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Pivot reports. First working version; no comments, data cell is rende…
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…red just as a list of the lib-result objects.
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avodonosov committed Nov 24, 2011
1 parent b279089 commit fa1c4e1
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Showing 3 changed files with 317 additions and 6 deletions.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions reports-generated/reports-overview.html
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<h3> Pivot Reports </h3>
<a href="pivot_ql_lisp-lib.html">QL / Lisp,Lib</a><br/>
<a href="pivot_ql_lib-lisp.html">QL / Lib,Lisp</a><br/>
<a href="pivot_lisp_lib-ql.html">Lisp / Lib,QL</a><br/>
<a href="pivot_lisp_ql-lib.html">Lisp / QL,Lib</a><br/>
<a href="pivot_lib_lisp-ql.html">Lib / Lisp,QL</a><br/>
<a href="pivot_lib_ql-lisp.html">Lib / QL,Lisp</a><br/>
<a href="pivot_ql-lisp_lib.html">QL,Lisp / Lib</a><br/>
<a href="pivot_ql-lib_lisp.html">QL,Lib / Lisp</a><br/>
<a href="pivot_lisp-lib_ql.html">Lisp,Lib / QL</a><br/>
<a href="pivot_lisp-ql_lib.html">Lisp,QL / Lib</a><br/>
<a href="pivot_lib-lisp_ql.html">Lib,Lisp / QL</a><br/>
<a href="pivot_lib-ql_lisp.html">Lib,QL / Lisp</a><br/>
301 changes: 299 additions & 2 deletions test-grid.lisp
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ TODO:
+ legend or a tooltip in the report for test statuses + legend or a tooltip in the report for test statuses
+ color for statuses + color for statuses
+ use the online blob URL in the report + use the online blob URL in the report
- A table table -like report of library test results, allowing - A pivot -like table report of library test results, allowing
rows/columns to be any of quicklisp distro, lisp version rows/columns to be any of quicklisp distro, lisp version
library name. With grouping and sorging. library name. With grouping and sorging.
+ CSV export of the database to use it then with spreadsheets, + CSV export of the database to use it then with spreadsheets,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -379,6 +379,49 @@ contains the tests of _both_ libraries."
#'(lambda (plist) #'(lambda (plist)
(getf plist prop))) (getf plist prop)))

(defun list< (predicates l1 l2)
"Compares two lists L1 and L2 of equal lenght,
using for every pair of elements a corresponding predicate
from the PREDICATES list (of the same length). Returns
T if L1 is less than (according the PREDICATES) L2.
Othersise returns NIL."
(if (null predicates)
(let ((pred (car predicates))
(elem1 (car l1))
(elem2 (car l2)))
(if (funcall pred elem1 elem2)
;; Ok, elem1 is not less than elem2 (as defined by our predicate).
;; Lets check if they are equal. If the reverse comparation [elem2 less elem1]
;; is also false, then they are equal, and we proceed to the next
;; property/predicate pair.
(if (funcall pred elem2 elem1)
(list< (cdr predicates)
(cdr l1)
(cdr l2)))))))

(list< '(< <) '(1 2) '(2 2))
(not (list< '(< <) '(1 2) '(1 2)))
(list< '(< <) '(1 2) '(1 3))
(not (list< '(string< string<)
'("quicklisp-fake-2011-00-02" "ccl-fake-1")
'("quicklisp-fake-2011-00-01" "clisp-fake-1"))))

(defun hash-table-keys (hash-table)
(let (keys)
(maphash #'(lambda (key val)
(declare (ignore val))
(push key keys))

;; copy/paste from ;; copy/paste from
;; ;;
(defmacro with-safe-io-syntax (&body body) (defmacro with-safe-io-syntax (&body body)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -761,6 +804,258 @@ data (libraries test suites output and the run results) will be saved."
(string-downcase (getf lib-result :libname)) (string-downcase (getf lib-result :libname))
(getf lib-result :status)))))) (getf lib-result :status))))))

;; ========= Pivot Reports ==================

(defun build-joined-index (db)
(let ((all-results (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(dolist (run (getf db :runs))
(let* ((run-descr (run-descr run))
(lisp (getf run-descr :lisp))
(lib-world (getf run-descr :lib-world)))
(dolist (lib-result (run-results run))
(let ((libname (getf lib-result :libname)))
(push lib-result
(gethash (list lisp lib-world libname) all-results))))))

