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183 lines (133 loc) · 6.91 KB

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183 lines (133 loc) · 6.91 KB

Development of web-ext

To get started, first install it from source.

Develop all the things

Your one stop command to continuously build, run tests, check for syntax errors, and check for flow errors is this:

npm start

The other commands below are just variations on this.

Run all application tests

To run the entire suite of tests once and exit, type:

npm test

This is the same as the develop command but it won't re-run automatically as you edit files. It's also a little slower because there's no caching.

Run a single test

Instead of running the entire suite, you can run a single test by invoking the mocha executable directly with the -f option to filter by test description. For example, if the test you'd like to run is defined in tests/test.program.js and is described as "turns sourceDir into an absolute path" then you could run it like this:

./node_modules/.bin/mocha -r babel-core/register tests/unit/test.program.js -f "sourceDir"

Debug a test

You can enter the Node debugger by directly invoking the mocha executable with the debug command. For example, if the test you want to debug is defined in tests/test.program.js then you could enter the debugger like this:

./node_modules/.bin/mocha debug -r babel-core/register tests/unit/test.program.js

You could also put the debugger statement somewhere in the code to set a breakpoint.

Build web-ext

Type npm run build to build a new version of the libraries used by the ./bin/web-ext command. When successful, you will see newly built files in the ./dist/ directory.

Check for lint

Type npm run lint to make sure there are no syntax errors or other house keeping problems in the source code.

If you are deep down some rabbit hole, you can skip lint checks temporarily by setting $SKIP_LINT in the environment. Here is an example of running the test suite without lint checks:

SKIP_LINT=1 npm test

Check for Flow errors

This project relies on flow to ensure functions and classes are used correctly. Run all flow checks with npm run flow-check.

Code Coverage

You can generate Code Coverage reports every time you run the test suite by setting $COVERAGE in the environment. Here is an example of running the test suite on the instrumented source code:

COVERAGE=y npm test

or even when the test suite re-runs automatically as you edit files:

COVERAGE=y npm start

Once the report has been generated, it can be found in the ./coverage directory.

Developing on web-ext sign

When you are developing a fix or feature for the web-ext sign command it's wise to use a development version of the signing API so as not to disturb any real data.

  • Read through how to use the web-ext sign command so you understand it.

  • Create an API key on the development version of the Manage API Keys page. You will need to register an account if you don't have one already. Make sure you use a password that is different from your production account.

  • Let's say your generated JWT issuer is user:123 and your JWT secret is abc1234. Here is an example of a command you can run that will use the development API:

    web-ext sign --api-key user:123 --api-secret abc1234 \
  • Signed add-ons created with the development API are hard to install into Firefox. If you need to test installation of add-ons (you probably don't) then you'd have to use our staging API server. File an issue for information on that.

Creating a pull request

When you create a pull request for a new fix or feature, be sure to mention the issue number for what you're working on. The best way to do it is to mention the issue like this at the top of your description:

Fixes #123

The issue number in this case is "123." The word Fixes is magical; github will automatically close the issue when your pull request is merged.

Writing commit messages

Commit messages must adhere to the Angular style of semantic messages. This allows us to auto-generate a changelog without too much noise in it. Additionally, write the commit message in past tense so it will read naturally as a historic changelog.


  • feat: Added a systematic dysfunctioner
  • fix: Fixed hang in systematic dysfunctioner
  • docs: Improved contributor docs
  • style: Added no-console linting, cleaned up code
  • refactor: Split out dysfunctioner for testability
  • perf: Systematic dysfunctioner is now 2x faster
  • test: Added more tests for systematic dysfunctioner
  • chore: Upgraded yargs to 3.x.x

If you want to use scopes then it would look more like: feat(dysfunctioner): Added --quiet option.

Check for commit message lint

You can test that your commit message is formatted in a way that will support our changelog generator like this:

npm run changelog-lint

Squashing commits

When fixing up a pull request based on code review comments, squash all commits together before merging. This will allow us to auto-generate a more concise changelog. If a pull request contains more than one feature or fix then it is okay to include each as a separate commit.

Creating a release

To release a new version of web-ext, follow these steps:

  • Pull from master to make sure you're up to date.
  • Bump the version in package.json.
  • Commit and push the version change (or create and merge a pull request for it).
  • Create a changelog by running npm run changelog. This will output Markdown of all unreleased changes.
  • Create a new release and paste in the changelog Markdown. It may require some manual editing. For example, some commit messages might have been truncated. Title the github release after the new version you just added to package.json in the previous commit (example: 1.0.4).
  • When you publish the release, github creates a tag. When TravisCI builds the tag, it will automatically publish the package to npm.
  • After the package has been published, check the needs user docs label to see if the user docs need updating.