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Parallel Computation

The Civis Platform manages a pool of cloud computing resources. You can access these resources with the tools in the civis.parallel and civis.futures modules.

Joblib backend

If you can divide your work into multiple independent chunks, each of which takes at least several minutes to run, you can reduce the time your job takes to finish by running each chunk simultaneously in Civis Platform. The Civis joblib backend is a software tool which makes it easier to run many jobs simultaneously.

Things to keep in mind when deciding if the Civis joblib backend is the right tool for your code:

  • Each function call which is parallelized with the Civis joblib backend will run in a different Civis Platform script. Creating a new script comes with some overhead. It will take between a few seconds and a few minutes for each script to start, depending on whether Civis Platform needs to provision additional resources. If you expect that each function call will complete quickly, instead consider either running them in serial or using extra processes in the same Civis Platform script.
  • Because function calls run in different scripts, function inputs and outputs must be uploaded to Civis Platform from their origin script and downloaded into their destination. If your functions take very large inputs and/or produce very large outputs, moving the data around will cause additional overhead. Consider either using a different tool or refactoring your code so that the function to be parallelized is no longer moving around large amounts of data.
  • Some open-source libraries, such as scikit-learn, use joblib to do computations in parallel. If you're working with such a library, the Civis joblib backend provides an easy way to run these parallel computations in different Civis Platform scripts.


joblib is an open source Python library which facilitates parallel processing in Python. Joblib uses Python's multiprocessing library to run functions in parallel, but it also allows users to define their own "back end" for parallel computation. The Civis Python API client takes advantage of this to let you easily run your own code in parallel through Civis Platform.

The ~civis.parallel.make_backend_factory, ~civis.parallel.infer_backend_factory, and ~civis.parallel.make_backend_template_factory functions allow you to define a "civis" parallel computation backend which will transparently distribute computation in cloud resources managed by the Civis Platform.

See the joblib user guide for examples of using joblib to do parallel computation. Note that the descriptions of "memmapping" aren't relevant to using Civis Platform as a backend, since your jobs will potentially run on different computers and can't share memory. Using the Civis joblib backend to run jobs in parallel in the cloud looks the same as running jobs in parallel on your local computer, except that you first need to set up the "civis" backend.

How to use

Begin by defining the backend. The Civis joblib backend creates and runs Container Scripts, and the ~civis.parallel.make_backend_factory function accepts several arguments which will be passed to ~civis.resources._resources.Scripts.post_containers. For example, you could pass a repo_http_uri or repo_ref to clone a repository from GitHub into the container which will run your function. Use the docker_image_name and docker_image_tag to select a custom Docker image for your job. You can provide a setup_cmd to run setup in bash before your function executes in Python. The default setup_cmd will run python install in the base directory of any repo_http_uri which you include in your backend setup. Make sure that the environment you define for your Civis backend includes all of the code which your parallel function will call.

The ~civis.parallel.make_backend_factory function will return a backend factory which should be given to the joblib.register_parallel_backend function. For example:

>>> from joblib import register_parallel_backend
>>> from civis.parallel import make_backend_factory
>>> be_factory = make_backend_factory()
>>> register_parallel_backend('civis', be_factory)

Direct joblib to use a custom backend by entering a joblib.parallel_backend context:

>>> from joblib import parallel_backend
>>> with parallel_backend('civis'):
...     # Do joblib parallel computation here.

You can find more about custom joblib backends in the joblib documentation.

Note that joblib.Parallel takes both a n_jobs and pre_dispatch parameter. The Civis joblib backend doesn't queue submitted jobs itself, so it will run pre_dispatch jobs at once. The default value of pre_dispatch is "2*n_jobs", which will run a maximum of 2 * n_jobs jobs at once in the Civis Platform. Set pre_dispatch="n_jobs" in your ~joblib.Parallel call to run at most n_jobs jobs.

The Civis joblib backend uses cloudpickle to transport code and data from the parent environment to the Civis Platform. This means that you may parallelize dynamically-defined functions and classes, including lambda functions.

The joblib backend will automatically add environment variables called "CIVIS_PARENT_JOB_ID" and "CIVIS_PARENT_RUN_ID", holding the values of the job and run IDs of the Civis Platform job in which you're running the joblib backend (if any). Your functions could use these to communicate with the parent job or to recognize that they're in a process which has been created by another Civis Platform job. However, where possible you should let the joblib backend itself transport the return value of the function it's running back to the parent.