HTML table properties:
- rows and cols are not equal: html tables are row-first - TR includes TDs
Only the deepest level row and col fields will have corresponding
TR and TD cells in the table data (we do not consider the table
column headers now).
And the TD cells are included in a TR.
Algorithm sketch:
Iterate over all row properties and their values in rows.
For every deepest level combination create a TR (if
any values exist for this combination).
Iterate over all the col properties and their values.
For every deepest level combination create a TD.
partitioning structure
field1 | field2
field1 val1 (count)
field2 val1 (count)
field2 val2 (count)
field1 val2 (count)
field2 val1 (count)
field2 val3 (count)
field1 val3 (count)
field2 val2 (count)
<tr> <td> <td> <td>
<tr> <td> <td>
<tr> <td>
<tr> <td> <td>
<tr> <td> <td>
<tr> <td>
<tr> <td> <td> <td>
<tr> <td> <td>
<tr> <td> <td> <td>
<tr> <td> <td>
<tr> <td>

(defun make-fields-values-setter (fields)
"Creates a function which destructively modifies
the specified fields in the index key passed to it
as a parameter"
(let ((index-key-setters (list :lisp #'(lambda (index-key lisp)
(setf (first index-key) lisp))
:lib-world #'(lambda (index-key lib-world)
(setf (second index-key) lib-world))
:libname #'(lambda (index-key libname)
(setf (third index-key) libname)))))
(flet ((field-setter (field)
(or (getf index-key-setters field)
(error "field ~A is unknown" field))))
(let ((setters (mapcar #'field-setter fields)))
#'(lambda (index-key field-vals)
(mapc #'(lambda (setter field-val)
(funcall setter index-key field-val))

(defun make-fields-values-getter (fields)
(let ((index-key-getters (list :lisp #'first
:lib-world #'second
:libname #'third)))
(flet ((field-getter (field)
(or (getf index-key-getters field)
(error "field ~A is unknown" field))))
(let ((getters (mapcar #'field-getter fields)))
#'(lambda (index-key)
(mapcar #'(lambda (getter)
(funcall getter index-key))

(defun calc-rows-and-cols (joined-index rows-fields cols-fields)
(let ((rows-fields-getter (make-fields-values-getter rows-fields))
(rows-fields-setter (make-fields-values-setter rows-fields))
(rows (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(cols-fields-getter (make-fields-values-getter cols-fields))
(cols-fields-setter (make-fields-values-setter cols-fields))
(cols (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(maphash #'(lambda (index-key index-value)
(declare (ignore index-value))
(setf (gethash (funcall rows-fields-getter index-key)
(setf (gethash (funcall cols-fields-getter index-key)
(values (hash-table-keys rows)
(hash-table-keys cols)
#'(lambda (index-key row-addr col-addr)
(funcall rows-fields-setter index-key row-addr)
(funcall cols-fields-setter index-key col-addr)))))

(defstruct (header-print-helper :conc-name)
(span 0 :type fixnum)
(printed nil))

(defun subaddrs (row-address)
(nreverse (maplist #'reverse (reverse row-address))))

(defun calc-spans (row-or-col-addrs)
(let ((helpers (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(dolist (row-or-col-addr row-or-col-addrs)
(dolist (subaddr (subaddrs row-or-col-addr))
(let ((helper (or (gethash subaddr helpers)
(setf (gethash subaddr helpers)
(incf (span helper)))))

;; generate fake database content to test reporting
(setf (getf *db* :runs) (generate-fake-run-results))

(defun print-row-header (row-addr row-spans out)
(dolist (subaddr (subaddrs row-addr))
(let ((helper (gethash subaddr row-spans)))
(when (not (printed helper))
(format out "<td rowspan=\"~A\">~A</td>" (span helper) (car (last subaddr)))
(setf (printed helper) t)))))

(defun print-table-headers (row-field-count col-field-count cols out)
(let ((col-spans (calc-spans cols)))
(dotimes (header-row-num col-field-count)
(princ "<tr>" out)
(dotimes (row-header row-field-count)
(princ "<td>&nbsp;</td>" out))
(dolist (col-addr cols)
(let* ((cell-addr (subseq col-addr 0 (1+ header-row-num)))
(helper (gethash cell-addr col-spans)))
(when (not (printed helper))
(format out "<td colspan=\"~A\">~A</td>" (span helper) (car (last cell-addr)))
(setf (printed helper) t))))
(format out "</tr>~%"))))

(defun pivot-table-html (out
row-fields row-fields-sort-predicates
col-fields col-fields-sort-predicates)
(princ "<table border=\"1\">" out)
(let (rows
(row-comparator #'(lambda (rowa rowb)
(list< row-fields-sort-predicates
rowa rowb)))
(col-comparator #'(lambda (cola colb)
(list< col-fields-sort-predicates
cola colb))))

