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File metadata and controls

1357 lines (974 loc) · 43.5 KB

CKAN Coding Standards

How to Contribute Code to CKAN

CKAN is a free software project and code contributions are welcome. To contribute code to CKAN you should fork CKAN to your own GitHub account, push your code to a feature branch on your fork, then make a pull request for your branch on the central CKAN repo. We'll go through each step in detail below...

Fork CKAN on GitHub

If you don't have access to the central CKAN repo on GitHub you should sign up for a free account on and fork CKAN, so that you have somewhere to publish your CKAN code.

You can now clone your CKAN fork to your development machine, create a new branch to commit your code on, and push your branch to your CKAN fork on GitHub to share your code with others.

Feature Branches

Work for a feature or bug fix should be developed on a feature or bug branch forked from master. Each individual feature or bug fix should be developed on its own branch. The name of the branch should include the ticket number (if this work has a ticket in the CKAN issue tracker), the branch type ("feature" or "bug"), and a brief one-line synopsis of the purpose of the ticket, for example:


Naming branches this way makes it easy to search for a branch by its ticket number using GitHub's web interface.

Commit Messages

Generally, follow the commit guidelines from the Pro Git book:

  • Try to make each commit a logically separate, digestible changeset.
  • The first line of the commit message should concisely summarise the changeset.
  • Optionally, follow with a blank line and then a more detailed explanation of the changeset.
  • Use the imperative present tense as if you were giving commands to the codebase to change its behaviour, e.g. Add tests for..., make xyzzy do frotz..., this helps to make the commit message easy to read.

If your commit has a ticket in the CKAN issue tracker put the ticket number at the start of the first line of the commit message like this: [#123]. This makes the CKAN release manager's job much easier!

Here is an example CKAN commit message:

[#2505] Update source install instructions

Following feedback from markw (see #2406).

Pull Requests & Code Review

Once your work on a branch is complete and is ready to be merged into the master branch, create a pull request on GitHub. A member of the CKAN team will review your code and provide feedback on the pull request page. The reviewer may ask you to make some changes to your code. Once the pull request has passed the code review, the reviewer will merge your code into the master branch and it will become part of CKAN!


When submitting a pull request:

  • Your branch should contain code for one feature or bug fix only, see Feature Branches.
  • Your branch should contain new or changed tests for any new or changed code, see Testing.
  • All the CKAN tests should pass on your branch, see test.


When merging a feature or bug branch into master:

  • Make sure the tests pass, see test
  • Use the --no-ff option in the git merge command
  • Add an entry to the CHANGELOG file


See release-cycle for details on the release process.

Python Coding Standards

For python code, we follow PEP 8, plus a few of our own rules. The important bits are laid out below, but if in doubt, refer to PEP 8 and common sense.

Layout and formatting

  • Don't use tabs. Use 4 spaces.
  • Maximum line length is 79 characters.
  • Continuation lines should align vertically within the parentheses, or with a hanging indent. See PEP 8's Indent Section for more details.
  • Avoid extraneous whitespace. See PEP 8's Whitespace Section for more details.
  • Clean up formatting issues in master, not on a feature branch. Unless of course you're changing that piece of code anyway. This will help avoid spurious merge conflicts, and aid in reading pull requests.
  • Use the single-quote character, ', rather than the double-quote character, ", for string literals.


  • Import whole modules, rather than using from foo import bar. It's ok to alias imported modules to make things more concise, ie this is acceptable: :

    import as f
  • Make all imports at the start of the file, after the module docstring. Imports should be grouped in the following order:
    1. Standard library imports
    2. Third-party imports
    3. CKAN imports


  • Keep messages short.
  • Don't include object representations in the log message. It is useful to include an domain model identifier where appropriate.
  • Choose an appropriate log-level:

    Level Description
    DEBUG Detailed information, of no interest when everything is working well but invaluable when diagnosing problems.
    INFO Affirmations that things are working as expected, e.g. "service has started" or "indexing run complete". Often ignored.
    WARNING There may be a problem in the near future, and this gives advance warning of it. But the application is able to proceed normally.
    ERROR The application has been unable to proceed as expected, due to the problem being logged.
    CRITICAL This is a serious error, and some kind of application meltdown might be imminent.



