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A market for NFTs on Foundation.

The Foundation marketplace is a contract which allows traders to buy and sell NFTs. It supports buying and selling via auctions, private sales, buy price, and offers.

All sales in the Foundation market will pay the creator 10% royalties on secondary sales. This is not specific to NFTs minted on Foundation, it should work for any NFT. If royalty information was not defined when the NFT was originally deployed, it may be added using the Royalty Registry which will be respected by our market contract.



function acceptOffer(address nftContract, uint256 tokenId, address offerFrom, uint256 minAmount) external nonpayable

Accept the highest offer for an NFT.

The offer must not be expired and the NFT owned + approved by the seller or available in the market contract's escrow.


Name Type Description
nftContract address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId uint256 The id of the NFT.
offerFrom address The address of the collector that you wish to sell to. If the current highest offer is not from this user, the transaction will revert. This could happen if a last minute offer was made by another collector, and would require the seller to try accepting again.
minAmount uint256 The minimum value of the highest offer for it to be accepted. If the value is less than this amount, the transaction will revert. This could happen if the original offer expires and is replaced with a smaller offer.


function adminAccountMigration(uint256[] listedAuctionIds, address originalAddress, address payable newAddress, bytes signature) external nonpayable

Allows an NFT owner and Foundation to work together in order to update the seller for auctions they have listed to a new account.

This will gracefully skip any auctions that have already been finalized.


Name Type Description
listedAuctionIds uint256[] The ids of the auctions to update.
originalAddress address The original address of the seller of these auctions.
newAddress address payable The new address for the seller of these auctions.
signature bytes Message I authorize Foundation to migrate my account to ${newAccount.address.toLowerCase()} signed by the original account.


function adminCancelOffers(address[] nftContracts, uint256[] tokenIds, string reason) external nonpayable

Allows Foundation to cancel offers. This will unlock the funds in the FETH ERC-20 contract for the highest offer and prevent the offer from being accepted.

This should only be used for extreme cases such as DMCA takedown requests.


Name Type Description
nftContracts address[] The addresses of the NFT contracts to cancel. This must be the same length as tokenIds.
tokenIds uint256[] The ids of the NFTs to cancel. This must be the same length as nftContracts.
reason string The reason for the cancellation (a required field).


function adminCancelReserveAuction(uint256 auctionId, string reason) external nonpayable

Allows Foundation to cancel an auction, refunding the bidder and returning the NFT to the seller (if not active buy price set). This should only be used for extreme cases such as DMCA takedown requests.


Name Type Description
auctionId uint256 The id of the auction to cancel.
reason string The reason for the cancellation (a required field).


function buy(address nftContract, uint256 tokenId, uint256 maxPrice) external payable

Buy the NFT at the set buy price. msg.value must be <= maxPrice and any delta will be taken from the account's available FETH balance.

maxPrice protects the buyer in case a the price is increased but allows the transaction to continue when the price is reduced (and any surplus funds provided are refunded).


Name Type Description
nftContract address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId uint256 The id of the NFT.
maxPrice uint256 The maximum price to pay for the NFT.


function buyFromPrivateSale(contract IERC721 nftContract, uint256 tokenId, uint256 deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) external payable

Buy an NFT from a private sale.

The seller signs a message approving the sale and then the buyer calls this function with the msg.value equal to the agreed upon price.


Name Type Description
nftContract contract IERC721 The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId uint256 The ID of the NFT.
deadline uint256 The timestamp at which the offer to sell will expire.
v uint8 The v value of the EIP-712 signature.
r bytes32 The r value of the EIP-712 signature.
s bytes32 The s value of the EIP-712 signature.


function buyFromPrivateSaleFor(contract IERC721 nftContract, uint256 tokenId, uint256 amount, uint256 deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) external payable

Buy an NFT from a private sale.

The seller signs a message approving the sale and then the buyer calls this function with the amount equal to the agreed upon price.amount - msg.value is withdrawn from the bidder's FETH balance.


Name Type Description
nftContract contract IERC721 The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId uint256 The ID of the NFT.
amount uint256 The amount to buy for, if this is more than msg.value funds will be withdrawn from your FETH balance.
deadline uint256 The timestamp at which the offer to sell will expire.
v uint8 The v value of the EIP-712 signature.
r bytes32 The r value of the EIP-712 signature.
s bytes32 The s value of the EIP-712 signature.


function cancelBuyPrice(address nftContract, uint256 tokenId) external nonpayable

Removes the buy price set for an NFT.

