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How to transition


  • cf-release is now end-of-life. The final version of cf-release is v287.
  • this transition repo supports migrating to early releases of cf-deployment and from there, you must upgrade your foundation to get to the latest version of cf-d.
  • cf-deployment-transition is no longer actively managed or supported.

This document is designed to guide a deployer through a transition from cf-release to cf-deployment step-by-step. For additional details about the transition in general, consult the README

  1. Satisfying prerequisites
  2. Extracting the vars-store
  3. Choosing transition options
  4. Deploying with necessary opsfiles
  5. Migrating away from static IPs for consul and nats
  6. Removing etcd
  7. Deleting the diego deployment
  8. Deleting the routing deployment

Step 0: Satisfying prerequisites

Please see the prerequisites section of the README. This guide assumes that all of the listed prerequisites have been satisfied.

Step 1: Extracting the vars-store

In order for the transition to work seamlessly, credentials from your existing cf-release deployment must be extracted for use in transitioning to cf-deployment. We accomplish this using a vars-store, which is simply a .yml file that contains key-value pairs used by the bosh cli to interpolate into the cf-deployment manifest. To extract the vars-store, run with the following arguments:

Parameter Value
--ca-keys CA keys file in the format described here
--cf-manifest Your cf-release manifest
--diego-manifest Your diego manifest

This will write a vars-store file named deployment-vars.yml to the current directory.

If you have cf-networking-release, routing-release, or locket deployed, you may need to provide optional flags to extract their credentials from the appropriate manifests:

Flag Additional credentials extracted
N cf-networking-release
r routing-release
Q locket

If you do not extract credentials properly, they will be regenerated when you deploy cf-deployment. This may lead to downtime, failed deployment, or other issues.

Step 2: Choosing transition options

Deployments differ from each other widely, so documenting a single transition process isn't exactly feasible. Each for a given setup of cf-release, there are a few different choices for how to transition. Please read through our list of Transition Options to understand what you'll need to do, based on your particular deployment's requirements. You'll find information about handling things like:

Step 3: Deploying with necessary opsfiles

There are differences between cf-release and cf-deployment that would lead to disruption, so we have provided opsfiles to minimize changes during the transition.

In cf-deployment-transition:

Name Purpose Required variables
cfr-to-cfd.yml cf-deployment places jobs in instance_groups that scale similarly. However, these are different from where they exist in cf-release. Therefore, this opsfile tells bosh to migrate the jobs from the new to the old instance_groups. none
keep-etcd-for-transition.yml cf-deployment no longer uses etcd, but cf-release still requires it. This opsfile keeps a single etcd instance for the transition. Once the transition has been performed, etcd will be deleted. etcd_static_ips: (Array) an array with a single entry - the IP address of the current etcd_z2 instance.

In cf-deployment:

Name Purpose Required variables
operations/legacy/keep-static-ips.yml Holds consul and nats instances at a static IP address. consul_static_ips: (Array) the IPs of the current consul instances.
nats_static_ips: (Array) the IPs of the current nats instances.
operations/legacy/keep-original-blobstore-directory-keys.yml Maintains operator-provided blobstore directory keys. Provides ability to set (String) values for,,, and
operations/legacy/keep-original-internal-usernames.yml Maintains operator-provided usernames. Provides ability to set (String) values for properties.nats.user,, properties.router.status.user
operations/set-bbs-active-key.yml Maintains current bbs active encryption key. Sets the active key label to the value of diego_bbs_active_key_label, which is extracted from the diego-release-based manifest in step 1.

For example, in a deployment of cf-release to AWS that uses S3 and RDS as its datastores, you could expect the bosh deploy command to look like this:

bosh deploy -d cf \
-v system_domain=your.system.domain \
--vars-store=deployment-vars.yml \
-o cf-deployment/operations/aws.yml \
-o cf-deployment/operations/use-external-dbs.yml -l rds-vars.yml \
-o cf-deployment/operations/use-s3-blobstore.yml -l s3-vars.yml \
-o cf-deployment/operations/legacy/keep-static-ips.yml -l static-ip-vars.yml \
-o cf-deployment-transition/keep-etcd-for-transition.yml -l etcd-ips.yml \
-o cf-deployment/operations/set-bbs-active-key.yml \
-o cf-deployment-transition/cfr-to-cfd.yml \

Step 4: Migrating away from static IPs for consul and nats

Modify the static IP ranges in cloud config to exclude the IPs used by nats and consul as specified in the static-ip-vars.yml. Then perform a bosh deploy, using the same arguments as the step above but omitting the keep-static-ips.yml and static-ip-vars.yml. Future deployments should omit these arguments as well.

Step 5: Removing etcd

Perform another bosh deploy command, using most of the same arguments as the transition deploy but omitting the opsfiles from cf-deployment-transition which will delete the now-unnecessary etcd instance. Future deployments should continue to omit these arguments as they were only used for the transition.

Step 6: Deleting the diego deployment

cf-deployment unifies cf-release and diego-release into a single deployment that includes diego-cell instances and the diego control plane. Once the transition deployment is complete, you can then delete your diego-release deployment. The apps on the cells in that deployment will be drained to the diego-cell instances in the cf-deployment deployment.

The command for this is

bosh -d <your-diego-deployment> delete-deployment

Step 7: Deleting the routing deployment

cf-deployment unifies cf-release and routing-release into a single deployment that includes the routing-release components. Once the transition deployment is complete, you can then delete your routing-release deployment.

The command for this is

bosh -d <your-routing-deployment> delete-deployment