To construct an internationalised string, use str.format, giving meaningful names to each replacement field. For example: :

_(' ... {foo} ... {bar} ...').format(foo='foo-value', bar='bar-value')

Docstring Standards

We want CKAN's docstrings to be clear and easy to read for programmers who are smart and competent but who may not know a lot of CKAN technical jargon and whose first language may not be English. We also want it to be easy to maintain the docstrings and keep them up to date with the actual behaviour of the code as it changes over time. So:

  • Keep docstrings short, describe only what's necessary and no more
  • Keep docstrings simple, use plain English, try not to use a long word where a short one will do, and try to cut out words where possible
  • Try to avoid repetition

PEP 257

Generally, follow PEP 257. We'll only describe the ways that CKAN differs from or extends PEP 257 below.

CKAN docstrings deviate from PEP 257 in a couple of ways:

  • We use '''triple single quotes''' around docstrings, not """triple double quotes""" (put triple single quotes around one-line docstrings as well as multi-line ones, it makes them easier to expand later)
  • We use Sphinx directives for documenting parameters, exceptions and return values (see below)


Use Sphinx directives for documenting the parameters, exceptions and returns of functions:

  • Use :param and :type to describe each parameter
  • Use :returns and :rtype to describe each return
  • Use :raises to describe each exception raised

Example of a short docstring:

def packages(self):
    '''Return a list of all packages that have this tag, sorted by name.

    :rtype: list of ckan.model.package.Package objects


Example of a longer docstring:

def search_by_name(cls, search_term, vocab_id_or_name=None):
    '''Return all tags whose names contain a given string.

    By default only free tags (tags which do not belong to any vocabulary)
    are returned. If the optional argument ``vocab_id_or_name`` is given
    then only tags from that vocabulary are returned.

    :param search_term: the string to search for in the tag names
    :type search_term: string
    :param vocab_id_or_name: the id or name of the vocabulary to look in
        (optional, default: None)
    :type vocab_id_or_name: string

    :returns: a list of tags that match the search term
    :rtype: list of ckan.model.tag.Tag objects


The phrases that follow :param foo:, :type foo:, or :returns: should not start with capital letters or end with full stops. These should be short phrases and not full sentences. If more detail is required put it in the function description instead.

Indicate optional arguments by ending their descriptions with (optional) in brackets. Where relevant also indicate the default value: (optional, default: 5). It's also helpful to list all required parameters before optional ones.

You can also use a little inline reStructuredText markup in docstrings, e.g. *stars for emphasis* or double-backticks for literal text

CKAN Action API Docstrings

Docstrings from CKAN's action API are processed with autodoc and included in the API chapter of CKAN's documentation. The intended audience of these docstrings is users of the CKAN API and not (just) CKAN core developers.

In the Python source each API function has the same two arguments (context and data_dict), but the docstrings should document the keys that the functions read from data_dict and not context and data_dict themselves, as this is what the user has to POST in the JSON dict when calling the API.

Where practical, it's helpful to give examples of param and return values in API docstrings.

CKAN datasets used to be called packages and the old name still appears in the source, e.g. in function names like package_list(). When documenting functions like this write dataset not package, but the first time you do this put package after it in brackets to avoid any confusion, e.g.

def package_show(context, data_dict):
    '''Return the metadata of a dataset (package) and its resources.

Example of a ckan.logic.action API docstring:

def vocabulary_create(context, data_dict):
    '''Create a new tag vocabulary.

    You must be a sysadmin to create vocabularies.

    :param name: the name of the new vocabulary, e.g. ``'Genre'``
    :type name: string
    :param tags: the new tags to add to the new vocabulary, for the format of
        tag dictionaries see ``tag_create()``
    :type tags: list of tag dictionaries

    :returns: the newly-created vocabulary
    :rtype: dictionary



Running the PEP 8 style guide checker is good for checking adherence to PEP 8 formatting. As mentioned above, only perform style clean-ups on master to help avoid spurious merge conflicts.

PyLint is a useful tool for analysing python source code for errors and signs of poor quality.

pyflakes is another useful tool for passive analysis of python source code. There's also a pyflakes vim plugin which will highlight unused variables, undeclared variables, syntax errors and unused imports.

CKAN Code Areas

This section describes some guidelines for making changes in particular areas of the codebase, as well as general concepts particular to CKAN.


Some rules to adhere to when making changes to the codebase in general.

Is there anything to include in this 'General' section?

