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发布包后安装失败提示 Not Found #1605

johnnhan opened this issue Dec 9, 2020 · 4 comments

发布包后安装失败提示 Not Found #1605

johnnhan opened this issue Dec 9, 2020 · 4 comments


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johnnhan commented Dec 9, 2020

在公司内网搭了一套 CNPM,已经能正常发布包了,直接访问 也能下载文件,但是,通过 npm i 的方式安装的时候,却提示 Not Found

npm ERR! code E404
npm ERR! 404 Not Found - GET

这也让我产生了一个疑问,为什么 npm i 的时候走的,而不是


'use strict';

var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
var copy = require('copy-to');
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var os = require('os');
var utility = require('utility');

var version = require('../package.json').version;

var root = path.dirname(__dirname);
var dataDir = path.join(process.env.HOME || root, '');

var config = {
  version: version,
  dataDir: dataDir,

   * Cluster mode
  enableCluster: true,
  numCPUs: os.cpus().length,

   * server configure

  registryPort: 7001,
  webPort: 7002,
  bindingHost: '', // only binding on for local access
  // default is ctx.protocol
  protocol: '',

  // debug mode
  // if in debug mode, some middleware like limit wont load
  // logger module will print to stdout
  debug: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',
  // page mode, enable on development env
  pagemock: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',
  // session secret
  sessionSecret: ' test session secret',
  // max request json body size
  jsonLimit: '10mb',
  // log dir name
  logdir: path.join(dataDir, 'logs'),
  // update file template dir
  uploadDir: path.join(dataDir, 'downloads'),
  // web page viewCache
  viewCache: false,

  // registry http response cache control header
  // if you are using CDN, can set it to 'max-age=0, s-maxage=10, must-revalidate'
  // it meaning cache 10s on CDN server and no cache on client side.
  registryCacheControlHeader: '',
  // if you are using CDN, can set it to 'Accept, Accept-Encoding'
  registryVaryHeader: '',
  // disable package search
  disableSearch: false,

  // view files directory
  viewDir: path.join(root, 'view', 'web'),

  customRegistryMiddlewares: [],
  customWebMiddlewares: [],

  // config for koa-limit middleware
  // for limit download rates
  limit: {
    enable: false,
    token: 'koa-limit:download',
    limit: 1000,
    interval: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24,
    whiteList: [],
    blackList: [],
    message: 'request frequency limited, any question, please contact',

  enableCompress: false, // enable gzip response or not

  // default system admins
  admins: {
    // name: email
    admin: '',

  // email notification for errors
  // check for more informations
  mail: {
    enable: false,
    appname: '',
    from: ' mail sender <>',
    service: 'gmail',
    auth: {
      user: '',
      pass: 'your password'

  logoURL: '/logo.png', // cnpm logo image url
  adBanner: '',
  customReadmeFile: '', // you can use your custom readme file instead the cnpm one
  customFooter: '', // you can add copyright and site total script html here
  npmClientName: 'cnpm', // use `${name} install package`
  packagePageContributorSearch: true, // package page contributor link to search, default is true

  // max handle number of package.json `dependencies` property
  maxDependencies: 200,
  // backup filepath prefix
  backupFilePrefix: '/cnpm/backup/',

   * database config

  database: {
    db: 'eb_npm',
    username: 'ebnpm',
    password: 'xxxxxx',

    // the sql dialect of the database
    // - currently supported: 'mysql', 'sqlite', 'postgres', 'mariadb'
    dialect: 'mariadb',

    // custom host; default:
    host: '',

    // custom port; default: 3306
    port: 3306,

    // use pooling in order to reduce db connection overload and to increase speed
    // currently only for mysql and postgresql (since v1.5.0)
    pool: {
      maxConnections: 10,
      minConnections: 0,
      maxIdleTime: 30000

    dialectOptions: {
      // if your server run on full cpu load, please set trace to false
      trace: true,

    // the storage engine for 'sqlite'
    // default store into ~/
    storage: path.join(dataDir, 'data.sqlite'),

    logging: !!process.env.SQL_DEBUG,

  // enable proxy npm audits request or not
  enableNpmAuditsProxy: true,

  // package tarball store in local filesystem by default
  nfs: require('fs-cnpm')({
    dir: path.join(dataDir, 'nfs')
  // if set true, will 302 redirect to `nfs.url(dist.key)`
  downloadRedirectToNFS: false,
  // don't check database and just download tgz from nfs
  downloadTgzDontCheckModule: false,
  // remove original tarball when publishing
  unpublishRemoveTarball: true,

  // registry url name
  registryHost: '',

   * registry mode config

  // enable private mode or not
  // private mode: only admins can publish, other users just can sync package from source npm
  // public mode: all users can publish
  enablePrivate: false,

