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Working with RabbitMQ queues and consumers from Clojure with Langohr

About this guide

This guide covers everything related to queues in the AMQP v0.9.1 specification, common usage scenarios and how to accomplish typical operations using Langohr. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (including images and stylesheets). The source is available on Github.

What version of Langohr does this guide cover?

This guide covers Langohr 1.0-beta8.

Queues in AMQP 0.9.1: Overview

What are AMQP Queues?

Queues store and forward messages to consumers. They are similar to mailboxes in SMTP. Messages flow from producing applications to exchanges that route them to queues and finally queues deliver the messages to consumer applications (or consumer applications fetch messages as needed).

Note that unlike some other messaging protocols/systems, messages are not delivered directly to queues. They are delivered to exchanges that route messages to queues using rules known as bindings.

AMQP is a programmable protocol, so queues and bindings alike are declared by applications.

Concept of Bindings

A binding is an association between a queue and an exchange. Queues must be bound to at least one exchange in order to receive messages from publishers. Learn more about bindings in the Bindings guide.

Queue Attributes

Queues have several attributes associated with them:

  • Name
  • Exclusivity
  • Durability
  • Whether the queue is auto-deleted when no longer used
  • Other metadata (sometimes called X-arguments)

These attributes define how queues can be used, what their life-cycle is like and other aspects of queue behavior.

Queue Names and Declaring Queues

Every AMQP queue has a name that identifies it. Queue names often contain several segments separated by a dot ".", in a similar fashion to URI path segments being separated by a slash "/", although almost any string can represent a segment (with some limitations - see below).

Before a queue can be used, it has to be declared. Declaring a queue will cause it to be created if it does not already exist. The declaration will have no effect if the queue does already exist and its attributes are the same as those in the declaration. When the existing queue attributes are not the same as those in the declaration a channel-level exception is raised. This case is explained later in this guide.

Explicitly Named Queues

Applications may pick queue names or ask the broker to generate a name for them.

To declare a queue with a particular name, for example, "images.resize", use the langohr.queue/declare function:

{% gist cd461764671162acedc8 %}

The same example in context:

{% gist 34a585bf186de42aaf3c %}

Server-named queues

To ask an AMQP broker to generate a unique queue name for you, pass an empty string as the queue name argument. The returned value has the #getQueue method that can be used to retrieve the generated queue name:

{% gist c852bac0fffa3e50f07b %}

The same example in context:

{% gist 6d48e14ca352d3a176b5 %}

Reserved Queue Name Prefix

Queue names starting with "amq." are reserved for internal use by the broker. Attempts to declare a queue with a name that violates this rule will result in a channel-level exception with reply code 403 (ACCESS_REFUSED) and a reply message similar to this:

ACCESS_REFUSED - queue name 'amq.queue' contains reserved prefix 'amq.*'

Queue Re-Declaration With Different Attributes

When queue declaration attributes are different from those that the queue already has, a channel-level exception with code 406 (PRECONDITION_FAILED) will be raised. The reply text will be similar to this:

PRECONDITION_FAILED - parameters for queue 'langohr.examples.channel_exception' in vhost '/' not equivalent

Queue Life-cycle Patterns

According to the AMQP 0.9.1 specification, there are two common message queue life-cycle patterns:

  • Durable message queues that are shared by many consumers and have an independent existence: i.e. they will continue to exist and collect messages whether or not there are consumers to receive them.
  • Temporary message queues that are private to one consumer and are tied to that consumer. When the consumer disconnects, the message queue is deleted.

There are some variations of these, such as shared message queues that are deleted when the last of many consumers disconnects.

Let us examine the example of a well-known service like an event collector (event logger). A logger is usually up and running regardless of the existence of services that want to log anything at a particular point in time. Other applications know which queues to use in order to communicate with the logger and can rely on those queues being available and able to survive broker restarts. In this case, explicitly named durable queues are optimal and the coupling that is created between applications is not an issue.

Another example of a well-known long-lived service is a distributed metadata/directory/locking server like Apache Zookeeper, Google's Chubby or DNS. Services like this benefit from using well-known, not server-generated, queue names and so do any other applications that use them.

