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← Return to Index


Heap Structure

  • For every node, the value os the children are greater or equal to its value
  • All the levels are filled— from left to right
  • Min-heap: The minimum is always at the root of the tree
  • Max-heap: The maximum is always at the root of the tree


  • Add (place at the bottom, and if the order is broken, rise up)
  • Serve (swap the root with the last item, remove last item, while order is broken, sink)


  • Binary tree of linked nodes (downside: required extra references to move up the tree, takes up extra memory)
  • Array (possible, due to complemetness of binary tree, and its more compact)

Python Implementation as Array

class Heap:
	def __init__(self):
		self.count = 0
		self.array = [None]

	def __len__(self):
		return self.count

	# best case: O(1), when item is smaller or equal to parent
	# worst case: O(logN), when item has to rise all the way to the top
	def add(self, item):
		if self.count + 1 < len(self.array):
			self.array[self.count+1] = item
		self.count += 1

	def rise(self, k):
		while k > 1 and self.array[k] > self.array[k//2]:
			self.swap(k, k//2)
			k //= 2

	def swap(self, i, j):
		self.array[i], self.array[j] = self.array[j], self.array[i]

	# best case: O(1), when item is larger or equal to largest children
	# worst case: O(log N), when the item sinks all the way to the bottom
	def get_max(self):
		assert self.count > 0, "Heap is empty!"
		maximum = self.array[0]
		self.swap(0, self.count)
		return maximum

	def sink(self, k):
		while 2*k <= self.count:
			child = self.largest_child(k)
			if self.array[k] >= self.array[child]:
			self.swap(child, k)
			k = child

	def largest_child(self, k):
		if 2*k == self.count or self.array[2*k] > self.array[2*k+1]:
			return 2*k
			return 2*k + 1

Heap Sort

Complexity Note
Worst Case: O(n log n) Because it has to iterate over the list for every item
Best Case: O(n log n) Because it has to iterate over the list for every item
Stability: No
  1. For each element in a list, add it to the heap
  2. While heap is not empty, get max item and put it into a new list
from heap import Heap

def heap_sort(L):
    heap = Heap()
    new_list = []
    i = 0
    while len(heap) < len(L):
        i += 1
    while len(heap) > 0:
    return new_list