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623 lines (508 loc) · 14.7 KB

File metadata and controls

623 lines (508 loc) · 14.7 KB

Character based




All row types accept following properties:

  key:        :user_name,     # Unique identifier for the row
  value:      'Some Value',   # The initial value passed to the row
  title:      'Title',        # Title of the row
  subtitle:   'Subtitle',     # Subtitle of the row
  image:      nil,            # Image for the cell's imageView. Accepts a string, UIImage, URL string, or NSURL
  image_placeholder: nil      # Used only when you are loading remote images. Accpets a string or UIImage
  type:       :string,        # The type of row (string, phone, switch, etc)
  row_height: 100             # Height of the row

The type property will define what kind of row type will get built. It looks for any Class within the Formotion::RowType namespace that has the constantized name (e.g. Formotion::RowType::StringRow).

Character based

All character based row types accept following properties:

  placeholder:         'James Bond',     # Placeholder before a value exists
  auto_correction:     :no,              # Disable auto correction
  auto_capitalization: :none,            # Disable auto capitalization
  secure:              true,             # Enable secure input (Password)
  clear_button:        :while_editing,   # Enable clear button
  return_key:          :google,          # Define return key

String row

String row

  title: "Name",
  key: :name,
  type: :string,
  placeholder: 'James Bond',
  auto_correction: :no,
  auto_capitalization: :none,
  input_accessory: :done

The StringRow is a simple text input row and opens a UIKeyboardTypeDefault keyboard when editing. input_accessory can be nil or :done, and shows a toolbar with a done button above the keyboard.

Text row

Text Row

  title: "Text",
  key: :text,
  type: :text,
  placeholder: "Enter your text here",
  row_height: 100

The TextRow is a multiline text input row and opens the default keyboard when editing. To define the height of the row set the property row_height.

Text row with Big Font

Text Row

  title: "Big Text",
  key: :text,
  type: :text,
  font: {name: 'Helvetica', size: 24},
  placeholder: "Enter your big text here",
  row_height: 100

Text row with Small Font

Text Row

  title: "Small Text",
  key: :text,
  type: :text,
  font: {name: 'Chalkduster', size: 8},
  placeholder: "Enter your small text here",
  row_height: 100

Email row

Email row

  title: "Email",
  key: :email,
  type: :email,
  placeholder: ''

The EmailRow is a string input row for an email address and opens a UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress keyboard when editing.

Phone row

Email row

  title: "Phone",
  key: :phone,
  type: :phone,
  placeholder: '+01 877 412 7753'

The PhoneRow is a string input row for a phone number and opens a UIKeyboardTypePhonePad keyboard when editing.

Number row

Number row

  title: "Number",
  key: :number,
  placeholder: "12345",
  type: :number

The NumberRow is a string input row for a number and opens a UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad keyboard when editing.

Currency Row

Currency row

  title: "Amount",
  key: :amount,
  placeholder: "0.00",
  type: :currency

The CurrentyRow is a string input row with a number keyboard that restricts users to entering valid currency without tapping the decimal key on the keyboard.

Date row

Date row

  title: "Date",
  value: 326937600,
  key: :date_long,
  type: :date,
  format: :full

The DateRow is a string input row for a date and opens a UIDatePicker when editing. You can pass one of following formats as property:

  :no       # NSDateFormatterNoStyle - Specifies no style.
  :short    # NSDateFormatterShortStyle - Specifies a short style, typically numeric only, such as “11/23/37” or “3:30pm”.
  :medium   # NSDateFormatterMediumStyle - Specifies a medium style, typically with abbreviated text, such as “Nov 23, 1937”.
  :long     # NSDateFormatterLongStyle - Specifies a long style, typically with full text, such as “November 23, 1937” or “3:30:32pm”.
  :full     # NSDateFormatterFullStyle -Specifies a full style with complete details, such as “Tuesday, April 12, 1952 AD” or “3:30:42pm PST”.

The value is a NSDate.timeIntervalSince1970 as an integer.

Note that you can pass a :picker_mode argument to affect what kind of date picker is displayed:

  :time          # UIDatePickerModeTime
  :date_time     # UIDatePickerModeDateAndTime
  :countdown     # UIDatePickerModeCountDownTimer

If none of these are specified, UIDatePickerModeDate is used.

Note: If you use :date_time or :time for the type, :minute_interval will be applied to the time picker if you specify a value for it. the default is the Apple default of 1.

Object row

  title: "My Data",
  type: :object,
  value: object       # an object

Same as StringRow with the difference that it would not change the row.value to string. The object needs a to_s method.

Activity row

  title: "Share something",
  type: :activity,
  value: "Something I want to share."

Creates a UIActivityViewController for you with the contents of :value. You can also pass a Hash to value:

  title: "Share something",
  type: :activity,
  value: {
    items: "Something I want to share.", # Can be a String, NSURL, or UIImage or Array of those types
    excluded: [] # Types of activities to exclude. See the UIActivity class docs for a list of activity types.


Static row

Static row

  title: "Static",
  type: :static,

The StaticRow has no input funcitonality and therefore needs no key property. It is used for static text display like in Settings > General > About on your iOS device.

