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Version 3

API Versions

To use a particular version of the API, include the version number in the base of the URL:
  • (version 1)
  • (version 2)
  • (version 3)
e.g. Searching using API version 2::
If you don't specify the version number then you will default to version 1 of the Model, Search and Util APIs and version 3 of the Action API.
  • (version 1)
  • (version 1)
  • (version 1)
  • (version 3)

Action API


The Action API is in beta in this release. Please feed back comments and problems. There is a known issue that incorrect parameters cause unhelpful errors with status 500.


The Action API is a powerful RPC-style way of accessing CKAN data. Its intention is to have access to all the core logic in ckan. It calls exactly the same functions that are used internally which all the other CKAN interfaces (Web interface / Model API) go through. Therefore it provides the full gamut of read and write operations, with all possible parameters.

A client supplies parameters to the Action API via a JSON dictionary of a POST request, and returns results, help information and any error diagnostics in a JSON dictionary too. This is a departure from the CKAN API versions 1 and 2, which being RESTful required all the request parameters to be part of the URL.



The basic URL for the Action API is:





Logic Action Parameter keys
site_read (none)
package_list (none)
current_package_list_with_resources limit
revision_list (none)
package_revision_list id
group_list all_fields
group_list_authz (none)
group_list_available (none)
group_revision_list id
licence_list (none)
tag_list q, all_fields, limit, offset, return_objects
user_list q, order_by
package_relationships_list id, id2, rel
package_show id
revision_show id
group_show id
tag_show id
user_show id
package_show_rest id
group_show_rest id
tag_show_rest id
package_autocomplete q
tag_autocomplete q, limit
format_autocomplete q, limit
user_autocomplete q, limit
package_search q, fields, facet_by, limit, offset

Logic Action Parameter keys
package_create (package keys)
package_create_validate (package keys)
resource_create (resource keys)
package_relationship_create id, id2, rel, comment
group_create (group keys)
rating_create package, rating
user_create (user keys)
package_create_rest (package keys)
group_create_rest (group keys)

Logic Action Parameter keys
make_latest_pending_package_active id
resource_update (resource keys)
package_update (package keys)
package_update_validate (package keys)
package_relationship_update id, id2, rel, comment
group_update (group keys)
user_update (user keys), reset_key
package_update_rest (package keys)
group_update_rest (group keys)

Logic Action Parameter keys
package_delete id
package_relationship_delete id, id2, rel
group_delete id

In case of doubt, refer to the code of the logic actions, which is found in the CKAN source in the ckan/logic/action directory.

Object dictionaries


key example value notes
id "fd788e57-dce4-481c-832d-497235bf9f78" (Read-only) unique identifier
name "uk-spending" Unique identifier. Should be human readable
title "UK Spending" Human readable title of the dataset
url "" Home page for the data
version "1.0" Version associated with the data. String format.
author "UK Treasury" Name of person responsible for the data
author_email "" Email address for the person in the 'author' field
maintainer null Name of another person responsible for the data
maintainer_email null Email address for the person in the 'maintainer' field
notes "### About\r\n\r\nUpdated 1997." Other human readable info about the dataset. Markdown format.
license_id "cc-by" ID of the license this dataset is released under. You can then look up the license ID to get the title.
extras []  
tags ["government-spending"] List of tags associated with this dataset.
groups ["spending", "country-uk"] List of groups this dataset is a member of.
relationships_as_subject [] List of relationships (edit this only using relationship specific command). The 'type' of the relationship is described in terms of this package being the subject and the related package being the object.
state active May be deleted or other custom states like pending.
revision_id "f645243a-7334-44e2-b87c-64231700a9a6" (Read-only) ID of the last revision for the core package object was (doesn't include tags, groups, extra fields, relationships).
revision_timestamp "2010-12-21T15:26:17.345502" (Read-only) Time and date when the last revision for the core package object was (doesn't include tags, groups, extra fields, relationships). ISO format. UTC timezone assumed.

Package Extra:

key example value notes
id "c10fb749-ad46-4ba2-839a-41e8e2560687" (Read-only)
key "number_of_links"  
value "10000"  
package_id "349259a8-cbff-4610-8089-2c80b34e27c5" (Read-only) Edit package extras with package_update
state "active" (Read-only) Edit package extras with package_update
revision_timestamp "2010-09-01T08:56:53.696551" (Read-only)
revision_id "233d0c19-fcdc-44b9-9afe-25e2aa9d0a5f" (Read-only)


key example value notes
id "888d00e9-6ee5-49ca-9abb-6f216e646345" (Read-only)
url "" Download URL of the data
description ""  
format "XLS" Format of the data
hash null Hash of the data e.g. SHA1
state "active"  
position 0 (Read-only) This is set by the order of resources are given in the list when creating/updating the package.
resource_group_id "49ddadb0-dd80-9eff-26e9-81c5a466cf6e" (Read-only)
revision_id "188ac88b-1573-48bf-9ea6-d3c503db5816" (Read-only)
revision_timestamp "2011-07-08T14:48:38.967741" (Read-only)


key example value notes
id "b10871ea-b4ae-4e2e-bec9-a8d8ff357754" (Read-only)
name "country-uk" (Read-only) Add/remove tags from a package or group using update_package or update_group
state "active" (Read-only) Add/remove tags from a package or group using update_package or update_group
revision_timestamp "2009-08-08T12:46:40.920443" (Read-only)


