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Binary to be used to build BOSH-compatible stemcells for Windows Server 2019 on vSphere.


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The stembuild binary is used to build BOSH stemcells for Windows 2012R2,Windows Server, version v1709, Windows Server, version 1803, Windows Server 2019 on vSphere.

Instructions: See here for instructions to build Windows stemcells for vSphere.


Download the latest stembuild from the Releases Page that corresponds to the operating system of your local host and the stemcell version that you want to build


LGPO must be downloaded in the same folder as your stembuild

Current Commands

stembuild version <STEMCELL-VERSION>, Windows Stemcell Building Tool

Usage: stembuild <global options> <command> <command flags>

  help		Describe commands and their syntax
  package	Create a BOSH Stemcell from a VMDK file or a provisioned vCenter VM
  construct	Provisions and syspreps an existing VM on vCenter, ready to be packaged into a stemcell

Global Options:
  -color	Colorize debug output
  -debug	Print lots of debugging information
  -v		Stembuild version (shorthand)
  -version	Show Stembuild version

stembuild construct

This command provisions and syspreps an existing VM on vCenter. It prepares a VM to be used by stembuild package.

stembuild construct -vm-ip <IP of VM> -vm-username <vm username> -vm-password <vm password>  -vcenter-url <vCenter URL> -vcenter-username <vCenter username> -vcenter-password <vCenter password> -vm-inventory-path <vCenter VM inventory path>


  • in current working directory
  • Running Windows VM with:
    • Up-to-date Operating System
    • Reachable by IP over port 5985
    • Username and password with Administrator privileges
    • vCenter URL, username and password
    • vCenter Inventory Path
  • The vm-ip, vm-username, vm-password, vcenter-url, vcenter-username, vcenter-password, vm-inventory-path must be specified
	stembuild construct -vm-ip '' -vm-username Admin -vm-password 'password' -vcenter-url -vcenter-username root -vcenter-password 'password' -vm-inventory-path '/datacenter/vm/folder/vm-name'

  -vcenter-ca-certs string
    	filepath for custom ca certs
  -vcenter-password string
    	vCenter password
  -vcenter-url string
    	vCenter url
  -vcenter-username string
    	vCenter username
  -vm-inventory-path string
    	vCenter VM inventory path. (e.g: /<datacenter>/vm/<vm-folder>/<vm-name>)
  -vm-ip string
    	IP of target machine
  -vm-password string
    	Password of target machine. Needs to be wrapped in single quotations.
  -vm-username string
    	Username of target machine


After running stembuild construct, you may find yourself with a connection issue to the VM

  • Confirm port 5985 is reachable via something like nmap [vm-ip] -Pn

stembuild package

This command creates a BOSH Stemcell from a provisioned vCenter VM

  stembuild package -vcenter-url <vCenter URL> -vcenter-username <vCenter username> -vcenter-password <vCenter password> -vm-inventory-path <vCenter VM inventory path> [-patch-version <patch version string>]


  • VM provisioned using the stembuild construct command
  • Access to vCenter environment
  • The vcenter-url, vcenter-username, vcenter-password, and vm-inventory-path flags must be specified.
  • NOTE: The 'vm' keyword must be included between the datacenter name and folder name for the vm-inventory-path (e.g: //vm//)
 stembuild package -vcenter-url -vcenter-username root -vcenter-password 'password' -vm-inventory-path '/my-datacenter/vm/my-folder/my-vm'

  -o string
    	Output directory (shorthand)
  -outputDir string
    	Output directory, default is the current working directory.
  -vcenter-ca-certs string
    	filepath for custom ca certs
  -vcenter-password string
    	vCenter password
  -vcenter-url string
    	vCenter url
  -vcenter-username string
    	vCenter username
  -vm-inventory-path string
    	vCenter VM inventory path. (e.g: /<datacenter>/vm/<vm-folder>/<vm-name>)
  -patch-version string
  	Number or name of the patch version for the stemcell being built (e.g: for 2019.12.3 the string would be “3”)

Compiling & Running Stembuild Locally

Assuming you've followed these instructions and you've created a Windows VM at whose Administrator's password is "c1oudc0w".

    export TARGET_VM_PASSWORD=c1oudc0w VCENTER_PASSWORD='Admin!23'
BOSH_AGENT_REPO=~/workspace/bosh-agent STEMBUILD_VERSION=2019.2 make
GOVC_INSECURE=true out/stembuild -debug \
  construct \
  -vm-ip \
  -vm-username Administrator \
  -vm-password $TARGET_VM_PASSWORD \
  -vcenter-url \
  -vcenter-username administrator@vsphere.local \
  -vcenter-password $VCENTER_PASSWORD \
  -vm-inventory-path "/dc/vm/Discovered virtual machine/w2019-stemcell"
GOVC_INSECURE=true out/stembuild -debug \
  package \
  -vcenter-url \
  -vcenter-username administrator@vsphere.local \
  -vcenter-password $VCENTER_PASSWORD \
  -vm-inventory-path "/dc/vm/Discovered virtual machine/w2019-stemcell"

[DEPRECATED] Package a Windows Stemcell from a VMDK using stembuild package

This command converts a VMDK into a bosh-deployable Windows Stemcell

The VMware 'ovftool' binary must be on your path or Fusion/Workstation must be installed (both include the 'ovftool').

stembuild package -vmdk <path-to-vmdk>


  • The VMware 'ovftool' binary must be on your path or Fusion/Workstation must be installed (both include the 'ovftool').
  • The vmdk flag must be specified. If the output flag is not specified the stemcell will be created in the current working directory.
	stembuild package -vmdk my-1803-vmdk.vmdk
	Will create an Windows 1803 stemcell using [vmdk] 'my-1803-vmdk.vmdk'
	The final stemcell will be found in the current working directory.

  -o string
    	Output directory (shorthand)
  -outputDir string
    	Output directory, default is the current working directory.
  -vmdk string
    	VMDK file to create stemcell from

Process can take between 10 and 20 minutes. See Progress with -debug flag.


Testing stembuild itself

Older tests were written using the default testing framework. However, more recent code has been test-driven with Ginkgo. We recommend that any new code be test-driven using Ginkgo. Below are steps to run the tests:

Make puts some files in out dir. To clean state of this dir:

make clean

To run only unit tests:

make units

To run integration tests:

make integration

Testing stemcell-automation

stemcell-automation contains powershell scripts which stembuild runs on the target VM. This directory also contains tests for the scripts, which are written with the test framework Pester. These require running in powershell on a Windows environment.

cd stemcell-automation


Vendoring for this project is done using dep. To sync all the dependencies run

dep ensure

To add a new dependency run

dep ensure -add <git package url>


dep ensure -add

To check if dependencies are in sync or not run

dep sync

The output should be nothing if there are no out-of-sync dependencies.

Compile stembuild locally

Some of the make targets require the use of curl and xq to download the latest dependencies from S3 to create the embedded resource. The dependencies downloaded from s3 are the same ones used by stembuild CI.

Download or clone the bosh-agent repository

git clone

Download or clone the stembuild repository and navigate to it

git clone
cd stembuild

Use make build to build stembuild, providing the corresponding values for the bosh-agent path and stemcell version you would like to build, for example:

BOSH_AGENT_REPO=../bosh-agent STEMBUILD_VERSION=2019.70 make build