A different sort of scenario is in "a cloud setting" when some kind of worker/instance might start and stop at any time so that other applications cannot rely on it being available. In this case, it is possible to use well-known queue names, but a much better solution is to use server-generated, short-lived queues that are bound to topic or fanout exchanges in order to receive relevant messages.

Imagine a service that processes an endless stream of events — Twitter is one example. When traffic increases, development operations may start additional application instances in the cloud to handle the load. Those new instances want to subscribe to receive messages to process, but the rest of the system does not know anything about them and cannot rely on them being online or try to address them directly. The new instances process events from a shared stream and are the same as their peers. In a case like this, there is no reason for message consumers not to use queue names generated by the broker.

In general, use of explicitly named or server-named queues depends on the messaging pattern that your application needs. Enterprise Integration Patterns discusses many messaging patterns in depth and the RabbitMQ FAQ also has a section on use cases.

Declaring a Durable Shared Queue

To declare a durable shared queue, you pass a queue name that is a non-blank string and use the :durable option:

{% gist 13e785d0a282b1c8b755 %}

The same example in context:

{% gist 319bd470028b95a9a561 %}

Declaring a Temporary Exclusive Queue

To declare a server-named, exclusive, auto-deleted queue, pass "" (an empty string) as the queue name and use the :exclusive:

{% gist c852bac0fffa3e50f07b %}

The same example in context:

{% gist 6d48e14ca352d3a176b5 %}

Exclusive queues may only be accessed by the current connection and are deleted when that connection closes. The declaration of an exclusive queue by other connections is not allowed and will result in a channel-level exception with the code 405 (RESOURCE_LOCKED)

Exclusive queues will be deleted when the connection they were declare on is closed.

Binding Queues to Exchanges

In order to receive messages, a queue needs to be bound to at least one exchange. Most of the time binding is explcit (done by applications). To bind a queue to an exchange, use the langohr.queue/bind function:

{% gist 65bfdc7a550684f69174 %}

The same example in context:

{% gist eb464e4d29c167471c96 %}

Subscribing to receive messages ("push API")

To set up a queue subscription to enable an application to receive messages as they arrive in a queue, one uses the langohr.basic/consume function that takes a consumer. Consumer is the name for subscription that the AMQP 0.9.1 specification uses. Consumers last as long as the channel that they were declared on, or until client cancels them (unsubscribes).

Consumers are identified by consumer tags and have a number of events they can react on:

  • Message delivery handler
  • Consumer registration confirmation handler
  • Consumer cancellation handler

Message Delivery Handler

This is the most important of the three. This handler will process messages that RabbitMQ pushes to the consumer.

{% gist %}

The same example in context:

{% gist %}

Consumer Registration Handler

This handler will be invoked when a confirmation (the basic.consume-ok method) arrives from RabbitMQ. This usually happens within milliseconds after registering a consumer. This handler is used relatively rarely.

{% gist 6c6b276e4c1b271c7647 %}

The same example in context:

{% gist c6863ced2f85191a3758 %}

Consumer Cancellation Handler

Consumers can be cancelled by RabbitMQ in some situations:

  • When a consumer is cancelled via the RabbitMQ Management UI
  • When the queue messages are consumed from is deleted

This handler will react to consumer cancellation notifications when one of the aforementioned events happen.

{% gist 42313535e32170afb6cf %}

The same example in context:

{% gist 7fe8bddba57a17edcae7 %}

Consuming Messages

To start consuming messages, pass a consumer to the langohr.basic/consume function:

{% gist c6362a702b2d25d0c0b5 %}

The same example in context:

{% gist bc9b18234778e538035d %}

Then when a message arrives, the message header (metadata) and body (payload) are passed to the delivery handler.

langohr.basic/consume can take a consumer tag (any unique string) or let RabbitMQ generate one. In both cases, it returns the consumer tag.

Convenience Method

The langohr.consumers/subscribe function starts a consumer that loops and processes messages forever:

{% gist 7f764b28302df126d56d %}

The same example in context:

{% gist 4a03143b1c601ecf692a %}

It will block the calling thread, so it is usually started in a separate thread. That thread should take care of handling I/O exceptions that may arise during the consumer's lifespan.

