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cFp WarpTransform Filter

This is the implementation of the common Median Blur Filter (WarpTransform), on cloudFPGA platform. The WarpTransform IP is privided by the open source Xilinx ® Vitis™ Vision library, which is a fundamental library aimed at providing a comprehensive FPGA acceleration library for computer vision algorithms.

Oveview of Vitis Vision WarpTransform Corner Detector

Repository and environment setup

git clone --recursive
cd cFp_Zoo
source ./env/

Intergration of Vitis Vision WarpTransform with cloudFPGA

In the following figure it is shown how straightforward is to intergrate a function from Vitis libraries with cloudFPGA project.

Oveview of Vitis Vision WarpTransform dataflow

Since most of Vitis libraries (in L1) are offered with a AXI stream I/F in dataflow mode, the most obvious approach to connect them to cF is to wrap this I/F with anohter I/F that takes care of carefully feeding (as well as sending the results back) to (from) the WarpTransform IP from the network. For cFp_Zoo we are using the Themisto Shell already equipeed with a network streaming I/F for the user application. A small FSM takes care of the data casting between network and AXI streams.

WarpTransform Simulation

The testbench of WarpTransform is highlighted below:

Oveview of Vitis Vision WarpTransform Testbench

The testbench is offered in two flavors:

  • HLS TB: The testbench of the C++/RTL. This is a typical Vivado HLS testbench but it includes the testing of WarpTransform IP when this is wrapped in a cF Themisto Shell.
  • Host TB: This includes the testing of a a host apllication (C++) that send/receives images over Ethernet (TCP/UDP) with a cF FPGA. This testbench establishes a socket-based connection with an intermediate listener which further calls the previous testbench. So practically, the 2nd tb is a wrapper of the 1st tb, but passing the I/O data over socket streams. For example this is the system command inside Host TB that calls the HLS TB:

This folder contains the mandatory files to proceed withthe 1st option, i.e. HLS TB

Basic files/module for the HLS TB: 3. test_warp_transform.cpp: The typical Vivado HLS testbench of Harris IP, when this is wrapped in a Themisto Shell. 4. Themisto Shell: The SHELL-ROLE architecture of cF. 5. cFp_Zoo: The project that bridges Vitis libraries with cF.

WarpTransform image size

The maximum image size, that the WarpTransform IP is configured, is defined at through the FRAME_HEIGHT and FRAME_WIDTH definitions. These definitions have an impact of the FPGA resources. In the following simulations if the image provided has other dimensions, the cv::resize function will be used to adjust the image (scale) to FRAME_HEIGHT x FRAME_WIDTH.

Note: Remember to run make clean every time you change those definitions.

Run simulation


cd ./ROLE/vision/hls/warp_transform_app
make fcsim -j 4  # to run simulation using your system's gcc (with 4 threads)
make csim   # to run simulation using Vivado's gcc
make cosim  # to run co-simulation using Vivado

Optional steps

cd ./ROLE/vision/hls/warp_transform_app
make callgraph # to run fcsim and then execute the binary in Valgrind's callgraph tool
make kcachegrind # to run callgrah and then view the output in Kcachegrind tool
make memcheck # to run fcsim and then execute the binary in Valgrind's memcheck tool (to inspect memory leaks)

WarpTransform Synthesis

Since curretnly the cFDK supports only Vivado(HLS) 2017.4 we are following a 2-steps synthesis procedure. Firstly we synthesize the Themisto SHELL with Vivado (HLS) 2017.4 and then we synthesize the rest of the project (including P&R and bitgen) with Vivado (HLS) > 2019.1.

The WarpTransform IP

This is only for the HLS of WarpTransform (e.g. to check synthesizability)

cd cFp_Zoo/ROLE/vision/hls
make warp_transform # with Vivado HLS >= 2019.1


cd cFp_Zoo/ROLE/vision/hls/warp_transform
make csynth # with Vivado HLS >= 2019.1


cd cFp_Zoo/ROLE/vision/hls/warp_transform
vivado_hls -f run_hls.tcl # with Vivado HLS >= 2019.1
The Themisto SHELL
cd cFp_Zoo/cFDK/SRA/LIB/SHELL/Themisto
make all # with Vivado HLS == 2019.1
The complete cFp_Zoo
cd cFp_Zoo
make monolithic # with Vivado HLS >= 2019.1

More info for the WarpTransform IP:

  • Vivado version CXXABI_1.3.11 not found (required by /lib64/`

    Fix: cp /usr/lib64/ /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1/lib/lnx64.o/Default/

  • /lib64/ undefined reference to `__cxa_init_primary_exception@CXXABI_1.3.11'
    /lib64/ undefined reference to `std::__exception_ptr::exception_ptr::exception_ptr(void*)@CXXABI_1.3.11'

    Red Hat Fix: csim_design -ldflags "-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/8/ ${OPENCV_LIB_FLAGS} ${OPENCV_LIB_REF}" -clean -argv "${SimFile}" Ubuntu Fix: csim_design -ldflags "-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ${OPENCV_LIB_FLAGS} ${OPENCV_LIB_REF}" -clean -argv "${SimFile}"

/usr/include/features.h:367:12: fatal error: 'sys/cdefs.h' file not found # include <sys/cdefs.h>

Fix: `sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib g++-multilib`

* Inability to compile vitis libraries for some libs.
Add this fix to the Xilinx makefile
Fix: ```LDFLAGS += `pkg-config --libs opencv` `xml2-config --cflags --libs```

* For recompiling opencv one possibility
-D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$cwd/installation/OpenCV-"$cvVersion" \
-D OPENCV_PYTHON3_INSTALL_PATH=$cwd/OpenCV-$cvVersion-py3/lib/python3.5/site-packages \
-D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=../../opencv_contrib/modules \
  • Gmph issue.
    /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1/include/mpfr.h:181:9: error: ‘__gmp_const’ does not name a type
    typedef __gmp_const __mpfr_struct *mpfr_srcptr;
    Fix: add the following lines to mpfr.h header of Vivado ` #ifndef GMP_H #include <gmp.h> #else #include "/home/hoangt/TOOLS/xilinx/Vivado/2020.1/include/gmp.h" #ifndef __gmp_const #define __gmp_const const #endif #endif '