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Rackspace Openstack Sandbox

Date: 2013-11-06 09:51
tags:rackspace, openstack, private cloud, development, chef, cookbooks

This simple repo will turn a server into an Openstack Sandbox environment.


  1. Two network Devices
    • eth0: Network interface required to communicate to the Openstack Cluster.
    • eth1: Network interface required for Neutron.
  2. Minimum 2 CPU Cores, recommended >= 4 CPU Cores
  3. Minimum 2048MB Ram, recommended >= 4096MB Ram


  1. To use this, simply clone the repository to your server.
  2. change your directory to the repository directory.
  3. As root execute the script.
  4. wait... this process can take a while and is ALL dependent on the speed of the machine you are installing on.

Example Execution

git clone rcbops-lxc-openstack
pushd rcbops-lxc-openstack

PASSWD=Set the password, if not set it will be generated.

CONTAINER_USER=The name of the user that will be built within the container.

COOKBOOK_VERSION=Version number of the cookbooks being used for deployment.

PRIMARY_DEVICE=The device name for the primary network interface. This is the network device that will the default gateway.

NEUTRON_DEVICE=The device name that neutron will be attached to.

VIRT_TYPE=The Virtualization type, if your System supports KVM you should set this to "kvm". Default, "qemu"

MAX_RETRIES=The Max number of times to retry an operation before quiting. The default is set to 5.

All variables are environment variables and should be set prior to executing the script.


Here is a diagram showing the new architecture of the All in one server.

====== ASCII Diagram for OVA infrastructure ======

       ---------->[ ETH1 == Local Network ]
       |  ------->[ ETH0 == Public Network ]
       |  |
       |  |
       v  |                  [  *   ] Socket Connections
[ HOST MACHINE ]             [ <>v^ ] Network Connections
  *    ^  *
  |    |  |
  |    |  |--->[ HAProxy ]<--------------
  |    |                                |
  |    -------|                         |
  |           |                         |
  |           v                         |
  |<---->[ Neutron ]<------------------ |
  |*----*[ Compute ]<---------------- | |
  |*----*[ Cinder  ]<-------------- | | |
  |                               | | | |
  |                               | | | |
  |                               v v v v
  -------------*[ LXC ]*-----*[ Controller1 ]

====== ASCII Diagram for OVA infrastructure ======

What the setup provides

The script will build a self contained environment using the Rackspace Private Cloud software. Upon completion you will have a fully functional Openstack environment which will allow you to easily test and or develop on Openstack.

This installation supports the following services

name type
ceilometer metering
cinder volume
ec2 ec2
glance image
heat orchestration
heat-cfn cloudformation
keystone identity
neutron network
nova compute
horizon dashboard
The installation also sets up the following:
  • A flat network with a CIDR named "raxova"
  • A router named "internalRouter" with the "raxova" network as the attached interface
  • A Cinder volume type "RaxVolType"
  • A Glance image, named "cirros-image"
  • A Key Pair named "adminKey"
  • A Nova flavor type for "512MB Standard Instance"


While this build process attempts to make every effort to provide you a fully functional environment for development and testing purposes it does not attempt to ensure that the neutron network created by the script has public internet access. The script builds a flat gre type network which can be used for inter-instance communication. If you would like to provide your instance with the ability to communicate to the to the internet you would need to create a gateway network, based on your local network setup and attach it to your neutron router.

By default the virtualization type set is QEMU. The QEMU virtualization type is slow. If your machine has the ability to support the virtualization type "KVM" I highly recommend you set the environment variable VIRT_TYPE to kvm prior to running the script.

This script ONLY supports the Host Operating System Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin. THIS DOES NOT WORK ON RHEL-ish SYSTEMS. If the you request RHEL-ish support I will be happy to begin looking into how to extend the present build scripts for RHEL-ish support. For now, if you would like to have a similar like system please use the "" script as Ubuntu and RHEL-ish operating systems are fully supported using that script.

At no time should you run this for a production setup. This was built ONLY for test / development purposes.