Accessing Message Metadata

The metadata parameter in the example above provides access to message metadata and delivery information:

  • Message content type
  • Message content encoding
  • Message routing key
  • Message delivery mode (persistent or not)
  • Consumer tag this delivery is for
  • Delivery tag
  • Message priority
  • Whether or not message is redelivered
  • Producer application id

and so on. An example to demonstrate how to access some of those attributes via map destructuring:

{% gist 04cee8313ea0d52037fc %}

The full list of keys (note that most of them are optional and may not be present):

  • :delivery-tag
  • :redelivery?
  • :exchange
  • :routing-key
  • :content-type
  • :content-encoding
  • :headers
  • :delivery-mode
  • :persistent?
  • :priority
  • :correlation-id
  • :reply-to
  • :expiration
  • :message-id
  • :timestamp
  • :type
  • :user-id
  • :app-id
  • :cluster-id

Exclusive Consumers

Consumers can request exclusive access to the queue (meaning only this consumer can access the queue). This is useful when you want a long-lived shared queue to be temporarily accessible by just one application (or thread, or process). If the application employing the exclusive consumer crashes or loses the TCP connection to the broker, then the channel is closed and the exclusive consumer is cancelled.

To exclusively receive messages from the queue, pass the :exclusive option to langohr.consumers/subscribe:

{% gist e7d21cbe7873bac008f3 %}

If a queue has an exclusive consumer, attempts to register another consumer will fail with an access refused channel-level exception (code: 403).

It is not possible to register an exclusive consumer on a queue that already has consumers.

Using Multiple Consumers Per Queue

It is possible to have multiple non-exclusive consumers on queues. In that case, messages will be distributed between them according to prefetch levels of their channels (more on this later in this guide). If prefetch values are equal for all consumers, each consumer will get about the same # of messages.

Cancelling a Consumer

To cancel a particular consumer, use the langohr.basic/cancel function that takes a channel and a consumer tag to cancel:

{% gist 66a25ef4afdfcbbcb9ac %}

Consumer tag is returned by langohr.basic/consume or may be already known to your application.

Message Acknowledgements

Consumer applications — applications that receive and process messages ‚ may occasionally fail to process individual messages, or will just crash. There is also the possibility of network issues causing problems. This raises a question — "When should the AMQP broker remove messages from queues?"

The AMQP 0.9.1 specification proposes two choices:

  • After broker sends a message to an application (using either basic.deliver or basic.get-ok methods).
  • After the application sends back an acknowledgement (using basic.ack AMQP method).

The former choice is called the automatic acknowledgement model, while the latter is called the explicit acknowledgement model. With the explicit model, the application chooses when it is time to send an acknowledgement. It can be right after receiving a message, or after persisting it to a data store before processing, or after fully processing the message (for example, successfully fetching a Web page, processing and storing it into some persistent data store).

Message Acknowledgements

If a consumer dies without sending an acknowledgement, the AMQP broker will redeliver it to another consumer, or, if none are available at the time, the broker will wait until at least one consumer is registered for the same queue before attempting redelivery.

The acknowledgement model is chosen when a new consumer is registered for a queue. By default, langohr.consumers/subscribe will use the explicit model. To switch to the automatic model, the :auto-ack option should be used:

{% gist 4a03143b1c601ecf692a %}

To demonstrate how redelivery works, let us have a look at the following code example:

{% gist 10396b17bfa343540b35 %}

So what is going on here? This example uses three AMQP connections to imitate three applications, one producer and two consumers. Each AMQP connection opens a single channel. The consumers share a queue and the producer publishes messages to the queue periodically using an exchange.

Both "applications" subscribe to receive messages using the explicit acknowledgement model. The AMQP broker by default will send each message to the next consumer in sequence (this kind of load balancing is known as round-robin). This means that some messages will be delivered to consumer #1 and some to consumer #2.

To demonstrate message redelivery we make consumer #1 randomly select which messages to acknowledge. After 4 seconds we disconnect it (to imitate a crash). When that happens, the AMQP broker redelivers unacknowledged messages to consumer #2 which acknowledges them unconditionally. After 10 seconds, this example closes all outstanding connections and exits.

