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Netscaler VPX in High Availability INC mode as ingress for Azure Kubernetes Services

You can deploy Netscaler VPX in a high availability (High Availability) INC (Independent Network Configuration) mode in the Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS).

In a typical high availability deployment, both the Netscaler VPX instances in a high availability pair reside on the same subnet. A high availability deployment can also consist of two VPX instances in which each VPX is in a different network.

When the appliances in a high availability pair reside on two different networks, the secondary Netscaler VPX must have an independent network configuration. This means that Netscaler VPXs on different networks cannot share subnet IP address (SNIP), virtual IP address (VIP), or network routes. This type of configuration, in which the Netscaler VPXs in a high availability pair have different configuration parameters, is known as Independent Network Configuration (INC).

As the management IP or NSIP of both the Netscaler VPXs are different and they cannot share a Subnet IP address, an internal Azure load balancer (ALB) is created whose back-ends point to the primary and secondary VPX's management IP address. This internal ALB's front end IP address is used by CIC in the NS_IP environment variable to configure the Netscalers.

Unified Ingress Architecture with Netscaler VPXs deployed in HA INC mode as Ingress


  1. Ensure that you have installed Terraform. For information, see Terraform installation.
  2. Ensure that you have installed and configured the Azure command line utility az. Use the az login command login. For information, see Install the Azure CLI.
  3. Ensure that you have installed the Kubernetes control command line utility kubectl.

Deploy Netscaler VPX in high availability INC mode as ingress in Azure Kubernetes Services

To deploy Netscaler VPX in high availability INC mode in Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS), you must complete the following tasks:

  1. Deploy Netscaler VPX in HA INC mode using Terraform
  2. Create an AKS cluster
  3. Enable VNet peering
  4. Configure Network Security Group
  5. Deploy the Netscaler ingress controller
  6. Create a microservice application and expose it using an Ingress

Perform the following steps to deploy Netscaler VPX in a high availability INC mode in Azure:

Deploy Netscaler VPX in HA INC mode using Terraform

  1. Clone the Netscaler Terraform repository using the following command:

    git clone
    cd terraform-cloud-scripts/azure/ha_availability_zones
  2. Create a Terraform variable file. Ensure to name the file with the suffix .auto.tfvars and specify the required parameters for the terraform scripts.

    The following is a sample Terraform variable:

    adc_admin_password="<Provide a strong VPX Password>"
    controlling_subnet="<CIDR to allow Management Access>"

The following table provides variables and their description:

Variable Name Description
resource_group_name Specifies the Azure resource group to deploy VPX high availability Pair.
location Specifies the Azure location to be used for the deployment.
virtual_network_address_space Specifies the VNet Address space.
management_subnet_address_prefix Specifies the Management Subnet Address space.
client_subnet_address_prefix Specifies the Client Subnet Address space.
server_subnet_address_prefix Specifies the Server Subnet Address space.
adc_admin_password Specifies a password for the Netscaler nsroot user.
controlling_subnet Specifies the CIDR to allow management access.
create_ILB_for_management Specify true to create an internal Azure load balancer for configuring the Netscaler VPX.

Important: After creating a variable file in accordance with your requirements, ensure to name the file with the suffix .auto.tfvars. For example,

  1. Initialize the Terraform deployment using the following command:

    terraform init

    It initializes the terraform and installs all the modules that the Terraform requires.

  2. Start the Terraform deployment using the following commands:

    terraform plan
    terraform apply -auto-approve
  3. Save the output.

    It is important to verify the output of terraform execution. The following is a sample output after the Terraform deployment:

Apply complete! Resources: 44 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


alb_public_ip = "X.X.X.X"
bastion_public_ip = "X.X.X.X"
cic_nsip = [
    "cic_nsip" = ""
management_subnet_id = "/subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/my-ha-inc-rg/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/terraform-virtual-network/subnets/terraform-management-subnet"
private_nsips = [
private_vips = [
public_nsips = [
server_subnet_id = "/subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/my-ha-inc-rg/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/terraform-virtual-network/subnets/terraform-server-subnet"

Output variables:

The following table provides the output variables and their description.

Output Variables Description
cic_nsip Specifies the IP address that is to be used in CIC deployment as NS_IP the environment variable.
alb_public_ip Specifies the VIP address that is to be used in Ingress as the annotation.
bastion_public_ip Specifies the public IP address of the bastion through which the Netscaler can be accessible.
private_nsips Specifies the private NSIP of the primary and secondary Netscaler.

