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899 lines (492 loc) · 33.7 KB

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899 lines (492 loc) · 33.7 KB



Name Type Description Notes
Id Pointer to NullableString Id [optional]
Uid Pointer to NullableInt32 `DEPRECATED` DEPRECATED. Use Id. [optional]
Name Pointer to NullableString Name of the advanced access policy. [optional]
AllowHdxAccess Pointer to bool Whether HDX connections are allowed to the delivery group. CHANGE: was: public bool AllowsHdxAccess { get; set; } [optional]
AllowMachineRestart Pointer to bool Whether users are allowed to self-service restart machines. [optional]
AllowRdpAccess Pointer to bool Whether RDP connections are allowed to the delivery group. CHANGE: was: public bool AllowsRdpAccess { get; set; } [optional]
AllowedConnection Pointer to AllowedConnection [optional]
AllowedUsers Pointer to AllowedUser [optional]
Description Pointer to NullableString Description. [optional]
Enabled bool Whether the advanced access policy is enabled. If a policy is disabled it is not considered when evaluating whether a user may access the delivery group.
IsBuiltIn Pointer to bool Whether the access policy is a built-in policy. If true , the policy is not allowed to remove or rename. [optional]
IsBroken Pointer to bool Whether the access policy is broken. [optional]
ExcludedClientIPFilterEnabled Pointer to bool Indicates whether the ExcludedClientIPs filter is enabled. If the filter is disabled, it is ignored when the access policy is evaluated. [optional]
ExcludedClientIPs Pointer to []string The client IPs which will be denied access to the delivery group. [optional]
ExcludedClientNameFilterEnabled Pointer to bool Indicates whether the ExcludedClientNames filter is enabled. If the filter is disabled, it is ignored when the access policy is evaluated. [optional]
ExcludedClientNames Pointer to []string The client names which will be denied access to the delivery group. [optional]
ExcludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled Pointer to bool Indicates whether the ExcludedSmartAccessTags filter is enabled. If the filter is disabled, it is ignored when the access policy is evaluated. [optional]
ExcludedSmartAccessTags Pointer to []SmartAccessTagResponseModel The SmartAccess tags which will be denied access to the delivery group, if any occur in those provided by NetScaler Gateway with the user's connection. [optional]
ExcludedUserFilterEnabled Pointer to bool Indicates whether the ExcludedUsers filter is enabled. If the filter is disabled, it is ignored when the access policy is evaluated. [optional]
ExcludedUsers Pointer to []IdentityUserResponseModel The users and groups who are denied access to the delivery group. [optional]
IncludedClientIPFilterEnabled Pointer to bool Indicates whether the IncludedClientIPs filter is enabled. If the filter is disabled, it is ignored when the access policy is evaluated. [optional]
IncludedClientIPs Pointer to []string The client IPs which will be allowed access to the delivery group. [optional]
IncludedClientNameFilterEnabled Pointer to bool Indicates whether the IncludedClientNames filter is enabled. If the filter is disabled, it is ignored when the access policy is evaluated. [optional]
IncludedClientNames Pointer to []string The client names which will be granted access to the delivery group. [optional]
IncludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled Pointer to bool Indicates whether the IncludedSmartAccessTags filter is enabled. If the filter is disabled, it is ignored when the access policy is evaluated. CHANGE: was: public bool AccessGatewayConnectionsUseFilters { get; set; } [optional]
IncludedSmartAccessTags Pointer to []SmartAccessTagResponseModel The SmartAccess tags which grant access to the delivery group, if any occur in those provided by NetScaler Gateway with the user's connection. [optional]
IncludedSmartAccessFilterType Pointer to FilterMatchType [optional]
IncludedUserFilterEnabled Pointer to bool Indicates whether the IncludedUsers filter is enabled. If the filter is disabled, it is ignored when the access policy is evaluated. [optional]
IncludedUsers Pointer to []IdentityUserResponseModel The users and groups who are granted access to the delivery group. CHANGE: was: public ADAccount[] IncludedUsers { get; set; } [optional]



func NewAdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel(enabled bool, ) *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel

NewAdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel instantiates a new AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed


func NewAdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModelWithDefaults() *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel

NewAdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModelWithDefaults instantiates a new AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetId() string

GetId returns the Id field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)

GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetId(v string)

SetId sets Id field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasId() bool

HasId returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetIdNil(b bool)

SetIdNil sets the value for Id to be an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) UnsetId()

UnsetId ensures that no value is present for Id, not even an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetUid() int32

GetUid returns the Uid field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetUidOk() (*int32, bool)

