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File metadata and controls

132 lines (81 loc) · 3.22 KB

Execution shell commands (not yet activated)

You can execute shell commands when the beginning charater is ! ::

cms \!pwd
cms shell pwd

Timers (not yet activated)

To switch timers on or off you can use

cms var timer=True

Than every command you type is timed::

$ cms banner hallo
# hallo
Timer: 0.0011s (banner hallo)


you can store variables with::

var a=1

you can access them on the commandline with ::


You can list all variables with::

var list

OS Variables can also be integrated. os.HOME will be replaced with the HOME variable from the shell, try it with::

 cms banner os.HOME


Defaults are variables with a context in which the default applies. For example we can set default images for a cloud. General defaults are placed in the context general. To set the default cloud you can use::

default cloud=kilo

To List the defaults use::

 default list

To use the defaults in a command preceed it with the the keyword default. and append the context and the name of the default variable. If the context is missing, the general context will be used. Examples::

default image=ubnuntu --context=chameleon
banner default.chameleon.image


for some (not all) benchmarks this could be helpful. It only works in script mode of cmd5

put this in a file called

stopwatch start g
stopwatch stop g
stopwatch print g

Then execute::

cat | cms

You will get something like this::

cat | cms

|   ____ _                 _                     _      |
|  / ___| | ___  _   _  __| |_ __ ___   ___  ___| |__   |
| | |   | |/ _ \| | | |/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \/ __| '_ \  |
| | |___| | (_) | |_| | (_| | | | | | |  __/\__ \ | | | |
|  \____|_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___||___/_| |_| |
|                  Cloudmesh CMD5 Shell                 |
cms> Timer g started ...
cms> Timer g started ...
cms> Timer g: 0.000274181365967 s


Cloudmesh can be run easily in a container with the help of docker. A Dockefile is provided as an example that you may adapt for your needs

To use the docker file we have included a numbe or convenient targets also in our makefile.

You can create the image with

make image

You can run teh image and enter a shell with

make shell

This allows you to try things out in the image from bash which is good for development and debugging. You can directly enter the cloudmesh shell cms with

make cms

or say

docker run -it cloudmesh/cmd5:1.0

It will create a default .cloudmesh/yaml file whihc your would have to modify. The reason we have not mounted the yaml file in the make files form your directory is that we need a clean image to test the initial setup.

If you have an example on how to mount teh yaml file please let us know and we add it here.