Domain Models

This section describes things to bear in mind when making changes to the domain models. For more information about CKAN's domain models, see domain-model.

The structure of the CKAN data is described in the 'model'. This is in the code at ckan/model.

Many of the domain objects are Revisioned and some are Stateful. These are concepts introduced by vdm.


When edits are made to the model code, then before the code can be used on a CKAN instance with existing data, the existing data has to be migrated. This is achieved with a migration script.

CKAN currently uses to manage these scripts. When you deploy new code to a CKAN instance, as part of the process you run any required migration scripts with: :

paster --plugin=ckan db upgrade --config={.ini file}

The scripts give their model version numbers in their filenames and are stored in ckan/migration/versions/.

The current version the database is migrated to is also stored in the database. When you run the upgrade, as each migration script is run it prints to the console something like 11->12. If no upgrade is required because it is up to date, then nothing is printed.

Creating a new migration script

A migration script should be checked into CKAN at the same time as the model changes it is related to. Before pushing the changes, ensure the tests pass when running against the migrated model, which requires the --ckan-migration setting.

To create a new migration script, create a python file in ckan/migration/versions/ and name it with a prefix numbered one higher than the previous one and some words describing the change.

You need to use the special engine provided by the SqlAlchemy Migrate. Here is the standard header for your migrate script: :

from sqlalchemy import *
from migrate import *

The migration operations go in the upgrade function: :

def upgrade(migrate_engine):
  metadata = MetaData()
  metadata.bind = migrate_engine

The following process should be followed when doing a migration. This process is here to make the process easier and to validate if any mistakes have been made:

  1. Get a dump of the database schema before you add your new migrate scripts. :

    paster --plugin=ckan db clean --config={.ini file}
    paster --plugin=ckan db upgrade --config={.ini file}
    pg_dump -h host -s -f old.sql dbname
  2. Get a dump of the database as you have specified it in the model. :

    paster --plugin=ckan db clean --config={.ini file}
    #this makes the database as defined in the model
    paster --plugin=ckan db create-from-model -config={.ini file}
    pg_dump -h host -s -f new.sql dbname
  3. Get agpdiff (apt-get it). It produces sql it thinks that you need to run on the database in order to get it to the updated schema. :

    apgdiff old.sql new.sql > upgrade.diff

(or if you don't want to install java use

  1. The upgrade.diff file created will have all the changes needed in sql. Delete the drop index lines as they are not created in the model.
  2. Put the resulting sql in your migrate script, e.g. :

    migrate_engine.execute('''update table .........; update table ....''')
  3. Do a dump again, then a diff again to see if the the only thing left are drop index statements.
  4. run nosetests with --ckan-migration flag.

It's that simple. Well almost.

  • If you are doing any table/field renaming adding that to your new migrate script first and use this as a base for your diff (i.e add a migrate script with these renaming before 1). This way the resulting sql won't try to drop and recreate the field/table!
  • It sometimes drops the foreign key constraints in the wrong order causing an error so you may need to rearrange the order in the resulting upgrade.diff.
  • If you need to do any data transfer in the migrations then do it between the dropping of the constraints and adding of new ones.
  • May need to add some tests if you are doing data migrations.

An example of a script doing it this way is This script copies the definitions of the original tables in order to do the renaming the tables/fields.

In order to do some basic data migration testing extra assertions should be added to the migration script. Examples of this can also be found in for example.

This statement is run at the top of the migration script to get the count of rows: :

package_count = migrate_engine.execute('''select count(*) from package''').first()[0]

And the following is run after to make sure that row count is the same: :

resource_group_after = migrate_engine.execute('''select count(*) from resource_group''').first()[0]
assert resource_group_after == package_count

The Action Layer

When making changes to the action layer, found in the four modules ckan/logic/action/{create,delete,get,update} there are a few things to bear in mind.

Server Errors

When writing action layer code, bear in mind that the input provided in the data_dict may be user-provided. This means that required fields should be checked for existence and validity prior to use. For example, code such as :

id = data_dict['id']

will raise a KeyError if the user hasn't provided an id field in their data dict. This results in a 500 error, and no message to explain what went wrong. The correct response by the action function would be to raise a ValidationError instead, as this will be caught and will provide the user with a bad request response, alongside an error message explaining the issue.