Requests must be a POST, including parameters in a JSON dictionary. If there are no parameters required, then an empty dictionary is still required (or you get a 400 error).


curl -d '{}'
curl -d '{"id": "fd788e57-dce4-481c-832d-497235bf9f78"}'

Authorization Header

CKAN can be configured to only allow authorized users to carry out certain actions. For example, in a default installation of CKAN, anyone can read packages, you have to be a logged-in user to edit them and editing permissions for a dataset can only be done by the dataset creator and a 'sysadmin' user.

The authorization configuration is the same between the CKAN web interface and the API, so a user has the same permissions, whichever way he/she accesses CKAN data.

Depending on the authorization settings of the CKAN instance, a user may not need to identify him/herself for simple read operations. This is the case for and is assumed for the API usage examples.

When using the API, a user authenticates his/her user identity by supplying a header in the request. The header key is either Authorization, X-CKAN-API-Key or configured with the apikey_header_name option. The value of the header is the user's API key, provided on the user's page in the CKAN web interface.

To obtain your API key:

  1. Log-in to the particular CKAN website: /user/login
  2. The user page shows the API Key: /user/me

The key should be passed in the API request header ''Authorization'' (or an alternative may be provided such as ''X-CKAN-API-KEY''). For example:

curl -d '{"name": "test"}' -H 'Authorization: fde34a3c-b716-4c39-8dc4-881ba115c6d4'

If requests that are required to be authorized are not sent with a valid Authorization header, for example the user associated with the key is not authorized for the operation, or the header is somehow malformed, then the requested operation will not be carried out and the CKAN API will respond with status code 403.

For more information about HTTP Authorization header, please refer to section 14.8 of RFC 2616.


The response is wholly contained in the form of a JSON dictionary. Here is the basic format of a successful request:

{"help": "Creates a package", "success": true, "result": ...}

And here is one that incurred an error:

{"help": "Creates a package", "success": false, "error": {"message": "Access denied", "__type": "Authorization Error"}}


  • help is the 'doc string' (or null)
  • success is true or false depending on whether the request was successful. The response is always status 200, so it is important to check this value.
  • result is the main payload that results from a successful request. This might be a list of the domain object names or a dictionary with the particular domain object.
  • error is supplied if the request was not successful and provides a message and __type. See the section on errors.


The message types include:
  • Authorization Error - an API key is required for this operation, and the corresponding user needs the correct credentials
  • Validation Error - the object supplied does not meet with the standards described in the schema.
  • (TBC) JSON Error - the request could not be parsed / decoded as JSON format, according to the Content-Type (default is application/x-www-form-urlencoded;utf-8).


$ curl -d '{"id": "fd788e57-dce4-481c-832d-497235bf9f78"}'
{"help": null, "success": true, "result": {"maintainer": null, "name": "uk-quango-data", "relationships_as_subject": [], "author": null, "url": "", "relationships_as_object": [], "notes": "### About\r\n\r\nDid you know there are nearly 1,200 unelected bodies with power over our lives? This is the full list, complete with number of staff and how much they cost. As a spreadsheet\r\n\r\n### Openness\r\n\r\nNo licensing information found.", "title": "Every Quango in Britain", "maintainer_email": null, "revision_timestamp": "2010-12-21T15:26:17.345502", "author_email": null, "state": "active", "version": null, "groups": [], "license_id": "notspecified", "revision_id": "f645243a-7334-44e2-b87c-64231700a9a6", "tags": [{"revision_timestamp": "2009-08-08T12:46:40.920443", "state": "active", "id": "b10871ea-b4ae-4e2e-bec9-a8d8ff357754", "name": "country-uk"}, {"revision_timestamp": "2009-08-08T12:46:40.920443", "state": "active", "id": "ed783bc3-c0a1-49f6-b861-fd9adbc1006b", "name": "quango"}], "id": "fd788e57-dce4-481c-832d-497235bf9f78", "resources": [{"resource_group_id": "49ddadb0-dd80-9eff-26e9-81c5a466cf6e", "hash": null, "description": "", "format": "", "url": "", "revision_timestamp": "2011-07-08T14:48:38.967741", "state": "active", "position": 0, "revision_id": "188ac88b-1573-48bf-9ea6-d3c503db5816", "id": "888d00e9-6ee5-49ca-9abb-6f216e646345"}], "extras": []}}

Search API

Search resources are available at published locations. They are represented with a variety of data formats. Each resource location supports a number of methods.

The data formats of the requests and the responses are defined below.

Search Resources

Here are the published resources of the Search API.