(setf (values rows cols index-key-setter)
(calc-rows-and-cols joined-index row-fields col-fields))

(setf rows (sort rows row-comparator)
cols (sort cols col-comparator))

(print-table-headers (length row-fields) (length col-fields) cols out)
(let ((row-spans (calc-spans rows))
(index-key (make-sequence 'list (+ (length row-fields)
(length col-fields)))))
(dolist (row rows)
(princ "<tr>" out)
(print-row-header row row-spans out)
(dolist (col cols)
(funcall index-key-setter index-key row col)
(let ((data (gethash index-key joined-index)))
(format out "<td>~A</td>" data)))
(format out "</tr>~%"))))
(princ "</table>" out))

(defun print-pivot-reports (db)
(let ((joined-index (build-joined-index db))
(reports-dir (reports-dir)))
(flet ((print-report (filename
row-fields row-fields-sort-predicates
col-fields col-fields-sort-predicates)
(with-open-file (out (merge-pathnames filename reports-dir)
:direction :output
:element-type 'character ;'(unsigned-byte 8) + flexi-stream
:if-exists :supersede
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(pivot-table-html out
row-fields row-fields-sort-predicates
col-fields col-fields-sort-predicates))))

(print-report "pivot_ql_lisp-lib.html"
'(:lib-world) (list #'string<)
'(:lisp :libname) (list #'string< #'string<))
(print-report "pivot_ql_lib-lisp.html"
'(:lib-world) (list #'string<)
'(:libname :lisp) (list #'string< #'string<))

(print-report "pivot_lisp_lib-ql.html"
'(:lisp) (list #'string<)
'(:libname :lib-world) (list #'string< #'string<))
(print-report "pivot_lisp_ql-lib.html"
'(:lisp) (list #'string<)
'(:lib-world :libname) (list #'string< #'string<))

(print-report "pivot_lib_lisp-ql.html"
'(:libname) (list #'string<)
'(:lisp :lib-world) (list #'string< #'string<))
(print-report "pivot_lib_ql-lisp.html"
'(:libname) (list #'string<)
'(:lib-world :lisp) (list #'string< #'string<))

(print-report "pivot_ql-lisp_lib.html"
'(:lib-world :lisp) (list #'string<)
'(:libname) (list #'string< #'string<))
(print-report "pivot_ql-lib_lisp.html"
'(:lib-world :libname) (list #'string<)
'(:lisp) (list #'string< #'string<))

(print-report "pivot_lisp-lib_ql.html"
'(:lisp :libname) (list #'string<)
'(:lib-world) (list #'string< #'string<))
(print-report "pivot_lisp-ql_lib.html"
'(:lisp :lib-world) (list #'string<)
'(:libname) (list #'string< #'string<))

(print-report "pivot_lib-lisp_ql.html"
'(:libname :lisp) (list #'string<)
'(:lib-world) (list #'string< #'string<))
(print-report "pivot_lib-ql_lisp.html"
'(:libname :lib-world) (list #'string<)
'(:lisp) (list #'string< #'string<)))))

(defun generate-reports (&optional (db *db*)) (defun generate-reports (&optional (db *db*))

(with-open-file (out (merge-pathnames "test-runs-report.html" (with-open-file (out (merge-pathnames "test-runs-report.html"
Expand All @@ -775,7 +1070,9 @@ data (libraries test suites output and the run results) will be saved."
:direction :output :direction :output
:if-exists :supersede :if-exists :supersede
:if-does-not-exist :create) :if-does-not-exist :create)
(export-to-csv out))) (export-to-csv out))

(print-pivot-reports db))

(defun reports-dir () (defun reports-dir ()
(merge-pathnames "reports-generated/" (merge-pathnames "reports-generated/"
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions user-session.lisp
Expand Up @@ -35,16 +35,16 @@

(generate-reports *db*) (generate-reports *db*)

;; generate fake database content to test reporting
(setf (getf *db* :runs) (generate-fake-run-results))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;; developer experiments ;;; developer experiments
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;; sort test runs in the database according some criteria ;; sort test runs in the database according to some criteria
(setf (getf *db* :runs) (setf (getf *db* :runs)
(sort (getf *db* :runs) (sort (getf *db* :runs)
(plist-comparator :lisp #'string<) (plist-comparator :lisp #'string<)
:key #'first)) :key #'first))

(print-pivot-reports *db*)

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