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This repository contains a copy of the Baseline Commission R code that is used to collate together data from the Top 75 Services commission.

The code has been set up to work in a modular manner, in classic R project format. Below each section will run through what the script is doing in each case.


00_Master.R should be the starting point before attempting to run the other scripts. You may need to install some of the packages used, and these will be carried through to when the output QA summary on completeness is produced.

The first main section allows you to introduce settings for the code to work from. This includes assigning your email address (required to access Google Drive with your CDDO credentials). You can also set the snapshot which will be assigned to some outputs.

If you are cloning the code to your local machine, either set up a /Repos folder into which you can clone the code, alternatively amend the working directory field once it's cloned to your system.

Please note that the Google Drive storage folder for returns and the collated output folders should NOT be amended. These are based on expectations from the data management process document stored here. A good rule of thumb is to attempt to access those folders before you run the code - you may need to request access first.

Subsequently, you can "source" each individual file as required.


This is the script that reads from all of the google sheets held within the aforementioned Google Drive folder for returns. At a high level, it creates a series of container data frames, identifies the number of sheets held within the storage folder, and iterates over them and their component tables to extract to the container data frames.

Things to be aware of:

  • The extracted data tables are annoyingly output as a list of lists, so indexes need to be used to correctly take the relevant element of each sub-list.
  • A breakdown of which question each field name relates to in the baseline commission template can be found here.
  • All output table names from this section start with the prefix "sheets_" but please review the code itself to understand which data frame container relates to which table in the commission template.
  • The Google API has a rate limiter; consequently if running in Visual Studio code (or your GUI of choice), you may get a Request failed 429 error and a time (100.4 seconds) until next attempt. The code is still running however it must be slowed down.


This script both cleans/tidies the data held in the containers and also brings the data together for eventual output. It also sets up QA tables that will feed into a QA summary markdown document (see below) that tracks the completeness of each overall section and on a service-by-service basis.

Each section is extensively commented to help follow along with what is happening.ßß

Custom functions

The QA completeness tables are derived in this script and so some functions are set up to help with that.

  • section_nas: Derives the completeness across an entire table such as one for an individual section.
  • row_nas: Calculates the proportion of NAs by row across a given table. This is obviously helpful for service-by-service calculations.
  • check_completeness_section: This just derives proportion of NAs by column. This is a convenience function that gets wrapped into the fieldsection_maker function.
  • fieldsection_maker: Given that some columns aren't meant to be included for consideration (e.g. free text can be mostly empty), this function takes some input values specified by the user to derive column completeness per section depending on which columns are in scope.

Cleaning and transformation

Some variable values have been set for calculation of KPIs per service. These are:

  • AVGFTECost: Set at 41500 following discussion with Ed Mack on EO FTE overhead.
  • WkHrsYr: Set at 1857.4, assuming 7.4 hours per day of work, for 251 working days.

The cleaning sections amend columns to remove e.g. for easier linkage to other datasets with the URLGovUKStart, or to remove placeholder text added to data entry cells to aid service teams in completing the template (particularly prevalent in the pain points section). The timeliness KPI also adjusts the entry from 5d, 5w for days and weeks respectively to be set as hours for consistency across services.

There is also a set of commands to replace any strings of unknown, N/A, Not sure etc with NA to ensure consistency in how unknown values are handled.

Bespoke tables

In addition to the main collated data table that covers all fields, the output file has individual tabs for each template table for all services, and at time of writing "OpportunityAnalysis" and "CDDO_CalcKPIs" sheets for the Opportunity Analysis work and analysis required on the performance metric KPIs within the template.

All created tables are saved to an RData object on the local system which the R Markdown summary document reads from.


The sole purpose of this code is to output the tables to a Google Sheet file in Google Drive.

It firstly creates a file with blank sheets. The sheet_id and folder_id variables determine its location in Google Drive after which each data table can be sent to the relevant sheet in the file.

The output file to begin with is stored in YOUR GOOGLE DRIVE, not the Transforming Government Services drive. This is to give you a chance to look at the data prior to moving it to the collated datasets folder in the TGS drive. drive_mv will take your file and move it to TGS.

Things to be aware of:

  • If you have already run the code once that day and wish to run it again, you will need to remove the old version first. Otherwise the sheet_id variable will flag TWO or more potential files to send data to which will confuse the sheet_write function and cause an error. Moving the file to your bin is sufficient.
  • If you are amending the destination folder (for some reason), if there is more than one folder with that name on the entirety of the TGS drive, it will cause an error. Folder names MUST be unique, hence why the "All Services Datasets" folder was created as a single repository for top 75 services data.


An RMarkdown document that essentially just takes the created QA tables from 03_DataCollate.R and applies some conditional formatting. Tables are broken out on a section-by-section basis, by service and fields by section overall.

Things to be aware of:

  • Conditional formatting is applied individually to each table in the R chunk present in the markdown doc. Any amendments will need to be applied individually.
  • This applies more to 03, however the way the completeness is counted varies. Most sections will just be a case of looking how many NAs/blanks there are in the table. However, when there is a logical i.e. if Yes, then fill this in, otherwise skip, the collation code will discount any entry in the field if it is NOT specifically "Yes". This applies to the Pain points section primarily.
  • Some tables such as the optional service-specific KPIs and service-specific challenges can be left entirely blank. The QA document only looks at the first cell for most sections, though the final "Field Completion - Optional Sections" will show completeness across all services for the relevant tables.


This script is the placeholder for analysis arising from the baseline template data. Please keep analytical outputs to this script, or create a new markdown document if that is what is required.

Currently, the script contains one main function that sets up a distribution analysis for a specific variable and combines it with a box plot, saved as a jpeg output. Mostly ggplot in the backend running the show on this.


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