To this end, there's a helper function, logic.get_or_bust() which can be used to safely retrieve a value from a dict: :

id = _get_or_bust(data_dict, "id")

Function visibility

All publicly visible functions in the ckan.logic.action.{create,delete,get,update} namespaces will be exposed through the apiv3. This includes functions imported by those modules, as well as any helper functions defined within those modules. To prevent inadvertent exposure of non-action functions through the action api, care should be taken to:

  1. Import modules correctly (see Imports). For example: :

    import as search
  2. Hide any locally defined helper functions: :

    def _a_useful_helper_function(x, y, z):
       '''This function is not exposed because it is marked as private```
       return x+y+z
  3. Bring imported convenience functions into the module namespace as private members: :

    _get_or_bust = logic.get_or_bust


Please refer to CKAN Action API Docstrings for information about writing docstrings for the action functions. It is very important that action functions are documented as they are not only consumed by CKAN developers but by CKAN users.


Guidelines when writing controller actions:

  • Use get_action, rather than calling the action directly; and rather than calling the action directly, as this allows extensions to overide the action's behaviour. ie use :


    Instead of :

  • Controllers have access to helper functions in ckan.lib.helpers. When developing for ckan core, only use the helper functions found in ckan.lib.helpers.__allowed_functions__.

Anything else for controllers?


Helper Functions

Templates have access to a set of helper functions in ckan.lib.helpers. When developing for ckan core, only use the helper functions found in ckan.lib.helpers.__allowed_functions__.

Jinja2 templates


  • Functional tests which test the behaviour of the web user interface, and the APIs should be placed within ckan/tests/functional. These tests can be a lot slower to run that unit tests which don't access the database or solr. So try to bear that in mind, and attempt to cover just what is neccessary, leaving what can be tested via unit-testing in unit-tests.
  • and are only available in Python>=2.7. So import them from ckan.tests, which will provide alternatives if they're not available.
  • the mock library can be used to create and interrogate mock objects.

See test for further information on testing in CKAN.

Writing Extensions

Please see writing-extensions for information about writing ckan extensions, including details on the API available to extensions.


  • Anything that may be used by extensions (see writing-extensions) needs to maintain backward compatibility at call-site. ie - template helper functions and functions defined in the plugins toolkit.
  • The length of time of deprecation is evaluated on a function-by-function basis. At minimum, a function should be marked as deprecated during a point release.
  • To mark a helper function, use the deprecated decorator found in ckan.lib.maintain eg: :

    def facet_items(*args, **kwargs):
        DEPRECATED: Use the new facet data structure, and `unselected_facet_items()`
        # rest of function definition.

Javascript Coding Standards


All JavaScript documents must use two spaces for indentation and files should have no trailing whitespace. This is contrary to the OKFN Coding Standards but matches what's in use in the current code base.

Coding style must follow the idiomatic.js style but with the following exceptions.


Idiomatic is heavily based upon Douglas Crockford's style guide which is recommended by the OKFN Coding Standards.

White Space

Two spaces must be used for indentation at all times. Unlike in idiomatic whitespace must not be used _inside parentheses between the parentheses and their Contents. :

// BAD: Too much whitespace.
function getUrl( full ) {
  var url = '/styleguide/javascript/';
  if ( full ) {
    url = '' + url;
  return url;

// GOOD:
function getUrl(full) {
  var url = '/styleguide/javascript/';
  if (full) {
    url = '' + url;
  return url;


See section 2.D.1.1 of idiomatic for more examples of this syntax.


Single quotes should be used everywhere unless writing JSON or the string contains them. This makes it easier to create strings containing HTML. :

jQuery('<div id="my-div" />').appendTo('body');

Object properties need not be quoted unless required by the interpreter. :

var object = {
  name: 'bill',
  'class': 'user-name'

Variable declarations

One var statement must be used per variable assignment. These must be declared at the top of the function in which they are being used. :

// GOOD:
var good = "string";
var alsoGood = "another;

// GOOD:
var good = "string";
var okay = [
  "hmm", "a bit", "better"

// BAD:
var good = "string",
    iffy = [
  "hmm", "not", "great"

Declare variables at the top of the function in which they are first used. This avoids issues with variable hoisting. If a variable is not assigned a value until later in the function then it it okay to define more than one per statement. :

// BAD: contrived example.
function lowercaseNames(names) {
  var names = [];

  for (var index = 0, length = names.length; index < length; index += 1) {
    var name = names[index];

  var sorted = names.sort();
  return sorted;

