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Proxy43 install & usage

forumbyr edited this page Mar 18, 2015 · 23 revisions


  1. Get executable jar file 'rdap-proxy43-jar-with-dependencies.jar'.

    There are two methods to get this file:

  2. Copy rdap-proxy43-jar-with-dependencies.jar to proxy43 install directory, and we call it $PROXY43_INSTALL_DIR.

  3. Download configuration file "" from here, and copy it to $PROXY43_INSTALL_DIR.
    WARN: Must change 'rdapServerBaseUrl' value to your RDAP service URL in

  4. Start up and shutdown. Must use root user.

    • Start up

        [in Linux/OS X, open a shell and execute command:]
        	cd $PROXY43_INSTALL_DIR		#$PROXY43_INSTALL_DIR must be replaced by real dir
        	nohup java -jar rdap-proxy43-jar-with-dependencies.jar start &
        [in Windows, open command prompt window and execute command:]
        	cd $PROXY43_INSTALL_DIR		#$PROXY43_INSTALL_DIR must be replaced by real dir
        	java -jar rdap-proxy43-jar-with-dependencies.jar start 
    • Test if it is runing ok

      Run jwhois command, in Linux/OS X for example:

      whois -h $PROXY43_HOST     #$PROXY43_HOST must be replaced by real proxy43 host

    It's ok if response contains 'rdapConformance'.

    • Shutdown

        cd $PROXY43_INSTALL_DIR		#$PROXY43_INSTALL_DIR must be replaced by real dir
        java -jar rdap-proxy43-jar-with-dependencies.jar shutdown
    • Log
      Log file is $PROXY43_INSTALL_DIR/logs/proxy43.log.


proxy43 api