Infer backend parameters

If you're writing code which will run inside a Civis Container Script, then the ~civis.parallel.infer_backend_factory function returns a backend factory with environment parameters pre-populated by inspecting the state of your container script at run time. Use ~civis.parallel.infer_backend_factory anywhere you would use ~civis.parallel.make_backend_factory, and you don't need to specify a Docker image or GitHub repository.

Templated Scripts

The ~civis.parallel.make_backend_template_factory is intended for developers who are writing code which may be run by users who don't have permissions to create new container scripts with the necessary environment.

Instead of defining and creating new container scripts with ~civis.parallel.make_backend_factory, you can use ~civis.parallel.make_backend_template_factory to launch custom scripts from a templated script. To use the template factory, your backing container script must have the Civis Python client installed, and its run command must finish by calling civis_joblib_worker with no arguments. The template must accept the parameter "JOBLIB_FUNC_FILE_ID". The Civis joblib backend will use this parameter to transport your remote work.


Parallel computation using the default joblib backend (this uses processes on your local computer):

>>> def expensive_calculation(num1, num2):
...     return 2 * num1 + num2
>>> from joblib import delayed, Parallel
>>> parallel = Parallel(n_jobs=5)
>>> args = [(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1)]
>>> print(parallel(delayed(expensive_calculation)(*a) for a in args))
[1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13]

You can do the the same parallel computation using the Civis backend by creating and registering a backend factory and entering a with parallel_backend('civis') context. The code below will start seven different jobs in Civis Platform (with up to five running at once). Each job will call the function expensive_calculation with a different set of arguments from the list args.:

>>> def expensive_calculation(num1, num2):
...     return 2 * num1 + num2
>>> from joblib import delayed, Parallel
>>> from joblib import parallel_backend, register_parallel_backend
>>> from civis.parallel import make_backend_factory
>>> register_parallel_backend('civis', make_backend_factory(
...     required_resources={"cpu": 512, "memory": 256}))
>>> args = [(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1)]
>>> with parallel_backend('civis'):
...    parallel = Parallel(n_jobs=5, pre_dispatch='n_jobs')
...    print(parallel(delayed(expensive_calculation)(*a) for a in args))
[1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13]

You can use the Civis joblib backend to parallelize any code which uses joblib internally, such as scikit-learn:

>>> from joblib import parallel_backend, register_parallel_backend
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
>>> from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier
>>> from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
>>> digits = load_digits()
>>> param_grid = {
...     "max_depth": [1, 3, 5, None],
...     "max_features": ["sqrt", "log2", None],
...     "learning_rate": [0.1, 0.01, 0.001]
... }
>>> # Note: n_jobs and pre_dispatch specify the maximum number of
>>> # concurrent jobs.
>>> gs = GridSearchCV(GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=1000,
...                                              random_state=42),
...                   param_grid=param_grid,
...                   n_jobs=5, pre_dispatch="n_jobs")
>>> register_parallel_backend('civis', make_backend_factory(
...     required_resources={"cpu": 512, "memory": 256}))
>>> with parallel_backend('civis'):


Any (non-retried) errors in child jobs will cause the entire parallel call to fail. joblib will transport the first exception from a remote job and raise it in the parent process so that you can debug.

If your remote jobs are failing because of network problems (e.g. occasional 500 errors), you can make your parallel call more likely to succeed by using a max_job_retries value above 0 when creating your backend factory. This will automatically retry a job (potentially more than once) before giving up and keeping an exception.

Logging: The Civis joblib backend uses the standard library logging module, with debug emits for events which might help you diagnose errors. See also the "verbose" argument to joblib.Parallel, which prints information to either stdout or stderr.

Mismatches between your local environment and the environment in the Civis container script jobs are a common source of errors. To run a function in the Civis platform, any modules called by that function must be importable from a Python interpreter running in the container script. For example, if you use joblib.Parallel with numpy.sqrt, the joblib backend must be set to run your function in a container which has numpy installed. If you see an error such as:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'

this signifies that the function you're trying to run doesn't exist in the remote environment. Select a Docker container with the module installed, or install it in your remote environment by using the repo_http_uri parameter of ~civis.parallel.make_backend_factory to install it from GitHub.

Object Reference
