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File metadata and controls

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MMIF - Multi-Media Interchange Format

MMIF is an annotation format for audiovisual media as well as associated text like transcripts, closed captions and other OCR. MMIF is a JSON-LD format used to transport data between CLAMS services and is inspired by and partially based on LIF, the LAPPS Interchange Format.

MMIF is pronounced mif or em-mif, or, if you like to hum, mmmmmif.

The current JSON schema for MMIF are at and determine part of the syntactic shape of MMIF. The specifications here often refer to elements from the CLAMS Vocabulary at as well as to the LAPPS Vocabulary at See later in this document for an introduction and comparison of those vocabularies.

1. The structure of MMIF files

The basic idea is that in essence a MMIF file needs to represent two things:

  1. Media like texts, videos, images and audio recordings.
  2. Annotations over those media representing information that was added by processing the media.

Annotations are always stored separately from the media. They can be directly linked to a slice in the media (a string in a text, a shape in an image, or a time frame in a video or audio). Annotations can also refer to other annotations, for example to specify relations between text strings. More specifically, a MMIF file contains a context, metadata, a list of media and a list of annotation views, where each view contains a list of annotation types like Segment, BoundingBox, VideoObject and NamedEntity. The top-level structure of a MMIF file is as follows:

  "@context": "",
  "metadata": { },
  "media": [ ],
  "views": [ ]

The following sub sections will describe the values of these four properties.

1.1. The @context property

The value here is the fixed URL which leads to a JSON-LD context document that points to various parts of the CLAMS vocabulary and defines terms used in MMIF. One thing it does is to define the location of the current version of the CLAMS vocabulary, which allows us to use shortcuts in the "@type" property of annotations (see below in section 1.3). For example, when we use "Segment" as the type value this will be automatically be expanded to

This context property was not used properly in LAPPS (as in, not all terms were defined), should think this through a bit more for CLAMS.

1.2. The metadata property

Includes any metadata associated with the file including MMIF and schema versioning and an index of contents of views.

  "metadata": {
    "schema": "",
    "mmif": "",
    "contains": {
      "": ["v1", "v2"],
      "": ["v3"]

Note that the schema version and the MMIF version are the same in the example above, but that is not necessarily the case, in general, the MMIF version will update more often than the schema version. The contains property stores a dictionary of annotation types with the identifiers for the views that the annotation objects occur in. This dictionary is for quick access to file content and is generated automatically from the view metadata.

1.3. The media property

The value is a list of media specifications where each media element has an identifier, a type, a location and optional metadata. Here is an example for a video and its manually or automatically created transcript:

  "media": [
      "id": "m0",
      "type": "video/mp4",
      "location": "/var/archive/video-0012.mp4"
      "id": "m1",
      "type": "text/plain",
      "location": "/var/archive/video-0012-transcript.txt"

The type is a MIME type and the location is a URL or a local path to a file. Alternatively, and for text only, the media could be inline, in which case the element is represented as in the text property in LIF, which is a JSON value object containing a @value and a @language key:

  "media": [
      "id": "m0",
      "type": "video/mp4",
      "location": "/var/archive/video-0012.mp4"
      "id": "m1",
      "type": "text/plain",
      "text": {
        "@value": "Fido barks",
        "@language": "en" }

The value associated with @value is a string and the value associated with @language follows the rules in BCP47, which for our current purposes boils down to using the ISO 639 code.

With LAPPS and LIF, there was only one medium, namely the text source for all annotations and how that source came into being was not represented in any way. For MMIF the situation is different in that there are four kinds of media (text, sounds, image, video) and there can be many instances of each type in a MMIF document. And some of those media can actually be the result of processing other media, for example when we recognize a text box in an image and run OCR over that box.

This introduces a need to elaborate on the representation of media, but we will return to this case in section 1.5 after we have introduced annotations.

1.4. The views property

This is where all the annotations and associated metadata live. Views contain structured information about media but are separate from those media. The value of views is a JSON array of view objects where each view specifies what media the annotation is over, what information it contains and what service created that information. To that end, each view has four properties: id, @contex, metadata and annotations.

