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Clearer logic for `handle-paste', fix handling of empty pastes
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When an empty paste was submited, the error message was:

  Could not find a paste with this id:#f

Signed-off-by: Christian Kellermann <>
  • Loading branch information
mario-goulart authored and ckeen committed Jul 26, 2012
1 parent 767da31 commit 2311da3
Showing 1 changed file with 60 additions and 58 deletions.
118 changes: 60 additions & 58 deletions pastiche.scm
Expand Up @@ -264,64 +264,66 @@
title: "Pastiche: the Chicken Scheme pasting service")

(define handle-paste
(lambda ()
(let ((paste-title "Untitled paste"))
(with-request-variables ((nick (nonempty as-string))
(title (nonempty as-string))
(<div> id: "content"
(or (and-let* ((nick (or (and nick (htmlize nick)) "anonymous"))
(title (or (and title (htmlize title)) "no title"))
(time (current-seconds))
(paste (and (not (equal? "" paste)) paste))
(hashsum (string->sha1sum
(++ nick title (->string time) paste)))
(url '())
(snippet (map
(lambda (i)
(if (and (string? i) (string-null? i))
(list nick title time paste))))
(if (and use-captcha?
(not (equal? ($ 'captcha-user-answer)
(and-let* ((hash ($ 'captcha-hash))
(captcha (alist-ref hash captchas equal?)))
(captcha-string captcha)))))
(bail-out "Wrong captcha answer.")
(if (string-null? paste)
(bail-out "I am not storing empty pastes.")
(begin (cond ((fetch-paste id)
=> (lambda (p)
(let ((count (+ 1 (length (cdr p)))))
(update-paste id snippet)
(set! url (make-pathname
(++ "paste?id=" id "#a" (->string count)))))))
(else (insert-paste hashsum snippet)
(set! url (make-pathname base-path (++ "paste?id=" hashsum)))))
(set! paste-title title)
(when ($ 'notify-irc) (notify nick title url))
(++ (<h2> align: "center" "Thanks for your paste!")
(<p> "Hi " nick ", thanks for pasting: " (<em> title) (<br>))
(<p> align: "center") "Your paste can be reached with this url: " (link url url))))))
(cond ((fetch-paste id)
=> (lambda (p)
(set! paste-title (third (last p)))
(format-all-snippets p)
(<div> id: "paste-footer"
(<h2> align: "center"
(link (++ base-path "?id=" id
";annotate=t") "Annotate this paste!"))))))
(else (bail-out "Could not find a paste with this id:" id)))))
css: (page-css)
title: paste-title)))))
(define (handle-paste)
(let ((paste-title "Untitled paste"))
(with-request-variables ((nick (nonempty as-string))
(title (nonempty as-string))
(paste (nonempty as-string))
(id (nonempty as-string)))
(<div> id: "content"
(cond ((fetch-paste id)
=> (lambda (p)
(set! paste-title (third (last p)))
(format-all-snippets p)
(<div> id: "paste-footer"
(<h2> align: "center"
(link (++ base-path "?id=" id
";annotate=t") "Annotate this paste!"))))))
(else (bail-out "Could not find a paste with this id: " id))))
(if (and use-captcha?
(not (equal? ($ 'captcha-user-answer)
(and-let* ((hash ($ 'captcha-hash))
(captcha (alist-ref hash captchas equal?)))
(captcha-string captcha)))))
(bail-out "Wrong captcha answer.")
(let* ((nick (or (and nick (htmlize nick)) "anonymous"))
(title (or (and title (htmlize title)) "no title"))
(time (current-seconds))
(hashsum (string->sha1sum
(++ nick title (->string time) paste)))
(url '())
(snippet (map
(lambda (i)
(if (and (string? i) (string-null? i))
(list nick title time paste))))
(if (string-null? paste)
(bail-out "I am not storing empty pastes.")
(begin (cond ((fetch-paste id)
=> (lambda (p)
(let ((count (+ 1 (length (cdr p)))))
(update-paste id snippet)
(set! url (make-pathname
(++ "paste?id=" id "#a" (->string count)))))))
(else (insert-paste hashsum snippet)
(set! url (make-pathname base-path (++ "paste?id=" hashsum)))))
(set! paste-title title)
(when ($ 'notify-irc) (notify nick title url))
(++ (<h2> align: "center" "Thanks for your paste!")
(<p> "Hi " nick ", thanks for pasting: " (<em> title) (<br>))
(<p> align: "center") "Your paste can be reached with this url: " (link url url)))))))
(else (bail-out "I am not storing empty pastes."))))
css: (page-css)
title: paste-title))))

(define-page "paste" handle-paste method: 'POST no-template: #t)
(define-page "paste" handle-paste method: 'GET no-template: #t)
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