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The entries below contain brief descriptions of the changes in a release, in no particular order. Some of the entries reflect significant new additions, while others represent minor corrections. Although this list is not a comprehensive report of every change we made in a release, it does provide details on the changes we feel Ice users might need to be aware of.

We recommend that you use the release notes as a guide for migrating your applications to this release, and the manual for complete details on a particular aspect of Ice.

Changes in Ice 3.7.0

These are the changes since Ice 3.6.3.

General Changes

  • The findObjectByType, findAllObjectsByType, findObjectByTypeOnLeastLoadedNode operations from the IceGrid::Query interface and the allocateObjectByType operation from the IceGrid::Session interfaces now only returns proxies for Ice objects from enabled servers. If a server is disabled, its well-known or allocatable Ice objects won't be returned anymore to clients.

  • A Slice enumeration (enum) creates now a new namespace scope for its enumerators. In previous releases, the enumerators were in the same namespace scope as the enumeration. For example:

       enum Fruit { Apple, Orange, Pear };
       enum ComputerBrands { Apple, Dell, HP }; // Ok as of Ice 3.7, error in prior releases

    The mapping of enum to C++, C#, Java etc. is not affected by this change. Slice constants and data member default values that reference enumerators should be updated to use only the enumerator's name when the enclosing enum is in a different module. For example:

    module M1
        enum Fruit { Apple, Orange, Pear };
        enum ComputerBrands { Apple, Dell, HP };
        const Fruit a = Apple; // Recommended syntax for all Ice releases
    module M2
        const M1::Fruit a1 = Apple;             // The recommended syntax as of Ice 3.7
        const M1::Fruit a2 = M1::Fruit::Apple;  // Ok as well
        const M1::Fruit a3 = M1::Apple;         // Supported for backwards compatibility
                                                // with earlier Ice releases
  • The communicator and connection flushBatchRequests method now takes an additional argument to specify whether or not the batch requests to flush should be compressed. See the documentation of the Ice::CompressBatch enumeration for the different options available to specify whether or not the batch should be compressed.

  • The UDP server endpoint now supports specifying --interface * to join the multicast group on using all the local interfaces. It's also now the default behavior if no --interface option is specified.

  • Ice no longer halt the program if can't accept new incoming connections when the system runs out of file descriptors. Instead, it rejects queued pending connections and temporarily stops accepting new connections. An error message is also printed on the Ice logger.

  • Added Bluetooth transport plug-in for C++ and Android. The C++ plug-in requires BlueZ 5.40 or later.

  • Dispatch interceptors and ice_dispatch can now handle user exceptions. User exceptions raised by a servant dispatch are propagated to ice_dispatch and can also be raised from the Ice::DispatchInterceptor::dispatch implementation. As a result, the Ice::DispatchStatus enumeration has been removed. See the Ice manual for details on the new dispatch interceptor API.

  • The ice_getConnection() method now correctly returns a connection if connection caching is disabled (it previously returned a null connection).

  • The iOS SSL transport is now based on the same implementation as macOS. Most of the functionality supported on macOS is now also supported on iOS. There are still few limitations however:

    • the checkValidity, getNotBefore, getNotAfter methods are not supported on the IceSSL::Certificate class.

    • only PKCS12 certificates are supported (no support for PEM).

  • Added support for iAP transport to allow iOS clients to communicate with connected accessories.

  • The Ice::ConnectionInfo sndSize and rcvSize data members have been moved to the TCP and UDP connection info classes. The Ice::WSEndpointInfo and IceSSL::EndpointInfo classes no longer inherit Ice::IPConnectionInfo and instead directly extend Ice::ConnectionInfo. IP connection information can still be retrieved by accessing the connection information object stored with the new underlying data member.

  • IceGrid and IceStorm now use LMDB for their persistent storage instead of Freeze/BerkeleyDB.

  • Added command line tools, icegriddb and icestormdb, to import/export the IceGrid and IceStorm databases.

  • Added support for two additional IceGrid variables: and These variables point to server and service specific data directories created by IceGrid on the node. These data directories are automatically removed by IceGrid if you remove the server from the deployment.

    For consistency, the node.datadir variable has been deprecated, use the variable instead.

  • Added the new metadata tag delegate for local interfaces with one operation. Interfaces with this metadata will be generated as a std::function in C++11, delegate in C#, FunctionalInterface in Java, function callback in JavaScript, block in Objective-C, function/lambda in Python. Other language mappings keep their default behavior.

  • ObjectFactory has been deprecated in favor of the new local interface ValueFactory. Communicator operations addObjectFactoryand findObjectFactory have been deprecated in favor of similar operations on the new interface ValueFactoryManager.