The NFT is transferred back to the owner unless it's still escrowed for another market tool, e.g. listed for sale in an auction.


Name Type Description
nftContract address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId uint256 The id of the NFT.


function cancelReserveAuction(uint256 auctionId) external nonpayable

If an auction has been created but has not yet received bids, it may be canceled by the seller.

The NFT is transferred back to the owner unless there is still has a buy price set.


Name Type Description
auctionId uint256 The id of the auction to cancel.


function createReserveAuction(address nftContract, uint256 tokenId, uint256 reservePrice) external nonpayable

Creates an auction for the given NFT. The NFT is held in escrow until the auction is finalized or canceled.


Name Type Description
nftContract address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId uint256 The id of the NFT.
reservePrice uint256 The initial reserve price for the auction.


function finalizeReserveAuction(uint256 auctionId) external nonpayable

Once the countdown has expired for an auction, anyone can settle the auction. This will send the NFT to the highest bidder and distribute revenue for this sale.


Name Type Description
auctionId uint256 The id of the auction to settle.


function getBuyPrice(address nftContract, uint256 tokenId) external view returns (address seller, uint256 price)

Returns the buy price details for an NFT if one is available.

If no price is found, seller will be address(0) and price will be max uint256.


Name Type Description
nftContract address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId uint256 The id of the NFT.


Name Type Description
seller address The address of the owner that listed a buy price for this NFT. Returns address(0) if there is no buy price set for this NFT.
price uint256 The price of the NFT. Returns 0 if there is no buy price set for this NFT.


function getFeesAndRecipients(address nftContract, uint256 tokenId, uint256 price) external view returns (uint256 foundationFee, uint256 creatorRev, address payable[] creatorRecipients, uint256[] creatorShares, uint256 ownerRev, address payable owner)

Returns how funds will be distributed for a sale at the given price point.


Name Type Description
nftContract address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId uint256 The id of the NFT.
price uint256 The sale price to calculate the fees for.


Name Type Description
foundationFee uint256 How much will be sent to the Foundation treasury.
creatorRev uint256 How much will be sent across all the creatorRecipients defined.
creatorRecipients address payable[] The addresses of the recipients to receive a portion of the creator fee.
creatorShares uint256[] The percentage of the creator fee to be distributed to each creatorRecipient. If there is only one creatorRecipient, this may be an empty array. Otherwise creatorShares.length == creatorRecipients.length.
ownerRev uint256 How much will be sent to the owner/seller of the NFT. If the NFT is being sold by the creator, this may be 0 and the full revenue will appear as creatorRev.
owner address payable The address of the owner of the NFT. If ownerRev is 0, this may be address(0).


function getFethAddress() external view returns (address fethAddress)

Gets the FETH contract used to escrow offer funds.


Name Type Description
fethAddress address The FETH contract address.


function getFoundationTreasury() external view returns (address payable treasuryAddress)

Gets the Foundation treasury contract.

This call is used in the royalty registry contract.


Name Type Description
treasuryAddress address payable The address of the Foundation treasury contract.


function getMinBidAmount(uint256 auctionId) external view returns (uint256 minimum)

Returns the minimum amount a bidder must spend to participate in an auction. Bids must be greater than or equal to this value or they will revert.


Name Type Description
auctionId uint256 The id of the auction to check.


Name Type Description
minimum uint256 The minimum amount for a bid to be accepted.


function getMinOfferAmount(address nftContract, uint256 tokenId) external view returns (uint256 minimum)

Returns the minimum amount a collector must offer for this NFT in order for the offer to be valid.

Offers for this NFT which are less than this value will revert. Once the previous offer has expired smaller offers can be made.


Name Type Description
nftContract address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId uint256 The id of the NFT.


Name Type Description
minimum uint256 The minimum amount that must be offered for this NFT.


function getOffer(address nftContract, uint256 tokenId) external view returns (address buyer, uint256 expiration, uint256 amount)

Returns details about the current highest offer for an NFT.

Default values are returned if there is no offer or the offer has expired.


Name Type Description
nftContract address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId uint256 The id of the NFT.


Name Type Description
buyer address The address of the buyer that made the current highest offer. Returns address(0) if there is no offer or the most recent offer has expired.
expiration uint256 The timestamp that the current highest offer expires. Returns 0 if there is no offer or the most recent offer has expired.
amount uint256 The amount being offered for this NFT. Returns 0 if there is no offer or the most recent offer has expired.


function getPendingWithdrawal(address user) external view returns (uint256 balance)

Returns how much funds are available for manual withdraw due to failed transfers.


