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156 lines (96 loc) · 8.75 KB


What It Does

DEStoreKitManager is an MIT-licensed library that streamlines iOS In-App Purchases. It automatically takes care of the IAP boilerplate for you so you can concentrate on shipping and on making better products.

DEStoreKitManager is designed to be as flexible and lightweight to use as possible. You can use either blocks or delegates to fetch products from the App Store and carry out purchase transactions.

With blocks, managing StoreKit interactions has never been easier: you can have all your logic encapsulated in one section of code.

If you want to use delegates instead, DEStoreKitManager is architectured to make that easier too. For each product fetch or purchase, you can have a different delegate, and each delegate will be notified only about the fetch/purchase it initiated. You can have multiple delegates simultaneously doing any number of fetches and/or purchases without worry of sorting out which delegate is responsible for what.

By default, DEStoreKitManager also automatically caches the products you've received in memory, so you don't need to keep track of the individual SKProducts. If you do want to keep track of the products yourself, DEStoreKitManager allows for that as well.


Product Fetching

To fetch a list of products, simply call fetchProductsWithIdentifiers:onSuccess:onFailure: in DEStoreKitManager. Your blocks will be called when the fetch completes or fails.

If you'd rather not use the automatic product caching feature, then you can use fetchProductsWithIdentifiers:onSuccess:onFailure:cacheResult: and pass NO for the last parameter. Then, when the product is to be purchased, simply use purchaseProduct:onSuccess:onRestore:onFailure:onCancel:onVerify: instead of purchaseProductWithIdentifier:….


NSSet *productIdentifiers = [NSSet setWithObjects:@"com.example.removeads", @"com.example.upgrade", nil];

[[DEStoreKitManager sharedManager] fetchProductsWithIdentifiers:productIdentifiers
	onSuccess: ^(NSArray *products, NSArray *invalidIdentifiers) {
		// handle successful product fetch
	onFailure: ^(NSError *error) {
		// handle failure here.

Product Purchasing (Transactions)

To purchase a product, simply use purchaseProduct:onSuccess:onRestore:onFailure:onCancel:onVerify:. If you are utilizing automatic product caching, then you can use purchaseProductWithIdentifier:… instead, which will return YES if it has a matching SKProduct in the cache and will initiate the transaction; otherwise, it will return NO, meaning that there was no cached product matching the provided identifier and therefore no transaction will occur.

DEStoreKitManager does not force you to adhere to a specific receipt verification procedure. Instead, the verify block is responsible for verification. Once your procedure has determined the validity of the receipt/transaction, you are responsible for calling transaction:didVerify: in DEStoreKitManager, which will then call your success, restore, or failure block depending on the what was passed into DEStoreKitManager as well as the state of the transaction itself.

DEStoreKitManager has built-in conveniences if you choose to pass in nil for certain blocks:

  • If you pass in nil for your verify block, then DEStoreKitManager will not attempt to verify your receipt and will instead automatically complete the transaction.
  • If you pass in nil for your restore block, then DEStoreKitManager will instead call your success block if the transaction should be restored.
  • If you pass in nil for your cancel block, then DEStoreKitManager will instead call your failure block if the transaction was canceled.


BOOL willAttemptPurchase = [[DEStoreKitManager sharedManager] purchaseProductWithIdentifier: @"com.example.removeads"
onSuccess: ^(SKPaymentTransaction *transaction) {
	// record the purchase here
onRestore: ^(SKPaymentTransaction *transaction) {
	// record the purchase here
onFailure: ^(SKPaymentTransaction *transaction) {
	// handle failure here
onCancel: ^(SKPaymentTransaction *transaction) {
	// handle cancel here
onVerify: ^(SKPaymentTransaction *transaction) {
	// verify the receipt here. when validity has been determined, make sure to call [[DEStoreKitManager sharedManager] transaction:transaction didVerify:isValid];

Delegate Pattern

Product Fetching

To fetch a list of products, simply have your delegate object adhere to the DEStoreKitManagerDelegate protocol and have the following callbacks implemented: productsFetched:invalidIdentifiers: and productsFetchedFailed:. Then, just call fetchProductsWithIdentifier:delegate: and wait for the callbacks to be messaged.

You can have as many simultaneous product fetches going as you'd like (though we recommend doing fewer fetches with more product identifiers in each fetch).

If you'd rather not use the automatic product caching, then you can use fetchProductsWithIdentifier:delegate:cacheResult: and pass NO for the last parameter. Then, when the product is to be purchased, simply use purchaseProduct:delegate: instead of purchaseProductWithIdentifier:delegate:.


#import "DEStoreKitManager.h"

@interface MyViewController: UIViewController <DEStoreKitManagerDelegate>


@implementation MyViewController


-(void) viewDidLoad {
	[super viewDidLoad];

	[self fetchProducts];

-(void) fetchProducts {
	NSSet *productIdentifiers = [NSSet setWithObjects:@"com.example.removeads", @"com.example.upgrade", nil];

		[[DEStoreKitManager sharedManager] fetchProductsWithIdentifiers: productIdentifiers
															   delegate: self];	

-(void)productsFetched: (NSArray *)products
 	invalidIdentifiers: (NSArray *)invalidIdentifiers {
 	// If you specified DEStoreKitManager not to cache, then you are responsible for holding onto the products array.
 	// Otherwise, you can record that the products have been fetched here.

-(void) productsFetchFailed:(NSError *)error {
	// Handle the failure here


Product Purchasing (Transactions)

To purchase a product, have your delegate implement the following methods: transactionSucceeded:, transactionRestored: (optional), transactionFailed:, and transactionCanceled: (optional). Then, use DEStoreKitManager to initiate the transaction. Just as with the product fetching, you can have as many simultaneous transaction as you want.

If transactionRestored: is not implemented in your delegate, then a restored purchase will be sent instead to transactionSucceeded:. Similarly, if transactionCanceled: is not implemented, then transacitonFailed: will be called instead if the user cancels the purchase.

If you are relying on DEStoreKitManager to cache your products, you can call purchaseProductWithProductIdentifier:delegate: to start the purchase procedure. If the product has not been fetched and cached into DEStoreKitManager, then this will return NO, meaning that the purchase will not be attempted. Otherwise, if DEStoreKitManager finds an SKProduct with matching product identifier, this method will return YES, meaning that a purchase transaction has begun.

If you are keeping track of SKProducts outside of DEStoreKitManager, then you should instead use purchaseProduct:delegate:, which will immediately begin a purchase transaction.


-(IBAction)buyButtonTapped:(id)sender {
	[[DEStoreKitManager sharedManager] purchaseProductWithProductIdentifier:@"com.example.removeads" delegate:self];	
	[self.activityIndicator startAnimating];

-(void) transactionSucceeded:(SKPaymentTransaction *)transaction {
	// record the purchase here

-(void) transactionFailed:(SKPaymentTransaction *)transaction {
	// handle failed transaction here

Transaction Receipt Verification

DEStoreKitManager does not force you to adhere to a specific receipt verification procedure. In fact, though we do recommend receipt validation, DEStoreKitManager does not require any validation whatsoever.

Instead, you can optionally choose to verify a receipt by having your delegate implement the transactionNeedsVerification: method. Your delegate will then be responsible for determining if the transaction is valid.

After the validity has been determined, the delegate is then responsible for notifying the DEStoreKitManager by calling transaction:didVerify: and letting it know whether or not the receipt was valid.

Once this occurs, DEStoreKitManager will then proceed to call either transactionSucceeded:/transactionRestored: if the receipt was valid or transactionFailed: if the receipt was invalid.