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Contributing | Firebase Admin Python SDK

Thank you for contributing to the Firebase community!

Have a usage question?

We get lots of those and we love helping you, but GitHub is not the best place for them. Issues which just ask about usage will be closed. Here are some resources to get help:

If the official documentation doesn't help, try asking a question on the Firebase Google Group or one of our other official support channels.

Please avoid double posting across multiple channels!

Think you found a bug?

Yeah, we're definitely not perfect!

Search through old issues before submitting a new issue as your question may have already been answered.

If your issue appears to be a bug, and hasn't been reported, open a new issue. Please use the provided bug report template and include a minimal repro.

If you are up to the challenge, submit a pull request with a fix!

Have a feature request?

Great, we love hearing how we can improve our products! Share you idea through our feature request support channel.

Want to submit a pull request?

Sweet, we'd love to accept your contribution! Open a new pull request and fill out the provided template.

If you want to implement a new feature, please open an issue with a proposal first so that we can figure out if the feature makes sense and how it will work.

Make sure your changes pass our linter and the tests all pass on your local machine. Most non-trivial changes should include some extra test coverage. If you aren't sure how to add tests, feel free to submit regardless and ask us for some advice.

Finally, you will need to sign our Contributor License Agreement, and go through our code review process before we can accept your pull request.

Contributor License Agreement

Contributions to this project must be accompanied by a Contributor License Agreement. You (or your employer) retain the copyright to your contribution. This simply gives us permission to use and redistribute your contributions as part of the project. Head over to to see your current agreements on file or to sign a new one.

You generally only need to submit a CLA once, so if you've already submitted one (even if it was for a different project), you probably don't need to do it again.

Code reviews

All submissions, including submissions by project members, require review. We use GitHub pull requests for this purpose. Consult GitHub Help for more information on using pull requests.

Need to get set up locally?

Initial Setup

We recommend using pip for installing the necessary tools and project dependencies. Most recent versions of Python ship with pip. If your development environment does not already have pip, use the software package manager of your platform (e.g. apt-get, brew) to download and install it. Alternatively you may also follow the official pip installation guide.

Once pip is installed, run the following commands from the command line to get your local environment set up:

$ git clone
$ cd firebase-admin-python         # go to the firebase-admin-python directory
$ pip install -r requirements.txt  # Install additional tools and dependencies

Running Linters

We use pylint for verifying source code format, and enforcing other Python programming best practices. There is a pylint configuration file (.pylintrc) at the root of this Git repository. This enables you to invoke pylint directly from the command line:

pylint firebase_admin

However, it is recommended that you use the bash script to invoke pylint. This script will run the linter on both firebase_admin and the corresponding tests module. It suprresses some of the noisy warnings that get generated when running pylint on test code. Note that by default will only validate the locally modified source files. To validate all source files, pass all as an argument.

./      # Lint locally modified source files
./ all  # Lint all source files 

Ideally you should not see any pylint errors or warnings when you run the linter. This means source files are properly formatted, and the linter has not found any issues. If you do observe any errors, fix them before committing or sending a pull request. Details on how to interpret pylint errors are available here.

Our configuration files suppress the verbose reports usually generated by pylint, and only output the detected issues. If you wish to obtain the comprehensive reports, run pylint from command-line with the -r flag.

pylint -r yes firebase_admin

Unit Testing

We use pytest for writing and executing unit tests. All source files containing test code is located in the tests/ directory. Simply launch pytest from the root of the Git repository, or from within the tests/ directory to execute all test cases.


Refer to the pytest usage and invocations guide to learn how to run a subset of all test cases.

You can also get a code coverage report by launching pytest as follows:

pytest --cov=firebase_admin --cov=tests

Integration Testing

A suite of integration tests are available under the integration/ directory. These tests are designed to run against an actual Firebase project. Create a new project in the Firebase Console, if you do not already have one suitable for running the tests aginst. Then obtain the following credentials from the project:

  1. Service account certificate: This can be downloaded as a JSON file from the "Settings > Service Accounts" tab of the Firebase console.
  2. Web API key: This is displayed in the "Settings > General" tab of the console. Copy it and save to a new text file.

Now you can invoke the integration test suite as follows:

pytest integration/ --cert path/to/service_acct.json --apikey path/to/apikey.txt

Test Coverage

To review the test coverage, run pytest with the --cov flag. To view a detailed line by line coverage, use

pytest --cov --cov-report html

and point your browser to file:///<dir>/htmlcov/index.html (where dir is the location from which the report was created).

Testing in Different Environments

Sometimes we want to run unit tests in multiple environments (e.g. different Python versions), and ensure that the SDK works as expected in each of them. We use tox for this purpose.

But before you can invoke tox, you must set up all the necessary target environments on your workstation. The easiest and cleanest way to achieve this is by using a tool like pyenv. Refer to the pyenv documentation for instructions on how to install it. This generally involves installing some binaries as well as modifying a system level configuration file such as .bash_profile. Once pyenv is installed, you can install multiple versions of Python as follows:

pyenv install 2.7.6        # install Python 2.7.6
pyenv install 3.3.0        # install Python 3.3.0
pyenv install pypy2-5.6.0  # install pypy2

Refer to the tox.ini file for a list of target environments that we usually test. Use pyenv to install all the required Python versions on your workstation. Verify that they are installed by running the following command:

pyenv versions

To make all the required Python versions available to tox for testing, run the pyenv local command with all the Python versions as arguments. The following example shows how to make Python versions 2.7.6, 3.3.0 and pypy2 available to tox.

pyenv local 2.7.6 3.3.0 pypy2-5.6.0

Once your system is fully set up, you can execute the following command from the root of the repository to launch tox:


This command will read the list of target environments from tox.ini, and execute tests in each of those environments. It will also generate a code coverage report at the end of the execution.

Repo Organization

Here are some highlights of the directory structure and notable source files

  • firebase_admin/ - Source directory for the firebase_admin module.
  • integration/ - Integration tests.
  • tests/ - Unit tests.
    • data/ - Provides mocks for several variables as well as mock service account keys.
  • scripts/ - A collection of shell scripts used to create and verify releases.
  • .github/ - Contribution instructions as well as issue and pull request templates.
  • - Runs pylint to check for code quality.
  • .pylintrc - Default configuration for pylint.
  • requirements.txt - Requirements specification for installing project dependencies via pip.
  • - Python setup script for building distribution artifacts.
  • tox.ini - Tox configuration for running tests on different environments.