the correct beam location when :code.which/1 is invoked. If the bytecode is only available in memory, :code.which/1 returns :in_memory
    • [Kernel] Do not expand args for unknown functions/macros
    • [Kernel] Ensure defstruct, @attr inside and friends raise a nice error messages when values cannot be properly escaped
    • [Kernel] Do not raise conflicts on imports used from inside quotes
    • [Logger] Metadata is now correctly merged on each Logger.metadata/1 call
    • [Logger] Use the Logger PID on :error_logger wrapper to avoid race conditions on shutdown
    • [Macro] Ensure bitstrings work with Macro.escape/1
    • [Mix] Ensure aliases are invoked on umbrella recursive tasks
    • [Mix] Leave it up to the application to start the Logger after compilation
    • [Mix] Accept more forms of git versions (like "git version 1.9.3 (Apple Git-50)")
    • [Path] Do not normalize paths in Path.join/2 as normalization is beyond the scope of such function
    • [URI] to_string/1 now properly converts URI to strings when the schema is missing
  • Deprecations

    • [Collectable] Having a function as collectable is deprecated
    • [Module] Module.function/3 is deprecated, please use :erlang.make_fun/3 instead

v0.15.0 (2014-08-02)

  • Enhancements

    • [Agent] Improve the Agent API to also accept functions that receive explicit module, function and arguments
    • [IEx] Support --werl call on Windows
    • [Logger] Add Logger
    • [Map] Add Map.from_struct/1
    • [Mix] Allow --app flag to be passed to mix new
    • [Mix] Support lowercase http(s)_proxy environment variables
    • [Mix] Allow elixirc_paths to also be given through the command line to mix compile.elixir
    • [String] String.slice/2 and String.slice/3 have been optimized
  • Bug fixes

    • [IEx] Ensure functions in Kernel.SpecialForms and IEx.Helpers are also auto-completed
    • [IEx] Ensure remote shells can be started with --remsh
    • [Kernel] Correctly parse unary/binary operators regardless of number of spaces
    • [Kernel] Ensure private functions are not exported
    • [Protocol] Do not expose protocol convention on assert_impl!/2
    • [Regex] Do not consider include captures on Regex.split/3 results
    • [Stream] Implement the Inspect protocol for Streams so we do not leak the Stream representation
  • Deprecations

    • [IEx] IEx color configuration expects a list of atoms instead of a string with colors separated by comma
    • [Inspect] Inspect.Algebra.surround_many/6 now expects Inspect.Opts instead of an integer limit
    • [Inspect] Inspect.Algebra.pretty/2 is deprecated in favor of Inspect.Algebra.format/2 that instead returns iodata. This function was used only by documentation examples and it is unlikely to affect actual code
    • [IO] IO.ANSI.terminal? is deprecated in favor of IO.ANSI.enabled?
    • [IO] IO.ANSI.escape/2 and IO.ANSI.escape_fragment/2 is deprecated in favor of IO.ANSI.format/2 and IO.ANSI.format_fragment/2
    • [Kernel] Leading 0 for octals is deprecated in favor of 0o
    • [Kernel] 0X for hexadecimals is deprecated in favor of 0x
    • [Kernel] 0B for binaries is deprecated in favor of 0b
    • [Mix] Mix color configuration expects a list of atoms instead of a string with colors separated by comma
    • [String] \NNN, \NN and \N for octals are deprecated inside string, sigils and chars in favor of hexadecimal entries with \x
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Kernel] binding/1 and binding/2 expecting a list were removed
    • [Regex] Do not consider include captures on Regex.split/3 results

v0.14.3 (2014-07-12)

  • Enhancements

    • [Access] Allow function access on get_in/2 and get_and_update_in/3
    • [Enum] Add Enum.sort_by/3
    • [ExUnit] Match the line filter by proximity instead of exact match
    • [Float] Support precision in Float.ceil/1 and Float.floor/1
    • [IO] Add IO.(bin)read(device, :all)
    • [Kernel] Print a warning if a dangling @doc clause is found
    • [Mix] Use absolute symbolic links on Windows for _build instead of copying
    • [Mix] Add Mix.compilers that returns all default compilers used by mix tasks
    • [Mix] Issue warning and reset mtime for source files from the future
    • [Mix] Support task aliases in Mix
    • [OptionParser] Add OptionParser.split/1 that splits a string into argv
    • [Record] Allow a record to be converted to a keyword list with record(some_record)
    • [String] Improve performance of String.split/1
    • [Typespec] Allow %Struct{} syntax to be used in typespecs
    • [Typespec] Allow record(:record, fields) syntax to be used in typespecs
  • Bug fixes

    • [IEx] Do not print ANSI sequences on IEx.Helpers.clear/0 if ANSI sequences are not supported
    • [Inspect] Ensure Inspect.Algebra.to_doc/2 doesn't go into a loop when there is a failure printing a struct
    • [Kernel] |>, <<<, >>> and ^^^ made left associative in operator table
    • [Kernel] <, >, <=, >= given higher precedence than comparison operators (==, !=, etc) in the operator table
    • [Kernel] Run command line and escripts in a process that does not trap exits
    • [Kernel] Fix a bug where Mix paths had higher priority than CLI ones, causing protocol consolidations to not be properly loaded
    • [Kernel] Fix wording on error messages when a check/guard always passes or always fails
    • [Kernel] Fix a bug where an unused function warning was printed even when the function was used via defoverridable
    • [Kernel] Improve typespecs so they don't generate supertype dialyzer warnings
    • [Macro] to_string correctly displays sigils
    • [Mix] Ensure Mix dependencies are not compiled every second time when mix deps.compile is invoked
    • [Mix] Fix a bug where and friends choked when printing a map
    • [Mix] Ensure multiple @external_resource entries are read by Mix compilers
    • [Mix] Fix a bug where tasks for umbrella projects were not properly reenabled
    • [Stream] Fix bug when flat_map is used inside another flat_map with an Enumerable
    • [Typespec] Fix a bug where the list typespec was incorrectly rendered as []
  • Soft deprecations (no warnings emitted)

    • [Kernel] Using a list for bitstring modifiers is deprecated (as in <<x :: [little, utf16]>>), please use - as the separator instead (as in <<x :: little-utf16>>)
    • [System] System.cmd/1 is deprecated in favor of System.cmd/3
  • Deprecations

    • [Mix] mix escriptize is deprecated in favor of
    • [Mix] mix local.install and mix local.uninstall have been deprecated in favor of mix archive.install and mix archive.uninstall respectively
    • [Mix] :embed_extra_apps for escripts is deprecated, instead list the dependencies inside def application
    • [System] Giving a char list to System.find_executable/1 is deprecated
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Access] No longer fill in missing intermediate values with empty maps
    • [Float] Float.ceil/2 and Float.floor/2 now always returns floats and no longer accept integers
    • [Kernel] defstruct no longer automatically defines a type
    • [Kernel] exit(integer) is no longer supported from scripts to configure the exit signal. Use exit({:shutdown, integer}) instead
    • [Kernel] Default argument values have to be defined in a function head if the function has multiple clauses
    • [Mix] mix replaces the functionality of mix archive, mix archive now lists locally installed archives
    • [Mix] no longer automatically escape ANSI sequences. Instead if has to be explicitly enabled with the ansi: true option
    • [OptionParser] --no-SWITCH are only allowed for declared booleans switches

v0.14.2 (2014-06-29)

  • Enhancements

    • [Enum] Improve performance of Enum.join/2 and Enum.map_join/3 by using iolists
    • [Kernel] Ensure compatibility with Erlang 17.1
    • [Kernel] Support @external_resource attribute to external dependencies to a module
    • [Mix] Allow built Git dependencies to run on a system without Git by passing --no-deps-check
    • [Mix] Add MIX_ARCHIVES env variable (it is recommended for Elixir build tools to swap this environment)
    • [Task] Set :proc_lib initial call on task to aid debugging
    • [Typespec] Delay typespec compilation to after expansion
    • [URI] Allow parse/1 now accepts %URI{} as argument and return the uri itself
  • Bug fixes

    • [CLI] Support paths inside archives in -pa and -pz options
    • [IEx] Remove delay when printing data from the application start callback
    • [IEx] Ensure we show a consistent error when we cannot evaluate .iex.exs
    • [Kernel] Ensure derived protocols are defined with a file
    • [Kernel] Change precedence of & to not special case /
    • [Kernel] Ensure we can only use variables and \\ as arguments of bodyless clause
  • Soft deprecations (no warnings emitted)

    • [EEx] Using EEx.TransformerEngine and EEx.AssignsEngine are deprecated in favor of function composition with Macro.prewalk/1 (see EEx.SmartEngine for an example)
    • [Kernel] Kernel.xor/2 is deprecated
    • [Mix] Mix.Generator.from_file/1 is deprecated in favor of passing from_file: file option to embed_text/2 and embed_template/2 (note though that from_file/1 expects a path relative to the current file while the from_file: file expects one relative to the current working directory)
  • Deprecations

    • [Kernel] size/1 is deprecated in favor of byte_size/1 and tuple_size/1 (this change was soft deprecated two releases ago)
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [CLI] Remove support for the --gen-debug option as its usage is not documented by OTP
    • [Kernel] Sigils no longer balance start and end tokens, e.g. the sigil ~s(f(o)o) is no longer valid as it finishes in the first closing )
    • [Kernel] Variables set in cond clause heads are no longer available outside of that particular cond clause (this is the behaviour also found in case, receive and friends)
    • [System] build_info/0 now returns a map

v0.14.1 (2014-06-18)

