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WARNING: You are looking at unreleased Cilium documentation. Please use the official rendered version released here:

Upgrade Guide

This upgrade guide is intended for Cilium running on Kubernetes. If you have questions, feel free to ping us on the Slack channel.


Do not upgrade to 1.6.0 before reading the section 1.6_required_changes.

Running a pre-flight DaemonSet (Optional)

When rolling out an upgrade with Kubernetes, Kubernetes will first terminate the pod followed by pulling the new image version and then finally spin up the new image. In order to reduce the downtime of the agent, the new image version can be pre-pulled. It also verifies that the new image version can be pulled and avoids ErrImagePull errors during the rollout.

helm template cilium \
  --namespace=kube-system \
  --set preflight.enabled=true \
  --set agent.enabled=false \
  --set config.enabled=false \
  --set operator.enabled=false \
  > cilium-preflight.yaml
kubectl create cilium-preflight.yaml

After running the cilium-pre-flight.yaml, make sure the number of READY pods is the same number of Cilium pods running.

kubectl get daemonset -n kube-system | grep cilium
cilium                    2         2         2       2            2           <none>          1h20m
cilium-pre-flight-check   2         2         2       2            2           <none>          7m15s

Once the number of READY pods are the same, you can delete cilium-pre-flight-check DaemonSet and proceed with the upgrade.

kubectl delete -f cilium-preflight.yaml

Upgrading Micro Versions

Micro versions within a particular minor version, e.g. 1.2.x -> 1.2.y, are always 100% compatible for both up- and downgrades. Upgrading or downgrading is as simple as changing the image tag version in the DaemonSet file:

kubectl -n kube-system set image daemonset/cilium
kubectl -n kube-system rollout status daemonset/cilium

Kubernetes will automatically restart all Cilium according to the UpgradeStrategy specified in the DaemonSet.


Direct version upgrade between minor versions is not recommended as RBAC and DaemonSet definitions are subject to change between minor versions. See upgrade_minor for instructions on how to up or downgrade between different minor versions.

Upgrading Minor Versions


Do not upgrade to 1.6.y before reading the section 1.6_required_changes and completing the required steps. Skipping to apply the changes may lead to an non-functional upgrade.

When upgrading from one minor release to another minor release, for example 1.x to 1.y, it is recommended to first upgrade to the latest micro release as documented in (upgrade_micro). This ensures that downgrading by rolling back on a failed minor release upgrade is always possible and seamless.

Since Cilium version 1.6, Helm is used to generate the YAML file for deployment. This allows to regenerate the entire YAML from scratch using the same option sets as used for the initial deployment while ensuring that all Kubernetes resources are updated accordingly to version you are upgrading to:

Generate the required YAML file and deploy it:

helm template cilium \
  --namespace kube-system \
  > cilium.yaml
kubectl apply -f cilium.yaml


Make sure that you are using the same options as for the initial deployment. Instead of using --set, you can also modify the values.yaml` ininstall/kubernetes/cilium/values.yaml`` and use it to regenerate the YAML for the latest version.

Step 2: Option B: Preserve ConfigMap

Alternatively, you can use Helm to regenerate all Kubernetes resources except for the ConfigMap. The configuration of Cilium is stored in a ConfigMap called cilium-config. The format is compatible between minor releases so configuration parameters are automatically preserved across upgrades. However, new minor releases may introduce new functionality that require opt-in via the ConfigMap. Refer to the upgrade_version_specifics for a list of new configuration options for each minor version.

Generate the required YAML file and deploy it:

helm template cilium \
  --namespace kube-system \
  --set config.enabled=false \
  > cilium.yaml
kubectl apply -f cilium.yaml


The above variant can not be used in combination with --set or providing values.yaml because all options are fed into the DaemonSets and Deployments using the ConfigMap which is not generated if config.enabled=false is set. The above command only generates the DaemonSet, Deployment and RBAC definitions.

Step 3: Rolling Back

Occasionally, it may be necessary to undo the rollout because a step was missed or something went wrong during upgrade. To undo the rollout, change the image tag back to the previous version or undo the rollout using kubectl:

$ kubectl rollout undo daemonset/cilium -n kube-system

This will revert the latest changes to the Cilium DaemonSet and return Cilium to the state it was in prior to the upgrade.