Switch row

Switch row

  title: "Remember?",
  key: :remember,
  type: :switch,
  switch_tint_color: "#00ff88" # optional

The SwitchRow is a on/off switch that has the value true or false.

Check row

Check row

  title: "Check",
  key: :check,
  type: :check,
  value: true

The CheckRow is a row you can check and uncheck by tapping on it. It has either the value true or false. You can create a radio button style group by defining a section with select_one: true like this:

  title: "Account Type",
  key: :account_type,
  select_one: true,
  rows: [{
    title: "Free",
    key: :free,
    type: :check,
  }, {
    title: "Basic",
    value: true,
    key: :basic,
    type: :check,
  }, {
    title: "Pro",
    key: :pro,
    type: :check,

This would result in a form's render as:

  account_type: :basic

Slider row

Slider row

  title: "Slider",
  key: :slider,
  type: :slider,
  range: (1..100),
  value: 25

The SliderRow takes a ruby range as range property that defines the min and max value of the slider.

Image row

Image row

  title: "Image",
  key: :image,
  type: :image

Options row

Options row

  title: "Account Type",
  key: :account_type,
  type: :options,
  items: ["Free", "Basic", "Pro"]

Picker row

Picker row

  title: "Picker",
  key: :pick,
  type: :picker,
  items: ["Ruby", "Motion", "Rocks"],
  value: "Motion",
  input_accessory: :done

Subform row

Subform row

  title: "Advanced",
  type: :subform,
  key: :advanced,
  subform: {
    title: "Advanced",
    sections: [{
      title: "Advanced Settings",
      rows: [{
        title: "Server URL",
        key: :server,
        placeholder: "",
        type: :string,
    }, {
      rows: [{
        title: 'Back',
        type: :back

Use a :display_key to show the value of the subform in the row:

Subform row with display

  title: "Subform",
  subtitle: "With display_key",
  type: :subform,
  display_key: :type,
  subform: {

Template row

Template row

  title: 'Your nicknames',
  rows: [{
    title: "Add nickname",
    key: :nicknames,
    type: :template,
    value: ['Nici', 'Sam'],
    template: {
      title: 'Nickname',
      type: :string,
      placeholder: 'Enter here',
      indented: true,
      deletable: true

MapView row

MapView row

  title: "Map",
  type: :map,
  value: coordinates,  # of type CLLocationCoordinate2D, CLCircularRegion, or a Hash of options
  row_height: 200      # for better viewing

Shows a map with a pin at the coordinates from value. If you pass a CLLocationCoordinate2D or CLCircularRegion, a pin will be placed at the coordinates. You can pass a hash of options like this:

  title: "Map",
  type: :map,
  value: {
    coord: coordinates,
    enabled: true, # Whether the user can interact with the map.
    type: MKMapTypeStandard, # The type of map to show. See MKMapType documentation.
    animated: true, # Whether setting the region should animate. This property also applies to annotation titles.
    pin: {
      coord: coordinates, # Must be a CLLocationCoordinate2D
      title: nil, # Title of the annotation
      subtitle: nil # Subtitle of the annotation
  row_height: 200 # for better viewing

If you pass pin: nil the map will not display an annotation. Annotations with titles will automatically pop open the annotation. Note: If you set a title on an annotation it will automatically invalidate enabled:false and the map will be interactable.

WebLink row

  title: "My Awesome Site",
  type: :web_link,
  value: "" # URL to be opened. Can also be an NSURL

You can also allow the user to confirm leaving your app:

  title: "My Awesome Site",
  type: :web_link,
  warn: true,
  # or pass a hash to :warn. 
  # Here are the default values (Bubblewrap alert options):
  # warn: {
  #   title: "Leaving #{}",
  #   message: "This action will leave #{} and open Safari.",
  #   buttons: ["Cancel", "OK"]
  # }  
  value: "", # URL to be opened

WebView row

WebView row

  title: "Page",
  type: :web_view,
  value: html,      # HTML code to be shown
  row_height: 200   # for better viewing

PagedImage row

Pagedimage row

  title: "Photos",
  type: :paged_image,
  value: images,      # array of UIImage's
  row_height: 200     # for better viewing

Same functionality as ImageRow but you can scroll through many photos.

Tags row

Tags row

  title: "Tags",
  type: :tags,
  value: ["Beer","Dark Beer"],
  row_height: 200               # for better viewing

Add on_tap callback:

row.on_tap do |row|
  ... # will be called when '+' in editable mode will touched
      # add the new tag with row.object.add_tag(new_tag)

Show/Edit tags.


Button row

  title: "Any Button",
  type: :button,
  key: :some_button

# later...
form.row(:some_button).on_tap do |row|
  # do something when tapped

The SubmitRow triggers the form.submit which triggers the defined on_submit callback.

Submit row

Submit row

  title: "Submit",
  type: :submit,

The SubmitRow triggers the form.submit which triggers the defined on_submit callback.

Back row

Submit row

  title: "Back",
  type: :back,

The BackRow is used in subforms to go back to the parent form.

Edit row

Submit row

  title: "Edit",
  alt_title: "View",
  type: :edit,

The EditRow is used to switch between edit and view mode. It's mainly used for the TemplateRow.