Name Type Description
user address The account to check the escrowed balance of.


Name Type Description
balance uint256 The amount of funds which are available for withdrawal for the given user.


function getReserveAuction(uint256 auctionId) external view returns (struct NFTMarketReserveAuction.ReserveAuction auction)

Returns auction details for a given auctionId.


Name Type Description
auctionId uint256 The id of the auction to lookup.


Name Type Description
auction NFTMarketReserveAuction.ReserveAuction The auction details.


function getReserveAuctionIdFor(address nftContract, uint256 tokenId) external view returns (uint256 auctionId)

Returns the auctionId for a given NFT, or 0 if no auction is found.

If an auction is canceled, it will not be returned. However the auction may be over and pending finalization.


Name Type Description
nftContract address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId uint256 The id of the NFT.


Name Type Description
auctionId uint256 The id of the auction, or 0 if no auction is found.


function getRoyaltyRegistry() external view returns (address registry)

Returns the address of the registry allowing for royalty configuration overrides.


Name Type Description
registry address The address of the royalty registry contract.


function initialize() external nonpayable

Called once to configure the contract after the initial proxy deployment.

This farms the initialize call out to inherited contracts as needed to initialize mutable variables.


function makeOffer(address nftContract, uint256 tokenId, uint256 amount) external payable returns (uint256 expiration)

Make an offer for any NFT which is valid for 24-25 hours. The funds will be locked in the FETH token contract and become available once the offer is outbid or has expired.

An offer may be made for an NFT before it is minted, although we generally not recommend you do that. If there is a buy price set at this price or lower, that will be accepted instead of making an offer. msg.value must be <= amount and any delta will be taken from the account's available FETH balance.


Name Type Description
nftContract address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId uint256 The id of the NFT.
amount uint256 The amount to offer for this NFT.


Name Type Description
expiration uint256 The timestamp for when this offer will expire. This is provided as a return value in case another contract would like to leverage this information, user's should refer to the expiration in the OfferMade event log. If the buy price is accepted instead, 0 is returned as the expiration since that's n/a.


function placeBid(uint256 auctionId) external payable

Place a bid in an auction. A bidder may place a bid which is at least the value defined by getMinBidAmount. If this is the first bid on the auction, the countdown will begin. If there is already an outstanding bid, the previous bidder will be refunded at this time and if the bid is placed in the final moments of the auction, the countdown may be extended.


Name Type Description
auctionId uint256 The id of the auction to bid on.


function placeBidOf(uint256 auctionId, uint256 amount) external payable

Place a bid in an auction. A bidder may place a bid which is at least the amount defined by getMinBidAmount. If this is the first bid on the auction, the countdown will begin. If there is already an outstanding bid, the previous bidder will be refunded at this time and if the bid is placed in the final moments of the auction, the countdown may be extended.

amount - msg.value is withdrawn from the bidder's FETH balance.


Name Type Description
auctionId uint256 The id of the auction to bid on.
amount uint256 The amount to bid, if this is more than msg.value funds will be withdrawn from your FETH balance.


function setBuyPrice(address nftContract, uint256 tokenId, uint256 price) external nonpayable

Sets the buy price for an NFT and escrows it in the market contract.

If there is an offer for this amount or higher, that will be accepted instead of setting a buy price.


Name Type Description
nftContract address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId uint256 The id of the NFT.
price uint256 The price at which someone could buy this NFT.


function updateReserveAuction(uint256 auctionId, uint256 reservePrice) external nonpayable

If an auction has been created but has not yet received bids, the reservePrice may be changed by the seller.


Name Type Description
auctionId uint256 The id of the auction to change.
reservePrice uint256 The new reserve price for this auction.


function withdraw() external nonpayable

Allows a user to manually withdraw funds which originally failed to transfer to themselves.


function withdrawFor(address payable user) external nonpayable

Allows anyone to manually trigger a withdrawal of funds which originally failed to transfer for a user.


Name Type Description
user address payable The account which has escrowed ETH to withdraw.



event BuyPriceAccepted(address indexed nftContract, uint256 indexed tokenId, address indexed seller, address buyer, uint256 f8nFee, uint256 creatorFee, uint256 ownerRev)

Emitted when an NFT is bought by accepting the buy price, indicating that the NFT has been transferred and revenue from the sale distributed.

