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WARNING: You are looking at unreleased Cilium documentation. Please use the official rendered version released here:

Installation using Helm

This guide will show you how to install Cilium using Helm. This involves a couple of additional steps compared to the k8s_quick_install and requires you to manually select the best datapath and IPAM mode for your particular environment.

Install Cilium


These are the generic instructions on how to install Cilium into any Kubernetes cluster using the default configuration options below. Please see the other tabs for distribution/platform specific instructions which also list the ideal default configuration for particular platforms.

Default Configuration:

Datapath IPAM Datastore
Encapsulation Cluster Pool Kubernetes CRD

Install Cilium:

Deploy Cilium release via Helm:

helm install cilium \

--namespace kube-system


Install Cilium:

Extract the Cluster CIDR to enable native-routing:

NATIVE_CIDR="$(gcloud container clusters describe "${NAME}" --zone "${ZONE}" --format 'value(clusterIpv4Cidr)')"

Deploy Cilium release via Helm:

helm install cilium \

--namespace kube-system \ --set nodeinit.enabled=true \ --set nodeinit.reconfigureKubelet=true \ --set nodeinit.removeCbrBridge=true \ --set cni.binPath=/home/kubernetes/bin \ --set gke.enabled=true \ --set ipam.mode=kubernetes \ --set ipv4NativeRoutingCIDR=$NATIVE_CIDR

The NodeInit DaemonSet is required to prepare the GKE nodes as nodes are added to the cluster. The NodeInit DaemonSet will perform the following actions:

  • Reconfigure kubelet to run in CNI mode
  • Mount the eBPF filesystem



Install Cilium:

Deploy Cilium release via Helm:

helm install cilium \

--namespace kube-system \ --set aksbyocni.enabled=true \ --set nodeinit.enabled=true

Legacy Azure IPAM

Create a Service Principal:

In order to allow cilium-operator to interact with the Azure API, a Service Principal with Contributor privileges over the AKS cluster is required (see Azure IPAM required privileges <ipam_azure_required_privileges> for more details). It is recommended to create a dedicated Service Principal for each Cilium installation with minimal privileges over the AKS node resource group:

AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(az account show --query "id" --output tsv)
AZURE_NODE_RESOURCE_GROUP=$(az aks show --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${CLUSTER_NAME} --query "nodeResourceGroup" --output tsv)
AZURE_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --scopes /subscriptions/${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID}/resourceGroups/${AZURE_NODE_RESOURCE_GROUP} --role Contributor --output json --only-show-errors)
AZURE_TENANT_ID=$(echo ${AZURE_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL} | jq -r '.tenant')


The AZURE_NODE_RESOURCE_GROUP node resource group is not the resource group of the AKS cluster. A single resource group may hold multiple AKS clusters, but each AKS cluster regroups all resources in an automatically managed secondary resource group. See Why are two resource groups created with AKS? for more details.

This ensures the Service Principal only has privileges over the AKS cluster itself and not any other resources within the resource group.

Install Cilium:

Deploy Cilium release via Helm:

helm install cilium \

--namespace kube-system \ --set azure.enabled=true \ --set azure.resourceGroup=$AZURE_NODE_RESOURCE_GROUP \ --set azure.subscriptionID=$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID \ --set azure.tenantID=$AZURE_TENANT_ID \ --set azure.clientID=$AZURE_CLIENT_ID \ --set azure.clientSecret=$AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET \ --set tunnel=disabled \ --set ipam.mode=azure \ --set enableIPv4Masquerade=false \ --set nodeinit.enabled=true


Patch VPC CNI (aws-node DaemonSet)

Cilium will manage ENIs instead of VPC CNI, so the aws-node DaemonSet has to be patched to prevent conflict behavior.

kubectl -n kube-system patch daemonset aws-node --type='strategic' -p='{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"nodeSelector":{"io.cilium/aws-node-enabled":"true"}}}}}'

Install Cilium:

Deploy Cilium release via Helm:

helm install cilium \

--namespace kube-system \ --set eni.enabled=true \ --set ipam.mode=eni \ --set egressMasqueradeInterfaces=eth0 \ --set tunnel=disabled


This helm command sets eni.enabled=true and tunnel=disabled, meaning that Cilium will allocate a fully-routable AWS ENI IP address for each pod, similar to the behavior of the Amazon VPC CNI plugin.

This mode depends on a set of ec2privileges from the EC2 API.

Cilium can alternatively run in EKS using an overlay mode that gives pods non-VPC-routable IPs. This allows running more pods per Kubernetes worker node than the ENI limit, but means that pod connectivity to resources outside the cluster (e.g., VMs in the VPC or AWS managed services) is masqueraded (i.e., SNAT) by Cilium to use the VPC IP address of the Kubernetes worker node. To set up Cilium overlay mode, follow the steps below:

  1. Excluding the lines for eni.enabled=true, ipam.mode=eni and tunnel=disabled from the helm command will configure Cilium to use overlay routing mode (which is the helm default).
  2. Flush iptables rules added by VPC CNI

    iptables -t nat -F AWS-SNAT-CHAIN-0 \\
       && iptables -t nat -F AWS-SNAT-CHAIN-1 \\
       && iptables -t nat -F AWS-CONNMARK-CHAIN-0 \\
       && iptables -t nat -F AWS-CONNMARK-CHAIN-1

Some Linux distributions use a different interface naming convention. If you use masquerading with the option egressMasqueradeInterfaces=eth0, remember to replace eth0 with the proper interface name.


Install Cilium:

Cilium is a Certified OpenShift CNI Plugin and is best installed when an OpenShift cluster is created using the OpenShift installer. Please refer to k8s_install_openshift_okd for more information.


Install Cilium:

Install Cilium via helm install:

helm install cilium \



Install Cilium:

helm install cilium \

--namespace $CILIUM_NAMESPACE \ --set operator.replicas=1

Rancher Desktop

Configure Rancher Desktop:

To install Cilium on Rancher Desktop, perform the following steps:

Install Cilium:

helm install cilium \

--namespace $CILIUM_NAMESPACE \ --set operator.replicas=1 \ --set cni.binPath=/usr/libexec/cni

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