  • Enhancements

    • [Base] Decoding and encoding functions now accept the :case as an option
    • [ExUnit] The test process now exits with :shutdown reason
    • [GenEvent] now accepts :sync and :async modes
    • [Node] Add Node.start/3 and Node.stop/0
    • [String] Updated Unicode database to 7.0
    • [Task] Log when tasks crash
  • Bug fixes

    • [Enum] Enum.slice/2 and Enum.slice/3 always returns a list (and never nil)
    • [Kernel] Disambiguate (w)erl to (w)erl.exe
    • [Mix] Ensure umbrella project is recompiled when a dependency inside an umbrella child changes
    • [OptionParser] Do not allow underscores in option names
    • [Path] Fix path expansion of "/.."
    • [Path] Do not match files starting with . in Path.wildcard/2 by default
    • [Process], :registered_name) returns {:registered_name, nil} if there is no registered name
    • [String] String.slice/2 and String.slice/3 always returns a list (and never nil)
    • [URI] encode/1 does not escape reserved/unreserved characters by default nor encodes whitespace as + (check URI.encode_www_form/1 and URI.decode_www_form/1 for previous behaviour)
  • Deprecations

    • [Mix] :escript_* options moved into a single :escript group
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [GenEvent] defaults to :sync mode
    • [Kernel] Remove get_in/1

v0.14.0 (2014-06-08)

  • Enhancements

    • [ExUnit] Add on_exit/1 callbacks that are guaranteed to run once the test process exits and always in another process
    • [Kernel] Store documentation in the abstract code to avoid loading them when the module is loaded
    • [Kernel] Add get_in/2, put_in/3, update_in/3 and get_and_update_in/3 to handle nested data structure operations
    • [Kernel] Add get_in/1, put_in/2, update_in/2 and get_and_update_in/2 to handle nested data structure operations via paths
    • [Mix] Add Mix.Config to ease definition of configuration files
    • [Mix] Add mix loadconfig task that can be called multiple times to load external configs
    • [Mix] Support --config option on mix run
    • [Mix] Support HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY on Mix url commands
    • [Mix] Support --names options in mix help which emit only names (useful for autocompletion)
    • [Protocol] Add Protocol.consolidate/2, Protocol.consolidated?/1 and a mix compile.protocols task for protocol consolidation
    • [Protocol] Add Protocol.derive/3 for runtime deriving of a struct
    • [String] Add String.chunk/2
    • [Struct] Add support for @derive before defstruct/2 definitions
  • Bug fixes

    • [File] File.rm now consistently deletes read-only across operating systems
    • [Kernel] Ensure Mix _build structure works on Windows when copying projects
    • [Kernel] Ensure 1.0E10 (with uppercase E) is also valid syntax
    • [Mix] Fix mix do task for Windows' powershell users
    • [Path] Fix Path.absname("/") and Path.expand("/") to return the absolute path "/".
  • Soft deprecations (no warnings emitted)

    • [Kernel] size/1 is deprecated, please use byte_size/1 or tuple_size/1 instead
    • [ExUnit] teardown/2 and teardown_all/2 are deprecated in favor of on_exit/1 callbacks
  • Deprecations

    • [Access] Access.access/2 is deprecated in favor of Access.get/2
    • [Dict] Dict.Behaviour is deprecated in favor of Dict
    • [Kernel] Application.Behaviour, GenEvent.Behaviour, GenServer.Behaviour and Supervisor.Behaviour are deprecated in favor of Application, GenEvent, GenServer and Supervisor
    • [Kernel] defexception/3 is deprecated in favor of defexception/1
    • [Kernel] raise/3 is deprecated in favor of reraise/2
    • [Kernel] set_elem/3 is deprecated in favor of put_elem/3
    • [Kernel] Passing an atom var!/1 is deprecated, variables can be built dynamically with Macro.var/2
    • [Mix] Exceptions that define a :mix_error field to be compatible with Mix are no longer supported. Instead please provide a :mix field and use Mix.raise/1 and Mix.raise/2
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Access] Kernel.access/2 no longer exists and the Access protocol now requires get/2 (instead of access/2) and get_and_update/3 to be implemented
    • [Kernel] Retrieving docs as module.__info__(:docs) is no longer supported, please use Code.get_docs/2 instead
    • [Kernel] Code.compiler_options/1 no longer accepts custom options, only the ones specified by Elixir (use mix config instead)
    • [Mix] mix new no longer generates a supevision tree by default, please pass --sup instead
    • [Task] Tasks are automatically linked to callers and a failure in the task will crash the caller directly

v0.13.3 (2014-05-24)

  • Enhancements

    • [OptionParser] Add :strict option that only parses known switches
    • [OptionParser] Add next/2 useful for manual parsing of options
    • [Macro] Add Macro.prewalk/2/3 and Macro.postwalk/2/3
    • [Kernel] GenEvent, GenServer, Supervisor, Agent and Task modules added
    • [Kernel] Make deprecations compiler warnings to avoid the same deprecation being printed multiple times
  • Bug fixes

    • [Enum] Fix Enum.join/2 and Enum.map_join/3 for empty binaries at the beginning of the collection
    • [ExUnit] Ensure the formatter doesn't error when printing :EXITs
    • [Kernel] Rename ELIXIR_ERL_OPTS to ELIXIR_ERL_OPTIONS for consistency with ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS
    • [OptionParser] Parse - as a plain argument
    • [OptionParser] -- is always removed from argument list on parse/2 and when it is the leading entry on parse_head/2
    • [Regex] Properly escape regex (previously regex controls were double escaped)
  • Soft deprecations (no warnings emitted)

    • [Dict] Dict.Behaviour is deprecated in favor of Dict
    • [Kernel] Application.Behaviour, GenEvent.Behaviour, GenServer.Behaviour and Supervisor.Behaviour are deprecated in favor of Application, GenEvent, GenServer and Supervisor
    • [Kernel] defexception/3 is deprecated in favor of defexception/1
    • [Kernel] raise/3 is deprecated in favor of reraise/2
    • [Kernel] set_elem/3 is deprecated in favor of put_elem/3
  • Soft deprecations for conversions (no warnings emitted)

    • [Kernel] atom_to_binary/1 and atom_to_list/1 are deprecated in favor of Atom.to_string/1 and Atom.to_char_list/1
    • [Kernel] bitstring_to_list/1 and list_to_bitstring/1 are deprecated in favor of the :erlang ones
    • [Kernel] binary_to_atom/1, binary_to_existing_atom/1, binary_to_float/1, binary_to_integer/1 and binary_to_integer/2 are deprecated in favor of conversion functions in String
    • [Kernel] float_to_binary/* and float_to_list/* are deprecated in favor of Float.to_string/* and Float.to_char_list/*
    • [Kernel] integer_to_binary/* and integer_to_list/* are deprecated in favor of Integer.to_string/* and Integer.to_char_list/*
    • [Kernel] iodata_to_binary/1 and iodata_length/1 are deprecated IO.iodata_to_binary/1 and IO.iodata_length/1
    • [Kernel] list_to_atom/1, list_to_existing_atom/1, list_to_float/1, list_to_integer/1, list_to_integer/2 and list_to_tuple/1 are deprecated in favor of conversion functions in List
    • [Kernel] tuple_to_list/1 is deprecated in favor of Tuple.to_list/1
    • [List] List.from_char_data/1 and List.from_char_data!/1 deprecated in favor of String.to_char_list/1
    • [String] String.from_char_data/1 and String.from_char_data!/1 deprecated in favor of List.to_string/1
  • Deprecations

    • [Kernel] is_exception/1, is_record/1 and is_record/2 are deprecated in favor of Exception.exception?1, Record.record?/1 and Record.record?/2
    • [Kernel] defrecord/3 is deprecated in favor of structs
    • [Kernel] :hygiene in quote is deprecated
    • [Mix] Mix.project/0 is deprecated in favor of Mix.Project.config/0
    • [Process] Process.spawn/1, Process.spawn/3, Process.spawn_link/1, Process.spawn_link/3, Process.spawn_monitor/1, Process.spawn_monitor/3, Process.send/2 and Process.self/0 are deprecated in favor of the ones in Kernel
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Exception] Exceptions now generate structs instead of records
    • [OptionParser] Errors on parsing returns the switch and value as binaries (unparsed)
    • [String] String.to_char_list/1 (previously deprecated) no longer returns a tuple but the char list only and raises in case of failure

v0.13.2 (2014-05-11)

  • Enhancements

    • [Application] Add an Application module with common functions to work with OTP applications
    • [Exception] Add Exception.message/1, Exception.format_banner/1, Exception.format_exit/1 and Exception.format/1
    • [File] Add File.ln_s/1
    • [Mix] mix deps.clean now works accross environments
    • [Mix] Support line numbers in mix test, e.g. test/some/file_test.exs:12
    • [Mix] Use @file attributes to detect dependencies in between .ex and external files. This means changing an .eex file will no longer recompile the whole project only the files that depend directly on it
    • [Mix] Support application configurations in config/config.exs
    • [Mix] Support user-wide configuration with ~/.mix/config.exs
    • [Mix] mix help now uses ANSI formatting to print guides
    • [Regex] Support functions in Regex.replace/4
    • [String] Support :parts in String.split/3
  • Bug fixes