When rolling back after new features of the new minor version have already been consumed, consult an eventual existing downgrade section in the version_notes to check and prepare for incompatible feature use before downgrading/rolling back. This step is only required after new functionality introduced in the new minor version has already been explicitly used by importing policy or by opting into new features via the ConfigMap.

Version Specific Notes

This section documents the specific steps required for upgrading from one version of Cilium to another version of Cilium. There are particular version transitions which are suggested by the Cilium developers to avoid known issues during upgrade, then subsequently there are sections for specific upgrade transitions, ordered by version.

The table below lists suggested upgrade transitions, from a specified current version running in a cluster to a specified target version. If a specific combination is not listed in the table below, then it may not be safe. In that case, consider staging the upgrade, for example upgrading from 1.1.x to the latest 1.1.y release before subsequently upgrading to 1.2.z.

Current version Target version DaemonSet upgrade L3 impact L7 impact
1.0.x 1.1.y Required N/A Clients must reconnect[1]
1.1.x 1.2.y Required Temporary disruption[2] Clients must reconnect[1]
1.2.x 1.3.y Required Minimal to None Clients must reconnect[1]
>=1.2.5 1.5.y Required Minimal to None Clients must reconnect[1]
1.5.x 1.6.y Required Minimal to None Clients must reconnect[1]


  1. Clients must reconnect: Any traffic flowing via a proxy (for example, because an L7 policy is in place) will be disrupted during upgrade. Endpoints communicating via the proxy must reconnect to re-establish connections.
  2. Temporary disruption: All traffic may be temporarily disrupted during upgrade. Connections should successfully re-establish without requiring clients to reconnect.

1.6 Upgrade Notes

IMPORTANT: Changes required before upgrading to 1.6.0


Do not upgrade to 1.6.0 before reading the following section and completing the required steps.

  • The kvstore and kvstore-opt options have been moved from the DaemonSet into the ConfigMap. For many users, the DaemonSet definition was not considered to be under user control as the upgrade guide requests to apply the latest definition. Doing so for 1.6.0 without adding these options to the ConfigMap which is under user control would result in those settings to refer back to its default values.

    Required action:

    Add the following two lines to the cilium-config `ConfigMap`:

    kvstore: etcd
    kvstore-opt: '{"etcd.config": "/var/lib/etcd-config/etcd.config"}'

    This will preserve the existing behavior of the DaemonSet. Adding the options to the ConfigMap will not impact the ability to rollback. Cilium 1.5.y and earlier are compatible with the options although their values will be ignored as both options are defined in the DaemonSet definitions for these versions which takes precedence over the ConfigMap.

  • Downgrade warning: Be aware that if you want to change the identity-allocation-mode from kvstore to crd in order to no longer depend on the kvstore for identity allocation, then a rollback/downgrade requires you to revert that option and it will result in brief disruptions of all connections as identities are re-created in the kvstore.

Upgrading from >=1.5.0 to 1.6.y

  1. Follow the standard procedures to perform the upgrade as described in upgrade_minor. Users running older versions should first upgrade to the latest v1.5.x point release to minimize disruption of service connections during upgrade.

Changes that may require action

  • The CNI configuration file auto-generated by Cilium (/etc/cni/net.d/05-cilium.conf) is now always automatically overwritten unless the environment variable CILIUM_CUSTOM_CNI_CONF is set in which case any already existing configuration file is untouched.
  • The new default value for the option monitor-aggregation is now medium instead of none. This will cause the BPF datapath to perform more aggressive aggregation on packet forwarding related events to reduce CPU consumption while running cilium monitor. The automatic change only applies to the default ConfigMap. Existing deployments will need to change the setting in the ConfigMap explicitly.
  • Any new Cilium deployment on Kubernetes using the default ConfigMap will no longer fetch the container runtime specific labels when an endpoint is created and solely rely on the pod, namespace and ServiceAccount labels. Previously, Cilium also scraped labels from the container runtime which we are also pod labels and prefixed those with container:. We have seen less and less use of container runtime specific labels by users so it is no longer justified for every deployment to pay the cost of interacting with the container runtime by default. Any new deployment wishing to apply policy based on container runtime labels, must change the ConfigMap option container-runtime to auto or specify the container runtime to use.