GetUidOk returns a tuple with the Uid field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetUid(v int32)

SetUid sets Uid field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasUid() bool

HasUid returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetUidNil(b bool)

SetUidNil sets the value for Uid to be an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) UnsetUid()

UnsetUid ensures that no value is present for Uid, not even an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetName() string

GetName returns the Name field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)

GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetName(v string)

SetName sets Name field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasName() bool

HasName returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetNameNil(b bool)

SetNameNil sets the value for Name to be an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) UnsetName()

UnsetName ensures that no value is present for Name, not even an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetAllowHdxAccess() bool

GetAllowHdxAccess returns the AllowHdxAccess field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetAllowHdxAccessOk() (*bool, bool)

GetAllowHdxAccessOk returns a tuple with the AllowHdxAccess field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetAllowHdxAccess(v bool)

SetAllowHdxAccess sets AllowHdxAccess field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasAllowHdxAccess() bool

HasAllowHdxAccess returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetAllowMachineRestart() bool

GetAllowMachineRestart returns the AllowMachineRestart field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetAllowMachineRestartOk() (*bool, bool)

GetAllowMachineRestartOk returns a tuple with the AllowMachineRestart field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetAllowMachineRestart(v bool)

SetAllowMachineRestart sets AllowMachineRestart field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasAllowMachineRestart() bool

HasAllowMachineRestart returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetAllowRdpAccess() bool

GetAllowRdpAccess returns the AllowRdpAccess field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetAllowRdpAccessOk() (*bool, bool)

GetAllowRdpAccessOk returns a tuple with the AllowRdpAccess field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetAllowRdpAccess(v bool)

SetAllowRdpAccess sets AllowRdpAccess field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasAllowRdpAccess() bool

HasAllowRdpAccess returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetAllowedConnection() AllowedConnection

GetAllowedConnection returns the AllowedConnection field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetAllowedConnectionOk() (*AllowedConnection, bool)

GetAllowedConnectionOk returns a tuple with the AllowedConnection field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetAllowedConnection(v AllowedConnection)

SetAllowedConnection sets AllowedConnection field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasAllowedConnection() bool

HasAllowedConnection returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetAllowedUsers() AllowedUser

GetAllowedUsers returns the AllowedUsers field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetAllowedUsersOk() (*AllowedUser, bool)

GetAllowedUsersOk returns a tuple with the AllowedUsers field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetAllowedUsers(v AllowedUser)

SetAllowedUsers sets AllowedUsers field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasAllowedUsers() bool

HasAllowedUsers returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetDescription() string

GetDescription returns the Description field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)

GetDescriptionOk returns a tuple with the Description field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetDescription(v string)

SetDescription sets Description field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasDescription() bool

HasDescription returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetDescriptionNil(b bool)

SetDescriptionNil sets the value for Description to be an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) UnsetDescription()

UnsetDescription ensures that no value is present for Description, not even an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetEnabled() bool

GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetEnabledOk returns a tuple with the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetEnabled(v bool)

SetEnabled sets Enabled field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIsBuiltIn() bool

GetIsBuiltIn returns the IsBuiltIn field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIsBuiltInOk() (*bool, bool)

GetIsBuiltInOk returns a tuple with the IsBuiltIn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetIsBuiltIn(v bool)

SetIsBuiltIn sets IsBuiltIn field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasIsBuiltIn() bool

HasIsBuiltIn returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIsBroken() bool

GetIsBroken returns the IsBroken field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIsBrokenOk() (*bool, bool)

GetIsBrokenOk returns a tuple with the IsBroken field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetIsBroken(v bool)

SetIsBroken sets IsBroken field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasIsBroken() bool

HasIsBroken returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetExcludedClientIPFilterEnabled() bool

GetExcludedClientIPFilterEnabled returns the ExcludedClientIPFilterEnabled field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetExcludedClientIPFilterEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetExcludedClientIPFilterEnabledOk returns a tuple with the ExcludedClientIPFilterEnabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetExcludedClientIPFilterEnabled(v bool)

SetExcludedClientIPFilterEnabled sets ExcludedClientIPFilterEnabled field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasExcludedClientIPFilterEnabled() bool

HasExcludedClientIPFilterEnabled returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetExcludedClientIPs() []string

GetExcludedClientIPs returns the ExcludedClientIPs field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetExcludedClientIPsOk() (*[]string, bool)

GetExcludedClientIPsOk returns a tuple with the ExcludedClientIPs field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetExcludedClientIPs(v []string)

SetExcludedClientIPs sets ExcludedClientIPs field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasExcludedClientIPs() bool

