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🌠 Kuantic Template App 🌠


Template for Real Time Chat Application created with MEVN stack. Including MongoDB/Mongoose/Mongo Atlas, Express, VueJS, Node and Socket IO.

Build Status PRs Welcome License: MIT

root devDependencies Status root dependencies Status

root/client devDependencies Status root/client dependencies Status

root/server devDependencies Status root/server dependencies Status



View the application at

View the project management cycle here Kuantic Template Project Kanban (Trello)

Tech Stack

Technology Description Link ↘️
HTML5 Hyper Text Markup Language
CSS3 Cascading Style Sheets
JavaScript High Level, Dynamic, Interpreted Language
SASS Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets
Babel Javascript Compiler
Webpack Javascript Module Bundler
NodeJS Open Source, Javascript Run Time Environment, Execute Javascript code for server side
VueJS Progressive Javascript Framework
Bootstrap Vue Framework for building responsive, mobile-first sites
Jest Javascript Testing Framework
Express Web Framework for Node.js
MongoDB NoSQL Database


  • Express as the web framework on the server
  • Implements stateless authentication with JWT tokens
  • Authenticates JWT and social authentication using Passport
  • Hashes passwords using the bcryptjs package
  • Internationalization on Client and Server sides
  • Enables real time communication to the server using Socket IO
  • MongoDB and Mongo Atlas is used for storing and querying data
  • Server logging is done with Winston and Morgan
  • Concurrently is used to run both the server and client at the same time
  • Vue JS is used as the frontend framework
  • Travis CI is incorporated for continuous integration
  • Heroku is used for production deployment


Running Locally

Ensure Node.js and NPM are installed

  1. Clone or Download the repository (Depending on whether you are using SSH or HTTPS)
$ git clone
$ cd kuantic-template-app
  1. Install dependencies for root, client and server

You will need to npm install in each directory in order to install the node module needed for each part of the project

Directories Include: Root, Server & Client

  1. Add .env file to server folder and fill out details according to the .env.example. See configuration details for social auth and database setup

  2. Start the application

$ npm run dev
  1. Navigate to localhost:8080. The application should be up and running successfully

Deploying to Heroku

Ensure you have Heroku CLI installed

  1. Login to heroku via the CLI
$ heroku login
  1. Create a new heroku app
$ heroku create
  1. Before pushing to heroku, you need to set up the config variables in other words the env variables you would use locally

    i. Go to Settings -> Reveal Config Vars

    ii. Add the config variables according to the .env.example

    iii. These Include

    PORT (Optional)
    NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION (Must be false)

    iv. Ensure that you set NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION to false to allow installation of dev dependencies for post build to work correctly

  2. Commit any changes and push your code from local repo to your git

$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "message here"
$ git push heroku master
  1. Open the heroku app
$ heroku open

Note: You may also connect your github repo to the heroku and add automatic deployment on push to the github repo

Seeding Data

If at anytime in development you'd like to quickly seed some dummy data you use the command below

$ npm run seed:data

Running Tests

Tests should be run before every commit to ensure the build is not broken by any code changes.

Running Both Client and Server Tests

In the root directory
$ npm run test

Running Client Tests

$ npm run client:test

Watching Server Tests

$ npm run server:test:watch

Configuration Setup

These configuration setups are necessary for the app to function correctly as intended. These configuration setups will be required to be added as environment variables for the server to make use of.

Local Environment Variables (.env file)

For development you will need a .env file for environmental variables. This includes:


MongoDB & Mongo Atlas

A MongoDB URI is needed to connect to a MongoDB connection. The easiest way to do this is to use Mongo Atlas. If you'd like to do this locally you can follow the instructions at (

Mongo Atlas

  1. Select 'Build a New Cluster' and follow the prompts

  2. When the Cluster has been created, click on 'Connect'

  3. Choose your connection method, for the purposes of this application we will use 'Connect Your Application'

  4. Next you will need to grab this connection string (Standard connection string). This is the URI that will be used as an environment variable

JWT Secret

The JWT Secret is required as a way to keep the JWT Token secure when the signature is hashed. This secret key should be secret to you and should be updated periodically.


To setup google oauth, you'll need to configure some details through Google Cloud Platform

  1. Navigate to

  2. Using 'APIs & Services', you'll need to enable the 'Google+ API'

  3. Once enabled, click on 'Credentials'

  4. Go to 'OAuth Consent Screen', you will need to add the 'Authorized Domains' to authorize your domain with Google

  5. You will need to save the Client ID and Client Secret for use in the environment variables

  6. You will also need to add the domain you are using ie. localhost or heroku to both 'Authorized Javascript Origins' and 'Authorized Redirect URIs'

    i. The redirect URIs are in the format of domain/api/auth/provider/redirect


To setup facebook oauth, you'll need to configure some details through Facebook for Developers

  1. Login at

  2. Go to 'My Apps' and create a new app

  3. Navigate to Settings -> basic

  4. Save the App ID and App Secret for use in environment variables

  5. Add your app domain in 'App Domains'

  6. Under Products -> Facebook Login -> Settings, Add your redirect URIs under 'Valid OAuth Redirect URIs'

    i. The redirect URIs are in the format of domain/api/auth/provider/redirect


Built as a personal project for learning experience. Please feel free to contribute by creating issues, submitting new pull requests!