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Build an Azure Virtual Machine Image



Use existing account

az login

(Optional) Create a service principal

az account set -s $SUBSCRIPTION_ID
az ad app create --display-name $APP_NAME --homepage "http://localhost/$APP_NAME"
APP_ID=$(az ad app list --display-name $APP_NAME | jq '.[0].appId' | tr -d '"')
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $APP_ID --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCE_GROUP"
az ad sp credential reset --name "$APP_ID" --password "${CLIENT_SECRET}"
CLIENT_ID=$(az ad sp list --display-name $APP_ID | jq '.[0].appId' | tr -d '"')
az role assignment create --assignee "$CLIENT_ID" --role "Owner" --subscription "$SUBSCRIPTION_ID"

Replace {RESOURCE_GROUP} with an existing resource group name; a resource group is nothing more than a container for related resources. Replace {SUBSCRIPTION_ID} with the id of your Azure subscription. Replace {TENANT_ID} with the tenant identifier. To find the default subscription and tenant id type az account list --query "[?isDefault]". Replace {CLIENT_SECRET} with any alpha-numeric set of characters (and this secret must be 8 or more characters in length). Replace {SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME} with any alpha-numeric set of characters (and this name must also be 8 or more characters in length).

(Optional) Login with service principal

az login --service-principal --username {APP_ID} --password {CLIENT_SECRET} --tenant {TENANT_ID}

Replace {APP_ID}, {CLIENT_SECRET}, and {TENANT_ID} with the values you used to create the service principal above.

Create shared image gallery

See and

For example

az sig create --resource-group cloudmonk --gallery-name toolsetvms

Create image definition

See and

For example

az sig image-definition create \
   --resource-group cloudmonk \
   --gallery-name toolsetvms \
   --gallery-image-definition K8sToolsetImage \
   --publisher myPublisher \
   --offer 0000-com-vmware-k8s-toolset-vm \
   --sku 2023 \
   --os-type Linux \
   --os-state generalized

Use Packer to build and upload an Azure Virtual Machine Image

Copy common scripts into place

cp ../../../../scripts/ .
cp ../../../../scripts/ .
cp ../../../../scripts/ .
cp ../../../../scripts/ .

Fetch Tanzu CLI

cp ../../../../scripts/ .

Replace {CSP_API_TOKEN} with the VMware Cloud Service Platform API Token, used for authenticating to the VMware Marketplace. Replace {TANZU_CLI_VERSION} and {TANZU_CLI_CORE_VERSION} with a supported (and available) version numbers for the CLI you wish to embed in the container image. If your account has been granted access, the script will download a tarball, extract the Tanzu CLI and place it into a dist directory. The tarball and other content will be discarded. (The script has "smarts" built-in to determine whether or not to fetch a version of the CLI that may have already been fetched and placed in the dist directory).

Fetch and install TAP plugins

cp ../../../../scripts/

You're just copying this script into place.

Fetch and install oci CLI

cp ../../../../scripts/ .

You're just copying this script into place.

Type the following to build the image

packer init {HCL_FILENAME}
packer fmt {HC_FILENAME}
packer validate {HCL_FILENAME}
packer inspect {HCL}
packer build -only='{BUILD_NAME}.*' {HCL_FILENAME}

Replace {HCL_FILENAME} with one of [ arm.pkr.hcl, arm-ci.pkr.hcl ]. If you choose arm-ci.pkr.hcl you will need to supply additional -var key-value pairs for [ subscription_id, tenant_id, client_id, and client_secret ] to packer build above.

Replace {BUILD_NAME} with one of [ standard, with-tanzu ]; a file provisioner uploads the Tanzu CLI into your image when set to with-tanzu. You have the option post image build to fetch and install or upgrade it via mkpcli. The script is also packaged and available for your convenience in the resultant image.

In ~10 minutes you should notice a manifest.json file where within the artifact_id contains a reference to the image ID.

Available overrides

You may wish to size the instance and/or choose a different region to host the image.

packer build --var vm_size="Standard_A4" --var location="eastus2" -only='standard.*' arm.pkr.hcl

Consult the variable blocks inside arm.pkr.hcl

For your consideration