    Existing deployments will continue to interact with the container runtime to fetch labels which are known to the runtime but not known to Kubernetes as pod labels. If you are not using container runtime labels, consider disabling it to reduce resource consumption on each by setting the option container-runtime to none in the ConfigMap.

New ConfigMap Options

  • cni-chaining-mode has been added to automatically generate CNI chaining configurations with various other plugins. See the section cni_chaining for a list of supported CNI chaining plugins.
  • identity-allocation-mode has been added to allow selecting the identity allocation method. The default for new deployments is crd as per default ConfigMap. Existing deployments will continue to use kvstore unless opted into new behavior via the ConfigMap.

Deprecated options

  • enable-legacy-services: This option was introduced to ease the transition between Cilium 1.4.x and 1.5.x releases, allowing smooth upgrade and downgrade. As of 1.6.0, it is deprecated. Subsequently downgrading from 1.6.x or later to 1.4.x may result in disruption of connections that connect via services.

Deprecated metrics

  • policy_l7_parse_errors_total: Use policy_l7_total instead.
  • policy_l7_forwarded_total: Use policy_l7_total instead.
  • policy_l7_denied_total: Use policy_l7_total instead.
  • policy_l7_received_total: Use policy_l7_total instead.

1.5 Upgrade Notes

Upgrading from >=1.4.0 to 1.5.y

  1. In v1.4, the TCP conntrack table size ct-global-max-entries-tcp ConfigMap parameter was ineffective due to a bug and thus, the default value (1000000) was used instead. To prevent from breaking established TCP connections, bpf-ct-global-tcp-max must be set to 1000000 in the ConfigMap before upgrading. Refer to the section upgrade_configmap on how to upgrade the ConfigMap.
  2. If you previously upgraded to v1.5, downgraded to <v1.5, and now want to upgrade to v1.5 again, then you must run the following DaemonSet before doing the upgrade:

    .. group-tab:: K8s 1.10

    $ kubectl apply -f /examples/kubernetes/1.10/cilium-pre-flight-with-rm-svc-v2.yaml

    K8s 1.11

    $ kubectl apply -f /examples/kubernetes/1.11/cilium-pre-flight-with-rm-svc-v2.yaml

    K8s 1.12

    $ kubectl apply -f /examples/kubernetes/1.12/cilium-pre-flight-with-rm-svc-v2.yaml

    K8s 1.13

    $ kubectl apply -f /examples/kubernetes/1.13/cilium-pre-flight-with-rm-svc-v2.yaml

    K8s 1.14

    $ kubectl apply -f /examples/kubernetes/1.14/cilium-pre-flight-with-rm-svc-v2.yaml

    K8s 1.15

    $ kubectl apply -f /examples/kubernetes/1.15/cilium-pre-flight-with-rm-svc-v2.yaml

    See pre_flight for instructions how to run, validate and remove a pre-flight DaemonSet.

  3. Follow the standard procedures to perform the upgrade as described in upgrade_minor.

New Default Values

  • The connection-tracking garbage collector interval is now dynamic. It will automatically adjust based n on the percentage of the connection tracking table that has been cleared in the last run. The interval will vary between 10 seconds and 30 minutes or 12 hours for LRU based maps. This should automatically optimize CPU consumption as much as possible while keeping the connection tracking table utilization below 25%. If needed, the interval can be set to a static interval with the option --conntrack-gc-interval. If connectivity fails and cilium monitor --type drop shows xx drop (CT: Map insertion failed), then it is likely that the connection tracking table is filling up and the automatic adjustment of the garbage collector interval is insufficient. Set --conntrack-gc-interval to an interval lower than the default. Alternatively, the value for bpf-ct-global-any-max and bpf-ct-global-tcp-max can be increased. Setting both of these options will be a trade-off of CPU for conntrack-gc-interval, and for bpf-ct-global-any-max and bpf-ct-global-tcp-max the amount of memory consumed.


