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Ruby Zeus Client license Build Status

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Ruby client for Cisco Zeus. This allows us to send and recieve data to and from Zeus.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'zeusclient'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install zeusclient


require 'zeus/api_client'
zeus_client ={
    token: "your_token_here",
    endpoint: "zeus_endpoint_here"

Since version 0.3.2 Zeus support either user token + full bucket name (org_name/bucket_name) or access token For using user token + full bucket name (org_name/bucket_name), please add bucket("bucket_fullname") to the method chain, for example:

result = zeus_client.bucket("your_org_name/your_bucket_name").list_metrics(
# your parameters here

If you just use access token, just use the method you need directly, for example:

result = zeus_client.list_metrics()

List All Metrics

result = zeus_client.bucket("your_org_name/your_bucket_name").list_metrics(
  # optional parameters
    regex: "*" # regex for filtering metrics names
    from_date: "2016-06-12", # YYYY-MM-DD
    to_date: "2017-12-20", # YYYY-MM-DD
    aggregator_function: "sum", # Aggregator function to be applied to the metric values.
                                # Available options. count, min, max, sum, mean, mode, median
    group_interval: "100m",     # Interval for grouping, when applying aggregations via the aggregator_function parameter.
                                # The aggregator_function parameter must be specific for this parameter to work.
                                # Examples: 1000s, 100m, 10h, 1d , 1w. Use 's' for seconds, 'm' for minutes, 'h' for hours,
                                # 'd' for days and 'w' for weeks.
    filter_condition: "column1 > 0", # Filters to be applied to metric values.
                                     # Examples: "column1 > 0", "column1 > 50 AND column2 = 10".
    offset: 100,
    limit: 10
p result.code      # 200
p result.success?  # true
p      # => {}

Get Metric

result = zeus_client.bucket("your_org_name/your_bucket_name").get_metrics( # same optional arguments as list_metrics)
p result.code      # 200
p result.success?  # true
p      # => {}

Push Metric

result = zeus_client.bucket("your_org_name/your_bucket_name").send_metrics([{point: {value: 1, ...}}, ...])
p result.code      # 200
p result.success?  # true
p      # => {}

Delete metric

result = zeus_client.bucket("your_org_name/your_bucket_name").delete_metrics()
p result.code      # 200
p result.success?  # true
p      # => {}

Get logs

result = zeus_client.bucket("your_org_name/your_bucket_name").get_logs(
  #optional parameters
    attribute_name: "cpu", # name of the attribute within the log to be searched
    pattern: "memory.*", # a pattern for name filtering
    from_date: "2016-06-12", # YYYY-MM-DD
    to_date: "2017-12-20", # YYYY-MM-DD
    offset: 200,
    limit: 10
p result.code      # 200
p result.success?  # true
p      # => {}

Push logs

result = zeus_client.bucket("your_org_name/your_bucket_name").send_logs([{},{}, ...])
p result.code      # 200
p result.success?  # true
p      # => {}

Get alerts

result = zeus_client.bucket("your_org_name/your_bucket_name").get_alerts()
p result.code      # 200
p result.success?  # true
p      # => {}

Create alert

result = zeus_client.bucket("your_org_name/your_bucket_name").create_alert(
    alert_name: "name of the alert",
    username: "username associated with alert",
    alert_expression: "cpu.value > 80", # expression to match alert against
    # optional params
    alerts_type: "metrics", # Either metric or log
    alert_severity: "S1", # severity of the alert, S1-S5
    metric_name: "name of the metrics associated with the alert",
    emails: "", # email to be notified when alert triggers
    status: "active", # either active or disabled
    frequency: 60, # frequency for alert to be checked
p result.code      # 201
p result.success?  # true
p      # => {}

Modify alert

result = zeus_client.bucket("your_org_name/your_bucket_name").modify_alert(
    # parameter you wish to modify
    alert_name: "name of the alert",
    username: "username associated with alert",
    alert_expression: "cpu.value > 80", # expression to match alert against
    alerts_type: "metric", # Either metric or log
    alert_severity: "S1", # severity of the alert, S1-S5
    metric_name: "name of the metrics associated with the alert",
    emails: "", # email to be notified when alert triggers
    status: "active", # either active or disabled
    frequency: 60, # frequency for alert to be checked
p result.code      # 200
p result.success?  # true
p      # => {}

Delete alert

result = zeus_client.bucket("your_org_name/your_bucket_name").delete_alert(alert_id)
p result.code      # 204
p result.success?  # true
p      # => {}

Get triggered alerts

result = zeus_client.bucket("your_org_name/your_bucket_name").triggered_alerts()
p result.code      # 200
p result.success?  # true
p      # => {}
Get triggered alerts

Get triggered alerts in the last 24 hours

result = zeus_client.bucket("your_org_name/your_bucket_name").triggered_alerts_last_24_hours()
p result.code      # 200
p result.success?  # true
p      # => {}

For more details, refer to this documentation


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release to create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to

For development, we are using ruby 2.4.1.


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request