  "views": [
      "id": "v0",
      "@context": "",
      "metadata": { },
      "annotations": [ ]

Each view has a unique identifier. Annotation elements in the view have identifiers unique to the view and these elements can be uniquely referred to from outside the view by using the view identifier and the annotation element identifier. For example, if the view above had an annotation with identfier "a8" then it could be referred to from outside the view by "v0:a8". The optional @context property is useful for views with results from LAPPS tools. Recall that the context introduced in the top level is a context that defines all kinds of terms from the CLAMS vocabulary. The problem is that there could be terms in the CLAMS and LAPPS vocabularies with the same name but with different meanings. There is no way to deal with that ambiguity in one context file so we allow a view to have a more specific LAPPS-oriented context that overrules the CLAMS context.

Before describing the metadata and annotation we list a few general principles relevant to views:

  1. There is no limit to the number of views.
  2. Services may create as many new views as they want.
  3. Services may not add information to existing views, that is, views are read only, which has many advantages at the cost of some redundancy. Since views are read-only, services may not overwrite or delete information in existing views. This holds for the view’s metadata as well as the annotations.
  4. Annotations in views have identifiers that are unique to the view. Views have identifiers that uniquely define them relative to other views.

1.4.1. The view's metadata property

This property contains information to describe the annotations in a view. Here is an example for view with segments added by the CLAMS bars-and-tones tool:

a producer key and optionally a rules keys (not shown here, but it could define a particular rule set or maybe a model used by the service). Here is an example of the value of the metadata property of a view:

  "contains": {
    "": {
      "unit": "seconds"
  "medium": "m3",
  "timestamp": "2020-05-27T12:23:45",
  "tool": "",
  "tool-version": "1.0.2",
  "tool-wrapper-version": "1.0.5"

The contains dictionary has keys that refer to annotation objects in the CLAMS or LAPPS vocabulary or properties of those annotation objects (they can also refer to user-defined objects or properties) and they indicate the kind of annotations that live in the view. The value of each of those keys is a JSON object which contains metadata specified for the annotation type. The example above has specifies that the view contains Segment annotations and the metadata property unit is set to "seconds". Section 2 will go into more details on how the vocabulary and the view metadata interact.

The medium key gives the identfier of the medium that the annotations are over. The tool key contains a URI that specifies what service created the annotation data. The timestamp key reflects when the view was created by the tool. This is using the ISO 8601 format where the T separates the date from the time of the day. The timestamp can also be used to order views which is significant because by default arrays in JSON-LD are not ordered. Finally, the metadata includes versioning information of the tool and the wrapper of the tool.

See #9 for a discussion on view metadata.

1.4.2. The view's annotations property

The value of the annotations property on a view is a list of annotation objects. Here is an example of an annotation object:

  "@type": "Segment",
  "properties": {
    "id": "s0",
    "start": 0,
    "end": 5,
    "segmentType": "bars-and-tones"

The two required keys are @type and properties. The value of @type is an element of the CLAMS or LAPPS vocabulary or a user-defined annotation category defined elsewhere, for example by the creator of a tool. If a user-defined category is used then it would be defined outside of the CLAMS or LAPPS vocabulary and in that case the user should use the full URI. The id key should have a value that is unique relative to all annotation elements in the view. Other annotations can refer to this identifier either with just the identifier (for example “s0”) or the identifier with a view identifier prefix (for example “v3:s0”). If there is no prefix the current view is assumed.

The properties dictionary typically contains the features defined for the annotation category as defined in the vocabularies at or For example, for the Segment annotation type the vocabulary includes the feature like segmentType as well as the inherited features id, start and end. The specifications allow arbitrary features in the features dictionary. Values should be as specified in the vocabulary. Typically these are strings, identifiers and integers, or lists of strings, identifiers and integers.

Rewrite prose in the paragraph below, clarifying interactions with the context

Technically all that is required of the keys in the features dictionary is that they expand to a URI. In most cases, the keys reflect properties in the LAPPS vocabulary and we prefer to use the same name. So if we have a property “pos”, we will use “pos” in the dictionary. This implies that “pos” needs to be defined in the context so that it can be expanded to the correct URI in the vocabulary. Note that we need to be careful with properties that are defined on more than one annotation category. Say, for the sake of argument, that we have “pos” as a property on both the Token and NamedEntity annotation types. We then can use “pos” as the abbreviation of only one of the full URI and if we expand “pos” to then we need either use “NamedEntity#pos” or come up with a new abbreviated term. So far this situation has not presented itself.