// GOOD:
function lowercaseNames(names) {
  var names = [];
  var index, sorted, name;

  for (index = 0, length = names.length; index < length; index += 1) {
    name = names[index];

  sorted = names.sort();
  return sorted;


All properties, functions and methods must use lowercase camelCase: :

var myUsername = 'bill';
var methods = {
  getSomething: function () {}

Constructor functions must use uppercase CamelCase: :

function DatasetSearchView() {

Constants must be uppercase with spaces delimited by underscores: :

var env = {
  PRODUCTION:  'production',
  DEVELOPMENT: 'development',
  TESTING:     'testing'

Event handlers and callback functions should be prefixed with "on": :

function onDownloadClick(event) {}


Boolean variables or methods returning boolean functions should prefix the variable name with "is": :

function isAdmin() {}

var canEdit = isUser() && isAdmin();


Alternatives are "has", "can" and "should" if they make more sense

Private methods should be prefixed with an underscore: :

  "click": "_onClick",
  _onClick: function (event) {

Functions should be declared as named functions rather than assigning an anonymous function to a variable. :

// GOOD:
function getName() {

// BAD:
var getName = function () {

Named functions are generally easier to debug as they appear named in the debugger.


Comments should be used to explain anything that may be unclear when you return to it in six months time. Single line comments should be used for all inline comments that do not form part of the documentation. :

// Export the function to either the exports or global object depending
// on the current environment. This can be either an AMD module, CommonJS
// module or a browser.
if (typeof module.define === 'function' && module.define.amd) {
  module.define('broadcast', function () {
    return Broadcast;
} else if (module.exports) {
  module.exports = Broadcast;
} else {
  module.Broadcast = Broadcast;


All JavaScript should pass JSHint before being committed. This can be installed using npm (which is bundled with node) by running: :

$ npm -g install jshint

Each project should include a jshint.json file with appropriate configuration options for the tool. Most text editors can also be configured to read from this file.


For documentation we use a simple markup format to document all methods. The documentation should provide enough information to show the reader what the method does, arguments it accepts and a general example of usage. Also for API's and third party libraries, providing links to external documentation is encouraged.

The formatting is as follows:

/* My method description. Should describe what the method does and where
 * it should be used.
 * param1 - The method params, one per line (default: null)
 * param2 - A default can be provided in brackets at the end.
 * Example
 *   // Indented two spaces. Should give a common example of use.
 *   client.getTemplate('index.html', {limit: 1}, function (html) {
 *     module.el.html(html);
 *   });
 * Returns describes what the object returns.

For example:

/* Loads an HTML template from the CKAN snippet API endpoint. Template
 * variables can be passed through the API using the params object.
 * Optional success and error callbacks can be provided or these can
 * be attached using the returns jQuery promise object.
 * filename - The filename of the template to load.
 * params   - An optional object containing key/value arguments to be
 *            passed into the template.
 * success  - An optional success callback to be called on load. This will
 *            recieve the HTML string as the first argument.
 * error    - An optional error callback to be called if the request fails.
 * Example
 *   client.getTemplate('index.html', {limit: 1}, function (html) {
 *     module.el.html(html);
 *   });
 * Returns a jqXHR promise object that can be used to attach callbacks.


For unit testing we use the following libraries.

  • Mocha: As a BDD unit testing framework.
  • Sinon: Provides spies, stubs and mocks for methods and functions.
  • Chai: Provides common assertions.

Tests are run from the test/index.html directory. We use the BDD interface (describe(), it() etc.) provided by mocha and the assert interface provided by chai.

Generally we try and have the core functionality of all libraries and modules unit tested.

Best Practices


All forms should work without JavaScript enabled. This means that they must submit application/x-www-form-urlencoded data to the server and receive an appropriate response. The server should check for the X-Requested-With: XMLHTTPRequest header to determine if the request is an ajax one. If so it can return an appropriate format, otherwise it should issue a 303 redirect.

The one exception to this rule is if a form or button is injected with JavaScript after the page has loaded. It's then not part of the HTML document and can submit any data format it pleases.


Ajax requests can be used to improve the experience of submitting forms and other actions that require server interactions. Nearly all requests will go through the following states.

