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REST API Specifications

This document describes kkok REST API.



Requests that send JSON by POST or PUT methods must supply

Content-Type: application/json


Response body is formatted in JSON if and only if the response header's Content-Type is "application/json". Response body may be formatted in "text/plain" or "text/html".


kkok can be configured to require authentication token for API usage. If configured, clients need to send the token with

Authorization: Bearer TOKEN

header. Bearer scheme is defined in RFC6750

Unless otherwise noted, all APIs require the token if configured so.

Status code

When a request goes successful, the HTTP response status will be 200. Other statuses indicate errors.

For APIs taking an ID, the HTTP status will be 404 if ID is not found.

Normally, an error response's content-type is "text/plain" and the response body contains error messages in UTF-8.

Method override

For clients that can send only GET and POST requests, kkok provides HTTP method override by a special HTTP header X-HTTP-Method-Override.

Kkok regards POST requests with the header as if requests of the method specified by the header value. For instance, the following request is handled as DELETE instead of POST.

POST /filters/ID HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname.domain:80
Content-Length: 0
X-HTTP-Method-Override: DELETE

API List

Each subsection describes the method and the end point (URL) of an API.

GET /version

Return version string like 0.1.1 as "text/plain".

This API does not require the authentication token.

GET /alerts

Return a JSON array of pending alert objects.

POST /alerts

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Body: see below.

Post a new alert. The JSON must be an object with these fields:

Name Required Type Description
From Yes string Who sent this alert.
Title Yes string One-line description of the alert.
Date No string RFC3339 format date string.
Host No string Where this alert was generated.
Message No string Multi-line description of the alert.
Info No object Additional fields.

If Date is omitted, the current date will be used for the alert.

If Host is omitted, the request client's IP address is used.

GET /filters

Return all filter IDs as a JSON array. The IDs are ordered the same as the filters are ordered.

PUT /filters/ID

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Body: see below.

ID must match this regexp: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$

Create a new filter with ID, or edit the existing filter matching ID. The JSON object must be an object with these fields:

Name Required Type Description
type Yes string Filter type such as discard, group, route.
disabled No bool If true, the filter will not be used.
all No bool If true, the filter works for all alerts (not one-by-one).
if No string/array of strings Filter condition.
expire No string RFC3339 date string.

Other fields may be used depending on the filter type.

The default values of disabled and all are false.

if may be either a string of JavaScript boolean expression to test an alert or an array of alerts should be filtered, or an array of strings to invoke an external command.

For JavaScript expressions, when all is false, the filter will assign each alert as alert variable and evaluate the JavaScript expression. When all is true, the filter will assign an array of all alerts as alerts.

For external commands, the filter executes the command by passing the array of strings to os/exec.Command. If the command exits successfully, the filter work for the alerts. When all is false, the filter feeds a JSON object representing an alert via stdin.

Not all filters can be configured by all. For example, group filter always works as if all is true.

If expire is given, the filter will automatically be removed at the given date.

GET /filters/ID

Return a JSON representation of the filter specified by ID.

In addition to fields for PUT method, GET may return these read-only fields:

Name Type Description
inactive string RFC3339 date string. See /filters/ID/inactivate

DELETE /filters/ID

Delete a filter specified by ID.

PUT /filters/ID/enable

Enable the filter specified by ID. The body should be empty (Content-Length is 0).

If the filter is currently inactive, it is activated.

PUT /filters/ID/disable

Disable the filter specified by ID. The body should be empty (Content-Length is 0).

PUT /filters/ID/inactivate

Inactivate the specified filter until the given time. The body must be a JSON object with the following single field:

Name Required Type Description
until Yes string RFC3339 date string.

GET /routes

Return all route IDs as a JSON array.

PUT /routes/ID

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Body: JSON array of objects.

ID must match this regexp: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$

Create a new route or replace existing one.

The body must be a JSON array of objects.

Each object must have these fields and may have optional fields:

Name Required Type Description
type Yes string Transport type such as "email" or "slack".

An example JSON may look like:

        "type": "email",
        "from": "",
        "to": [""]
        "type": "slack",
        "url": ""

GET /routes/ID

Return a JSON representation of the route specified by ID.