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Vimcasts Logo

This is a Boxee app that shows episodes from Report any issues in the issue tracker.

This application was written entirely with the vim text editor, of course!

Development and Deployment

Requirements and installation

  • Python 2.6
  • Fabric
  • PyTidyLib

Create a virtualenv named fabric to run the commands

$ sudo easy_install virtualenv
$ mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
$ cd ~/.virtualenvs
$ virtualenv --python=python2.6 --no-site-packages fabric

Activate the virtualenv

$ cd fabric
$ source bin/activate

Install the libraries needed

(fabric)$ easy_install Fabric
(fabric)$ easy_install PyTidyLib

Now you can use the commands below


Go to the root of the git clone

(fabric)$ cd path/to/boxee-vimcasts

Development mode

Turn on "development" mode

(fabric)$ fab develop

Turn off "development" mode

(fabric)$ fab develop:off

External Repo Release

Deploy to the third party repo

(fabric)$ fab release_external

Deploy to the third party repo ignoring any working copy changes

(fabric)$ fab release_external:ignore

Official Release Preparation

Prepare release tarball for Boxee blessed repo

(fabric)$ fab release_offical

Prepare release tarball for Boxee blessed repo ignoring any working copy changes

(fabric)$ fab release_official:ignore