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File metadata and controls

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The DataStore Data API

The following provides an introduction to using the CKAN :doc:`DataStore<datastore>` Data API.

The DataStore's Data API, which derives from the underlying data table, is JSON-based with extensive query capabilities.

Each resource in a CKAN instance can have an associated DataStore 'table'. The basic API for accessing the DataStore is outlined below.


The DataStore API allows tabular data to be stored inside CKAN quickly and easily. It is accessible through an interface accessible over HTTP and can be interacted with using JSON (the JavaScript Object Notation).


There are several endpoints into the DataStore API, they are:

at http://{YOUR-CKAN-INSTALLATION}/api/3/action/datastore_create
at http://{YOUR-CKAN-INSTALLATION}/api/3/action/datastore_delete
at http://{YOUR-CKAN-INSTALLATION}/api/3/action/datastore_upsert
at http://{YOUR-CKAN-INSTALLATION}/api/3/action/datastore_search
:meth:`~ckanext.datastore.logic.action.datastore_search_sql`, not available in :ref:`legacy mode<legacy_mode>`
at http://{YOUR-CKAN-INSTALLATION}/api/3/action/datastore_search_sql
datastore_search_htsql(), see :ref:`datastore_search_htsql`
at http://{YOUR-CKAN-INSTALLATION}/api/3/action/datastore_search_htsql

To understand the differences between the three last API endpoints, see :ref:`comparison_querying`.

API Reference

The datastore related API actions are accessed via CKAN's :ref:`action-api`. When POSTing requests, parameters should be provided as JSON objects.


Lists can always be expressed in different ways. It is possible to use lists, comma separated strings or single items. These are valid lists: ['foo', 'bar'], 'foo, bar', "foo", "bar" and 'foo'. Additionally, there are several ways to define a boolean value. True, on and 1 are all vaid boolean values.

.. automodule:: ckanext.datastore.logic.action


Fields define the column names and the type of the data in a column. A field is defined as follows:

    "id":    # a string which defines the column name
    "type":  # the data type for the column

Field types are optional and will be guessed by the DataStore from the provided data. However, setting the types ensures that future inserts will not fail because of wrong types. See :ref:`valid-types` for details on which types are valid.


        "id": "foo",
        "type": "int4"
        "id": "bar"
        # type is optional


A record is the data to be inserted in a table and is defined as follows:

    "<id>":  # data to be set
    # .. more data


        "foo": 100,
        "bar": "Here's some text"
        "foo": 42

Field types

The DataStore supports all types supported by PostgreSQL as well as a few additions. A list of the PostgreSQL types can be found in the type section of the documentation. Below you can find a list of the most common data types. The json type has been added as a storage for nested data.

In addition to the listed types below, you can also use array types. They are defines by prepending a _ or appending [] or [n] where n denotes the length of the array. An arbitrarily long array of integers would be defined as int[].

Arbitrary text data, e.g. Here's some text.
Arbitrary nested json data, e.g {"foo": 42, "bar": [1, 2, 3]}. Please note that this type is a custom type that is wrapped by the DataStore.
Date without time, e.g 2012-5-25.
Time without date, e.g 12:42.
Date and time, e.g 2012-10-01T02:43Z.
Integer numbers, e.g 42, 7.
Floats, e.g. 1.61803.
Boolean values, e.g. true, 0

You can find more information about the formatting of dates in the date/time types section of the PostgreSQL documentation.

Table aliases

A resource in the DataStore can have multiple aliases that are easier to remember than the resource id. Aliases can be created and edited with the datastore_create API endpoint. All aliases can be found in a special view called _table_metadata.

HTSQL Support

The ckanext-htsql extension adds an API action that allows a user to search data in a resource using the HTSQL query expression language. Please refer to the extension documentation to know more.

Comparison of different querying methods

The DataStore supports querying with multiple API endpoints. They are similar but support different features. The following list gives an overview of the different methods.