An extract of output produced by this example:

{% gist 00ea1388dea0c93eb327 %}

As we can see, consumer #1 did not acknowledge three messages (labelled 0, 2 and 4):

{% gist be64738ccb4fffe8d723 %}

and then, once consumer #1 had "crashed", those messages were immediately redelivered to the consumer #2:

{% gist 428eeefa8a370c8c939 %}

To acknowledge a message use langohr.basic/ack:

{% gist d8a56fef79de681e4470 %}

langohr.basic/ack takes three arguments: a channel, a message delivery tag and a flag that indicates whether or not we want to acknowledge multiple messages at once. Delivery tag is simply a channel-specific increasing number that the server uses to identify deliveries.

When acknowledging multiple messages at once, the delivery tag is treated as "up to and including". For example, if delivery tag = 5 that would mean "acknowledge messages 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5".

Acknowledgements are channel-specific. Applications must not receive messages on one channel and acknowledge them on another.

A message MUST not be acknowledged more than once. Doing so will result in a channel-level exception (PRECONDITION_FAILED) with an error message like this: "PRECONDITION_FAILED - unknown delivery tag"

Rejecting messages

When a consumer application receives a message, processing of that message may or may not succeed. An application can indicate to the broker that message processing has failed (or cannot be accomplished at the time) by rejecting a message. When rejecting a message, an application can ask the broker to discard or requeue it.

To reject a message use the langohr.basic/reject method:

{% gist b8bd2c7f93b858909de1 %}

in the example above, messages are rejected without requeueing (broker will simply discard them). To requeue a rejected message, use the second argument that langohr.basic/reject takes:

{% gist ef42e2545e1fde033146 %}

Negative acknowledgements

Messages are rejected with the basic.reject AMQP method. There is one limitation that basic.reject has: there is no way to reject multiple messages, as you can do with acknowledgements. However, if you are using RabbitMQ, then there is a solution. RabbitMQ provides an AMQP 0.9.1 extension known as negative acknowledgements (nacks) and Langohr supports this extension. For more information, please refer to the RabbitMQ Extensions guide.

QoS — Prefetching messages

For cases when multiple consumers share a queue, it is useful to be able to specify how many messages each consumer can be sent at once before sending the next acknowledgement. This can be used as a simple load balancing technique to improve throughput if messages tend to be published in batches. For example, if a producing application sends messages every minute because of the nature of the work it is doing.

Imagine a website that takes data from social media sources like Twitter or Facebook during the Champions League final (or the Superbowl), and then calculates how many tweets mention a particular team during the last minute. The site could be structured as 3 applications:

  • A crawler that uses streaming APIs to fetch tweets/statuses, normalizes them and sends them in JSON for processing by other applications ("app A").
  • A calculator that detects what team is mentioned in a message, updates statistics and pushes an update to the Web UI once a minute ("app B").
  • A Web UI that fans visit to see the stats ("app C").

In this imaginary example, the "tweets per second" rate will vary, but to improve the throughput of the system and to decrease the maximum number of messages that the AMQP broker has to hold in memory at once, applications can be designed in such a way that application "app B", the "calculator", receives 5000 messages and then acknowledges them all at once. The broker will not send message 5001 unless it receives an acknowledgement.

In AMQP parlance this is know as QoS or message prefetching. Prefetching is configured on a per-channel (typically) or per-connection (rarely used) basis. To configure prefetching per channel, use the langohr.basic/qos function. Let us return to the example we used in the "Message acknowledgements" section:

{% gist 062357d99c9b63f1b518 %}

In that example, one consumer prefetches three messages and another consumer prefetches just one. If we take a look at the output that the example produces, we will see that consumer1 fetched four messages and acknowledged one. After that, all subsequent messages were delivered to consumer2:

{% gist 00ea1388dea0c93eb327 %}

The prefetching setting is ignored for consumers that do not use explicit acknowledgements.