  // registry scopes, if don't set, means do not support scopes
  scopes: [ '@ebfed' ],

  // some registry already have some private packages in global scope
  // but we want to treat them as scoped private packages,
  // so you can use this white list.
  privatePackages: [],

   * sync configs

  // the official npm registry
  // cnpm wont directly sync from this one
  // but sometimes will request it for some package infomations
  // please don't change it if not necessary
  officialNpmRegistry: '',
  officialNpmReplicate: '',
  cnpmRegistry: '',

  // sync source, upstream registry
  // If you want to directly sync from official npm's registry
  // please drop them an email first
  sourceNpmRegistry: '',
  sourceNpmWeb: '',

  // upstream registry is base on cnpm/ or not
  // if your upstream is official npm registry, please turn it off
  sourceNpmRegistryIsCNpm: true,

  // if install return 404, try to sync from source registry
  syncByInstall: true,

  // sync mode select
  // none: do not sync any module, proxy all public modules from sourceNpmRegistry
  // exist: only sync exist modules
  // all: sync all modules
  syncModel: 'none', // 'none', 'all', 'exist'

  syncConcurrency: 1,
  // sync interval, default is 10 minutes
  syncInterval: '10m',

  // sync polular modules, default to false
  // because cnpm can't auto sync tag change for now
  // so we want to sync popular modules to ensure their tags
  syncPopular: false,
  syncPopularInterval: '1h',
  // top 100
  topPopular: 100,

  // sync devDependencies or not, default is false
  syncDevDependencies: false,
  // try to remove all deleted versions from original registry
  syncDeletedVersions: true,

  // changes streaming sync
  syncChangesStream: false,
  syncDownloadOptions: {
    // formatRedirectUrl: function (url, location)
  handleSyncRegistry: '',

  // default badge subject
  badgeSubject: 'cnpm',
  // defautl use
  badgeService: {
    url: function(subject, status, options) {
      options = options || {};
      let url = `${utility.encodeURIComponent(subject)}/${utility.encodeURIComponent(status)}`;
      if (options.color) {
        url += `/${utility.encodeURIComponent(options.color)}`;
      if (options.icon) {
        url += `?icon=${utility.encodeURIComponent(options.icon)}`;
      return url;

  packagephobiaURL: '',
  packagephobiaSupportPrivatePackage: false,
  packagephobiaMinDownloadCount: 1000,

  // custom user service, @see
  // when you not intend to ingegrate with your company's user system, then use null, it would
  // use the default cnpm user system
  userService: null,

  // always-auth
  // Force npm to always require authentication when accessing the registry, even for GET requests.
  alwaysAuth: false,

  // if you're behind firewall, need to request through http proxy, please set this
  // e.g.: `httpProxy: ''`
  httpProxy: null,

  // root url
  snykUrl: '',

  // if enable this option, must create module_abbreviated and package_readme table in database
  enableAbbreviatedMetadata: false,

  // global hook function: function* (envelope) {}
  // envelope format please see
  globalHook: null,

  opensearch: {
    host: '',

  // redis cache
  redisCache: {
    enable: false,
    connectOptions: null,

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') {
  config.enableAbbreviatedMetadata = true;
  config.customRegistryMiddlewares.push(() => {
    return function* (next) {
      this.set('x-custom-middleware', 'true');
      yield next;

  config.customWebMiddlewares.push(() => {
    return function* (next) {
      this.set('x-custom-web-middleware', 'true');
      yield next;

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') {
  var customConfig;
  if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
    customConfig = path.join(root, 'config', 'config.js');
  } else {
    // 1. try to load `$dataDir/config.json` first, not exists then goto 2.
    // 2. load config/config.js, everything in config.js will cover the same key in index.js
    customConfig = path.join(dataDir, 'config.json');
    if (!fs.existsSync(customConfig)) {
      customConfig = path.join(root, 'config', 'config.js');
  if (fs.existsSync(customConfig)) {


module.exports = config;

config.loadConfig = function (customConfig) {
  if (!customConfig) {
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npm ERR! 404 Not Found - GET

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已经找到解决方法了, 我安装的是2.19.4的版本, npm install 安装的,
注意config里设置一下registryHost这个配置成你自己的registry就可以了, 默认是,

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johnnhan commented Dec 14, 2020


已经找到解决方法了, 我安装的是2.19.4的版本, npm install 安装的,
注意config里设置一下registryHost这个配置成你自己的registry就可以了, 默认是,

多谢解答,我后面也定位到那个配置了,发布包的时候,会把 registryHost 作为前缀写入数据库,后面 npm i 的时候会根据数据库中存放的地址去下载相应包

