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Note: This release has been renamed. Now consume it from cf-syslog-drain-release.

Scalable Syslog Release CI Badge

Scalable syslog is a Bosh release that works in conjunction with Loggregator to bind applications to syslog readers. It can be independently scaled to support large numbers of User Provided syslog drains.

The Loggregator Design Notes present an overview of Loggregator components and architecture.

Configuring Scalable Syslog Components

The scalable syslog release contains three components.


This component handles communication with the Cloud Controller to receive new bindings. It should not be scaled beyond a single instance.

Reverse Log Proxy (RLP)

This component scales in conjunction with your overall log volume. We recommend no less than 2 instances for High Availability and 1/2 your number of Traffic Controllers. Note that RLP is a component of the Loggregator release.

Syslog Adapter

This component manages the connections to drains. It should be scaled with the number of drains. A general rule of thumb is to plan for no less than 2 instances and 1 additional instance for every 500 drain bindings. Otherwise, adapters are reporting dropped.

Operator Metrics

The following new metrics are emitted:

  • loggregator.rlp.ingress - ingress into reverse log proxy
  • loggregatopr.rlp.egress - egress out of reverse log proxy
  • scalablesyslog.adapter.ingress - ingress into adapters (these are tagged by index and drain protocol)
  • scalablesyslog.adapter.engress - engress out of adapters (these are tagged by index and drain protocol)
  • scalablesyslog.adapter.dropped - dropped messages on adapters (these are tagged by index and drain protocol)
  • scalablesyslog.scheduler.drains- total number of syslog drain bindings

Other Configurations

Note: The default behavior for syslog-drain cert verification has changed with this release. It now will validate certificates by default. To override this setting you can set the property: scalablesyslog.adapter.syslog_skip_cert_verify.

By default, scalable syslog services all syslog drain bindings. It is possible to configure scalable syslog as opt-in only.

To deploy scalable syslog with opt-in enabled:

  1. Deploy the system with the scalablesyslog.scheduler.require_opt_in property set to true within the scheduler job.
  2. When creating a user provided service, users can opt to use scalable syslog by appending a drain-version=2.0 query parameter to their syslog drain URL. Scalable syslog will ignore bindings without the query parameter.

Deploying Scalable Syslog (standalone)

The release is built to be deployed independently. It can also be used as a composite release within cf-deployment. The following steps are for deploying it independently.

The provided manifest is setup to use the common cloud config.

To deploy to bosh-lite run the following commands:

bosh -e lite upload-release
bosh -e lite update-cloud-config $HOME/workspace/bosh-deployment/warden/cloud-config.yml
cd $HOME/workspace/scalable-syslog-release
bosh create-release --force
bosh -e lite upload-release --rebase
bosh -e lite -d scalablesyslog deploy manifests/scalable-syslog.yml -o manifests/fake-ops.yml --vars-store=/tmp/bosh-lite-ss.yml

Generating Certificates

To deploy the scalable syslog, you will need three sets of certificates for the following connections:

  • The scheduler to Cloud Controller
  • The scheduler to the adapters
  • The adapters to the reverse log proxies

To generate these certs, you will need the CA used within Loggregator, as well as the CA used to sign the Cloud Controller certificate. This is typically the diego BBS CA.

Assuming you have these two CAs, run the following commands:

./scripts/generate-certs bbs-ca.crt bbs-ca.key loggregator-ca.crt loggregator-ca.key