Create an AKS Cluster

  1. Create an AKS cluster in the same resource group of the Netscaler VPX deployment. Use the following Azure command to create this AKS cluster:

    az aks create --network-plugin azure --resource-group my-ha-inc-rg --name my-aks-with-vpx-ha-inc 

    After the cluster is created, you can download the kubeconfig file using the following command. This file is required to run kubectl commands in the cluster. The commands are used to create workloads later in the procedure.

    az aks get-credentials --name my-aks-with-vpx-ha-inc --resource-group my-ha-inc-rg

Enable VNet peering

You can enable VNet peering only if Netscaler VPX and AKS are on different VNets. Perform the following steps to enable peering between the VNets.

  1. Identify the VNet resource IDs of AKS and Netscaler VPX.

    You can modify the following values in accordance with your deployment.

     aks_node_resource_group=$(az aks show -g $resource_group -n $aks_name --query nodeResourceGroup -o tsv)
     aks_vnet_name=$(az network vnet list --resource-group $aks_node_resource_group --query [].name -o tsv)
     aks_vnet_id=$(az network vnet list --resource-group $aks_node_resource_group --query [].id -o tsv)
     vpx_vnet_name=$(az network vnet list --resource-group $resource_group --query [].name -o tsv)
     vpx_vnet_id=$(az network vnet list --resource-group $resource_group --query [].id -o tsv)
  2. Create VNet peering using the following Azure CLI command:

     az network vnet peering create -g $aks_node_resource_group -n my-aks-to-vpx-peer --vnet-name $aks_vnet_name --remote-vnet $vpx_vnet_id --allow-vnet-access --allow-forwarded-traffic
     az network vnet peering create -g $resource_group -n my-vpx-to-aks-peer --vnet-name $vpx_vnet_name --remote-vnet $aks_vnet_id --allow-vnet-access --allow-forwarded-traffic

Configure Network Security Group to allow traffic from Netscaler

A network security group contains security rules that allow or deny inbound or outbound network traffic for a VM instance in Azure. For more information, see Network Security Groups.

When you deploy an AKS cluster, it creates a Network Security Group (NSG) by default for allowing inter-node communication. You can either edit this Network Security Group to allow traffic from Netscaler VPX or create a Network Security Group to allow traffic from Netscaler VPX to AKS cluster and vice versa. For more information on how to create an NSG or edit an existing NSG, see Work with Network Security Group.

Deploy the Netscaler ingress controller

  1. Use the following commands to deploy Netscaler ingress controller in the Azure managed Kubernetes cluster (AKS) using the helm chart.

    #Create a Kubernetes Secret using Netscaler login credentials
    kubectl create secret generic nslogin --from-literal username=nsroot --from-literal password=$(terraform output -raw adc_admin_password)
    helm repo update && helm repo add citrix
    helm install cic citrix/citrix-ingress-controller --set nsIP=$(terraform output -raw cic_nsip),license.accept=yes,adcCredentialSecret=nslogin,nodeWatch=true,ingressClass[0]="citrix"

Create a sample microservice application and expose it using Ingress

The following steps show how to create a sample Apache microservice and exposes the microservice using Ingress through the Netscaler VPX high availability pair.

  1. Use the following command to deploy the Apache microservice:

    kubectl create deployment apache --image httpd:latest --replicas=6
    kubectl expose deployment apache --port 80
  2. Use the following commands to create a simple HTTP Ingress:

    kubectl create ingress my-simple-apache-http-ingress --class=citrix --rule=""
    kubectl annotate ingress my-simple-apache-http-ingress$(terraform output -raw alb_public_ip)
  3. Use the following command to validate the traffic:

    curl --resolve $(terraform output -raw alb_public_ip)
    <html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>

Now you have deployed Netscaler VPX instances in High Availability INC mode as the ingress for your Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS). You can further use our advanced Netscaler ingress controller for features such as SSL termination, Rewrite and Responder functionalities and so on. For information about Netscaler ingress controller, see Netscaler ingress controller.

For information on network architecture for Netscaler VPX instances on Microsoft Azure, see Netscaler VPX instances on Microsoft Azure.