  1. User clicks button.
  2. JavaScript intercepts the click and disables the button (add disabled attr).
  3. A loading indicator is displayed (add class .loading to button).
  4. The request is made to the server.
    1. On success the interface is updated.
    2. On error a message is displayed to the user if there is no other way to resolve the issue.
  5. The loading indicator is removed.
  6. The button is re-enabled.

Here's a possible example for submitting a search form using jQuery. :

jQuery('#search-form').submit(function (event) {
  var form = $(this);
  var button = form.find('[type=submit]');

  // Prevent the browser submitting the form.

  button.prop('disabled', true).addClass('loading');

    type: this.method,
    data: form.serialize(),
    success: function (results) {
    error: function () {
      showSearchError('Sorry we were unable to complete this search');
    complete: function () {
      button.prop('disabled', false).removeClass('loading');

This covers possible issues that might arise from submitting the form as well as providing the user with adequate feedback that the page is doing something. Disabling the button prevents the form being submitted twice and the error feedback should hopefully offer a solution for the error that occurred.

Event Handlers

When using event handlers to listen for browser events it's a common requirement to want to cancel the default browser action. This should be done by calling the event.preventDefault() method: :

jQuery('button').click(function (event) {

It is also possible to return false from the callback function. Avoid doing this as it also calls the event.stopPropagation() method which prevents the event from bubbling up the DOM tree. This prevents other handlers listening for the same event. For example an analytics click handler attached to the <body> element.

Also jQuery (1.7+) now provides the .on() and .off() methods as alternatives to .bind(), .unbind(), .delegate() and .undelegate() and they should be preferred for all tasks.


Small templates that will not require customisation by the instance can be placed inline. If you need to create multi-line templates use an array rather than escaping newlines within a string:

var template = [

Always localise text strings within your templates. If you are including them inline this can always be done with jQuery:

jQuery(template).find('span').text(_('This is my text string'));

Larger templates can be loaded in using the CKAN snippet API. Modules get access to this functionality via the sandbox.client object:

initialize: function () {
  var el = this.el;
  this.sandbox.client.getTemplate('dataset.html', function (html) {

The primary benefits of this is that the localisation can be done by the server and it keeps the JavaScript modules free from large strings.

HTML Coding Standards


All HTML documents must use two spaces for indentation and there should be no trailing whitespace. XHTML syntax must be used (this is more a Genshi requirement) and all attributes must use double quotes around attributes. :

<!-- XHTML boolean attributes must still have values and self closing tags must have a closing / -->
<video autoplay="autoplay" poster="poster_image.jpg">
  <source src="foo.ogg" type="video/ogg" />

HTML5 elements should be used where appropriate reserving <div> and <span> elements for situations where there is no semantic value (such as wrapping elements to provide styling hooks).

Doctype and layout

All documents must be using the HTML5 doctype and the <html> element should have a "lang" attribute. The <head> should also at a minimum include "viewport" and "charset" meta tags. :

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>Example Site</title>


Form fields must always include a <label> element with a "for" attribute matching the "id" on the input. This helps accessibility by focusing the input when the label is clicked, it also helps screen readers match labels to their respective inputs. :

<label for="field-email">email</label>
<input type="email" id="field-email" name="email" value="" />

Each <input> should have an "id" that is unique to the page. It does not have to match the "name" attribute.

Forms should take advantage of the new HTML5 input types where they make sense to do so, placeholder attributes should also be included where relevant. Including these can provided enhancements in browsers that support them such as tailored inputs and keyboards. :

  <label for="field-email">Email</label>
  <input type="email" id="field-email" name="email" value="" />
  <label for="field-phone">Phone</label>
  <input type="phone" id="field-phone" name="phone" value="" placeholder="+44 077 12345 678" />
  <label for="field-url">Homepage</label>
  <input type="url" id="field-url" name="url" value="" placeholder="" />

Wufoo provides an excellent reference for these attributes.

Including meta data

Classes should ideally only be used as styling hooks. If you need to include additional data in the html document, for example to pass data to JavaScript, then the HTML5 data- attributes should be used. :

<a class="btn" data-format="csv">Download CSV</a>

These can then be accessed easily via jQuery using the .data() method. :

jQuery('.btn').data('format'); //=> "csv"

// Get the contents of all data attributes.
jQuery('.btn').data(); => {format: "csv"}

One thing to note is that the JavaScript API for datasets will convert all attribute names into camelCase. So "data-file-format" will become fileFormat.