  • The Slice compiler options --ice and --underscore are now deprecated, and replaced by the global Slice metadata ice-prefix and underscore.

  • Renamed local interface metadata async to async-oneway.

  • Replaced ConnectionCallback by delegates CloseCallback and HeartbeatCallback. Also replaced setCallback by setCloseCallback and setHeartbeatCallback on the Connection interface.

  • Updating Windows build system to use MSBuild instead of nmake.

  • Changed the parsing of hex escape sequences (\x....) in Slice string literals: the parsing now stops after 2 hex digits. For example, \x0ab is now read as '\x0a' followed by 'b'. Previously all the hex digits where read like in C++.

  • Stringified identities and proxies now support non-ASCII characters and universal character names (\unnnn and \Unnnnnnnn). See the property Ice.ToStringMode and the static function/method identityToString.

  • Fixed proxies stringification: Communicator::proxyToString and equivalent "to string" methods on fixed proxies no longer raise a FixedProxyException; the proxy is just stringified without endpoints.

  • An empty endpoint in an Object Adapter endpoint list is now rejected with an EndpointParseException; such an endpoint was ignored in previous releases.

  • IcePatch2 and IceGrid's distribution mechanism have been deprecated.

C++ Changes

  • The Ice::Communicator and Ice::ObjectAdapter destroy methods are now declared as noexcept (C++11) or throw() (C++98).

  • The --dll-export option of slice2cpp is now deprecated, and replaced by the global Slice metadata cpp:dll-export:SYMBOL.

  • Added cpp:scoped metadata for enums in the C++98 mapping. The generated C++ enumerators for a "scoped enum" are prefixed with the enumeration's name. For example:

       // Slice
       ["cpp:scoped"] enum Fruit { Apple, Orange, Pear };

    corresponds to:

       // C++98
       enum Fruit { FruitApple, FruitOrange, FruitPear };
  • Upgrade UWP IceSSL implementation to support client side certificates and custom certificate verification.

  • Added getEngineName and getEngineVersion methods to IceSSL::Plugin to retrieve the SSL engine name and version used by the Ice runtime.

C# Changes

  • Added new interface/class metadata cs:tie. Use this metadata to generate a tie class for a given interface or class.

  • cs: and clr: are now interchangeable in metadata directives.

Java Changes

  • The Ice communicator now implements java.lang.AutoCloseable. This enables the code to initialize the communicator within a try-with-resources block. The communicator will implicitly be destroyed when the block exits.

  • Fixed a bug where unmarshaling Ice objects was really slow when using compact type IDs.

  • (Java Compat) Added new interface/class metadata java:tie. Use this metadata to generate a tie class for a given interface or class.

JavaScript Changes

  • Improve Ice.Long class to allow creating Ice.Long instance from JavaScript Numbers.

Objective-C Changes

  • Fixed a bug where optional object dictionary parameters would trigger an assert on marshaling.

  • The --dll-export option of slice2objc is now deprecated, and replaced by the global Slice metadata objc:dll-export:SYMBOL.

  • Added objc:scoped metadata for enums. The generated Objective-C enumerators for a "scoped enum" are prefixed with the enumeration's name. For example:

    // Slice
    module M
       ["objc:scoped"] enum Fruit { Apple, Orange, Pear };

    corresponds to:

    // Objective-C
    typedef enum : ICEInt
    } MFruit;

Python Changes

  • The Ice communicator now implements context manager protocol. This enables the code to initialize the communicator within a with block. The communicator will implicitly be destroyed when the with block exits.

  • Added a new AMI mapping that returns Ice.Future. The Future class provides an API that is compatible with concurrent.futures.Future, with some additional Ice-specific methods. Programs can use the new mapping by adding the suffix Async to operation names, such as sayHelloAsync. The existing begin_/end_ mapping is still supported.

  • Changed the AMD mapping. AMD servant methods must no longer append the _async suffix to their names. Additionally, an AMD callback is no longer passed to a servant method. Now a servant method always uses the mapped name, and it can either return the results (for a synchronous implementation) or return an Ice.Future (for an asynchronous implementation).

    With Python 3, a servant method can also be implemented as a coroutine. Ice will start the coroutine, and coroutines can await on Ice.Future objects. Note that because Ice is multithreaded, users who also want to use the asyncio package must make sure it's done in a thread-safe manner. To assist with this, the Ice.wrap_future() function accepts an Ice.Future and returns an asyncio.Future.

  • Renamed optional invocation context parameter to context for consistency with other language mappings (was _ctx in previous versions).