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Publish to a Queue via HTTP
Publish to a Queue directly via HTTP and Workers.
Queues - Publish Directly via HTTP

The following example shows you how to publsh messages to a queue from any HTTP client, using a shared secret to securely authenticate the client.

This allows you to write to a Queue from any service or programming language that support HTTP, including Go, Rust, Python or even a Bash script.


Configure your wrangler.toml file as follows:

filename: wrangler.toml
name = "my-worker"

  queue = "my-queue"
  binding = "YOUR_QUEUE"

1. Create a shared secret

Before you deploy the Worker, you need to create a secret that you can use as a shared secret. A shared secret is a secret that both the client uses to authenticate and the server (your Worker) matches against for authentication.



Do not commit secrets to source control. You should use wrangler secret to store API keys and authentication tokens securely.



To generate a cryptographically secure secret, you can use the openssl command-line tool and wrangler secret to create a hex-encoded string that can be used as the shared secret:

$ openssl rand -hex 32
# This will output a 65 character long hex string

Copy this string and paste it into the prompt for wrangler secret:

$ npx wrangler secret put QUEUE_AUTH_SECRET

# Outputs:
✨ Success! Uploaded secret QUEUE_AUTH_SECRET

This secret will also need to be used by the client application writing to the queue: ensure you store it securely.

2. Create the Worker

The following Worker script:

  1. Authenticates the client using a shared secret.
  2. Validates that the payload uses JSON.
  3. Publishes the payload to the queue.
filename: src/index.ts
interface Env {

export default {
	async fetch(req, env): Promise<Response> {
		// Authenticate that the client has the correct auth key
		if (env.QUEUE_AUTH_SECRET == "") {
			return Response.json({ err: "application not configured" }, { status: 500 });

		// Return a HTTP 403 (Forbidden) if the auth key is invalid/incorrect/misconfigured
		let authToken = req.headers.get("Authorization") || "";
		let encoder = new TextEncoder();
		// Securely compare our secret with the auth token provided by the client
		try {
			if (!crypto.subtle.timingSafeEqual(encoder.encode(env.QUEUE_AUTH_SECRET), encoder.encode(authToken))) {
				return Response.json({ err: "invalid auth token provided" }, { status: 403 });
		} catch (e) {
			return Response.json({ err: "invalid auth token provided" }, { status: 403 });

		// Optional: Validate the payload is JSON
		// In a production application, we may more robustly validate the payload
		// against a schema using a library like 'zod'
		let messages;
		try {
			messages = await req.json();
		} catch (e) {
			// Return a HTTP 400 (Bad Request) if the payload isn't JSON
			return Response.json({ err: "payload not valid JSON" }, { status: 500 });

		// Publish to the Queue
		try {
			await env.YOUR_QUEUE.send(messages);
		} catch (e: any) {
			console.log(`failed to send to the queue: ${e}`);
			// Return a HTTP 500 (Internal Error) if our publish operation fails
			return Response.json({ error: e.message }, { status: 500 });

		// Return a HTTP 200 if the send succeeded!
		return Response.json({ success: true });
} satisfies ExportedHandler<Env>;

To deploy this Worker:

$ npx wrangler deploy

3. Send a test message

To make sure you successfully authenticate and write a message to your queue, use curl on the command line:

# Make sure to replace the placeholder with your shared secret
$ curl -H "Authorization: pasteyourkeyhere" "" --data '{"messages": [{"msg":"hello world"}]}'
# Outputs:

This will issue a HTTP POST request, and if successful, return a HTTP 200 with a success: true response body.

  • If you receive a HTTP 403, this is because the Authorization header is invalid, or you did not configure a secret.
  • If you receive a HTTP 500, this is either because you did not correctly create a shared secret to your Worker, or you attempted to send an invalid message to your queue.

You can use wrangler tail to debug the output of console.log.