The total buy price that was accepted is f8nFee + creatorFee + ownerRev.


Name Type Description
nftContract indexed address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId indexed uint256 The id of the NFT.
seller indexed address The address of the seller which originally set the buy price.
buyer address The address of the collector that purchased the NFT using buy.
f8nFee uint256 The amount of ETH that was sent to Foundation for this sale.
creatorFee uint256 The amount of ETH that was sent to the creator for this sale.
ownerRev uint256 The amount of ETH that was sent to the owner for this sale.


event BuyPriceCanceled(address indexed nftContract, uint256 indexed tokenId)

Emitted when the buy price is removed by the owner of an NFT.

The NFT is transferred back to the owner unless it's still escrowed for another market tool, e.g. listed for sale in an auction.


Name Type Description
nftContract indexed address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId indexed uint256 The id of the NFT.


event BuyPriceInvalidated(address indexed nftContract, uint256 indexed tokenId)

Emitted when a buy price is invalidated due to other market activity.

This occurs when the buy price is no longer eligible to be accepted, e.g. when a bid is placed in an auction for this NFT.


Name Type Description
nftContract indexed address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId indexed uint256 The id of the NFT.


event BuyPriceSet(address indexed nftContract, uint256 indexed tokenId, address indexed seller, uint256 price)

Emitted when a buy price is set by the owner of an NFT.

The NFT is transferred into the market contract for escrow unless it was already escrowed, e.g. for auction listing.


Name Type Description
nftContract indexed address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId indexed uint256 The id of the NFT.
seller indexed address The address of the NFT owner which set the buy price.
price uint256 The price of the NFT.


event OfferAccepted(address indexed nftContract, uint256 indexed tokenId, address indexed buyer, address seller, uint256 f8nFee, uint256 creatorFee, uint256 ownerRev)

Emitted when an offer is accepted, indicating that the NFT has been transferred and revenue from the sale distributed.

The accepted total offer amount is f8nFee + creatorFee + ownerRev.


Name Type Description
nftContract indexed address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId indexed uint256 The id of the NFT.
buyer indexed address The address of the collector that made the offer which was accepted.
seller address The address of the seller which accepted the offer.
f8nFee uint256 The amount of ETH that was sent to Foundation for this sale.
creatorFee uint256 The amount of ETH that was sent to the creator for this sale.
ownerRev uint256 The amount of ETH that was sent to the owner for this sale.


event OfferCanceledByAdmin(address indexed nftContract, uint256 indexed tokenId, string reason)

Emitted when an offer is canceled by a Foundation admin.

This should only be used for extreme cases such as DMCA takedown requests.


Name Type Description
nftContract indexed address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId indexed uint256 The id of the NFT.
reason string The reason for the cancellation (a required field).


event OfferInvalidated(address indexed nftContract, uint256 indexed tokenId)

Emitted when an offer is invalidated due to other market activity. When this occurs, the collector which made the offer has their FETH balance unlocked and the funds are available to place other offers or to be withdrawn.

This occurs when the offer is no longer eligible to be accepted, e.g. when a bid is placed in an auction for this NFT.


Name Type Description
nftContract indexed address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId indexed uint256 The id of the NFT.


event OfferMade(address indexed nftContract, uint256 indexed tokenId, address indexed buyer, uint256 amount, uint256 expiration)

Emitted when an offer is made.

The amount of the offer is locked in the FETH ERC-20 contract, guaranteeing that the funds remain available until the expiration date.


Name Type Description
nftContract indexed address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId indexed uint256 The id of the NFT.
buyer indexed address The address of the collector that made the offer to buy this NFT.
amount uint256 The amount, in wei, of the offer.
expiration uint256 The expiration timestamp for the offer.


event PrivateSaleFinalized(address indexed nftContract, uint256 indexed tokenId, address indexed seller, address buyer, uint256 f8nFee, uint256 creatorFee, uint256 ownerRev, uint256 deadline)

Emitted when an NFT is sold in a private sale.

The total amount of this sale is f8nFee + creatorFee + ownerRev.


Name Type Description
nftContract indexed address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId indexed uint256 The ID of the NFT.
seller indexed address The address of the seller.
buyer address The address of the buyer.
f8nFee uint256 The amount of ETH that was sent to Foundation for this sale.
creatorFee uint256 The amount of ETH that was sent to the creator for this sale.
ownerRev uint256 The amount of ETH that was sent to the owner for this sale.
deadline uint256 When the private sale offer was set to expire.


event ReserveAuctionBidPlaced(uint256 indexed auctionId, address indexed bidder, uint256 amount, uint256 endTime)

Emitted when a bid is placed.