For example: :

<a class="btn" data-file-format="csv">Download CSV</a>

Will become: :

jQuery('.btn').data('fileFormat'); //=> "csv"
jQuery('.btn').data(); => {fileFormat: "csv"}

Targeting Internet Explorer

Targeting lower versions of Internet Explorer (IE), those below version 9, should be handled by the stylesheets. Small fixes should be provided inline using the .ie specific class names. Larger fixes may require a separate stylesheet but try to avoid this if at all possible.

Adding IE specific classes: :

<!doctype html>
<!--[if lt IE 7]> <html lang="en" class="ie ie6"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 7]>    <html lang="en" class="ie ie7"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 8]>    <html lang="en" class="ie ie8"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if gt IE 8]><!--> <html lang="en"> <!--<![endif]-->


Only add lines for classes that are actually being used.

These can then be used within the CSS: :

.clear:after {
    content: "";
    display: table;

.clear:after {
    clear: both;

.ie7 .clear {
    zoom: 1; /* For IE 6/7 (trigger hasLayout) */


Don't include line breaks within <p> blocks. ie do this: :

<p>Blah foo blah</p>
<p>New paragraph, blah</p>

And not: :

<p>Blah foo blah
   New paragraph, blah</p>

CSS Coding Standards


All CSS documents must use two spaces for indentation and files should have no trailing whitespace. Other formatting rules:

  • Use soft-tabs with a two space indent.
  • Use double quotes.
  • Use shorthand notation where possible.
  • Put spaces after : in property declarations.
  • Put spaces before { in rule declarations.
  • Use hex color codes #000 unless using rgba().
  • Always provide fallback properties for older browsers.
  • Use one line per property declaration.
  • Always follow a rule with one line of whitespace.
  • Always quote url() and @import() contents.
  • Do not indent blocks.

For example: :

.media {
  overflow: hidden;
  color: #fff;
  background-color: #000; /* Fallback value */
  background-image: linear-gradient(black, grey);

.media .img {
  float: left;
  border: 1px solid #ccc;

.media .img img {
  display: block;

.media .content {
  background: #fff url("../images/media-background.png") no-repeat;


All ids, classes and attributes must be lowercase with hyphens used for separation. :

/* GOOD */
.dataset-list {}

/* BAD */
.datasetlist {}
.datasetList {}
.dataset_list {}


Comments should be used liberally to explain anything that may be unclear at first glance, especially IE workarounds or hacks. :

.prose p {
  font-size: 1.1666em /* 14px / 12px */;

.ie7 .search-form {
    Force the item to have layout in IE7 by setting display to block.
  display: inline-block;

Modularity & Specificity

Try keep all selectors loosely grouped into modules where possible and avoid having too many selectors in one declaration to make them easy to override. :

/* Avoid */
ul#dataset-list {}
ul#dataset-list li {}
ul#dataset-list li p {}

Instead here we would create a dataset "module" and styling the item outside of the container allows you to use it on it's own e.g. on a dataset page: :

.dataset-list {}
.dataset-list-item {}
.dataset-list-item .download {}

In the same vein use classes make the styles more robust, especially where the HTML may change. For example when styling social links: :

<ul class="social">
  <li><a href="">Twitter</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Facebook</a></li>
  <li><a href="">LinkedIn</a></li>

You may use pseudo selectors to keep the HTML clean: :

.social li:nth-child(1) a {
  background-image: url(twitter.png);

.social li:nth-child(2) a {
  background-image: url(facebook.png);

.social li:nth-child(3) a {
  background-image: url(linked-in.png);

However this will break any time the HTML changes for example if an item is added or removed. Instead we can use class names to ensure the icons always match the elements (Also you'd probably sprite the image :). :

.social .twitter {
  background-image: url(twitter.png);

.social .facebook {
  background-image: url(facebook.png);

.social .linked-in {
  background-image: url(linked-in.png);

Avoid using tag names in selectors as this prevents re-use in other contexts. :

/* Cannot use this class on an <ol> or <div> element */
ul.dataset-item {}

Also ids should not be used in selectors as it makes it far too difficult to override later in the cascade. :

/* Cannot override this button style without including an id */
.btn#download {}



These resources are more related to structuring CSS for large projects rather than actual how-to style guides.