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License: GPL v3


MaxUSE is a tool that finds the set of achievable features and constraint conflicts for inconsistent metamodels (UML class diagrams). MaxUSE allows users to freely or automatically rank individual model features. MaxUSE integrates USE modelling tool with Z3 SMT Solver. It currently uses uran as its solving engine to interact with underlying SMT solver. The full technical details including: theories, proofs and algorithms are described in this paper (online) that is currently accepted and published by SoSym.


2.1 UBUNTU (15.10+)

  • use the latest version of Z3 SMT Solver and follow the build instructions for Java section.
  • Set environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to contain and
     LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<the directory that contains .so files>
     export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • Copy generated to lib directory. Note that the build script has already been configured, it always looks for the .jar files in lib directory.
  • If you want to use the latest version of uran, download uran source code and overwrites the uran directory.
  • Use ant to build MaxUSE.
  • In lib directory type:
     java -jar maxuse.jar
    to lanuch MaxUSE. Currently, MaxUSE is command line based.

2.2 WINDOWS 10 (x86/x64)

  • Make sure you have JDK installed.
  • Download Z3 SMT solver (latest version).
  • Install Visual Studio 2017/2019 (community/professional/enterprise)
  • Compile Z3 under VS command prompt (please follow Z3 build instructions.). For x64, you need to compile Z3 with -x.
  • If Z3 is successfully compiled, it generates 3 files:, libz3.dll and libz3java.dll.
  • Set %PATH% to the Z3 build directory (or to the directory that contains these 3 files.).
  • Download MaxUSE and in the lib directory type:
     java -jar maxuse.jar
    to lanuch MaxUSE.
  • Load a sample model.
  • In the USE command line, type maxuse -q to check the sample model.

Known issue: If MaxUSE always returns SAT even the model contains conflicts, this is caused by internal SMT solver. Hence, please update Z3 regularly. Note: All the information is displayed in different colours in the terminal. However, on Windows users may experience direct colour code displayed. In this situation, we refer users to look at the HTML report generated in the lib\textbackslash html folder.

2.3 Mode

  • MaxUSE provides two modes: quiet and verbose.
    1. Quiet (-q or --quiet) mode only emits necessary information on the screen. By default, MaxUSE is running under quiet mode.
    2. Verbose (-v or --verbose) mode displays internal information including: formulas constructed from an AST, an internal matrix representation, etc. These information can be used for debugging, tracing,and validating the behaviours of MaxUSE. For those who are really interested in how MaxUSE works,this mode could be particlularly helpful.


3.1 Rank Model Features

Currently, MaxUSE supports different rankings over: classes, associations and OCL invariants. MaxUSE considers all ranked features as soft features and unranked features as hard features. A soft constraint might or might not be switched off depends on the optimisation. A hard constraint must hold, no matter what. A user could use rank a model in three different ways (depends on the requirements):

  1. Fully ranked (soft features only)
  2. Not ranked at all (hard features only)
  3. Partially ranked (a mixture of soft and hard features) We provide the following ways for ranking your model features.
  • Use @Rank=c annotation to rank individual model features, where c must be a non-zero integer. For example,

     context Person
     	@Rank = 2 
     	inv1: Person.allInstances()->forAll(p|p.age>0 and p.age<18)

    inv1 now is ranked with 2.

  • Use @Rank=automatic for automatic ranking. The actual rank is decided by the size of an abstract syntax tree. For example,

     context Person
     	@Rank = automatic
     	inv1: Person.allInstances()->forAll(p|p.age>0 and p.age<18)

    inv1 now is ranked using automatic ranking.

  • Use @IDEN={Rank=c} to rank over a set of features by using a single ranking scheme. IDEN is an identifier for a rank scheme. For example,

     @ClassRank{Rank = 5}
     context Class2
     	inv: self.Class2IntAttr3 = 3
     	inv: self.Class2IntAttr2 < 19
     	inv: Class2.allInstances()->forAll( c2_1,c2_2 | c2_1.Class2IntAttr3 = c2_2.Class2IntAttr2 ) 

    All 3 class invariants are now ranked with 5 under a ranking scheme named ClassRank.

  • More examples about using @Rank annotation can be found here.

3.2 Finding All Achievable Features

  • Load your specification into MaxUSE, at the command prompt type maxuse.
    1. If your model is partially or fully ranked, MaxUSE will find set of achievable model features based on their rankings.
    2. If your model is not ranked at all, MaxUSE will verify the consistency of your model.
  • The results will be printed on screen or a report will be generated. An example can be found here. More examples can be found here.

3.3 Finding All Constraint Conflicts

  • Rank equally for each model feature (class, association, invariant). We recommend users normalise the rankings using relativly smaller integers.
  • Run maxuse.
  • MaxUSE will find:
    1. all constraint conflicts among the features.
    2. all possible ways of achieving a maximum number of features.
  • Check out the result for this example.


  • The full technical details including: theories, proofs and algorithms are described in this paper (preprint) that is currently accepted and published by SoSym.
  • If you are interested in theories and algorithms we used in MaxUSE, see our research paper (ECMFA@STAF2017): Finding Achievable Features and Constraint Conflicts for Inconsistent Metamodels.
  • If you are interested in how MaxUSE inergrates with the Z3 SMT solver, see our tool paper (iFM 2017): MaxUSE A Tool for Finding Achievable Constraints and Conflicts for Inconsistent UML Class Diagrams.
  • If you are a geek and love coding, see Section 6.


MaxUSE integrates USE with Z3 SMT solver. However, it uses uran as its intermediate interfaces for interacting with Z3. Uran is responsible for generating well-formed SMT2 assertions.

  • All generated assertions for our benchmark can be viewed here.
  • msc.smt2 contains the set of assertions capturing the set cover problem.
  • Note that msc.smt2 will be changed everytime a new model is solved by MaxUSE.


So you are here and want to see some code :-). Here is a brief description:

  • MaxUSE uses an SMT solving engine called uran to construct/generate SMT2 assertions and incremently and efficiently solves them. In summary, MaxUSE computes the set of achievable model features by solving a weighted MaxSMT problem, and finds all constraint conflicts by solving the set cover problem.
  • The core algorithms has two parts:
    1. The main procedure for computing the set of achievable model features is here.
    2. The main procedure for computing all constraint conflicts is here.


  • The implementation of MaxUSE spans over the past 2+ years, and we are still working on it to add more features such as GUI, customized ranking schemes,fast string reasoning,concurrent solving techniques,constraint synthesizing, and much more to come.
  • MaxUSE supports OCL constructs used in the benchmark, and not all OCL constructs are supported (we are currently adding more).
  • Multiple SMT solvers (CVC4, MATHSAT5, etc) are being added.


We woud like to thank Marie Farrell and Joesph Timoney for helpful comments on this research. We would also like to thank Andrea Balogh for helping the benchmark generation.

Last updated: 16-December-2020