Upgrade Impact

Upgrades are designed to have minimal impact on your running deployment. Networking connectivity, policy enforcement and load balancing will remain functional in general. The following is a list of operations that will not be available during the upgrade:

  • API aware policy rules are enforced in user space proxies and are currently running as part of the Cilium pod unless Cilium is configured to run in Istio mode. Upgrading Cilium will cause the proxy to restart which will result in a connectivity outage and connection to be reset.
  • Existing policy will remain effective but implementation of new policy rules will be postponed to after the upgrade has been completed on a particular node.
  • Monitoring components such as cilium monitor will experience a brief outage while the Cilium pod is restarting. Events are queued up and read after the upgrade. If the number of events exceeds the event buffer size, events will be lost.

Rebasing a ConfigMap

This section describes the procedure to rebase an existing ConfigMap to the template of another version.

Export the current ConfigMap

$ kubectl get configmap -n kube-system cilium-config -o yaml --export > cilium-cm-old.yaml
$ cat ./cilium-cm-old.yaml
apiVersion: v1
  clean-cilium-state: "false"
  debug: "true"
  disable-ipv4: "false"
  etcd-config: |-
    # In case you want to use TLS in etcd, uncomment the 'trusted-ca-file' line
    # and create a kubernetes secret by following the tutorial in
    trusted-ca-file: '/var/lib/etcd-secrets/etcd-client-ca.crt'
    # In case you want client to server authentication, uncomment the following
    # lines and add the certificate and key in cilium-etcd-secrets below
    key-file: '/var/lib/etcd-secrets/etcd-client.key'
    cert-file: '/var/lib/etcd-secrets/etcd-client.crt'
kind: ConfigMap
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: cilium-config
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/configmaps/cilium-config

In the ConfigMap above, we can verify that Cilium is using debug with true, it has a etcd endpoint running with TLS, and the etcd is set up to have client to server authentication.

Generate the latest ConfigMap

helm template cilium \
  --namespace=kube-system \
  --set agent.enabled=false \
  --set config.enabled=true \
  --set operator.enabled=false \
  > cilium-configmap.yaml

Add new options

Add the new options manually to your old ConfigMap, and make the necessary changes.

In this example, the debug option is meant to be kept with true, the etcd-config is kept unchanged, and monitor-aggregation is a new option, but after reading the version_notes the value was kept unchanged from the default value.

After making the necessary changes, the old ConfigMap was migrated with the new options while keeping the configuration that we wanted:

$ cat ./cilium-cm-old.yaml
apiVersion: v1
  debug: "true"
  disable-ipv4: "false"
  # If you want to clean cilium state; change this value to true
  clean-cilium-state: "false"
  monitor-aggregation: "medium"
  etcd-config: |-
    # In case you want to use TLS in etcd, uncomment the 'trusted-ca-file' line
    # and create a kubernetes secret by following the tutorial in
    trusted-ca-file: '/var/lib/etcd-secrets/etcd-client-ca.crt'
    # In case you want client to server authentication, uncomment the following
    # lines and add the certificate and key in cilium-etcd-secrets below
    key-file: '/var/lib/etcd-secrets/etcd-client.key'
    cert-file: '/var/lib/etcd-secrets/etcd-client.crt'
kind: ConfigMap
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: cilium-config
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/configmaps/cilium-config

Apply new ConfigMap

After adding the options, manually save the file with your changes and install the ConfigMap in the kube-system namespace of your cluster.

$ kubectl apply -n kube-system -f ./cilium-cm-old.yaml

As the ConfigMap is successfully upgraded we can start upgrading Cilium DaemonSet and RBAC which will pick up the latest configuration from the ConfigMap.

Restrictions on unique prefix lengths for CIDR policy rules

The Linux kernel applies limitations on the complexity of BPF code that is loaded into the kernel so that the code may be verified as safe to execute on packets. Over time, Linux releases become more intelligent about the verification of programs which allows more complex programs to be loaded. However, the complexity limitations affect some features in Cilium depending on the kernel version that is used with Cilium.