    • [Code] Ensure we don't lose the caller stacktrace on code evaluation
    • [IEx] Exit signals now exits the IEx evaluator and a new one is spawned on its place
    • [IEx] Ensure we don't prune too much stacktrace when reporting failures
    • [IEx] Fix an issue where iex.bat on Windows was not passing the proper parameters forward
    • [Kernel] Ensure modules defined on root respect defined aliases
    • [Kernel] Do not wrap single lists in :__block__
    • [Kernel] Ensure emitted beam code works nicely with dialyzer
    • [Kernel] Do not allow a module named Elixir to be defined
    • [Kernel] Create remote funs even if mod is a variable in capture &
    • [Kernel] Improve compiler message when duplicated modules are detected
    • [Mix] Generate .gitignore for --umbrella projects
    • [Mix] Verify if a git dependency in deps has a proper git checkout and clean it automatically when it doesn't
    • [Mix] Ensure mix test works with IEx.pry/0
    • [System] Convert remaining functions in System to rely on char data
  • Soft deprecations (no warnings emitted)

    • [Exception] exception.message is deprecated in favor Exception.message/1 for retrieving exception messages
    • [Kernel] is_exception/1, is_record/1 and is_record/2 are deprecated in favor of Exception.exception?1, Record.record?/1 and Record.record?/2
    • [Mix] Mix.project/0 is deprecated in favor of Mix.Project.config/0
    • [Process] Process.spawn/1, Process.spawn/3, Process.spawn_link/1, Process.spawn_link/3, Process.spawn_monitor/1, Process.spawn_monitor/3, Process.send/2 and Process.self/0 are deprecated in favor of the ones in Kernel
  • Deprecations

    • [IEx] IEx.Options is deprecated in favor of IEx.configure/1 and IEx.configuration/0
    • [Kernel] lc and bc comprehensions are deprecated in favor of for
    • [Macro] Macro.safe_terms/1 is deprecated
    • [Process] Process.delete/0 is deprecated
    • [Regex] Deprecate :global option in Regex.split/3 in favor of parts: :infinity
    • [String] Deprecate :global option in String.split/3 in favor of parts: :infinity
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [ExUnit] ExUnit.Test and ExUnit.TestCase has been converted to structs
    • [ExUnit] The test and callback context has been converted to maps
    • [Kernel] File.Stat, HashDict, HashSet, Inspect.Opts, Macro.Env, Range, Regex and Version.Requirement have been converted to structs. This means is_record/2 checks will no longer work, instead, you can pattern match on them using %Range{} and similar
    • [URI] The URI.Info record has now become the URI struct
    • [Version] The Version.Schema record has now become the Version struct

v0.13.1 (2014-04-27)

  • Enhancements

    • [Mix] Support MIX_EXS as configuration for running the current mix.exs file
    • [Mix] Support Hex out of the box. This means users do not need to install Hex directly, instead, Mix will prompt whenever there is a need to have Hex installed
  • Bug fixes

    • [ExUnit] Ensure doctest failures are properly reported
    • [Kernel] Fix a bug where comprehensions arguments were not properly take into account in the variable scope
    • [Mix] Fix issue on rebar install when the endpoint was redirecting to a relative uri
  • Soft deprecations (no warnings emitted)

    • [Kernel] iolist_size and iolist_to_binary are deprecated in favor of iodata_length and iodata_to_binary
    • [String] String.to_char_list/1 is deprecated in favor of List.from_char_data/1
    • [String] String.from_char_list/1 is deprecated in favor of String.from_char_data/1
  • Deprecations

    • [Mix] :env key in project configuration is deprecated
    • [Regex] Regex.groups/1 is deprecated in favor of Regex.names/1
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Macro] Macro.unpipe/1 now returns tuples and Macro.pipe/2 was removed in favor of Macro.pipe/3 which explicitly expects the second element of the tuple returned by the new Macro.unpipe/1
    • [Path] The functions in Path now only emit strings as result, regardless if the input was a char list or a string
    • [Path] Atoms are no longer supported in Path functions
    • [Regex] Regexes are no longer unicode by default. Instead, they must be explicitly marked with the u option

v0.13.0 (2014-04-20)

  • Enhancements

    • [Base] Add Base module which does conversions to bases 16, 32, hex32, 64 and url64
    • [Code] Add Code.eval_file/2
    • [Collectable] Add the Collectable protocol that empowers Enum.into/2 and Stream.into/2 and the :into option in comprehensions
    • [Collectable] Implement Collectable for lists, dicts, bitstrings, functions and provide both File.Stream and IO.Stream
    • [EEx] Add handle_body/1 callback to EEx.Engine
    • [Enum] Add Enum.group_by/2, Enum.into/2, Enum.into/3, Enum.traverse/2 and Enum.sum/2
    • [ExUnit] Randomize cases and tests suite runs, allow seed configuration and the --seed flag via mix test
    • [ExUnit] Support --only for filtering when running tests with mix test
    • [ExUnit] Raise an error if another capture_io process already captured the device
    • [ExUnit] Improve formatter to show source code and rely on lhs and rhs (instead of expected and actual)
    • [IEx] Allow prompt configuration with the :prompt option
    • [IEx] Use werl on Windows
    • [Kernel] Support ERL_PATH in bin/elixir
    • [Kernel] Support interpolation in keyword syntax
    • [Map] Add a Map module and support 17.0 maps and structs
    • [Mix] Add dependency option :only to specify the dependency environment. mix deps.get and mix deps.update works accross all environment unless --only is specified
    • [Mix] Add Mix.Shell.prompt/1
    • [Mix] Ensure the project is compiled in case Mix' CLI cannot find a task
    • [Node] Add
    • [Process] Include Process.send/3 and support the --gen-debug option
    • [Regex] Regexes no longer need the "g" option when there is a need to use named captures
    • [Stream] Add Stream.into/2 and Stream.into/3
    • [StringIO] Add a StringIO module that allows a String to be used as IO device
    • [System] Add System.delete_env/1 to remove a variable from the environment
  • Bug fixes

    • [CLI] Ensure --app is handled as an atom before processing
    • [ExUnit] Ensure ExUnit.Assertions does not emit compiler warnings for assert_receive
    • [Kernel] Ensure the same pid is not queued twice in the parallel compiler
    • [Macro] Macro.to_string/2 considers proper precedence when translating !(foo > bar) into a string
    • [Mix] Automatically recompile on outdated Elixir version and show proper error messages
    • [Mix] Ensure generated .app file includes core dependencies
    • [Mix] Allow a dependency with no SCM to be overridden
    • [Mix] Allow queries in mix local.install URL
    • [OptionParser] Do not recognize undefined aliases as switches
  • Soft deprecations (no warnings emitted)

    • [Kernel] lc and bc comprehensions are deprecated in favor of for
    • [ListDict] ListDict is deprecated in favor of Map
    • [Record] defrecord/2, defrecordp/3, is_record/1 and is_record/2 macros in Kernel are deprecated. Instead, use the new macros and API defined in the Record module
  • Deprecations

    • [Dict] Dict.empty/1, and are deprecated
    • [Exception] Exception.normalize/1 is deprecated in favor of Exception.normalize/2
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [ExUnit] Formatters are now required to be a GenEvent and returns a map with results

v0.12.5 (2014-03-09)

  • Bug fixes

    • [Kernel] Ensure try does not generate an after clause. Generating an after clause forbade clauses in the else part from being tail recursive. This should improve performance and memory consumption of Stream functions
    • [Mix] Automatically recompile on outdated Elixir version and show proper error messages
  • Deprecations

    • [File] File.stream_to!/3 is deprecated
    • [GenFSM] GenFSM is deprecated
    • [Kernel] % for sigils is deprecated in favor of ~
    • [Kernel] is_range/1 and is_regex/1 are deprecated in favor of Range.range?/1 and Regex.regex?/1
    • [Stream] Stream.after/1 is deprecated
    • [URI] URI.decode_query/1 is deprecated in favor of URI.decode_query/2 with explicit dict argument
    • [URI] Passing lists as key or values in URI.encode_query/1 is deprecated
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Mix] Remove MIX_GIT_FORCE_HTTPS as Git itself already provides mechanisms for doing so

v0.12.4 (2014-02-12)

  • Enhancements

    • [Mix] mix deps.get and mix deps.update no longer compile dependencies afterwards. Instead, they mark the dependencies which are going to be automatically compiled next time deps.check is invoked (which is done automatically by most mix tasks). This means users should have a better workflow when migrating in between environments
  • Deprecations

    • [Kernel] // for default arguments is deprecated in favor of \\
    • [Kernel] Using % for sigils is deprecated in favor of ~. This is a soft deprecation, no warnings will be emitted for it in this release
    • [Kernel] Using ^ inside function clause heads is deprecated, please use a guard instead
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [ExUnit] CaptureIO returns an empty string instead of nil when there is no capture
    • [Version] The Version module now only works with SemVer. The functions Version.parse/1 and Version.parse_requirement/1 now return {:ok,res} | :error for the cases you want to handle non SemVer cases manually. All other functions will trigger errors on non semantics versions

v0.12.3 (2014-02-02)

  • Enhancements

    • [Kernel] Warnings now are explicitly tagged with "warning:" in messages
    • [Kernel] Explicit functions inlined by the compiler, including operators. This means that Kernel.+/2 will now expand to :erlang.+/2 and so on
    • [Mix] Do not fail if a Mix dependency relies on an outdated Elixir version
    • [Process] Add Process.send/2 and Process.send_after/3
    • [Version] Add
  • Bug fixes

    • [Atom] Inspect :... and :foo@bar without quoting
    • [Keyword] The list [1, 2, three: :four] now correctly expands to [1, 2, {:three, :four}]
    • [Kernel] Ensure undefined @attributes shows proper stacktrace in warnings
    • [Kernel] Guarantee nullary funs/macros are allowed in guards
    • [Process] Ensure monitoring functions are inlined by the compiler
  • Deprecations

