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All variables from bulma, exported as typescript function with customization and interpretation abilities. Variables are extracted via @hungry/sass-ts-theme-creator.


Real usage scenario


  • to easily customize any sass framework without guessing all variables and relation between them
  • have a mappable theme, where you can treat any part of theme as separate computation to improve soundness of code and modularity

How it works

  • it has two parts, runtime and build time, runtime part is used for example for styled-components and evaluating final values, build time, is required to provide sass variables thru sass-var-loader. All you have to do is to define a theme - rest would happen in auto-magic manner.

What is required for:

build part

Defining a custom theme


import { theme as bulmaTheme, color, ThemeOverriding } from '@hungry/bulma-theme'

const overrideColors: ThemeOverriding = (defaultTheme) => ({
  grey: '#8c9b9d',
  greyLight: '#a9afb7',
  greyLighter: '#dee2e5',
  orange: '#e67e22',
  yellow: '#f1b70e',
  green: '#2ecc71',
  turquoise: '#1abc9c',
  blue: '#3498db',
  purple: '#8e44ad',
  red: '#e74c3c',
  whiteTer: '#ecf0f1',
  yellowInvert: '#fff',
  primary: '#34495e',

const overrideFonts: ThemeOverriding = defaultTheme => ({
  familyMonospace: '"Lato", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif',
  familySansSerif: '"Inconsolata", "Consolas", "Monaco", monospace',

const overrideNavbar: ThemeOverriding = defaultTheme => ({
  navbarHeight: '4rem',
  navbarItemColor: defaultTheme.whiteTer,
  navbarItemHoverColor: defaultTheme.primary,
  navbarItemHoverBackgroundColor: 'transparent',
  navbarItemActiveColor: defaultTheme.primary,
  navbarDividerBackgroundColor: defaultTheme.greyDarker, // divider color?
  navbarDropdownArrow: defaultTheme.white,
  navbarDropdownItemColor: defaultTheme.primary,
  navbarDropdownItemHover: 'transparent',
  navbarDropdownItemActiveBackgroundColor: 'transparent',
  navbarDropdownItemActiveColor: defaultTheme.primary,
  navbarDropdownBorderTop: `1px solid ${defaultTheme.greyDarker}`

const overrideButton: ThemeOverriding = defaultTheme => {
  const primaryDarken =

  return ({
    buttonColor: defaultTheme.primary,
    buttonHoverColor: primaryDarken,
    buttonFocusColor: primaryDarken,
    buttonActiveColor: primaryDarken,

const overrideText: ThemeOverriding = defaultTheme => {
  const primary =

  return ({
    text: defaultTheme.primary,
    textLight: primary.lighten(0.1).hex(),
    textStrong: primary.darken(0.05).hex(),

const overrideCore: ThemeOverriding = defaultTheme => ({
  borderWidth: '10px',
  bodySize: '15px',
  titleWeight: 500,
  subtitleWeight: 400,
  size_7: '.85em',
  footerBackgroundColor: defaultTheme.whiteTer,

export const theme = bulmaTheme

Attaching to loader

It is used in build time to provide theme variables overriding. You have to pass exported function from your custom theme to `webpack-sass-theme-loader. More details here.