One such limitation affects Cilium's configuration of CIDR policies. On Linux kernels 4.10 and earlier, this manifests as a restriction on the number of unique prefix lengths supported in CIDR policy rules.

Unique prefix lengths are counted by looking at the prefix portion of CIDR rules and considering which prefix lengths are unique. For example, in the following policy example, the toCIDR section specifies a /32, and the toCIDRSet section specifies a /8 with a /12 removed from it. In addition, three prefix lengths are always counted: the host prefix length for the protocol (IPv4: /32, IPv6: /128), the default prefix length (/0), and the cluster prefix length (default IPv4: /8, IPv6: /64). All in all, the following example counts as seven unique prefix lengths in IPv4:

  • /32 (from toCIDR, also from host prefix)
  • /12 (from toCIDRSet)
  • /11 (from toCIDRSet)
  • /10 (from toCIDRSet)
  • /9 (from toCIDRSet)
  • /8 (from cluster prefix)
  • /0 (from default prefix)


.. group-tab:: k8s YAML




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Affected versions

  • Any version of Cilium running on Linux 4.10 or earlier

When a CIDR policy with too many unique prefix lengths is imported, Cilium will reject the policy with a message like the following:

$ cilium policy import too_many_cidrs.json
Error: Cannot import policy: [PUT /policy][500] putPolicyFailure  Adding
specified prefixes would result in too many prefix lengths (current: 3,
result: 32, max: 18)

The supported count of unique prefix lengths may differ between Cilium minor releases, for example Cilium 1.1 supported 20 unique prefix lengths on Linux 4.10 or older, while Cilium 1.2 only supported 18 (for IPv4) or 4 (for IPv6).


Users may construct CIDR policies that use fewer unique prefix lengths. This can be achieved by composing or decomposing adjacent prefixes.


Upgrade the host Linux version to 4.11 or later. This step is beyond the scope of the Cilium guide.

Upgrading DNS Polling deployments to DNS Proxy

In cilium versions 1.2 and 1.3 DNS Polling was automatically used to obtain IP information for use in toFQDNs.matchName rules in DNS Based policies. Cilium 1.4 and later have switched to a DNS Proxy <DNS Proxy> scheme - the DNS Polling behaviour may be enabled via the a CLI option - and expect a pod to make a DNS request that can be intercepted. Existing pods may have already-cached DNS lookups that the proxy cannot intercept and thus cilium will block these on upgrade. New connections with DNS requests that can be intercepted will be allowed per-policy without special action. Cilium deployments already configured with DNS Proxy <DNS Proxy> rules are not impacted and will retain DNS data when restarted or upgraded.

Affected versions

  • Cilium 1.2 and 1.3 when using DNS Polling with toFQDNs.matchName policy rules and upgrading to cilium 1.4.0 or later.
  • Cilium 1.4 or later that do not yet have L7 DNS Proxy policy rules.


Deployments that require a seamless transition to DNS Proxy <DNS Proxy> may use pre_flight to create a copy of DNS information on each cilium node for use by the upgraded cilium-agent at startup. This data is used to allow L3 connections (via toFQDNs.matchName and toFQDNs.matchPattern rules) without a DNS request from pods. pre_flight accomplishes this via the --tofqdns-pre-cache CLI option, which reads DNS cache data for use on startup.


DNS data obtained via polling must be recorded for use on startup and rules added to intercept DNS lookups. The steps are split into a section on seamlessly upgrading DNS Polling and then further beginning to intercept DNS data via a DNS Proxy <DNS Proxy>.

Policy rules may be prepared to use the DNS Proxy <DNS Proxy> before an upgrade to 1.4. The new policy rule fields toFQDNs.matchPattern and toPorts.rules.dns.matchName/matchPattern will be ignored by older cilium versions and can be safely implemented prior to an upgrade.

The following example allows DNS access to kube-dns via the DNS Proxy <DNS Proxy> and allows all DNS requests to kube-dns. For completeness, toFQDNs rules are included for examples of the syntax for those L3 policies as well. Existing toFQDNs rules do not need to be modified but will now use IPs seen by DNS requests and allowed by the toFQDNs.matchPattern rule.