  :meth:`~ckanext.datastore.logic.action.datastore_search` :meth:`~ckanext.datastore.logic.action.datastore_search_sql` :ref:`HTSQL<datastore_search_htsql>`
Status Stable Stable Available as extension
Ease of use Easy Complex Medium
Flexibility Low High Medium
Query language Custom (JSON) SQL HTSQL
Connect multiple resources No Yes Not yet
Use aliases Yes Yes Yes

Using the Data API

Before going into detail about the API and the examples, it is useful to create a resource first so that you can store data against it in the Datastore. This can be done either through the CKAN Graphical User Interface or the API.

Using the data API, we need to send JSON with this structure:

   id: Uuid,
   name: Name-String,
   title: String,
   version: String,
   url: String,
   resources: [ { url: String, format: String, description: String, hash: String }, ...],
   author: String,
   author_email: String,
   maintainer: String,
   maintainer_email: String,
   license_id: String,
   tags: Tag-List,
   notes: String,
   extras: { Name-String: String, ... }

To the following endpoint:

  • Dataset Model Endpoint: http://{YOUR-CKAN-INSTALLATION}/api/rest/dataset

More details about creating a resource through the Data API are available on the :ref:`CKAN API page <api>`.



There is a special view that lists all available resources from the DataStore. It can be found at the alias _table_metadata.

Some of the following commands require obtaining an :ref:`API Key <get-api-key>`.

cURL (or Browser)

The following examples utilize the cURL command line utility. If you prefer, you you can just open the relevant urls in your browser:

# This creates a datastore
curl -X POST <ENDPOINT:datastore_create> -H "Authorization: <YOUR-API-KEY>" -d '{"resource_id": "<RESOURCE-ID>", "fields": [ {"id": "a"}, {"id": "b"} ], "records": [ { "a": 1, "b": "xyz"}, {"a": 2, "b": "zzz"} ]}'

#This queries a datastore
curl "<ENDPOINT:datastore_search>?resource_id=<RESOURCE-ID>" -H "Authorization: <YOUR-API-KEY>"


A simple ajax (JSONP) request to the data API using jQuery:

  url: '<ENDPOINT:datastore_search>',
  data: {'resource_id': '<RESOURCE-ID>'},
  dataType: 'jsonp',
  success: function(data) {
    alert('Total results found: ' +

The Data API supports CORs so you can also write to it (this requires the json2_ library for JSON.stringify):

Coming soon...


A Python URLLib2 datastore_create and datastore_search would look like:

#! /usr/bin/env python
import urllib
import urllib2
import json

auth_key = '<YOUR-API-KEY>'

# In python using urllib2 for datastore_create it is...

url = "<API-ENDPOINT>"

datastore_structure = {
                'resource_id': '<RESOURCE-ID>',
                'fields': [{"id": "a"}, {"id": "b"}],
                "records": [{"a": 12, "b": "abc"}, {"a": 2, "b": "zzz"}]
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': auth_key}

req = urllib2.Request(url + 'datastore_create', data=json.dumps(datastore_structure), headers=headers)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)

# in python for datastore_search using urllib2....

datastore_structure = {
    'resource_id': '<RESOURCE-ID>'

url_values = urllib.urlencode(datastore_structure)
req = urllib2.Request(url + 'datastore_search?' + url_values, headers=headers)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)


print "done\n"

Using the Python Requests library we can create a datastore like this:

#! /usr/bin/env python

import requests
import json

auth_key = '<YOUR-API-KEY>'

url = '<API-ENDPOINT>'

datastore_structure = {
                        'resource_id': '<RESOURCE-ID>',
                        'fields': [ {"id": "a"}, {"id": "b"} ],
                        "records": [ { "a": 1, "b": "xyz"}, {"a": 2, "b": "zzz"} ]
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': auth_key}
r = + 'datastore_create', data=json.dumps(datastore_structure), headers=headers)
print "done, and now for a quick search\n"

datastore_structure = {
                        'resource_id': '<RESOURCE-ID>'
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': auth_key}
r = + 'datastore_search', data=json.dumps(datastore_structure), headers=headers)

print r.text

print "done\n"


Coming soon...