    • [IEx] The helper m/0 has been deprecated. The goal is to group all runtime statistic related helpers into a single module
    • [Kernel] binary_to_term/1, binary_to_term/2, term_to_binary/1 and term_to_binary/2 are deprecated in favor of their counterparts in the :erlang module
    • [Kernel] // for default arguments is deprecated in favor of \\. This is a soft deprecation, no warnings will be emitted for it in this release
    • [Kernel] Deprecated @behavior in favor of @behaviour
    • [Record] to_keywords, getter and list getter functionalities in defrecordp are deprecated
    • [Record] Record.import/2 is deprecated
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Dict] Implementations of equal?/2 and merge/2 in HashDict and ListDict are no longer polymorphic. To get polymorphism, use the functions in Dict instead
    • [File] File.cp/3 and File.cp_r/3 no longer carry Unix semantics where the function behaves differently if the destination is an existing previous directory or not. It now always copies source to destination, doing it recursively in the latter
    • [IEx] IEx now loads the .iex.exs file instead of .iex
    • [Kernel] Remove ** from the list of allowed operators
    • [Kernel] Limit sigils delimiters to one of the following: <>, {}, [], (), ||, //, " and '
    • [Range] Range is no longer a record, instead use first .. last if you need pattern matching
    • [Set] Implementations of difference/2, disjoint?/2, equal?/2, intersection/2, subset?/2 and union/2 in HashSet are no longer polymorphic. To get polymorphism, use the functions in Set instead

v0.12.2 (2014-01-15)

  • Enhancements

    • [EEx] Allow EEx.AssignsEngine to accept any Dict
    • [Enum] Add Enum.flat_map_reduce/3
    • [ExUnit] Support @moduletag in ExUnit cases
    • [Kernel] Improve stacktraces to be relative to the compilation path and include the related application
    • [Stream] Add Stream.transform/3
  • Bug fixes

    • [ExUnit] :include in ExUnit only has effect if a test was previously excluded with :exclude
    • [ExUnit] Only run setup_all and teardown_all if there are tests in the case
    • [Kernel] Ensure bitstring modifier arguments are expanded
    • [Kernel] Ensure compiler does not block on missing modules
    • [Kernel] Ensure <>/2 works only with binaries
    • [Kernel] Fix usage of string literals inside <<>> when utf8/utf16/utf32 is used as specifier
    • [Mix] Ensure mix properly copies _build dependencies on Windows
  • Deprecations

    • [Enum] Deprecate Enum.first/1 in favor of and List.first/1
    • [Kernel] Deprecate continuable heredocs. In previous versions, Elixir would continue parsing on the same line the heredoc started, this behaviour has been deprecated
    • [Kernel] is_alive/0 is deprecated in favor of Node.alive?
    • [Kernel] Kernel.inspect/2 with Inspect.Opts[] is deprecated in favor of Inspect.Algebra.to_doc/2
    • [Kernel] Kernel.inspect/2 with :raw option is deprecated, use :records option instead
    • [Kernel] Deprecate <-/2 in favor of send/2
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [String] Change String.next_grapheme/1 and String.next_codepoint/1 to return nil on string end

v0.12.1 (2014-01-04)

  • Enhancements

    • [ExUnit] Support :include and :exclude configuration options to filter which tests should run based on their tags. Those options are also supported via mix test as --include and --exclude
    • [ExUnit] Allow doctests to match against #MyModule<>
  • Bug fixes

    • [CLI] Abort when a pattern given to elixirc does not match any file
    • [Float] Fix Float.parse/1 to handle numbers of the form "-0.x"
    • [IEx] Improve error message for IEx.Helpers.r when module does not exist
    • [Mix] Ensure deps.get updates origin if lock origin and dep origin do not match
    • [Mix] Use relative symlinks in _build
    • [Typespec] Fix conversion of unary ops from typespec format to ast
    • [Typespec] Fix handling of tuple() and {}
  • Deprecations

    • [Kernel] Do not leak clause heads. Previously, a variable defined in a case/receive head clauses would leak to the outer scope. This behaviour is deprecated and will be removed in the next release.
    • [Kernel] Deprecate __FILE__ in favor of __DIR__ or __ENV__.file
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [GenFSM] GenServer now stops on unknown event/sync_event requests
    • [GenServer] GenServer now stops on unknown call/cast requests
    • [Kernel] Change how -> is represented in AST. Now each clause is represented by its own AST node which makes composition easier. See commit 51aef55 for more information.

v0.12.0 (2013-12-15)

  • Enhancements

    • [Exception] Allow exception/1 to be overridden and promote it as the main mechanism to customize exceptions
    • [File] Add File.stream_to!/3
    • [Float] Add Float.floor/1, Float.ceil/1 and Float.round/3
    • [Kernel] Add List.delete_at/2 and List.updated_at/3
    • [Kernel] Add Enum.reverse/2
    • [Kernel] Implement defmodule/2, @/1, def/2 and friends in Elixir itself. case/2, try/2 and receive/1 have been made special forms. var!/1, var!/2 and alias!/1 have also been implemented in Elixir and demoted from special forms
    • [Record] Support dynamic fields in defrecordp
    • [Stream] Add Stream.resource/3
    • [Stream] Add, Stream.filter_map/3, Stream.each/2, Stream.take_every/2, Stream.chunk/2, Stream.chunk/3, Stream.chunk/4, Stream.chunk_by/2, Stream.scan/2, Stream.scan/3, Stream.uniq/2, Stream.after/2 and
    • [Stream] Support Stream.take/2 and Stream.drop/2 with negative counts
  • Bug fixes

    • [HashDict] Ensure a HashDict stored in an attribute can be accessed via the attribute
    • [Enum] Fix bug in Enum.chunk/4 where you'd get an extra element when the enumerable was a multiple of the counter and a pad was given
    • [IEx] Ensure c/2 helper works with full paths
    • [Kernel] quote location: :keep now only affects definitions in order to keep the proper trace in definition exceptions
    • [Mix] Also symlink include directories in _build dependencies
    • [Version] Fix Version.match?/2 with ~> and versions with alphanumeric build info (like -dev)
  • Deprecations

    • [Enum] Enumerable.count/1 and Enumerable.member?/2 should now return tagged tuples. Please see Enumerable docs for more info
    • [Enum] Deprecate Enum.chunks/2, Enum.chunks/4 and Enum.chunks_by/2 in favor of Enum.chunk/2, Enum.chunk/4 and Enum.chunk_by/2
    • [File] File.binstream!/3 is deprecated. Simply use!/3 which is able to figure out if stream or binstream operations should be used
    • [Macro] Macro.extract_args/1 is deprecated in favor of Macro.decompose_call/1
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Enum] Behaviour of Enum.drop/2 and Enum.take/2 has been switched when given negative counts
    • [Enum] Behaviour of has been changed to stop as soon as the first enumerable finishes
    • [Enum] Enumerable.reduce/3 protocol has changed to support suspension. Please see Enumerable docs for more info
    • [Mix] Require :escript_main_module to be set before generating escripts
    • [Range] Range.Iterator protocol has changed in order to work with the new Enumerable.reduce/3. Please see Range.Iterator docs for more info
    • [Stream] The Stream.Lazy structure has changed to accumulate functions and accumulators as we go (its inspected representation has also changed)
    • [Typespec] when clauses were moved to the outer part of the spec and should be in the keywords format. So add(a, b) when is_subtype(a, integer) and is_subtype(b, integer) :: integer should now be written as add(a, b) :: integer when a: integer, b: integer

v0.11.2 (2013-11-14)

  • Enhancements

    • [Mix] Add mix iex that redirects users to the proper iex -S mix command
    • [Mix] Support build_per_environment: true in project configuration that manages a separete build per environment, useful when you have per-environment behaviour/compilation
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Mix] Mix now compiles files to _build. Projects should update just fine, however documentation and books may want to update to the latest information

v0.11.1 (2013-11-07)

  • Enhancements

    • [Mix] Improve dependency convergence by explicitly checking each requirement instead of expecting all requirements to be equal
    • [Mix] Support optional dependencies with optional: true. Optional dependencies are downloaded for the current project but they are automatically skipped when such project is used as a dependency
  • Bug fixes

    • [Kernel] Set compilation status per ParallelCompiler and not globally
    • [Mix] Ensure Mix does not load previous dependencies versions before deps.get/deps.update
    • [Mix] Ensure umbrella apps are sorted before running recursive commands
    • [Mix] Ensure umbrella apps run in the same environment as the parent project
    • [Mix] Ensure dependency tree is topsorted before compiling
    • [Mix] Raise error when duplicated projects are pushed into the stack
    • [URI] Allow lowercase escapes in URI
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Mix] Setting :load_paths in your project configuration is deprecated

v0.11.0 (2013-11-02)