How Message Acknowledgements Relate to Transactions and Publisher Confirms

In cases where you cannot afford to lose a single message, AMQP 0.9.1 applications can use one or a combination of the following protocol features:

  • Publisher confirms (a RabbitMQ-specific extension to AMQP 0.9.1)
  • Publishing messages as immediate
  • Transactions (noticeable overhead)

This topic is covered in depth in the Working With Exchanges guide. In this guide, we will only mention how message acknowledgements are related to AMQP transactions and the Publisher Confirms extension.

Let us consider a publisher application (P) that communications with a consumer (C) using AMQP 0.9.1. Their communication can be graphically represented like this:

-----       -----       -----
|   |   S1  |   |   S2  |   |
| P | ====> | B | ====> | C |
|   |       |   |       |   |
-----       -----       -----

We have two network segments, S1 and S2. Each of them may fail. P is concerned with making sure that messages cross S1, while broker (B) and C are concerned with ensuring that messages cross S2 and are only removed from the queue when they are processed successfully.

Message acknowledgements cover reliable delivery over S2 as well as successful processing. For S1, P has to use transactions (a heavyweight solution) or the more lightweight Publisher Confirms RabbitMQ extension.

Fetching messages when needed ("pull API")

The AMQP 0.9.1 specification also provides a way for applications to fetch (pull) messages from the queue only when necessary. For that, use the langohr.basic/get function which returns a pair of [metadata payload]:

{% gist 4acb034a4841023308e2 %}

The same example in context:

{% gist acfe1a4cad751f4e2cec %}

The metadata map has the same keys as for delivery handlers (see the "Push API" section above).

If the queue is empty, then nil will be returned.

Unsubscribing From Messages

Sometimes it is necessary to unsubscribe from messages without deleting a queue. To do so, use the langohr.basic/cancel function:

{% gist 6e4e8694938636bcb315 %}

The consumer tag is either known to your application ahead of time or generated by the broker and returned by langohr.basic/consume.

In AMQP parlance, unsubscribing from messages is often referred to as "cancelling a consumer". Once a consumer is cancelled, messages will no longer be delivered to it, however, due to the asynchronous nature of the protocol, it is possible for "in flight" messages to be received after this call completes.

Fetching messages with langohr.basic/get is still possible even after a consumer is cancelled.

Unbinding Queues From Exchanges

To unbind a queue from an exchange use the langohr.queue/unbind function:

{% gist %}

Note that trying to unbind a queue from an exchange that the queue was never bound to will result in a channel-level exception.

Querying the Number of Messages in a Queue

It is possible to query the number of messages sitting in the queue by declaring the queue with the :passive attribute set. The response (queue.declare-ok AMQP method) will include the number of messages along with other attributes. However, the amqp gem provides a convenience function langohr.queue/status:

{% gist 7703ef627a4234b2cabe %}

Querying the Number of Consumers On a Queue

It is possible to query the number of consumers on a queue by declaring the queue with the ":passive" attribute set. The response (queue.declare-ok AMQP method) will include the number of consumers along with other attributes. However, the amqp gem provides a convenience function langohr.queue/status:

{% gist adb53fc1201630a5199c %}

Purging queues

It is possible to purge a queue (remove all of the messages from it) using the langohr.queues/purge function:

{% gist be4b2501a72874e6d214 %}

Note that this example purges a newly declared queue with a unique server-generated name. When a queue is declared, it is empty, so for server-named queues, there is no need to purge them before they are used.

Deleting Queues

To delete a queue, use the langohr.queue/delete function:

{% gist dd6a06ac1e50e4c142eb %}

When a queue is deleted, all of the messages in it are deleted as well.

Queue Durability vs Message Durability

See Durability guide

RabbitMQ Extensions Related to Queues

See RabbitMQ Extensions guide

Wrapping Up

AMQP queues can be client-named or server-named. It is possible to either subscribe for messages to be pushed to consumers (register a consumer) or pull messages from the client as needed. Consumers are identified by consumer tags.

For messages to be routed to queues, queues need to be bound to exchanges.

Most functions related to queues are found in two Langohr namespaces:

  • langohr.queue
  • langohr.basic

What to Read Next

The documentation is organized as a number of guides, covering various topics.

We recommend that you read the following guides first, if possible, in this order:

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