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This repository hosts all source code required to launch a full-featured local CiteLibre RendezVous application


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CitéLibre RendezVous with docker-compose


Architecture with embedded database and stmp server

CiteLibre architecture diagram

Environment variables

Copy the external.env file as .env in the root directory. There you should assign values for environment variables containing sensitive data, such as external database connection information.

These variables should be manually set.

Here is a list of variables (key) that need to be set in the .env file (key with = as separator):

  • LUTECE_DB_USER : Set the user for the database connection
  • LUTECE_DB_PWD : Set the password for the database connection
  • LUTECE_DB_NAME : Set db name (schema) where your lutece tables are created
  • LUTECE_DB_HOST : Set the mysql host where your database is hosted
  • LUTECE_DB_PORT : Set the mysql port (if no set use by default 3306)
  • LUTECE_MAIL_HOST : Set the SMTP host
  • LUTECE_MAIL_PORT : Set the SMTP port
  • LUTECE_MAIL_USER : Set user authentification if your SMTP proivder required an authent
  • LUTECE_MAIL_PWD : Set password authentification if your SMTP proivder required an authent
  • KEYCLOAK_USER : Set user admin for keycloak (default is admin)
  • KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD: Set admin password (default admin1234)
  • DB_VENDOR : db type for keycloak (default mysql)
  • DB_ADDR : db host (by default we use db container)
  • DB_DATABASE : database name for keycloak (default keycloak)
  • DB_USER: : database user for keycloak
  • DB_PASSWORD: : database password for keycloak

Getting started

If you are behind a proxy :

  1. Start the CiteLibre service (and any others) in background:
    docker-compose up -d

In interactive :

    docker-compose up

Startup takes 1 minute

If you have created an env file named external-database.env start the following

    docker-compose --env-file external-database.env up -d

If you create an .env file, docker compose use it without using --env-file

URL and default login

Helpful commands

  • docker-compose exec citelibre /bin/bash: Get a bash shell inside your CiteLibre-rendezvous container.
  • docker-compose logs: See all logs.
  • docker-compose logs {service}: See logs for a particular service, e.g. citelibre.

Optional services

If these services are not relevant to you, feel free to delete the corresponding commented sections.

Persist your data (database and solr)

if you need to persist your data with an embedded database and solr you can use a local directory. In docker-compose.yml uncomment the volumes section

For sample for the following volumes :

            - ./mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql

Create the local directory mysql-data

   mkdir mysql-data

For solr uncomment

            - ./solr-data:/var/solr/data/cite-libre/data

Create the local directory solr-data

   mkdir solr-data

You can then launch docker compose

    docker-compose up -d

in the local directory mysql-data and solr-data you will see some files and directory being created.


By default keycloak use mysql for his database.

If you want to use an external keycloak or an another OpenID provider please modify oauth2_context.xml in citelibre-rendez/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/override/plugins (for change callbackurl, client id, client secret...) and in docker compose delete keycloak entry

You can access to keycloak via http://localhost:8081/ => admin / admin1234

For test openid connection launch the following url :


and click on oauth2 image.

Users can be created in keycloak backend => Manage / Client or for demo you can use user demo : / test1234=TEST1234


In matomo by default is displayed the day after today. Remember to change with the current date of the day if you want see the actual data

Elasticsearch & Kibana

You can access to Kibana via http://localhost:5601

User: lutece

Password: RKOmBI1sWaaSFm1gxH

External database

If you want to use an external database (only support mariabd or mysql for the moment), create a database for lutece with the following command :

    CREATE DATABASE citelibre
    CREATE USER 'admincitelibre'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'motdepasse'; 
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'admincitelibre'@'%';

Load dump (dump.sql) to populate data with the following command :

    USE citelibre;
	SOURCE dump.sql;

Important If the database is hosted on the same server, make sure you don't use localhost as it will use the container's localhost, instead use the IP address of the server.

To check that the database is accessible through the container network, open a terminal on the app container and type the following command ...

    Openssl s_client -connect <IP_or_host>:<PORT>

...the output should look like...

    140278331168064:error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number:../ssl/record/ssl3_record.c:331:
    no peer certificate available
    No client certificate CA names sent
    SSL handshake has read 5 bytes and written 283 bytes
    Verification: OK
    New, (NONE), Cipher is (NONE)
    Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
    Compression: NONE
    Expansion: NONE
    No ALPN negotiated
    Early data was not sent
    Verify return code: 0 (ok)

... or it will look like

    140418660095296:error:0200206F:system library:connect:Connection refused:../crypto/bio/b_sock2.c:110:
    140418660095296:error:2008A067:BIO routines:BIO_connect:connect error:../crypto/bio/b_sock2.c:111:

Create a database for matomo with the following command :

    CREATE USER 'adminmatomo'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'motdepasse'; 
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'adminmatomo'@'%';

Production usage


DO NOT use this without persisting your data and email. You should use mounted volumes as containers can be recreated and re-init all data.