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Predatory Simulation of Animals




This program simulates the predatory relationship of cats and snake with birds. Here, the birds are the prey.

  • The animals move about on the window.
  • Although visually it seems like a 2D space, in actuality, there are moving in a 3D space.
  • Every animal has a speed with which they move.
  • Every animal has a range in which the other animals may fall into.
  • Birds and Snake have a smell and hear property with which they can store the animals they have smelt.
  • Cats and Snakes move to the nearest bird in the plane.
  • If the bird is within the range of the snake or the cat, the bird is eaten and it dissappears from the screen.
  • This simulation keeps going until all the birds have been eaten.

Movement and Ranges

Cats (C)

  • Range: 8
  • Speed: 16

Snakes (S)

  • Range: 3
  • Speed: 14

Birds (B)

  • Move in a random (-10, 10) along the X axis.
  • Move in a random (-10, 10) along the Y axis.
  • Move in a random (-2, 2) along the Z axis.


Animal class

  • Its subclasses: Cat, Snake and Bird
  • Superclass for other specific animal subclasses to inherit from.
  • Contains shared animal attributes.
  • Move method to move the birds indirectly by passing the dx, dy and dz to the Move() in Position.
  • Other move methods to randomize the positions of the birds
  • Methods to find the nearest bird and to check whether the otehr animal is in range
  • ToString method to display their properties.
  • Subclasses implement other methods to hear and smell.
  • An animal hears if the other animal is travelling at a certain speed within a certain distance.
  • An animal smells if the other animal is within a certain distance.
  • Both hear and smell methods would store the animals in a double linked list.

Position class

  • The class defines the positions of the animals in a 3D space.
  • It has x, y and z attributes.
  • Methods to manipulate the positions of the animals: MoveTo(), DistanceBetween(), RandomPosition(), etc.

DoublyLinkedList class

  • Standard list with a few tweaks.
  • A doubly linked list to store the names of the animals or the smelt/heard animals.