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Releases: cloudfoundry/credhub-cli


23 Oct 18:45
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  • Flag --skip-tls-validation is now deprecated. Please use --ca-cert to provide trusted CA(s) if API and/or UAA certificate is signed by an untrusted authority.

New Features

  • Supported Go client library for CredHub server; Refactored CLI to depend on supported Go client library
  • Added description to command help menus
  • Ability to return multiple versions of a credential [requires server v1.4.0]


10 Aug 02:07
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  • Flag --skip-tls-validation is now deprecated. Please use --ca-cert to provide trusted CA(s) if API and/or UAA certificate is signed by an untrusted authority.

Bug Fix

  • Import previously failed when import file started with yaml document characters ---


26 Jul 22:16
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  • Flag --skip-tls-validation is now deprecated. Please use --ca-cert to provide trusted CA(s) if API and/or UAA certificate is signed by an untrusted authority.

New Features

  • Set flags --root, --certificate, --private and --public now accept either file references or string values. Flags --root-string , --certificate-string, --private-string, --public-string have been removed.


22 Jul 23:37
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  • Flag --skip-tls-validation is now deprecated. Please use --ca-cert to provide trusted CA(s) if API and/or UAA certificate is signed by an untrusted authority.

New Features

  • Values of CA certificates provided when targeting with api or login are now cached. Deleting or updating a referenced file will not affect validation by the CLI.
  • TLS trust is now validated for both CredHub and UAA connections on api command. UAA connection trust was previously only validated on login.
  • Flag --ca-cert now accepts values in addition to file references [issue #4]
  • Flag --ca-cert for commands api and login can now be set via CREDHUB_CA_CERT environment variable [issue #4]
  • Flag --server for commands api and login can now be set via CREDHUB_SERVER environment variable


18 Jul 00:36
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  • Flag --skip-tls-validation is now deprecated. Please use --ca-cert to provide trusted CA(s) if API and/or UAA certificate is signed by an untrusted authority.

New Features

  • Ability to import credentials from a file
  • CLI now authenticates automatically if targeted and client credentials exist in the environment


05 Jul 20:45
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  • Please note that CredHub CLI will no longer release in tandem with CredHub server. CLI features that depend upon a specific server version number will be referenced in the release notes. If you encounter an error like The request includes an unrecognized parameter..., this most likely indicates that you are attempting to exercise a feature that is not supported in your targeted server version.


  • Flag --skip-tls-validation is now deprecated. Please use --ca-cert to provide trusted CA(s) if API and/or UAA certificate is signed by an untrusted authority.

New Features

  • Ability to set stored CA by name for user-provided certificates [requires server v1.0.2]
  • --token flag now refreshed the token value to ensure a valid token is provided


12 Jun 00:51
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  • CLI version 1.0.0 is only compatible with server version 1.0.0+


  • Set and generate commands no longer contain a default type. You must now explicitly set a type for clarity.
  • Flag --skip-tls-validation is now deprecated. Please use --ca-cert to provide trusted CA(s) if API and/or UAA certificate is signed by an untrusted authority.

New Features

  • Credentials can now be retrieved by ID
  • Trusted CA can be provided with flag --ca-cert with commands api and login
  • Request lacking command or with invalid command now returns help menu


24 May 01:23
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  • CLI version 0.8.0 is only compatible with server version 0.7.0+


  • 'Password' type value is now set with --password flag (previously used --value)

New Features

  • 'User' type credentials can now be set, generated and retrieved
  • Full API response is now returned in yaml format in CLI response
  • Authentication via client credential grants now supported

Bug fix

  • Extended key usage 'timestamping' no longer provides error


28 Apr 23:49
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CLI version 0.7.0 is only compatible with server version 0.6.x+

Notice -

  • Password generation parameter 'hex-only' has been removed

Known Issues -

  • Management of 'user' type credentials is not supported


24 Mar 17:44
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CLI version 0.6.0 is only compatible with server version 0.6.x

New Features -

  • Ability to set JSON-type credentials
  • Responses now returned in yaml-like format to support unstructured data of JSON-type credentials

Known Issues -

  • Credential values containing non-yaml formant special characters are returned in single quotes. The quotes are a formatting concern and not part of the credential value. For example, *jJs^%So will return as '*jJs^%So'