	"_id": "@ebfed/webpack-alioss-acl-plugin",
	"_rev": "8",
	"name": "@ebfed/webpack-alioss-acl-plugin",
	"description": "Ali oss-webpack auto upload files plugin with acl options",
	"dist-tags": {
		"latest": "0.1.1"
	"maintainers": [{
		"name": "xx",
		"email": ""
	"time": {
		"modified": "2020-12-09T08:06:14.000Z",
		"created": "2020-12-09T08:06:14.192Z",
		"0.1.1": "2020-12-09T08:06:14.192Z"
	"users": {},
	"author": {
		"name": "Johnhan"
	"repository": {
		"type": "git",
		"url": "git+"
	"versions": {
		"0.1.1": {
			"name": "@ebfed/webpack-alioss-acl-plugin",
			"version": "0.1.1",
			"description": "Ali oss-webpack auto upload files plugin with acl options",
			"homepage": "",
			"repository": {
				"type": "git",
				"url": "git+"
			"license": "MIT",
			"author": {
				"name": "Johnhan"
			"keywords": ["webpack", "oss", "aliyun"],
			"main": "lib/index.js",
			"scripts": {
				"build": "babel src --out-dir lib"
			"dependencies": {
				"ali-oss": "^6.1.0",
				"babel-runtime": "^6.26.0",
				"chalk": "^2.4.2",
				"lodash": "^4.17.11"
			"devDependencies": {
				"babel-cli": "^6.26.0",
				"babel-core": "^6.26.3",
				"babel-eslint": "^10.0.1",
				"babel-plugin-transform-runtime": "^6.23.0",
				"babel-preset-env": "^1.7.0",
				"babel-preset-stage-0": "^6.24.1"
			"readmeFilename": "",
			"gitHead": "6a4cc6de45051fdf68eee8b52e4fa95add1b1e46",
			"bugs": {
				"url": ""
			"_id": "@ebfed/webpack-alioss-acl-plugin@0.1.1",
			"_nodeVersion": "14.8.0",
			"_npmVersion": "6.14.7",
			"dist": {
				"shasum": "b2341b718210e45e4be8344937d20ad66135d2a4",
				"size": 6835,
				"key": "/@ebfed/webpack-alioss-acl-plugin/-/@ebfed/webpack-alioss-acl-plugin-0.1.1.tgz",
				"tarball": ""
			"_publish_on_cnpm": true,
			"_cnpm_publish_time": 1607501174192,
			"publish_time": 1607501174192,
			"maintainers": [{
				"name": "xx",
				"email": ""
	"readme": "# [webpack-alioss-acl-plugin](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n![](\r\n\r\n插件基于开源项目 [webpack-alioss-plugin](,由于公司项目要求上传 OSS 后修改文件的权限,所以本插件在此基础上添加 ACL 的配置项,以及在 put 请求之后追加 putACL 请求\r\n\r\n## 安装\r\n\r\n```\r\nnpm install -D webpack-alioss-acl-plugin\r\n```\r\n\r\n## 使用示例 - vue.config.js 示例\r\n\r\n```js\r\nconst WebpackAliossPlugin = require('webpack-alioss-acl-plugin');\r\nconst isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';\r\n\r\nmodule.exports = {\r\n  publicPath: isProduction ? '//' : '',\r\n  configureWebpack: {\r\n    plugins: isProduction ? [\r\n      new WebpackAliossPlugin({\r\n        auth: {\r\n          accessKeyId: '', // 在阿里 OSS 控制台获取\r\n          accessKeySecret: '', // 在阿里 OSS 控制台获取\r\n          region: 'oss-cn-hangzhou', // OSS 服务节点, 示例: oss-cn-hangzhou\r\n          bucket: 'abc', // OSS 存储空间, 在阿里 OSS 控制台获取\r\n        },\r\n        ossBaseDir: 'auto_upload_ci',\r\n        project: 'my-project-name', // 项目名(用于存放文件的直接目录)\r\n        acl: 'piblic-read', // 设置文件访问权限\r\n      }),\r\n    ] : [],\r\n  },\r\n};\r\n```\r\n\r\n## 参数说明\r\n\r\n| 构造参数 | 默认值 | 说明 |\r\n| --- | --- | --- |\r\n| acl | '' | 设置文件权限,可选 private/public-read/public-read-write,不传则保持默认权限 |\r\n\r\n其他参数同 [webpack-alioss-plugin](\r\n",
	"_attachments": {},
	"readmeFilename": "",
	"homepage": "",
	"bugs": {
		"url": ""
	"license": "MIT"

上面是写入到数据库中的内容,注意那个 tarball 字段对应的值,他的前缀就是拿的 registryHost

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@johnnhan 我本地改成 registryHost: '', 为啥还是报404 我的版本是3.0.0

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