Name Type Description
auctionId indexed uint256 The id of the auction this bid was for.
bidder indexed address The address of the bidder.
amount uint256 The amount of the bid.
endTime uint256 The new end time of the auction (which may have been set or extended by this bid).


event ReserveAuctionCanceled(uint256 indexed auctionId)

Emitted when an auction is cancelled.

This is only possible if the auction has not received any bids.


Name Type Description
auctionId indexed uint256 The id of the auction that was cancelled.


event ReserveAuctionCanceledByAdmin(uint256 indexed auctionId, string reason)

Emitted when an auction is canceled by a Foundation admin.

When this occurs, the highest bidder (if there was a bid) is automatically refunded.


Name Type Description
auctionId indexed uint256 The id of the auction that was cancelled.
reason string The reason for the cancellation.


event ReserveAuctionCreated(address indexed seller, address indexed nftContract, uint256 indexed tokenId, uint256 duration, uint256 extensionDuration, uint256 reservePrice, uint256 auctionId)

Emitted when an NFT is listed for auction.


Name Type Description
seller indexed address The address of the seller.
nftContract indexed address The address of the NFT contract.
tokenId indexed uint256 The id of the NFT.
duration uint256 The duration of the auction (always 24-hours).
extensionDuration uint256 The duration of the auction extension window (always 15-minutes).
reservePrice uint256 The reserve price to kick off the auction.
auctionId uint256 The id of the auction that was created.


event ReserveAuctionFinalized(uint256 indexed auctionId, address indexed seller, address indexed bidder, uint256 f8nFee, uint256 creatorFee, uint256 ownerRev)

Emitted when an auction that has already ended is finalized, indicating that the NFT has been transferred and revenue from the sale distributed.

The amount of the highest bid / final sale price for this auction is f8nFee + creatorFee + ownerRev.


Name Type Description
auctionId indexed uint256 The id of the auction that was finalized.
seller indexed address The address of the seller.
bidder indexed address The address of the highest bidder that won the NFT.
f8nFee uint256 The amount of ETH that was sent to Foundation for this sale.
creatorFee uint256 The amount of ETH that was sent to the creator for this sale.
ownerRev uint256 The amount of ETH that was sent to the owner for this sale.


event ReserveAuctionInvalidated(uint256 indexed auctionId)

Emitted when an auction is invalidated due to other market activity.

This occurs when the NFT is sold another way, such as with buy or acceptOffer.


Name Type Description
auctionId indexed uint256 The id of the auction that was invalidated.


event ReserveAuctionSellerMigrated(uint256 indexed auctionId, address indexed originalSellerAddress, address indexed newSellerAddress)

Emitted when the seller for an auction has been changed to a new account.

Account migrations require approval from both the original account and Foundation.


Name Type Description
auctionId indexed uint256 The id of the auction that was updated.
originalSellerAddress indexed address The original address of the auction's seller.
newSellerAddress indexed address The new address for the auction's seller.


event ReserveAuctionUpdated(uint256 indexed auctionId, uint256 reservePrice)

Emitted when the auction's reserve price is changed.

This is only possible if the auction has not received any bids.


Name Type Description
auctionId indexed uint256 The id of the auction that was updated.
reservePrice uint256 The new reserve price for the auction.


event WithdrawPending(address indexed user, uint256 amount)

Emitted when an attempt to send ETH fails or runs out of gas and the value is stored in escrow instead.


Name Type Description
user indexed address The account which has escrowed ETH to withdraw.
amount uint256 The amount of ETH which has been added to the user's escrow balance.


event Withdrawal(address indexed user, uint256 amount)

Emitted when escrowed funds are withdrawn.


