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Option 2: Install from Source

This section describes how to install CKAN from source. Although install-from-package is simpler, it requires Ubuntu 10.04. Installing CKAN from source works with Ubuntu 10.04, with other versions of Ubuntu (e.g. 12.04) and with other operating systems (e.g. RedHat, Fedora, CentOS, OS X). If you install CKAN from source on your own operating system, please share your experiences on our How to Install CKAN wiki page.

From source is also the right installation method for developers who want to work on CKAN.

If you run into problems, see common-error-messages.

1. Install the required packages

If you're using a Debian-based operating system (such as Ubuntu) install the required packages with this command:

sudo apt-get install python-dev postgresql libpq-dev python-pip python-virtualenv git-core solr-jetty openjdk-6-jdk

If you're not using a Debian-based operating system, find the best way to install the following packages on your operating system (see our How to Install CKAN wiki page for help):

Package Description
Python The Python programming language, v2.5-2.7
PostgreSQL The PostgreSQL database system
libpq The C programmer's interface to PostgreSQL
pip A tool for installing and managing Python packages
virtualenv The virtual Python environment builder
Git A distributed version control system
Apache Solr

A search platform

Jetty An HTTP server (used for Solr)
OpenJDK 6 JDK The Java Development Kit

2. Install CKAN into a Python virtual environment

  1. Create a Python virtual environment (virtualenv) to install CKAN into (in this example we create a virtualenv called pyenv in our home directory), and activate it:

    virtualenv --no-site-packages ~/pyenv
    . ~/pyenv/bin/activate
  2. Install the CKAN source code into your virtualenv. To install the latest development version of CKAN (the most recent commit on the master branch of the CKAN git repository), run:

    pip install -e 'git+'

    Alternatively, to install a specific version such as CKAN 1.7.1 run:

    pip install -e 'git+'
  3. Install the Python modules that CKAN requires into your virtualenv:

    pip install -r ~/pyenv/src/ckan/pip-requirements.txt
  4. Deactivate and reactivate your virtualenv, to make sure you're using the virtualenv's copies of commands like paster rather than any system-wide installed copies:

    . ~/pyenv/bin/activate

3. Setup a PostgreSQL database

List existing databases:

sudo -u postgres psql -l

Check that the encoding of databases is 'UTF8', if not internationalisation may be a problem. Since changing the encoding of PostgreSQL may mean deleting existing databases, it is suggested that this is fixed before continuing with the CKAN install.

Next you'll need to create a database user if one doesn't already exist.

Create a user called ckanuser, and enter pass for the password when prompted:

sudo -u postgres createuser -S -D -R -P ckanuser

Create the database (owned by ckanuser), which we'll call ckantest:

sudo -u postgres createdb -O ckanuser ckantest -E utf-8

If you are planning to run the test then create a database for them too:

sudo -u postgres createdb -O ckanuser ckantesting -E utf-8

4. Create a CKAN config file

With your virtualenv activated, change to the ckan directory and create a CKAN config file:

cd ~/pyenv/src/ckan
paster make-config ckan development.ini

5. Setup Solr

Follow the instructions in solr-single or solr-multi-core to setup Solr, set appropriate values for the ckan.site_id and solr_url config variables in your CKAN config file:


6. Create database tables

Now that you have a configuration file that has the correct settings for your database, you'll need to create the tables. Make sure you are still in an activated environment with (pyenv) at the front of the command prompt and then from the ~/pyenv/src/ckan directory run this command:

paster --plugin=ckan db init

You should see Initialising DB: SUCCESS.

7. Set up the DataStore

Follow the instructions in datastore-setup to create the required databases and users, set the right permissions and set the appropriate values in your CKAN config file.

8. Create the data and sstore directories

Create the data and sstore directories, in the same directory that contains your CKAN config file (e.g. ~/pyenv/src/ckan):

mkdir data sstore

The location of the sstore directory, which CKAN uses as its Repoze.who OpenID session directory, is specified by the store_file_path setting in the who.ini file.