  • Enhancements

    • [Code] Eval now returns variables from other contexts
    • [Dict] Document and enforce all dicts use the match operator (===) when checking for keys
    • [Enum] Add Enum.slice/2 with a range
    • [Enum] Document and enforce Enum.member?/2 to use the match operator (===)
    • [IEx] Split IEx.Evaluator from IEx.Server to allow custom evaluators
    • [IEx] Add support for IEx.pry which halts a given process for inspection
    • [IO] Add specs and allow some IO APIs to receive any data that implements String.Chars
    • [Kernel] Improve stacktraces on command line interfaces
    • [Kernel] Sigils can now handle balanced tokens as in %s(f(o)o)
    • [Kernel] Emit warnings when an alias is not used
    • [Macro] Add Macro.pipe/3 and Macro.unpipe/1 for building pipelines
    • [Mix] Allow umbrella children to share dependencies between them
    • [Mix] Allow mix to be escriptize'd
    • [Mix] Speed mix projects compilation by relying on more manifests information
    • [Protocol] Protocols now provide impl_for/1 and impl_for!/1 functions which receive a structure and returns its respective implementation, otherwise returns nil or an error
    • [Set] Document and enforce all sets use the match operator (===) when checking for keys
    • [String] Update to Unicode 6.3.0
    • [String] Add String.slice/2 with a range
  • Bug fixes

    • [Exception] Ensure defexception fields can be set dynamically
    • [Kernel] Guarantee aliases hygiene is respected when the current module name is not known upfront
    • [Kernel] Kernel.access/2 no longer flattens lists
    • [Mix] Ensure cyclic dependencies are properly handled
    • [String] Implement the extended grapheme cluster algorithm for String operations
  • Deprecations

    • [Kernel] pid_to_list/1, list_to_pid/1, binary_to_atom/2, binary_to_existing_atom/2 and atom_to_binary/2 are deprecated in favor of their counterparts in the :erlang module
    • [Kernel] insert_elem/3 and delete_elem/2 are deprecated in favor of Tuple.insert_at/3 and Tuple.delete_at/2
    • [Kernel] Use of in inside matches (as in x in [1,2,3] -> x) is deprecated in favor of the guard syntax (x when x in [1,2,3])
    • [Macro] Macro.expand_all/2 is deprecated
    • [Protocol] @only and @except in protocols are now deprecated
    • [Protocol] Protocols no longer fallback to Any out of the box (this functionality needs to be explicitly enabled by setting @fallback_to_any to true)
    • [String] String.to_integer/1 and String.to_float/1 are deprecated in favor of Integer.parse/1 and Float.parse/1
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [CLI] Reading .elixirrc has been dropped in favor of setting env vars
    • [Kernel] Kernel.access/2 now expects the second argument to be a compile time list
    • [Kernel] fn -> end quoted expression is no longer wrapped in a do keyword
    • [Kernel] Quoted variables from the same module must be explicitly shared. Previously, if a function returned quote do: a = 1, another function from the same module could access it as quote do: a. This has been fixed and the variables must be explicitly shared with var!(a, __MODULE__)
    • [Mix] Umbrella apps now treat children apps as dependencies. This means all dependencies will be checked out in the umbrela deps directory. On upgrade, child apps need to point to the umbrella project by setting deps_path: "../../deps_path", lockfile: "../../mix.lock" in their project config
    • [Process] Process.group_leader/2 args have been reversed so the "subject" comes first
    • [Protocol] Protocol no longer dispatches to Number, but to Integer and Float

v0.10.3 (2013-10-02)

  • Enhancements

    • [Enum] Add Enum.take_every/2
    • [IEx] IEx now respects signals sent from the Ctrl+G menu
    • [Kernel] Allow documentation for types with @typedoc
    • [Mix] Allow apps to be selected in umbrella projects
    • [Record] Generated record functions new and update also take options with strings as keys
    • [Stream] Add Stream.unfold/1
  • Bug fixes

    • [Dict] Fix a bug when a HashDict was marked as equal when one was actually a subset of the other
    • [EEx] Solve issue where do blocks inside templates were not properly aligned
    • [ExUnit] Improve checks and have better error reports on poorly aligned doctests
    • [Kernel] Fix handling of multiple heredocs on the same line
    • [Kernel] Provide better error messages for match, guard and quoting errors
    • [Kernel] Make Kernel.raise/2 a macro to avoid messing up stacktraces
    • [Kernel] Ensure &() works on quoted blocks with only one expression
    • [Mix] Address an issue where a dependency was not compiled in the proper order when specified in different projects
    • [Mix] Ensure compile: false is a valid mechanism for disabling the compilation of dependencies
    • [Regex] Fix bug on Regex.scan/3 when capturing groups and the regex has no groups
    • [String] Fix a bug with String.split/2 when given an empty pattern
    • [Typespec] Guarantee typespecs error reports point to the proper line
  • Deprecations

    • [Kernel] The previous partial application syntax (without the & operator) has now been deprecated
    • [Regex] Regex.captures/3 is deprecated in favor of Regex.named_captures/3
    • [String] String.valid_codepoint?/1 is deprecated in favor of pattern matching with <<_ :: utf8 >>
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [IEx] The r/0 helper has been removed as it caused surprising behaviour when many modules with dependencies were accumulated
    • [Mix] Mix.Version was renamed to Version
    • [Mix] File.IteratorError was renamed to IO.StreamError
    • [Mix] mix new now defaults to the --sup option, use --bare to get the previous behaviour

v0.10.2 (2013-09-03)

  • Enhancements

    • [CLI] Add --verbose to elixirc, which now is non-verbose by default
    • [Dict] Add Dict.Behaviour as a convenience to create your own dictionaries
    • [Enum] Add Enum.split/2, Enum.reduce/2, Enum.flat_map/2, Enum.chunk/2, Enum.chunk/4, Enum.chunk_by/2, Enum.concat/1 and Enum.concat/2
    • [Enum] Support negative indices in!
    • [ExUnit] Show failures on CLIFormatter as soon as they pop up
    • [IEx] Allow for strings in h helper
    • [IEx] Helpers r and c can handle erlang sources
    • [Integer] Add odd?/1 and even?/1
    • [IO] Added support to specifying a number of bytes to stream to, IO.binstream,! and File.binstream!
    • [Kernel] Include file and line on error report for overriding an existing function/macro
    • [Kernel] Convert external functions into quoted expressions. This allows record fields to contain functions as long as they point to an &
    • [Kernel] Allow foo? and bar! as valid variable names
    • [List] Add List.replace_at/3
    • [Macro] Improve printing of the access protocol on Macro.to_string/1
    • [Macro] Add Macro.to_string/2 to support annotations on the converted string
    • [Mix] Automatically recompile a project if the Elixir version changes
    • [Path] Add Path.relative_to_cwd/2
    • [Regex] Allow erlang re options when compiling Elixir regexes
    • [Stream] Add Stream.concat/1, Stream.concat/2 and Stream.flat_map/2
    • [String] Add regex pattern support to String.replace/3
    • [String] Add String.ljust/2, String.rjust/2, String.ljust/3 and String.rjust/3
    • [URI] URI.parse/1 supports IPv6 addresses
  • Bug fixes

    • [Behaviour] Do not compile behaviour docs if docs are disabled on compilation
    • [ExUnit] Doctests no longer eat too much space and provides detailed reports for poorly indented lines
    • [File] Fix a bug where File.touch(file, datetime) was not setting the proper datetime when the file did not exist
    • [Kernel] Limit inspect results to 50 items by default to avoid printing too much data
    • [Kernel] Return a readable error on oversized atoms
    • [Kernel] Allow functions ending with ? or ! to be captured
    • [Kernel] Fix default shutdown of child supervisors to :infinity
    • [Kernel] Fix regression when calling a function/macro ending with bang, followed by do/end blocks
    • [List] Fix bug on List.insert_at/3 that added the item at the wrong position for negative indexes
    • [Macro] Macro.escape/2 can now escape improper lists
    • [Mix] Fix Mix.Version matching on pre-release info
    • [Mix] Ensure watch_exts trigger full recompilation on change with mix compile
    • [Mix] Fix regression on mix clean --all
    • [String] String.strip/2 now supports removing unicode characters
    • [String] String.slice/3 still returns the proper result when there is no length to be extracted
    • [System] System.get_env/0 now returns a list of tuples as previously advertised
  • Deprecations

    • [Dict] Dict.update/3 is deprecated in favor of Dict.update!/3
    • [Enum] Enum.min/2 and Enum.max/2 are deprecated in favor of Enum.min_by/2 and Enum.max_by/2
    • [Enum] Enum.join/2 and Enum.map_join/3 with a char list are deprecated
    • [IO] and IO.binstream(device) are deprecated in favor of, :line) and IO.binstream(device, :line)
    • [Kernel] list_to_binary/1, binary_to_list/1 and binary_to_list/3 are deprecated in favor of String.from_char_list!/1 and String.to_char_list!/1 for characters and :binary.list_to_bin/1, :binary.bin_to_list/1 and :binary.bin_to_list/3 for bytes
    • [Kernel] to_binary/1 is deprecated in favor of to_string/1
    • [Kernel] Deprecate def/4 and friends in favor of def/2 with unquote and friends
    • [Kernel] Deprecate %b and %B in favor of %s and %S
    • [List] List.concat/2 is deprecated in favor of Enum.concat/2
    • [Macro] Macro.unescape_binary/1 and Macro.unescape_binary/2 are deprecated in favor of Macro.unescape_string/1 and Macro.unescape_string/2
    • [Mix] :umbrella option for umbrella paths has been deprecated in favor of :in_umbrella
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [IO] IO functions now only accept iolists as arguments
    • [Kernel] Binary.Chars was renamed to String.Chars
    • [Kernel] The previous ambiguous import syntax import :functions, Foo was removed in favor of import Foo, only: :functions
    • [OptionParser] parse and parse_head now returns a tuple with three elements instead of two

v0.10.1 (2013-08-03)