Name Type Description
user indexed address The account which has withdrawn ETH.
amount uint256 The amount of ETH which has been withdrawn.



error AccountMigrationLibrary_Cannot_Migrate_Account_To_Itself()


error AccountMigrationLibrary_Signature_Verification_Failed()


error FoundationTreasuryNode_Address_Is_Not_A_Contract()


error FoundationTreasuryNode_Caller_Not_Admin()


error FoundationTreasuryNode_Caller_Not_Operator()


error NFTMarketBuyPrice_Cannot_Buy_At_Lower_Price(uint256 buyPrice)


Name Type Description
buyPrice uint256 The current buy price set for this NFT.


error NFTMarketBuyPrice_Cannot_Buy_Unset_Price()


error NFTMarketBuyPrice_Cannot_Cancel_Unset_Price()


error NFTMarketBuyPrice_Only_Owner_Can_Cancel_Price(address owner)


Name Type Description
owner address The current owner of this NFT.


error NFTMarketBuyPrice_Only_Owner_Can_Set_Price(address owner)


Name Type Description
owner address The current owner of this NFT.


error NFTMarketBuyPrice_Price_Too_High()


error NFTMarketBuyPrice_Seller_Mismatch(address seller)


Name Type Description
seller address The current owner of this NFT.


error NFTMarketCore_FETH_Address_Is_Not_A_Contract()


error NFTMarketCore_Only_FETH_Can_Transfer_ETH()


error NFTMarketCreators_Address_Does_Not_Support_IRoyaltyRegistry()


error NFTMarketOffer_Cannot_Be_Accepted_While_In_Auction()


error NFTMarketOffer_Offer_Below_Min_Amount(uint256 currentOfferAmount)


Name Type Description
currentOfferAmount uint256 The current highest offer available for this NFT.


error NFTMarketOffer_Offer_Expired(uint256 expiry)


Name Type Description
expiry uint256 The time at which the offer had expired.


error NFTMarketOffer_Offer_From_Does_Not_Match(address currentOfferFrom)


Name Type Description
currentOfferFrom address The address of the collector which has made the current highest offer.


error NFTMarketOffer_Offer_Must_Be_At_Least_Min_Amount(uint256 minOfferAmount)


Name Type Description
minOfferAmount uint256 The minimum amount that must be offered in order for it to be accepted.


error NFTMarketOffer_Reason_Required()


error NFTMarketPrivateSale_Can_Be_Offered_For_24Hrs_Max()


error NFTMarketPrivateSale_Proxy_Address_Is_Not_A_Contract()


error NFTMarketPrivateSale_Sale_Expired()


error NFTMarketPrivateSale_Signature_Verification_Failed()


error NFTMarketPrivateSale_Too_Much_Value_Provided()


error NFTMarketReserveAuction_Bid_Must_Be_At_Least_Min_Amount(uint256 minAmount)


Name Type Description
minAmount uint256 The minimum amount that must be bid in order for it to be accepted.


error NFTMarketReserveAuction_Cannot_Admin_Cancel_Without_Reason()


error NFTMarketReserveAuction_Cannot_Bid_Lower_Than_Reserve_Price(uint256 reservePrice)


Name Type Description
reservePrice uint256 The current reserve price.


error NFTMarketReserveAuction_Cannot_Bid_On_Ended_Auction(uint256 endTime)


Name Type Description
endTime uint256 The timestamp at which the auction had ended.


error NFTMarketReserveAuction_Cannot_Bid_On_Nonexistent_Auction()


error NFTMarketReserveAuction_Cannot_Cancel_Nonexistent_Auction()


error NFTMarketReserveAuction_Cannot_Finalize_Already_Settled_Auction()


error NFTMarketReserveAuction_Cannot_Finalize_Auction_In_Progress(uint256 endTime)


Name Type Description
endTime uint256 The timestamp at which the auction will end.


error NFTMarketReserveAuction_Cannot_Migrate_Non_Matching_Seller(address seller)


Name Type Description
seller address The current owner of the NFT.


error NFTMarketReserveAuction_Cannot_Rebid_Over_Outstanding_Bid()


error NFTMarketReserveAuction_Cannot_Update_Auction_In_Progress()


error NFTMarketReserveAuction_Exceeds_Max_Duration(uint256 maxDuration)


Name Type Description
maxDuration uint256 The maximum configuration for a duration of the auction, in seconds.


error NFTMarketReserveAuction_Less_Than_Extension_Duration(uint256 extensionDuration)


Name Type Description
extensionDuration uint256 The extension duration, in seconds.


error NFTMarketReserveAuction_Must_Set_Non_Zero_Reserve_Price()


error NFTMarketReserveAuction_Not_Matching_Seller(address seller)


Name Type Description
seller address The current owner of the NFT.


error NFTMarketReserveAuction_Only_Owner_Can_Update_Auction(address owner)


Name Type Description
owner address The current owner of the NFT.


error NFTMarketReserveAuction_Too_Much_Value_Provided()


error SendValueWithFallbackWithdraw_No_Funds_Available()