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Webserver Guide

This guide will help you quickly get the web portion of running behind either Apache or Nginx. You should've already worked through this manual install guide before running through the steps below. As with this guide, our focus is not entirely on building out a production-ready system, but merely helping you quickly get a system stood up to become familiar with Once you understand how it works, then we can start hardening the system for production use.

So, with that said, there are two paths to take: Apache or Nginx. We recommend using whichever you feel more comfortable with. Some of us here like Apache, while others like Nginx. Your mileage may vary :)

Common Steps

To do some of the steps below you will need to have already installed stackdio and be in the virtual environment. To make sure you're in the virtualenv:

workon stackdio

Both Apache and Nginx installs need a place to store logs and some static files to serve up. These two steps are common to both and should be run before proceeding with configuring the web server.

# Create the log directory that we'll have Apache or Nginx log to

mkdir -p ~/.stackdio/var/log/web

# And tell Django to collect its static files into a common directory for the webserver to serve up
stackdio collectstatic --noinput


CentOS Installation

Install required packages:

sudo yum install httpd mod_wsgi mod_ssl

Followed by having generate a simple Apache configuration file for serving up the Django-based API and static assets and store the output into the appropriate location.

stackdio config apache | sudo tee /etc/httpd/conf.d/stackdio.conf > /dev/null

Fix a permissions problem with the user's home directory not having execute permissions. This is needed because of httpd v2.2 needing directory execute permissions from the web directory up to the root directory.

chmod +x ~/


You may pass --with-ssl to generate boilerplate for serving over SSL, but you will need to add your certs and point to them in the configuration file. You may also need to remove the existing ssl.conf from within conf.d.

And that's it...let's start the server and then point your browser to the hostname on port 80 (use https if you decided to serve over SSL.)

sudo service httpd restart

Ubuntu Installation

Install required packages:

sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi

and just like the CentOS instructions, generate and store the Apache configuration file into the correct location:

stackdio config apache | sudo tee /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/stackdio.conf > /dev/null


You may pass --with-ssl to generate boilerplate for serving over SSL, but you will need to add your certs and point to them in the configuration file.

and finally, start the server:

sudo service apache2 restart


In our configuration, Nginx will be used to serve static files and as a proxy to send requests down to the Django application running via gunicorn on port 8000. The configuration we'll generate is useful to use a quick start mechanism to get you up and running behind Nginx/gunicorn very quickly.

CentOS Installation

Install required packaged, generate and write configuration file, and restart server:

sudo yum install nginx

stackdio config nginx | sudo tee /etc/nginx/conf.d/stackdio.conf > /dev/null

# rename the default server configuration
sudo mv /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf.bak

sudo service nginx restart

Ubuntu Installation

sudo apt-get install nginx

stackdio config nginx | sudo tee /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/stackdio.conf > /dev/null

# remove the default configuration symlink
sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

sudo service nginx restart