  • Enhancements

    • [Behaviour] Add support for defmacrocallback/1
    • [Enum] Add Enum.shuffle/1
    • [ExUnit] The :trace option now also reports run time for each test
    • [ExUnit] Add support for :color to enable/disable ANSI coloring
    • [IEx] Add the clear helper to clear the screen.
    • [Kernel] Add the capture operator &
    • [Kernel] Add support for GenFSM.Behaviour
    • [Kernel] Functions now points to the module and function they were defined when inspected
    • [Kernel] A documentation attached to a function that is never defined now prints warnings
    • [List] Add List.keysort/2
    • [Mix] :test_helper project configuration did not affect mix test and was therefore removed. A test/test_helper.exs file is still necessary albeit it doesn't need to be automatically required in each test file
    • [Mix] Add manifests for yecc, leex and Erlang compilers, making it easier to detect dependencies in between compilers and providing a more useful clean behaviour
    • [Mix] mix help now outputs information about the default mix task
    • [Mix] Add --no-deps-check option to mix run, mix compile and friends to not check dependency status
    • [Mix] Add support for MIX_GIT_FORCE_HTTPS system environment that forces HTTPS for known providers, useful when the regular git port is blocked. This configuration does not affect the mix.lock results
    • [Mix] Allow coverage tool to be pluggable via the :test_coverage configuration
    • [Mix] Add mix cmd as a convenience to run a command recursively in child apps in an umbrella application
    • [Mix] Support umbrella: true in dependencies as a convenience for setting up umbrella path deps
    • [Mix] mix run now behaves closer to the elixir command and properly mangles the ARGV
    • [String] Add Regex.scan/3 now supports capturing groups
    • [String] Add String.reverse/1
  • Bug fixes

    • [Behaviour] Ensure callbacks are stored in the definition order
    • [CLI] Speed up boot time on Elixir .bat files
    • [IEx] Reduce cases where IEx parser can get stuck
    • [Kernel] Improve error messages when the use of an operator has no effect
    • [Kernel] Fix a bug where warnings were not being generated when imported macros conflicted with local functions or macros
    • [Kernel] Document that on_definition can only be a function as it is evaluated inside the function context
    • [Kernel] Ensure %w sigils with no interpolation are fully expanded at compile time
    • [Mix] mix deps.update, mix deps.clean and mix deps.unlock no longer change all dependencies unless --all is given
    • [Mix] Always run mix loadpaths on mix app.start, even if --no-compile is given
    • [OptionParser] Do not add boolean flags to the end result if they were not given
    • [OptionParser] Do not parse non-boolean flags as booleans when true or false are given
    • [OptionParser] Ensure :keep and :integer|:float can be given together as options
    • [OptionParser] Ensure --no-flag sets :flag to false when :flag is a registered boolean switch
  • Deprecations

    • [Kernel] function( and function(fun/arity) are deprecated in favor of & and &fun/arity
    • [Kernel] function/3 is deprecated in favor of Module.function/3
    • [Kernel] Kernel.ParallelCompiler now receives a set of callbacks instead of a single one
    • [Mix] :test_coverage option now expect keywords arguments and the --cover flag is now treated as a boolean
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Regex] Regex.scan/3 now always returns a list of lists, normalizing the result, instead of list with mixed lists and binaries
    • [System] System.halt/2 was removed since the current Erlang implementation of such function is bugged

v0.10.0 (2013-07-15)

  • Enhancements

    • [ExUnit] Support trace: true option which gives detailed reporting on test runs
    • [HashDict] Optimize HashDict to store pairs in a cons cell reducing storage per key by half
    • [Kernel] Add pretty printing support for inspect
    • [Kernel] Add document algebra library used as the foundation for pretty printing
    • [Kernel] Add defrecordp/3 that enables specifying the first element of the tuple
    • [Kernel] Add the Set API and a hash based implementation via HashSet
    • [Kernel] Add Stream as composable, lazy-enumerables
    • [Mix] mix archive now includes the version of the generated archive
    • [Mix] Mix now requires explicit dependency overriding to be given with override: true
    • [Mix] Projects can now define an :elixir key to outline supported Elixir versions
    • [Typespec] Improve error messages to contain file, line and the typespec itself
  • Bug fixes

    • [CLI] Elixir can now run on Unix directories with : in its path
    • [Kernel] match?/2 does not leak variables to outer scope
    • [Kernel] Keep head|tail format when splicing at the tail
    • [Kernel] Ensure variables defined in the module body are not passed to callbacks
    • [Mix] On dependencies conflict, show from where each source is coming from
    • [Mix] Empty projects no longer leave empty ebin files on mix compile
    • [Module] Calling Module.register_attribute/3 no longer automatically changes it to persisted or accumulated
  • Deprecations

    • [Enum] Receiving the index of iteration in and Enum.each/2 is deprecated in favor of Stream.with_index/1
    • [File] File.iterator/1 and File.biniterator/1 are deprecated in favor of and IO.binstream/1
    • [File] File.iterator!/2 and File.biniterator!/2 are deprecated in favor of!/2 and File.binstream!/2
    • [Kernel] Deprecate recently added quote binding: ... in favor of the clearer quote bind_quoted: ...
    • [Kernel] Deprecate Kernel.float/1 in favor of a explicit conversion
    • [Mix] Deprecate mix run EXPR in favor of mix run -e EXPR
    • [Record] Record.__index__/2 deprecated in favor of Record.__record__(:index, key)
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Kernel] The Binary.Inspect protocol has been renamed to Inspect

    • [Kernel] Tighten up the grammar rules regarding parentheses omission, previously the examples below would compile but now they raise an error message:

          do_something 1, is_list [], 3
          [1, is_atom :foo, 3]
    • [Module] Calling Module.register_attribute/3 no longer automatically changes it to persisted or accumulated

    • [Record] First element of a record via defrecordp is now the defrecordp name and no longer the current atom

    • [URI] Remove custom URI parsers in favor of URI.default_port/2

v0.9.3 (2013-06-23)

  • Enhancements

    • [File] Add File.chgrp, File.chmod and File.chown
    • [Kernel] Add --warnings-as-errors to Elixir's compiler options
    • [Kernel] Print warnings to stderr
    • [Kernel] Warn on undefined module attributes
    • [Kernel] Emit warning for x in [] in guards
    • [Kernel] Add binding/0 and binding/1 for retrieving bindings
    • [Kernel] quote now allows a binding as an option
    • [Macro] Add Macro.expand_once/2 and Macro.expand_all/2
    • [Mix] Implement Mix.Version for basic versioning semantics
    • [Mix] Support creation and installation of archives (.ez files)
    • [Mix] github: ... shortcut now uses the faster git schema instead of https
    • [Record] Allow types to be given to defrecordp
  • Bug fixes

    • [Kernel] The elixir executable on Windows now supports the same options as the UNIX one
    • [Kernel] Improve error messages on default clauses clash
    • [Kernel] __MODULE__.Foo now returns Foo when outside of a Module
    • [Kernel] Improve error messages when default clauses from different definitions collide
    • [Kernel] ^x variables should always refer to the value before the expression
    • [Kernel] Allow (x, y) when z in function clauses and try expressions
    • [Mix] Mix now properly evaluates rebar scripts
  • Deprecations

    • [Code] Code.string_to_ast/1 has been deprecated in favor of Code.string_to_quoted/1
    • [Macro] Macro.to_binary/1 has been deprecated in favor of Macro.to_string/1
    • [Typespec] Deprecate (fun(...) -> ...) in favor of (... -> ...)
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Bitwise] Precedence of operators used by the Bitwise module were changed, check elixir_parser.yrl for more information
    • [File] rm_rf and cp_r now returns a tuple with three elements on failures
    • [Kernel] The quoted representation for -> clauses changed from a tuple with two elements to a tuple with three elements to support metadata
    • [Kernel] Sigils now dispatch to sigil_$ instead of __$__ where $ is the sigil character
    • [Macro] Macro.expand/2 now expands until final form. Although this is backwards incompatible, it is very likely you do not need to change your code, since expansion until its final form is recommended, particularly if you are expecting an atom out of it
    • [Mix] No longer support beam files on mix local

v0.9.2 (2013-06-13)

  • Enhancements

    • [ExUnit] capture_io now captures prompt by default
    • [Mix] Automatically import git dependencies from Rebar
    • [Mix] Support for dependencies directly from the umbrella application
    • [Regex] Add Regex.escape
    • [String] Add String.contains?
    • [URI] Implement Binary.Chars (aka to_binary) for URI.Info
  • Bug fixes

    • [HashDict] Ensure HashDict uses exact match throughout its implementation
    • [IEx] Do not interpret ANSI codes in IEx results
    • [IEx] Ensure --cookie is set before accessing remote shell
    • [Kernel] Do not ignore nil when dispatching protocols to avoid infinite loops
    • [Mix] Fix usage of shell expressions in Mix.Shell.cmd
    • [Mix] Start the application by default on escripts
  • Deprecations

    • [Regex] Regex.index/2 is deprecated in favor
    • [Kernel] super no longer supports implicit arguments
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Kernel] The =~ operator now returns true or false instead of an index

v0.9.1 (2013-05-30)

  • Enhancements

    • [IEx] Limit the number of entries kept in history and allow it to be configured
    • [Kernel] Add String.start_with? and String.end_with?
    • [Typespec] Allow keywords, e.g. [foo: integer, bar: boolean | module], in typespecs
  • Bug fixes

    • [Dict] Enum.to_list and Dict.to_list now return the same results for dicts
    • [IEx] Enable shell customization via the IEx.Options module
    • [Kernel] Fix a bug where unquote_splicing did not work on the left side of a stab op
    • [Kernel] Unused functions with cyclic dependencies are now also warned as unused
    • [Mix] Fix a bug where mix deps.get was not retrieving nested dependencies
    • [Record] Fix a bug where nested records cannot be defined
    • [Record] Fix a bug where a record named Record cannot be defined

v0.9.0 (2013-05-23)