.. group-tab:: k8s YAML




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Upgrade steps - DNS Polling

  1. Set the tofqdns-enable-poller field to true in the cilium ConfigMap used in the upgrade. Alternatively, pass --tofqdns-enable-poller=true to the upgraded cilium-agent.
  2. Add tofqdns-pre-cache: "/var/run/cilium/dns-precache-upgrade.json" to the ConfigMap. Alternatively, pass --tofqdns-pre-cache="/var/run/cilium/dns-precache-upgrade.json" to cilium-agent.
  3. Deploy the cilium pre_flight helper by generating the manifest with the preflight.tofqdnsPreCache option set as below. This will download the cilium container image and also create DNS pre-cache data at /var/run/cilium/dns-precache-upgrade.json. This data will have a TTL of 1 week.
helm template cilium \
  --namespace=kube-system \
  --set preflight.enabled=true \
  --set preflight.tofqdnsPrecache="/var/run/cilium/dns-precache-upgrade.json" \
  --set agent.enabled=false \
  --set config.enabled=false \
  --set operator.enabled=false \
  > cilium-preflight.yaml
kubectl create cilium-preflight.yaml
  1. Deploy the new cilium DaemonSet
  2. (optional) Remove tofqdns-pre-cache: "/var/run/cilium/dns-precache-upgrade.json" from the cilium ConfigMap. The data will automatically age-out after 1 week.

Conversion steps - DNS Proxy

  1. Update existing policies to intercept DNS requests.

    See dns_discovery or the example above

  2. Allow pods to make DNS requests to populate the cilium-agent cache. To check which exact queries are in the DNS cache and when they will expire use cilium fqdn cache list
  3. Set the tofqdns-enable-poller field to false in the cilium ConfigMap
  4. Restart the cilium pods with the new ConfigMap. They will restore Endpoint policy with DNS information from intercepted DNS requests stored in the cache

Migrating from kvstore-backed identities to kubernetes CRD-backed identities

Beginning with cilium 1.6, kubernetes CRD-backed security identities can be used for smaller clusters. Along with other changes in 1.6 this allows kvstore-free operation if desired. It is possible to migrate identities from an existing kvstore deployment to CRD-backed identities. This minimizes disruptions to traffic as the update rolls out through the cluster.

Affected versions

  • Cilium 1.6 deployments using kvstore-backend identities


When identities change, existing connections can be disrupted while cilium initializes and synchronizes with the shared identity store. The disruption occurs when new numeric identities are used for existing pods on some instances and others are used on others. When converting to CRD-backed identities, it is possible to pre-allocate CRD identities so that the numeric identities match those in the kvstore. This allows new and old cilium instances in the rollout to agree.

The steps below show an example of such a migration. It is safe to re-run the command if desired. It will identify already allocated identities or ones that cannot be migrated. Note that identity 34815 is migrated, 17003 is already migrated, and 11730 has a conflict and a new ID allocated for those labels.

The steps below assume a stable cluster with no new identities created during the rollout. Once a cilium using CRD-backed identities is running, it may begin allocating identities in a way that conflicts with older ones in the kvstore.

The cilium preflight manifest requires etcd support and can be built with:

helm template cilium \
  --namespace=kube-system \
  --set preflight.enabled=true \
  --set agent.enabled=false \
  --set config.enabled=false \
  --set operator.enabled=false \
  --set global.etcd.enabled=true \
  --set global.etcd.ssl=true \
  > cilium-preflight.yaml
kubectl create cilium-preflight.yaml

