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CloudBees CD examples

Files in this folder complement mentions in CloudBees CD product documentation, for example, Cluster and storage requirements. As such, they are not standalone.

In this folder

This folder contains example values .yaml files for the CloudBees CD Helm Chart.

  • cloudbees-cd-demo.yaml: Example .yaml file for installing CloudBees CD on standard Kubernetes for a non-production environment.
  • cloudbees-cd-prod.yaml: Example .yaml file for installing CloudBees CD on standard Kubernetes for a production environment.
  • cloudbees-cd-agent-example.yaml: Example .yaml for a CloudBees CD agent.
  • cloudbees-cd-agent-defaults.yaml: Example .yaml file for installing a CloudBees CD agent on standard Kubernetes.
  • cloudbees-cd-defaults.yaml ( was values.yaml): Default parameter values for CloudBees CD on standard Kubernetes. Springboard from this file to create your own custom values.yaml file.
  • cloudbees-cd-demo-openshift.yaml: Example .yaml file for installing CloudBees CD on Openshift Container Platform for a non-production environment
  • cloudbees-cd-prod-openshift.yaml: Example .yaml file for installing CloudBees CD on Openshift Container Platform for a production environment
  • cloudbees-cd-prod-multizone.yaml: Example .yaml file for installing CloudBees CD on standard Kubernetes for a production environment with pre-configured Gateway Agents
  • values-filebeat.yaml: Sample values file to configure Filebeat log shipper to capture logs from CloudBees CD services and pods.
  • tune-max-map-count.yaml: One way to set the kernel parameter vm.max_map_count high enough to run DevOps Insight.