HasExcludedClientIPs returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetExcludedClientIPsNil(b bool)

SetExcludedClientIPsNil sets the value for ExcludedClientIPs to be an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) UnsetExcludedClientIPs()

UnsetExcludedClientIPs ensures that no value is present for ExcludedClientIPs, not even an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetExcludedClientNameFilterEnabled() bool

GetExcludedClientNameFilterEnabled returns the ExcludedClientNameFilterEnabled field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetExcludedClientNameFilterEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetExcludedClientNameFilterEnabledOk returns a tuple with the ExcludedClientNameFilterEnabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetExcludedClientNameFilterEnabled(v bool)

SetExcludedClientNameFilterEnabled sets ExcludedClientNameFilterEnabled field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasExcludedClientNameFilterEnabled() bool

HasExcludedClientNameFilterEnabled returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetExcludedClientNames() []string

GetExcludedClientNames returns the ExcludedClientNames field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetExcludedClientNamesOk() (*[]string, bool)

GetExcludedClientNamesOk returns a tuple with the ExcludedClientNames field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetExcludedClientNames(v []string)

SetExcludedClientNames sets ExcludedClientNames field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasExcludedClientNames() bool

HasExcludedClientNames returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetExcludedClientNamesNil(b bool)

SetExcludedClientNamesNil sets the value for ExcludedClientNames to be an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) UnsetExcludedClientNames()

UnsetExcludedClientNames ensures that no value is present for ExcludedClientNames, not even an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetExcludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled() bool

GetExcludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled returns the ExcludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetExcludedSmartAccessFilterEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetExcludedSmartAccessFilterEnabledOk returns a tuple with the ExcludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetExcludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled(v bool)

SetExcludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled sets ExcludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasExcludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled() bool

HasExcludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetExcludedSmartAccessTags() []SmartAccessTagResponseModel

GetExcludedSmartAccessTags returns the ExcludedSmartAccessTags field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetExcludedSmartAccessTagsOk() (*[]SmartAccessTagResponseModel, bool)

GetExcludedSmartAccessTagsOk returns a tuple with the ExcludedSmartAccessTags field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetExcludedSmartAccessTags(v []SmartAccessTagResponseModel)

SetExcludedSmartAccessTags sets ExcludedSmartAccessTags field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasExcludedSmartAccessTags() bool

HasExcludedSmartAccessTags returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetExcludedSmartAccessTagsNil(b bool)

SetExcludedSmartAccessTagsNil sets the value for ExcludedSmartAccessTags to be an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) UnsetExcludedSmartAccessTags()

UnsetExcludedSmartAccessTags ensures that no value is present for ExcludedSmartAccessTags, not even an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetExcludedUserFilterEnabled() bool

GetExcludedUserFilterEnabled returns the ExcludedUserFilterEnabled field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetExcludedUserFilterEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetExcludedUserFilterEnabledOk returns a tuple with the ExcludedUserFilterEnabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetExcludedUserFilterEnabled(v bool)

SetExcludedUserFilterEnabled sets ExcludedUserFilterEnabled field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasExcludedUserFilterEnabled() bool

HasExcludedUserFilterEnabled returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetExcludedUsers() []IdentityUserResponseModel

GetExcludedUsers returns the ExcludedUsers field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetExcludedUsersOk() (*[]IdentityUserResponseModel, bool)

GetExcludedUsersOk returns a tuple with the ExcludedUsers field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetExcludedUsers(v []IdentityUserResponseModel)

SetExcludedUsers sets ExcludedUsers field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasExcludedUsers() bool

HasExcludedUsers returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetExcludedUsersNil(b bool)

SetExcludedUsersNil sets the value for ExcludedUsers to be an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) UnsetExcludedUsers()

UnsetExcludedUsers ensures that no value is present for ExcludedUsers, not even an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIncludedClientIPFilterEnabled() bool

GetIncludedClientIPFilterEnabled returns the IncludedClientIPFilterEnabled field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIncludedClientIPFilterEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetIncludedClientIPFilterEnabledOk returns a tuple with the IncludedClientIPFilterEnabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetIncludedClientIPFilterEnabled(v bool)

SetIncludedClientIPFilterEnabled sets IncludedClientIPFilterEnabled field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasIncludedClientIPFilterEnabled() bool

HasIncludedClientIPFilterEnabled returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIncludedClientIPs() []string

GetIncludedClientIPs returns the IncludedClientIPs field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIncludedClientIPsOk() (*[]string, bool)

GetIncludedClientIPsOk returns a tuple with the IncludedClientIPs field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetIncludedClientIPs(v []string)