Example migration

$ kubectl exec -n kube-system cilium-preflight-1234 -- cilium preflight migrate-identity
INFO[0000] Setting up kvstore client
INFO[0000] Connecting to etcd server...                  config=/var/lib/cilium/etcd-config.yml endpoints="[]" subsys=kvstore
INFO[0000] Setting up kubernetes client
INFO[0000] Establishing connection to apiserver          host="" subsys=k8s
INFO[0000] Connected to apiserver                        subsys=k8s
INFO[0000] Got lease ID 29c66c67db8870c8                 subsys=kvstore
INFO[0000] Got lock lease ID 29c66c67db8870ca            subsys=kvstore
INFO[0000] Successfully verified version of etcd endpoint  config=/var/lib/cilium/etcd-config.yml endpoints="[]" etcdEndpoint="" subsys=kvstore version=3.3.13
INFO[0000] CRD (CustomResourceDefinition) is installed and up-to-date  name=CiliumNetworkPolicy/v2 subsys=k8s
INFO[0000] Updating CRD (CustomResourceDefinition)...    name=v2.CiliumEndpoint subsys=k8s
INFO[0001] CRD (CustomResourceDefinition) is installed and up-to-date  name=v2.CiliumEndpoint subsys=k8s
INFO[0001] Updating CRD (CustomResourceDefinition)...    name=v2.CiliumNode subsys=k8s
INFO[0002] CRD (CustomResourceDefinition) is installed and up-to-date  name=v2.CiliumNode subsys=k8s
INFO[0002] Updating CRD (CustomResourceDefinition)...    name=v2.CiliumIdentity subsys=k8s
INFO[0003] CRD (CustomResourceDefinition) is installed and up-to-date  name=v2.CiliumIdentity subsys=k8s
INFO[0003] Listing identities in kvstore
INFO[0003] Migrating identities to CRD
INFO[0003] Skipped non-kubernetes labels when labelling ciliumidentity. All labels will still be used in identity determination  labels="map[]" subsys=crd-allocator
INFO[0003] Skipped non-kubernetes labels when labelling ciliumidentity. All labels will still be used in identity determination  labels="map[]" subsys=crd-allocator
INFO[0003] Skipped non-kubernetes labels when labelling ciliumidentity. All labels will still be used in identity determination  labels="map[]" subsys=crd-allocator
INFO[0003] Migrated identity                             identity=34815 identityLabels="k8s:class=tiefighter;k8s:io.cilium.k8s.policy.cluster=default;k8s:io.cilium.k8s.policy.serviceaccount=default;k8s:io.kubernetes.pod.namespace=default;k8s:org=empire;"
WARN[0003] ID is allocated to a different key in CRD. A new ID will be allocated for the this key  identityLabels="k8s:class=deathstar;k8s:io.cilium.k8s.policy.cluster=default;k8s:io.cilium.k8s.policy.serviceaccount=default;k8s:io.kubernetes.pod.namespace=default;k8s:org=empire;" oldIdentity=11730
INFO[0003] Reusing existing global key                   key="k8s:class=deathstar;k8s:io.cilium.k8s.policy.cluster=default;k8s:io.cilium.k8s.policy.serviceaccount=default;k8s:io.kubernetes.pod.namespace=default;k8s:org=empire;" subsys=allocator
INFO[0003] New ID allocated for key in CRD               identity=17281 identityLabels="k8s:class=deathstar;k8s:io.cilium.k8s.policy.cluster=default;k8s:io.cilium.k8s.policy.serviceaccount=default;k8s:io.kubernetes.pod.namespace=default;k8s:org=empire;" oldIdentity=11730
INFO[0003] ID was already allocated to this key. It is already migrated  identity=17003 identityLabels="k8s:class=xwing;k8s:io.cilium.k8s.policy.cluster=default;k8s:io.cilium.k8s.policy.serviceaccount=default;k8s:io.kubernetes.pod.namespace=default;k8s:org=alliance;"


It is also possible to use the --k8s-kubeconfig-path and --kvstore-opt cilium CLI options with the preflight command. The default is to derive the configuration as cilium-agent does.

cilium preflight migrate-identity --k8s-kubeconfig-path /var/lib/cilium/cilium.kubeconfig --kvstore etcd --kvstore-opt etcd.config=/var/lib/cilium/etcd-config.yml

Clearing CRD identities

If a migration has gone wrong, it possible to start with a clean slate. Ensure that no cilium instances are running with identity-allocation-mode crd and execute:

$ kubectl delete ciliumid --all