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95 lines (70 loc) · 1.44 KB

File metadata and controls

95 lines (70 loc) · 1.44 KB


You can view AWS Athena structure and execute queries to AWS Athena on the web by using Minerva.


Build Admin LTE less.

$ cd web
$ grunt less

Build Minerva.

$ cd web

Create config.json.

$ vi config.json
  "base": ${API-GW-ENDPOINT}
$ webpack

Build Kotlin

$ cd athena-bridge
$ ./gradle buildZip

Upload to Lambda.

Create config.json.

$ vi athena-bridge/src/main/kotlin/athena/config.json
  "driver": "jdbc:awsathena://athena.${REGION}",
  "bucket": "s3://${BUCKET}/logs",
  "access_key": "${ACCESS-KEY}",
  "secret_key": "${SECRET-KEY}"
$ cd athena-bridge
$ aws lambda create-function \
    --function-name athena-query \
    --zip-file fileb://build/distributions/ \
    --runtime java8 \
    --handler athena.Structure::handler \
    --region ${REGION} \
    --role ${ROLE-ARN}  \
    --timeout ${TIMEOUT} \
    --memory-size ${MEMORY} \
    --profile ${PROFILE} \
$ cd athena-bridge
$ aws lambda create-function \
    --function-name athena-structure \
    --zip-file fileb://build/distributions/ \
    --runtime java8  \
    --handler athena.Structure::handler \
    --region ${REGION} \
    --role ${ROLE-ARN}  \
    --timeout ${TIMEOUT} \
    --memory-size ${MEMORY} \
    --profile ${PROFILE}

Connect API GW to Lambda.

Set on your AWS management console.