  • Enhancements

    • [ExUnit] ExUnit.CaptureIO now accepts an input to be used during capture
    • [IEx] Add support for .iex files that are loaded during shell's boot process
    • [IEx] Add import_file/1 helper
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Enum] Enum.Iterator was replaced by the more composable and functional Enumerable protocol which supports reductions
    • [File] File.iterator/1 and File.biniterator/1 have been removed in favor of the safe File.iterator!/1 and File.biniterator!/1 ones
    • [Kernel] Erlang R15 is no longer supported
    • [Kernel] Elixir modules are now represented as Elixir.ModuleName (using . instead of - as separator)

v0.8.3 (2013-05-22)

  • Enhancements

    • [CLI] Flags -p and -pr fails if pattern match no files
    • [CLI] Support --hidden and --cookie flags for distributed Erlang
    • [Enum] Add Enum.to_list/1, Enum.member?/2, Enum.uniq/2, Enum.max/1, Enum.max/2, Enum.min/1 and Enum.min/2
    • [ExUnit] Add ExUnit.CaptureIO for IO capturing during tests
    • [ExUnit] Consider load time on ExUnit time reports
    • [IEx] Support ls with colored output
    • [IEx] Add #iex:break to break incomplete expressions
    • [Kernel] Add, Enum.fetch and Enum.fetch!
    • [Kernel] Add String.to_integer and String.to_float
    • [Kernel] Add Dict.take, Dict.drop, Dict.split, Dict.pop and Dict.fetch!
    • [Kernel] Many optimizations for code compilation
    • [Kernel] in can be used with right side expression outside guards
    • [Kernel] Add Node.get_cookie/0 and Node.set_cookie/2
    • [Kernel] Add __DIR__
    • [Kernel] Expand macros and attributes on quote, import, alias and require
    • [Kernel] Improve warnings related to default arguments
    • [Keyword] Add Keyword.delete_first/2
    • [Mix] Add local.rebar to download a local copy of rebar, and change deps.compile to use it if needed
    • [Mix] Support umbrella applications
    • [Mix] Load beam files available at MIX_PATH on CLI usage
    • [String] Add String.valid? and String.valid_character?
  • Bug fixes

    • [ExUnit] Handle exit messages from in ExUnit
    • [ExUnit] Failures on ExUnit's setup_all now invalidates all tests
    • [Kernel] Ensure we don't splice keyword args unecessarily
    • [Kernel] Private functions used by private macros no longer emit an unused warning
    • [Kernel] Ensure Elixir won't trip on empty receive blocks
    • [Kernel] String.slice now returns an empty string when out of range by 1
    • [Mix] Generate manifest files after compilation to avoid depending on directory timestamps and to remove unused .beam files
    • [Path] Path.expand/2 now correctly expands ~ in the second argument
    • [Regex] Fix badmatch with Regex.captures(%r/(.)/g, "cat")
    • [URI] Downcase host and scheme and URIs
  • Deprecations

    • [Code] Code.eval is deprecated in favor of Code.eval_string
    • [Exception] Exception.format_entry is deprecated in favor of Exception.format_stacktrace_entry
    • [ExUnit] assert left inlist right is deprecated in favor of assert left in right
    • [IO] IO.getb is deprecated in favor of IO.getn
    • [List] List.member?/2 is deprecated in favor of Enum.member?/2
    • [Kernel] var_context in quote was deprecated in favor of context
    • [Kernel]! and Dict.get! is deprecated in favor of Enum.fetch! and Dict.fetch!
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Dict] List.Dict was moved to ListDict
    • [IO] IO.gets, IO.getn and friends now return binaries when reading from stdio
    • [Kernel] Precedence of |> has changed to lower to support constructs like 1..5 |> Enum.to_list
    • [Mix] mix escriptize now receives arguments as binaries

v0.8.2 (2013-04-20)

  • Enhancements

    • [ExUnit] Use ANSI escape codes in CLI output
    • [ExUnit] Include suite run time on CLI results
    • [ExUnit] Add support to doctests, allowing test cases to be generated from code samples
    • [File] Add and!
    • [IEx] Support pwd and cd helpers
    • [Kernel] Better error reporting for invalid bitstring generators
    • [Kernel] Improve meta-programming by allowing unquote on def/2, defp/2, defmacro/2 and defmacrop/2
    • [Kernel] Add support to R16B new functions: insert_elem/3 and delete_elem/2
    • [Kernel] Import conflicts are now lazily handled. If two modules import the same functions, it will fail only if the function is invoked
    • [Mix] Support --cover on mix test and test_coverage on Mixfiles
    • [Record] Each record now provides Record.options with the options supported by its new and update functions
  • Bug fixes

    • [Binary] inspect no longer escapes standalone hash #
    • [IEx] The h helper can now retrieve docs for special forms
    • [Kernel] Record optimizations were not being triggered in functions inside the record module
    • [Kernel] Aliases defined inside macros should be carried over
    • [Kernel] Fix a bug where nested records could not use the Record[] syntax
    • [Path] Fix a bug on Path.expand when expanding paths starting with ~
  • Deprecations

    • [Kernel] setelem/3 is deprecated in favor of set_elem/3
    • [Kernel] function(:is_atom, 1) is deprecated in favor of function(is_atom/1)
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Kernel] unquote now only applies to the closest quote. If your code contains a quote that contains another quote that calls unquote, it will no longer work. Use Macro.escape instead and pass your quoted contents up in steps, for example:

          quote do
            quote do: unquote(x)

      should become:

          quote do

v0.8.1 (2013-02-17)

  • Enhancements

    • [ExUnit] Tests can now receive metadata set on setup/teardown callbacks
    • [ExUnit] Add support to ExUnit.CaseTemplate to share callbacks in between test cases
    • [IO] Add IO.ANSI to make it easy to write ANSI escape codes
    • [Kernel] Better support for Unicode lists
    • [Kernel] Reduce variables footprint in case/receive clauses
    • [Kernel] Disable native compilation when on_load attributes is present to work around an Erlang bug
    • [Macro] Macro.expand also considers macros from the current __ENV__ module
    • [Mix] Improve support for compilation of .erl files
    • [Mix] Add support for compilation of .yrl and .xrl files
    • [OptionParser] Switches are now overridden by default but can be kept in order if chosen
    • [Typespec] Better error reporting for invalid typespecs
  • Bug fixes

    • [Mix] Allow Mix projects to be generated with just one letter
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Kernel] before_compile and after_compile callbacks now receive the environment as first argument instead of the module
  • Deprecations

    • [ExUnit] Explicitly defined test/setup/teardown functions are deprecated
    • [Kernel] Tidy up and clean quote API
    • [Kernel] Old :local.(args) syntax is deprecated
    • [Process] Process.self is deprecated in favor Kernel.self

v0.8.0 (2013-01-28)

  • Enhancements

    • [Binary] Support << "string" :: utf8 >> as in Erlang
    • [Binary] Support \a escape character in binaries
    • [Binary] Support syntax shortcut for specifying size in bit syntax
    • [CLI] Support --app option to start an application and its dependencies
    • [Dict] Support put_new in Dict and Keyword
    • [Dict] Add ListDict and a faster HashDict implementation
    • [ExUnit] ExUnit now supports multiple runs in the same process
    • [ExUnit] Failures in ExUnit now shows a tailored stacktrace
    • [ExUnit] Introduce ExUnit.ExpectationError to provide better error messages
    • [Kernel] Introduce Application.Behaviour to define application module callbacks
    • [Kernel] Introduce Supervisor.Behaviour to define supervisors callbacks
    • [Kernel] More optimizations were added to Record handling
    • [Kernel] ?\x and ?\ are now supported ways to retrieve a codepoint
    • [Kernel] Octal numbers can now be defined as 0777
    • [Kernel] Improve macros hygiene regarding variables, aliases and imports
    • [Mix] Mix now starts the current application before run, iex, test and friends
    • [Mix] Mix now provides basic support for compiling .erl files
    • [Mix] mix escriptize only generates escript if necessary and accept --force and --no-compile as options
    • [Path] Introduce Path module to hold filesystem paths related functions
    • [String] Add String.capitalize and String.slice
    • [System] Add System.tmp_dir, System.cwd and System.user_home
  • Bug fixes

    • [Kernel] import with only accepts functions starting with underscore
    • [String] String.first and String.last return nil for empty binaries
    • [String] String.rstrip and String.lstrip now verify if argument is a binary
    • [Typespec] Support ... inside typespec's lists
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Kernel] The AST now allows metadata to be attached to each node. This means the second item in the AST is no longer an integer (representing the line), but a keywords list. Code that relies on the line information from AST or that manually generate AST nodes need to be properly updated
  • Deprecations

    • [Dict] Deprecate Binary.Dict and OrdDict in favor of HashDict and ListDict
    • [File] Deprecate path related functions in favor of the module Path
    • [Kernel] The /> operator has been deprecated in favor of |>
    • [Mix] Mix.Project.sources is deprecated in favor of Mix.Project.config_files
    • [Mix] mix iex is no longer functional, please use iex -S mix
    • [OptionParser] :flags option was deprecated in favor of :switches to support many types

v0.7.2 (2012-12-04)

