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There's this great website that lets you explore the bitcoin blockchain (recent blocks and transactions) Mempool.

It has an API.

We are creating a CLI tool that calls their get-blocks API It takes the startHeight field as a parameter and returns to the user the blockId and the list of all transactions-Id in that block, and discards the other information.


Before building and running the project, ensure that you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:

  • Kotlin
  • Gradle

Build and Run Locally

Building the CLI Tool

  • Clone the project
  git clone
  • Go to the project directory
  cd MempoolCLI
  • Build the project using Gradle:
  ./gradlew build

This command compiles the source code, runs tests, and generates the executable JAR file.

Running the CLI Tool

You can run the CLI tool using Gradle's run task.

    ./gradlew run --args='[command] [options]'

For example,

    ./gradlew run --args='fetchTxIds -s 730000'

Alternate Method to Run

You can run the CLI tool using the following command:

  java -jar build/libs/your-project.jar [command] [options]

Replace your-project.jar with the actual JAR file name generated during the build process.

Replace [command] and [options] with the appropriate command and options to execute the desired functionality of the CLI tool.

We have the following two commands:

  • fetchBlockId - used to return the blockId for the given value of startHeight
  • fetchTxIds - used to return all the Transaction Ids in the particular block, whose startHeight is provided as input

The options are of adding value of startHeight, whose shortName is s.

For example,

    java -jar build/libs/your-project.jar fetchBlockId -s 730000

That's it! You should now be able to build the project and run the CLI tool with the specified commands and options.

Guide for adding auto-completion:

  • Run the command ./gradlew installDist
  • The above command will create script in the build/install directory, and we can use them to run the application like a command line tool.
  • Source the script correctly in the .bashrc file by adding the following line source /your/path/to/mempool-cli.bash-completion
  • In my case for example, the line looks like: source /home/claddy/Documents/Projects/MempoolCLI/contrib/mempool-cli.bash-completion
  • Now, set an Alias, by adding the following line alias kotlin-cli="/path/to/your/build/install/mac/bin/your-application-name"
  • On my case for example, the line looks like, alias mempool-cli="/home/claddy/Documents/Projects/MempoolCLI/build/install/mac/bin/mac"
  • Finally, source the file source ~/.bashrc
  • Now run the command mempool-cli fetchBlockId -s 730000
  • Use Tab button to play around the auto completion.


For support, email


A cli tool, that helps you get block Id and Transaction Ids from the bitcoin blockchain.