Search Resource Location
Dataset Search /search/dataset
Resource Search /search/resource
Revision Search /search/revision
Tag Counts /tag_counts

See below for more information about dataset and revision search parameters.

Search Methods

Here are the methods of the Search API.

Resource Method Request Response
Dataset Search POST Dataset-Search-Params Dataset-Search-Response
Resource Search POST Resource-Search-Params Resource-Search-Response
Revision Search POST Revision-Search-Params Revision-List
Tag Counts GET   Tag-Count-List

It is also possible to supply the search parameters in the URL of a GET request, for example /api/search/dataset?q=geodata&allfields=1.

Search Formats

Here are the data formats for the Search API.

Name Format
Dataset-Search-Params Resource-Search-Params Revision-Search-Params { Param-Key: Param-Value, Param-Key: Param-Value, ... } See below for full details of search parameters across the various domain objects.
Dataset-Search-Response { count: Count-int, results: [Dataset, Dataset, ... ] }
Resource-Search-Response { count: Count-int, results: [Resource, Resource, ... ] }
Revision-List [ Revision-Id, Revision-Id, Revision-Id, ... ] NB: Ordered with youngest revision first
Tag-Count-List [ [Name-String, Integer], [Name-String, Integer], ... ]

Dataset Parameters

These parameters are all the standard SOLR syntax (in contrast to the syntax used in CKAN API versions 1 and 2). Here is a summary of the main features:

Param-Key Param-Value Examples Notes
q Search-String
Criteria to search the dataset fields for. URL-encoded search text. Search results must contain all the specified words. Use colon to specify which field to search in. (Extra fields are not currently supported.)
qjson JSON encoded options ['q':'geodata'] All search parameters can be json-encoded and supplied to this parameter as a more flexible alternative in GET requests.
fl list of fields
Which fields to return. * is all.
sort field name, asc / dec
sort=name asc
sort=metadata_modified asc
Changes the sort order according to the field and direction given. default: score desc, name asc
start, rows result-int (defaults: start=0, rows=20) start=40&rows=20 Pagination options. Start is the number of the first result and rows is the number of results to return.
all_fields 0 (default) or 1 all_fields=1 Each matching search result is given as either a dataset name (0) or the full dataset record (1).

Resource Parameters

Param-Key Param-Value Example Notes
url, format, description Search-String
Criteria to search the dataset fields for. URL-encoded search text. This search string must be found somewhere within the field to match. Case insensitive.
qjson JSON encoded options ['url':''] All search parameters can be json-encoded and supplied to this parameter as a more flexible alternative in GET requests.
hash Search-String hash=b0d7c260-35d4-42ab-9e3d-c1f4db9bc2f0 Searches for an match of the hash field. An exact match or match up to the length of the hash given.
all_fields 0 (default) or 1 all_fields=1 Each matching search result is given as either an ID (0) or the full resource record
offset, limit result-int (defaults: offset=0, limit=20) offset=40&limit=20 Pagination options. Offset is the number of the first result and limit is the number of results to return.

Revision Parameters

Param-Key Param-Value Example Notes
since_time Date-Time since_time=2010-05-05T19:42:45.854533 The time can be less precisely stated (e.g 2010-05-05).
since_id Uuid since_id=6c9f32ef-1f93-4b2f-891b-fd01924ebe08 The stated id will not be included in the results.

Status Codes

The Action API aims to return status 200 OK, whether there are errors or not. The response body contains the success field indicating whether an error occurred or not. When "success": false then you will receive details of the error in the error field. For example requesting a dataset that doesn't exist:

curl -d '{"id": "unknown_id"}'


{"help": null, "success": false, "error": {"message": "Not found", "__type": "Not Found Error"}}

Alternatively, requests to the Action API that have major formatting problems may result in a 409, 400, or 500 error (in order of increasing severity), but future CKAN releases aim to avoid these responses in favour of the previously described method of providing the error message.

The Search API returns standard HTTP status codes to signal method outcomes:

Code Name
200 OK
201 OK and new object created (referred to in the Location header)
301 Moved Permanently (redirect)
400 Bad Request
403 Not Authorized - have you forgotton to specify your API Key?
404 Not Found
409 Conflict - error during processing of the request
500 Service Error - unhandled error - the system administrator has been notified

JSONP formatted responses

To cater for scripts from other sites that wish to access the API, the data can be returned in JSONP format, where the JSON data is 'padded' with a function call. The function is named in the 'callback' parameter.

Example normal request:

curl -d '{"id": "fd788e57-dce4-481c-832d-497235bf9f78"}'
returns: {"help": null, "success": true, "result": {"name": "uk-quango-data", ...}}

but now with the callback parameter:

curl -d '{"id": "fd788e57-dce4-481c-832d-497235bf9f78"}'
returns: jsoncallback({"help": null, "success": true, "result": {"name": "uk-quango-data", ...}});

This parameter can apply to all POST requests to the Action API and GET requests to the Search API and v1/v2 APIs.