  • Enhancements

    • [CLI] --debug-info is now true by default
    • [ExUnit] Make ExUnit exit happen in two steps allowing developers to add custom at_exit hooks
    • [IEx] Many improvements to helpers functions h/1, s/1 and others
    • [Kernel] Functions defined with fn can now handle many clauses
    • [Kernel] Raise an error if clauses with different arities are defined in the same function
    • [Kernel] function macro now accepts arguments in M.f/a and f/a formats
    • [Macro] Improvements to Macro.to_binary
    • [Mix] Mix now echoes the output as it comes when executing external commands such as git or rebar
    • [Mix] Mix now validates application callback's values
    • [Record] Record accessors are now optimized and can be up to 6x faster in some cases
    • [String] Support \xXX and \x{HEX} escape sequences in strings, char lists and regexes
  • Bug fixes

    • [Bootstrap] Compiling Elixir source no longer fails if environment variables contain utf-8 entries
    • [IEx] IEx will now wait for all command line options to be processed before starting
    • [Kernel] Ensure proper stacktraces when showing deprecations
  • Deprecations

    • [Enum] Enum.qsort is deprecated in favor of Enum.sort
    • [List] List.sort and List.uniq have been deprecated in favor of their Enum counterparts
    • [Record] Default-based generated functions are deprecated
    • [Typespec] Enhancements and deprecations to the @spec/@callback and the fun type syntax

v0.7.1 (2012-11-18)

  • Enhancements

    • [IEx] Only show documented functions and also show docs for default generated functions
    • [IO] Add IO.binread, IO.binwrite and IO.binreadline to handle raw binary file operations
    • [ExUnit] Add support for user configuration at HOME/.ex_unit.exs
    • [ExUnit] Add support for custom formatters via a well-defined behaviour
    • [Kernel] Add support for defrecordp
    • [Kernel] Improved dialyzer support
    • [Kernel] Improved error messages when creating functions with aliases names
    • [Mix] Improve SCM behaviour to allow more robust integration
    • [Mix] Changing deps information on mix.exs forces users to fetch new dependencies
    • [Mix] Support (parallel) requires on mix run
    • [Mix] Support -q when running tests to compile only changed files
    • [String] Support String.downcase and String.upcase according to Unicode 6.2.0
    • [String] Add support for graphemes in String.length, and others
    • [Typespec] Support @opaque as attribute
    • [Typespec] Define a default type t for protocols and records
    • [Typespec] Add support for the access protocol in typespecs
  • Bug fixes

    • [Kernel] Fix an issue where variables inside clauses remained unassigned
    • [Kernel] Ensure defoverridable functions can be referred in many clauses
    • [Kernel] Allow keywords as function names when following a dot (useful when integrating with erlang libraries)
    • [File] File is opened by default on binary mode instead of utf-8
  • Deprecations

    • [Behaviour] defcallback/1 is deprecated in favor of defcallback/2 which matches erlang @callbacks
    • [Enum] Enum.times is deprecated in favor of using ranges
    • [System] halt moved to System module

v0.7.0 (2012-10-20)

  • Enhancements

    • [Behaviour] Add Behaviour with a simple callback DSL to define callbacks
    • [Binary] Add a Dict binary that converts its keys to binaries on insertion
    • [Binary] Optimize Binary.Inspect and improve inspect for floats
    • [CLI] Support --detached option
    • [Code] Code.string_to_ast supports :existing_atoms_only as an option in order to guarantee no new atoms is generated when parsing the code
    • [EEx] Support <%% and <%# tags
    • [ExUnit] Support after_spawn callbacks which are invoked after each process is spawned
    • [ExUnit] Support context data in setup_all, setup, teardown and teardown_all callbacks
    • [IEx] Support after_spawn callbacks which are invoked after each process is spawned
    • [Kernel] Better error messages when invalid options are given to import, alias or require
    • [Kernel] Allow partial application on literals, for example: {&1, &2} to build tuples or [&1|&2] to build cons cells
    • [Kernel] Added integer_to_binary and binary_to_integer
    • [Kernel] Added float_to_binary and binary_to_float
    • [Kernel] Many improvements to unquote and unquote_splicing. For example, unquote(foo).unquote(bar)(args) is supported and no longer need to be written via apply
    • [Keyword] Keyword list is no longer ordered according to Erlang terms but the order in which they are specified
    • [List] Add List.keyreplace and List.keystore
    • [Macro] Support Macro.safe_term which returns :ok if an expression does not execute code and is made only of raw data types
    • [Mix] Add support for environments - the current environment can be set via MIX_ENV
    • [Mix] Add support for handling and fetching dependencies' dependencies
    • [Module] Support module creation via Module.create
    • [Range] Support decreasing ranges
    • [Record] Improvements to the Record API, added Record.defmacros
    • [Regex] Add :return option to and Regex.scan
    • [String] Add a String module responsible for handling UTf-8 binaries
  • Bug fixes

    • [File] File.cp and File.cp_r now preserves the file's mode
    • [IEx] Fix a bug where printing to :stdio on IEx was causing it to hang
    • [Macro] Fix a bug where quoted expressions were not behaving the same as their non-quoted counterparts
    • [Mix] mix deps.get [DEPS] now only gets the specified dependencies
    • [Mix] Mix now exits with status 1 in case of failures
    • [Protocol] Avoid false positives on protocol dispatch (a bug caused the dispatch to be triggered to an invalid protocol)
  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [ExUnit] setup and teardown callbacks now receives the test name as second argument
    • [Kernel] Raw function definition with def/4, defp/4, defmacro/4, defmacrop/4 now evaluates all arguments. The previous behaviour was accidental and did not properly evaluate all arguments
    • [Kernel] Change tuple-related (elem and setelem), Enum functions (find_index, nth! and times) and List functions (List.key*) to zero-index
  • Deprecations

    • [Code] Code.require_file and Code.load_file now expect the full name as argument
    • [Enum] List.reverse/1 and were moved to Enum
    • [GenServer] Rename GenServer.Behavior to GenServer.Behaviour
    • [Kernel] Bitstring syntax now uses :: instead of |
    • [Kernel] Erlang. syntax is deprecated in favor of simply using atoms
    • [Module] Module.read_attribute and Module.add_attribute deprecated in favor of Module.get_attribute and Module.put_attribute which mimics Dict API

v0.6.0 (2012-08-01)

  • Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Kernel] Compile files now follow Elixir-ModuleName convention to solve issues with Erlang embedded mode. This removes the __MAIN__ pseudo-variable as modules are now located inside Elixir namespace
    • [Kernel] __using__ callback triggered by use now receives just one argument. Caller information can be accessed via macros using __CALLER__
    • [Kernel] Comprehensions syntax changed to be more compatible with Erlang behaviour
    • [Kernel] loop and recur are removed in favor of recursion with named functions
    • [Module] Removed data functions in favor of unifying the attributes API
  • Deprecations

    • [Access] The semantics of the access protocol were reduced from a broad query API to simple data structure key-based access
    • [ExUnit] Some assertions are deprecated in favor of simply using assert()
    • [File] File.read_info is deprecated in favor of File.stat
    • [IO] IO.print is deprecated in favor of IO.write
    • [Kernel] Deprecate __LINE__ and __FUNCTION__ in favor of __ENV__.line and __ENV__.function
    • [Kernel] Deprecate in_guard in favor of __CALLER__.in_guard?
    • [Kernel] refer is deprecated in favor of alias
    • [Module] Module.add_compile_callback(module, target, callback) is deprecated in favor of Module.put_attribute(module, :before_compile, {target, callback})
    • [Module] Module.function_defined? is deprecated in favor of Module.defines?
    • [Module] Module.defined_functions is deprecated in favor of Module.definitions_in
  • Enhancements

    • [Enum] Enhance Enum protocol to support Enum.count
    • [Enum] Optimize functions when a list is given as collection
    • [Enum] Add find_index, nth! and others
    • [ExUnit] Support setup and teardown callbacks
    • [IEx] IEx now provides autocomplete if the OS supports tty
    • [IEx] IEx now supports remsh
    • [IEx] Elixir now defaults to compile with documentation and d can be used in IEx to print modules and functions documentation
    • [IEx] Functions c and m are available in IEx to compile and print available module information. Functions h and v are available to show history and print previous commands values
    • [IO/File] Many improvements to File and IO modules
    • [Kernel] Operator ! is now allowed in guard clauses
    • [Kernel] Introduce operator =~ for regular expression matches
    • [Kernel] Compiled docs now include the function signature
    • [Kernel] defmodule do not start a new variable scope, this improves meta-programming capabilities
    • [Kernel] quote special form now supports line and unquote as options
    • [Kernel] Document the macro @ and allow attributes to be read inside functions
    • [Kernel] Add support to the %R sigil. The same as %r, but without interpolation or escaping. Both implementations were also optimized to generate the regex at compilation time
    • [Kernel] Add __ENV__ which returns a Macro.Env record with information about the compilation environment
    • [Kernel] Add __CALLER__ inside macros which returns a Macro.Env record with information about the calling site
    • [Macro] Add Macro.expand, useful for debugging what a macro expands to
    • [Mix] First Mix public release
    • [Module] Add support to @before_compile and @after_compile callbacks. The first receives the module name while the latter receives the module name and its object code
    • [OptionParser] Make OptionParser public, add support to flags and improved switch parsing
    • [Range] Add a Range module with support to in operator (x in 1..3) and iterators
    • [Record] Allow Record[_: value] to set a default value to all records fields, as in Erlang
    • [Record] Records now provide a to_keywords function
    • [Regex] Back references are now properly supported
    • [System] Add System.find_executable

v0.5.0 (2012-05-24)

  • First official release