SetIncludedClientIPs sets IncludedClientIPs field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasIncludedClientIPs() bool

HasIncludedClientIPs returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetIncludedClientIPsNil(b bool)

SetIncludedClientIPsNil sets the value for IncludedClientIPs to be an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) UnsetIncludedClientIPs()

UnsetIncludedClientIPs ensures that no value is present for IncludedClientIPs, not even an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIncludedClientNameFilterEnabled() bool

GetIncludedClientNameFilterEnabled returns the IncludedClientNameFilterEnabled field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIncludedClientNameFilterEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetIncludedClientNameFilterEnabledOk returns a tuple with the IncludedClientNameFilterEnabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetIncludedClientNameFilterEnabled(v bool)

SetIncludedClientNameFilterEnabled sets IncludedClientNameFilterEnabled field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasIncludedClientNameFilterEnabled() bool

HasIncludedClientNameFilterEnabled returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIncludedClientNames() []string

GetIncludedClientNames returns the IncludedClientNames field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIncludedClientNamesOk() (*[]string, bool)

GetIncludedClientNamesOk returns a tuple with the IncludedClientNames field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetIncludedClientNames(v []string)

SetIncludedClientNames sets IncludedClientNames field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasIncludedClientNames() bool

HasIncludedClientNames returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetIncludedClientNamesNil(b bool)

SetIncludedClientNamesNil sets the value for IncludedClientNames to be an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) UnsetIncludedClientNames()

UnsetIncludedClientNames ensures that no value is present for IncludedClientNames, not even an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIncludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled() bool

GetIncludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled returns the IncludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIncludedSmartAccessFilterEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetIncludedSmartAccessFilterEnabledOk returns a tuple with the IncludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetIncludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled(v bool)

SetIncludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled sets IncludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasIncludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled() bool

HasIncludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIncludedSmartAccessTags() []SmartAccessTagResponseModel

GetIncludedSmartAccessTags returns the IncludedSmartAccessTags field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIncludedSmartAccessTagsOk() (*[]SmartAccessTagResponseModel, bool)

GetIncludedSmartAccessTagsOk returns a tuple with the IncludedSmartAccessTags field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetIncludedSmartAccessTags(v []SmartAccessTagResponseModel)

SetIncludedSmartAccessTags sets IncludedSmartAccessTags field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasIncludedSmartAccessTags() bool

HasIncludedSmartAccessTags returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetIncludedSmartAccessTagsNil(b bool)

SetIncludedSmartAccessTagsNil sets the value for IncludedSmartAccessTags to be an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) UnsetIncludedSmartAccessTags()

UnsetIncludedSmartAccessTags ensures that no value is present for IncludedSmartAccessTags, not even an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIncludedSmartAccessFilterType() FilterMatchType

GetIncludedSmartAccessFilterType returns the IncludedSmartAccessFilterType field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIncludedSmartAccessFilterTypeOk() (*FilterMatchType, bool)

GetIncludedSmartAccessFilterTypeOk returns a tuple with the IncludedSmartAccessFilterType field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetIncludedSmartAccessFilterType(v FilterMatchType)

SetIncludedSmartAccessFilterType sets IncludedSmartAccessFilterType field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasIncludedSmartAccessFilterType() bool

HasIncludedSmartAccessFilterType returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIncludedUserFilterEnabled() bool

GetIncludedUserFilterEnabled returns the IncludedUserFilterEnabled field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIncludedUserFilterEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetIncludedUserFilterEnabledOk returns a tuple with the IncludedUserFilterEnabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetIncludedUserFilterEnabled(v bool)

SetIncludedUserFilterEnabled sets IncludedUserFilterEnabled field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasIncludedUserFilterEnabled() bool

HasIncludedUserFilterEnabled returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIncludedUsers() []IdentityUserResponseModel

GetIncludedUsers returns the IncludedUsers field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) GetIncludedUsersOk() (*[]IdentityUserResponseModel, bool)

GetIncludedUsersOk returns a tuple with the IncludedUsers field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetIncludedUsers(v []IdentityUserResponseModel)

SetIncludedUsers sets IncludedUsers field to given value.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) HasIncludedUsers() bool

HasIncludedUsers returns a boolean if a field has been set.


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) SetIncludedUsersNil(b bool)

SetIncludedUsersNil sets the value for IncludedUsers to be an explicit nil


func (o *AdvancedAccessPolicyResponseModel) UnsetIncludedUsers()

UnsetIncludedUsers ensures that no value is present for IncludedUsers, not even an explicit nil

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