The location of the data directory, which CKAN uses as its Pylons cache, is is specified by the cache_dir setting in your CKAN config file.

who.ini (the Repoze.who configuration file) needs to be accessible in the same directory as your CKAN config file. So if your config file is not in ~/pyenv/src/ckan, then cd to the directory with your config file and create a symbolic link to who.ini. e.g.:

ln -s ~/pyenv/src/ckan/who.ini

10. Run CKAN in the development web server ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You can use the Paste development server to serve CKAN from the command-line. This is a simple and lightweight way to serve CKAN that is useful for development and testing. For production it's better to serve CKAN using Apache or nginx (see post-installation).

With your virtualenv activated, run this command from the ~/pyenv/src/ckan directory:

paster serve development.ini

Open in your web browser, and you should see the CKAN front page.


If you installed CKAN on a remote machine then you'll need to run the web browser on that same machine. For example run the textual web browser w3m in a separate ssh session to the one running paster serve.

11. Run the CKAN Tests

Now that you've installed CKAN, you should run CKAN's tests to make sure that they all pass. See test.

12. You're done!

You can now proceed to post-installation which covers creating a CKAN sysadmin account and deploying CKAN with Apache.

Upgrading a source install

Before upgrading your version of CKAN you should check that any custom templates or extensions you're using work with the new version of CKAN. For example, you could install the new version of CKAN in a new virtual environment and use that to test your templates and extensions.

You should also read the CKAN Changelog to see if there are any extra notes to be aware of when upgrading to the new version.

  1. Backup your CKAN database using the ckan db dump command, for example:

    paster --plugin=ckan db dump --config=/path/to/your/ckan.ini my_ckan_database.pg_dump

    This will create a file called my_ckan_database.pg_dump, if something goes wrong with the CKAN upgrade you can use this file to restore the database to its pre-upgrade state. See dumping and loading for details of the ckan db dump and ckan db load commands.

  2. Checkout the new CKAN version from git, for example:

    cd pyenv/src/ckan
    git fetch
    git checkout release-v1.8.1

    If you have any CKAN extensions installed from source, you may need to checkout newer versions of the extensions at this point as well. Refer to the documentation for each extension.

  3. Update CKAN's dependencies. Make sure that your CKAN virtual environment is active, then run this command:

    pip install --upgrade -r /path/to/your/pyenv/ckan/ckan/pip-requirements.txt
  4. If you are upgrading to a new major version of CKAN (for example if you are upgrading to CKAN 1.7, 1.8 or 1.9, etc.), update your CKAN database's schema using the ckan db upgrade command.

    For example:

    paster --plugin=ckan db upgrade --config=/path/to/your/ckan.ini

    If you are just upgrading to a minor version of CKAN (for example upgrading from version 1.8 to 1.8.1) then it should not be necessary to upgrade your database.

    See upgrade migration for details of the ckan db upgrade command.

  5. If CKAN's Solr schema version has changed between the CKAN versions you're upgrading from and to, then you need to update your solr schema symlink (Check the CHANGELOG to see if it necessary to update the schema, otherwise you can skip this step).

    When setting up solr you created a symlink /etc/solr/conf/schema.xml linking to a CKAN Solr schema file such as /path/to/your/pyenv/ckan/ckan/config/solr/schema-1.4.xml. This symlink should be updated to point to the latest schema file in /path/to/your/pyenv/ckan/ckan/config/solr/, if it doesn't already.

    After updating the symlink, you must rebuild your search index by running the ckan search-index rebuild command, for example:

    paster --plugin=ckan search-index rebuild --config=/path/to/your/ckan.ini

    See rebuild search index for details of the ckan search-index rebuild command.

  6. Finally, restart your web server. For example if you have deployed CKAN using the Apache web server on Ubuntu linux, run this command:

    sudo service apache2 restart
  7. You're done! You should now be able to visit your CKAN website in your web browser and see that it's now running the new version of CKAN.