The annotations list is shallow, that is, all annotations in a view are in that list and annotations are not embedded inside of other annotations. For example, LAPPS Constituent annotations will not contain other Constituent annotations. However, in the features dictionary annotations can refer to other annotations using the identifiers of the other annotations.

Here is an other example of a view containing two bounding boxes created by the EAST text recognition tool:

  "id": "v1",
  "metadata": {
    "contains": {
      "": {
        "unit": "pixels" }
    "medium": "image3",
    "timestamp": "2020-05-27T12:23:45",
    "tool": "",
    "tool-version": "2.0",
    "tool-wrapper-version": "1.0.4"
  "annotations": [
     { "@type": "",
       "id": "bb0",
       "coordinates": [[10,20], [60,20], [10,50], [60,50]],
       "properties": {}
     { "@type": "",
       "id": "bb1",
       "coordinates": [[90,40], [110,40], [90,80], [110,80]],
       "properties": {}

1.5. More on the media property

Media can be generated from other media and/or from information in views. Assume the Tesseract OCR tool that takes and image and the coordinates of a bounding box (or a new images created from the source image and coordinates) and generates a new texts for the bounding box. That text will be stored as a text medium in the MMIF document and that text can be the starting point of chains of text processing where views over the medium are created.

The alternative is to store the results in a view, but this introduces complextities when we want to run an NLP tool over the text since the text will then need to be extracted from the view first. In addition, it seemed conceptually clearer to represent text media as media, even though they may be derived.

Let's use an example of an image of a barking dog where a region of the image has been recognized by the EAST tool as containing text (image taken from

In MMIF, this could look like (leaving out some details):

  "media": [
      "id": "m1",
      "type": "image/jpeg",
      "location": "/var/archive/image-0012.jpg"
	"views": [
      "id": "v1",
      "metadata": {
        "contains": {
          "BoundingBox": {"unit": "pixels"}},
        "medium": "m1",
    		"tool": ""
      "annotations": [
          "@type": "BoundingBox",
          "id": "bb1",
          "properties": {
            "coordinates": [[90,40], [110,40], [90,50], [110,50] }

When we add results of processing as new media then those media need to assume some of the characteristics of views and we may want to store metadata information just as we did with views:

  "id": "m2",
  "type": "text/plain",
  "text": {
    "@value": "yelp",
    "@language": "en"
  "metadata": { 
    "source": "v1:bb1",
    "tool": "" 

Note the use of source, which points to a bounding box annotation in view v1. Indirectly that would alo represent that the bounding box was from image m1. Other metadata like timestamps and version information can/should be added as well.

Note that the image just had a bounding box for the part of the image with the word yelp, but there were three other boxes that could have been input to OCR as well. The representation above would be rather inefficient because it would repeat similar metadata over and over again. So we introduce a mechanism that in a way does the same as the annotations list in a view in that it allows metadata to be stored only once:

  "id": "m2",
  "type": "text/plain",
  "metadata": { 
    "source": "v1",
    "tool": "" 
  "submedia": [
    { "id": "sm2", "annotation": "bb1", "text": { "@value": "yelp" }},
    { "id": "sm2", "annotation": "bb2", "text": { "@value": "Arf" }},
    { "id": "sm2", "annotation": "bb3", "text": { "@value": "bark" }},
    { "id": "sm2", "annotation": "bb4", "text": { "@value": "woof" }}

The media set as a whole can be referred to with "m2", and the submedia by concatenating the medium and submedium identifiers as in "m2:sm1". Note how indivudual media have annotation properties that pick out the bounding box in the view that the text media were created from.

2. MIFF and the CLAMS Vocabulary

3. Compatibility with LAPPS Tools

4. MIFF Examples

5. Related Work

An exchange format for multimodal annotations. Schmidt et al. 2008. An exchange format for multimodal annotations. In International LREC Workshop on Multimodal Corpora.

IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework). See and

CMDI (Component MetaData Infrastructure). Broeder et all. 2012. CMDI: a component meta- data infrastructure. In Describing LRs with metadata: towards flexibility and interoperability in the documen- tation of LR workshop programme.

Image and video annotation tools.